Specifying that authorization is required - asp.net-mvc

I'm somewhat new to MVC (but not ASP.NET). Is there a similar concept in MVC as there is in ASP.NET to specify URL authorization?
The question is really related to Facebook C# SDK - they have introduced the [CanvasAuthorize] attribute, which applies to a controller in the MVC app. How can I apply [CanvasAuthorize] to a set of controllers without attaching this attribute to each one?

You could have all those controllers derive from a base controller and then decorate this base controller with the attribute which will make it apply to all controllers and actions. In ASP.NET MVC 3 you also have the possibility to use global action filters and custom filter providers.


ASP.Net membership for MVC3 Project only from Web.config just like in websites

I want to apply ASP.Net membership on areas in MVC3.0 project, but I dont want to put [Authorize] in controller. Is this possible if so then how can I achieve this.
You can implement the security checks yourself on the call to each method by overriding OnActionExecuting in a base controller (or each one if you don't want to implement a base controller) and decide whether to allow the call or not. Just out of curiosity why not use [Authorize]?
Yes you can implement global authorization in mvc3. You do this by first writing a global filter that overrides the default AuthorizeAttribute, then registering your custom filter in global.asax
Check out this blog post for more details

How to handle callbacks in asp.net?

Are there different callbacks available in asp.net like rails provide before_validation, before_update, before_save and before_destroy?
How to handle this scenarios in asp.net?
Take a look at the concept of Filters in ASP.NET MVC and also to the following 4 methods in the controller base class: OnActionExecuting, OnResultExecuting, OnAuthorization, and OnException.
On a second though I just realize that you might be looking for methods at the Model level and I answered from the Controller level. Unfortunately from what I understand that ASP.NET MVC does not provide as much at the Model level as Ruby On Rails does.
It looks like the link is broken so i'll pitch in.
In MVC you would use Action Filters
edit (I see you tagged as mvc but anyhow)
In Web Forms the onLoad method is run before each page action
Using a base class can span it over multiple pages

Forms Authentication (restrict an area)

I'm developing an website using asp.net mvc with MySQL and I need to make a simple restrict area for the user update some informations in website. So, I had created an area in mvc application called "Admin", and I know how to protect it using Forms authentication and Autorize attribute! It works fine, but in each controller of my area I have to set the Autorize attribute to protected them. Is there any way to protected all Area in Web.config? How can I do that?
You must not use Web.config location-based authorization in an MVC application. Doing so will lead to security vulnerabilities in your site.
The easiest way to get the behavior you're looking for is to have an AdminBaseController which has an [Authorize] attribute on it, then have each controller in your Admin area subclass this type directly. The attribute will flow from the base type to the subclassed types.
A bit off your question as you want to use Web.config, but you can use PostSharp (an aspect oriented framework) to inject attributes on methods.

Custom Authentication on a Controllers Action Methods

I'm new to asp.net mvc and I was wondering if there was any clean non repetitive way of running a check to see whether a user is logged in when any Action Method on a particular controller is invoked? Also is there a way to stop that method from being invoked and redirecting the user to a specified page?
I'm using a custom authentication method (not Membership Provider) and i'm having trouble finding examples for this type of implementation.
Thanks in advance
Check the [Authorize] attribute System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute. Also, the template ASP.NET MVC application created in Visual Studio contains a controller illustrating authorization/authentication techniques.

If I implement my own CustomPrincipal in ASP.NET MVC, must I use a custom ActionFilterAttribute?

If I implement my own CustomPrincipal in ASP.NET MVC, must I use a custom ActionFilterAttribute to check for roles that my users belong to (like in Setting up authentication in ASP.NET MVC)?
When I use
it works fine. But when I use
it goes off and looks for:
Which I obviously don't have since I haven't added the ASP.NET membership objects to my database, I'm writing my own.
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 beta.
How can I override the logic that the default attributes uses so that I can use the same tag, [Authorize(Roles=("Example"))]?
The attribute your using will try and use the default RoleProvider to find out what role that user is in.
In the article he outlines creating a custom [UserInRole("Admin")] attribute that avoids the RoleProvider and uses custom logic to determine what role the user is in.
Here is a good MSDN article about implementing your own RoleProvider:
Edit Answer:
Your going to have to implement your own roleprovider or create your own custom tag. Your custom tag can look similar to the one baked into MVC but you can't just match signatures and hope to override it that way.
