Heroku + Paperclip + Amazon S3 - Pricing? - ruby-on-rails

Since Heroku is a read-only filesystem I can't use paperclip to store a small quantity of files on the server. Database image storage is an option, but not particularly ideal since that may crank my client's DB size up from a few hundred KB to over the 5 MB 'free' shared DB limit (depending on size of images).
That leaves Amazon S3 as a likely solution. I understand that Heroku is hosted on EC2 (I believe?). Amazon's pricing wording was a little bit confusing when referring to S3-EC2 file transfers. If I have my client setup an S3 account and let them do file transfers to and from there, what is the pricing going to look like?
Is it cheaper from an S3 point-of-view to to both upload and download data in the rails controllers, and then feed the data to the browser using send_file? Or would it make more sense to just link straight to the image or pdf from the browser like normal?
Would my client have to pay anything at all since heroku is hosted on Amazon? I was looking for other questions related to this but there weren't any really straight answers concerning which parts of the file transfer would be charged for.
I guess the storage would cost a little (hardly anything), but what about the bandwidth? Thanks :)

Is it cheaper from an S3 point-of-view
to to both upload and download data in
the rails controllers, and then feed
the data to the browser using
send_file? Or would it make more sense
to just link straight to the image or
pdf from the browser like normal?
From an S3 standpoint, yes, this would be free, because Heroku would be covering your transfer costs. HOWEVER: Heroku only lets a script run for 30 seconds, and during that time, other clients wont be able to load the site, so this is really a terrible idea. Your best bet is to serve the files out of S3 directly, in which case, yes your customer would be transfer between S3 and the end user.
Any interaction you have with the file from Heroku (i.e. metadata and what not) will be free because it is EC2->S3.
For most cases, your pricing would be identical to what it would be if you were not using heroku. The only case where this would change would be if your app is constantly accessing the data directly on S3 (to read metadata/load files)

You can use Paperclip on Heroku - just not the local file system for storage. Fortunately Paperclip can use s3 for storage. Heroku has a tech article here that covers it.
Also when an asset that's been uploaded is displayed on a page (lookup asset_host) the image would be loaded directly from your s3 buckets URL so you will pay Amazon for a get request to the image and then for data transfer involved but also for storing the assets on s3. Have you looked at the s3 calculator to get indicative costs?


Heroku - hosting files and static files for my project

I want to use Heroku for hosting my Ruby on Rails project. It will involve lots of file uploads, mostly images. Can I host and serve that static files on Heroku or is it wiser to use services like Amazon S3. What is Your opinion on that approach ? What are my options for hosting that static files on Heroku ?
To answer your question, Heroku's "ephemeral filesystem" will not serve as a storage for static uploads. Heroku is an app server, period. You have to plug into data storage elsewhere.
From Heroku's spec:
Ephemeral filesystem
Each dyno gets its own ephemeral filesystem, with a fresh copy of the most recently deployed code. During the dyno’s lifetime its running processes can use the filesystem as a temporary scratchpad, but no files that are written are visible to processes in any other dyno and any files written will be discarded the moment the dyno is stopped or restarted. For example, this occurs any time a dyno is replaced due to application deployment and approximately once a day as part of normal dyno management.
Heroku is a great option for RoR in my opinion. I have used it personally and ran to the problem that has been mentioned here already (you can't store anything in Heroku's filesystem). I therefore used S3 following this tutorial: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/s3
Hope it helps!
PD: Make sure not to store the S3 credentials on any file, but rather create variables as described here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars
I used to have them on a file and long story short someone gained access to my Amazon account and my account was billed several thousands of dollars (just from a couple of days). The Amazon staff was kind enough to waive those. Just something to have in mind.
As pointed out, you shouldn't do this with Heroku for the specific reason of ephemeral storage, but to answer your question more broadly storing user-uploaded content on a local filesystem on any host has a few inherent issues:
You can quickly run out of local storage space on the disk
You can lose all your user-uploaded content if the hardware crashes / the directory gets deleted / etc.
Heroku, EC2, Digital Ocean, etc. all provide servers that don't come with any guarantee of persistence (ephemeral storage especially). This means that your instance may shut down at any point, be swapped out, etc.
You can't scale your application horizontally. The files on one server won't be accessible from another (or dyno, or whatever your provider of choice calls them).
S3, however, is such a widely-used solution because:
It's incredibly cheap (we store 20 TB of data for something like $500 a month)
Your uploaded files aren't at risk of disappearing due to hardware failure
Your uploaded files are decoupled from the application, meaning any server / dyno / whatever could access them.
You can always publish your S3 buckets into cloud front if you need a CDN without any extra effort.
And certainly many more reasons. The most important thing to remember, is that by storing uploaded content locally on a server, you put yourself in a position where you can't scale horizontally, regardless of how you're hosting your app.
It it wiser to host files on S3, and actually it is even more wiser to use direct uploads to S3.
You can read the arguments, for example, here.
Main point: Heroku is really, really expensive thing.
So you need to save every bit of resources you have. And the only option to store static files on Heroku is having separate dyno running app server for you. And static files don't need app server. So it's just a waste of CPU time (and you should read that as "a waste of a lot of my money").
Also, uploading huge amount of huge files will quickly get you out of memory quota (read that as "will waste even more of my money because I will need to run more dynos"). So it's best to upload files directly to S3.
Heroku is great for hosting your app. Use the tool that best suites the task.
UPD. Forgot to tell you – not only you will need separate dyno for static assets, your static assets will die every time this dyno is restarted.
I had the same problem. I do solve it by adding all my images in my rails app. I then reference the images using their links that might be something like
I might add the link from the CMS. It might not be the best option, but it works.

How to manage amazon s3 bucket size?

I am using Amazon S3 for saving my uploads in my rails application.
But the bucket size is growing very rapidly, I have used kraken image optimizeer for compressing images.But i want to know what else i can do for managing bucket size.
This depends on what your use case is, if you always need access to the files etc. Optimizing / resizing uploads is probably a good idea, however you can also have a look at S3 lifecycle management. With this feature you can for example delete old files or move them to AWS Glacier. See the reference for an example on how to set this up using the AWS console.

Carrierwave store images locally not on s3 at heroku

I am using carrier wave to upload images and display them in a photo-gallery. Carrier wave store files at public/uploads. But these images are not getting displayed at heroku. I found that heroku is read only and we should store files at s3.
Is there any other alternatives than s3?If yes, can you please share here?
Heroku is only read only if you're on the bamboo stack (old). For cedar, they use a ephemeral writeable filesystem, which means that whilst you can upload, it gets wiped with every deploy
S3 is not your only option; it's just Amazon's storage system. You've got dropbox, Azure, RackSpace & a bunch of others which provide similar functionality
Your question should really be which storage solution is right for my app?
The main issue is the location of your files -- they need to be close in proximity to your app, to reduce latency. We've had a problem recently hosting S3 files through a Rackspace app - because S3 is not in RackSpace's datacenter, the latency was high
Because Heroku is built on Amazon's AWS cloud, meaning serving assets from S3 the most efficient & logical method to provide your assets

What is the best solution for saving images within a rails application?

Initially I wanted to host my application on Heroku, but since the file-system on Heroku is read-only, I would need to store uploaded images on Amazon S3 or something similar.
The pictures mostly have mobile phone camera quality (I think something between 500kb - 1MB). I would like to also create thumbnails of those pictures with Rails and save them.
Since I don't know how much traffic I will have, the whole system should be scalable.
Is there a better/cheaper alternative to the above (Heroku + S3), e.g. storing images in the database or other hosters?
This really depends on whether you want to stay with a PaaS (i.e. Heroku, Azure, etc.), or if you want to go with a IaaS (i.e. AWS). Given that you stated Heroku, I will assume you want a PaaS. I'm not sure of the exact cost difference between services (but I can get this for you if needed), but combining Heroku + S3 + (Paperclip || Carrierwave) = an incredibly fast solution that scales. Then in the future you can look into cutting costs, once you prove your idea.

Question about server space

I am planning to create a webapp which user can upload mp3 files.So it required large server space.So weather I have to buy the whole server space or can i use any webservice(which giving spaces like amazon-s3).I am using Ruby on Rails .Please give me advices.
I would use Amazon S3 for something like this.
I manage a Web Service developed in Python where images are uploaded, and S3 works a treat. Needing large server space is no issue here either as I don't think there are any limits as to how much you can store on S3.
Day 1 costs $0, then you are billed monthly per byte used.
There is a tutorial for Ruby and S3 here.
