keeping mvc controller size down -

I have a Controller. "OrderController". Currently it's 1800 lines. I like to reduce the size. I'm using static helper methods which is fine but i'm using ninject to call my repositories so don't have access to the repositories in the static methods without passing the properties in.
What are some good approaches for reducing controller noise?

How to get a Thin Controller
Refactor reusable functionalities that can apply to multiple types of output to ActionFilters. Consequence: Less repetitive code, thinner Controller actions, quicker future development
Refactor reusable functionalities that apply to a specific type of output to a custom ActionResult. Consequence: Less repetitive code, thinner Controller actions, quicker future development
Leverage ModelBinders to bind your input values to complex objects that are injected into your Controller action. Consequence: You don't need to handle the actual HTTP input (RouteData, Form values, querystring parameters) at all in your controller. You can also handle data validation in your model binder.
Implement Dependency Injection via a custom ControllerFactory. Consequence: You don't need to construct services in your Controller.
Refactor single Controllers with an excessive amount of Controller actions into multiple Controllers. Consequences: Your code becomes more maintainable.
Move your static helper methods to static classes. Consequence: Your methods become reusable by multiple controllers and you have less bloated code in the Controller, so it is easier to maintain and make changes to your app.
Other Notes
Plenty of open source resources exist to help accomplish these tasks. I definitely suggest looking into the MvcContrib project. They have a FluentController base class that was designed with building thin Controllers in mind. Also, I upvoted Darin because the video he recommended is helpful, so check it out

No way should there be that much code in your controller. I suspect you haven't separated your concerns.
I would have a look and a think at the answer to this SO question:
ASP.NET MVC Patterns
In short:
Put the complexity into Service classes that perform a clear cut purpose, ie, to deliver what the controller needs.
The controller should just have the application logic, ie, it should just be acting as a kind of air traffic, uhmm, controller, sending requests this way and that based on app logic. That is pretty much its function in a nutshell. Other stuff doesn't belong in a controller.
My controllers look like:
[Authorize(Roles="Admin, Tutor, Pupil")]
public partial class CourseController : Controller
ICourseDisplayService service;
public CourseController(ICourseDisplayService service)
this.service = service;
public virtual ActionResult Browse(int CourseId, string PupilName, string TutorName)
service.Initialize(CourseId, 1, PupilName, TutorName, User);
service.CurrentStepOrder = service.ActiveStepIndex;
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView(MVC.Courses.Course.Views._Display, service.ViewModel);
return View(MVC.Courses.Course.Views.Display, service.ViewModel);
note the service instantiation in the controller's constructor and the calls to service in the actions.

1800 lines!!!!!!!!! Holy mother of God. I would recommend you watching the following video about putting your controllers on a diet.


In, Is it wrong to move my "EditViewModel" classes outside my MVC web project?

I have an site that pretty much is a CRUD app but I also do some adds & updates outside the webview (upload from spreadsheets, etc). Based on this article, I am trying to get as much of the logic outside the MVC project into a seperate shared project so i can reuse the same code in all scenarios and I am trying to isolate and seperate my "read" viewModels that are binding to UIs for display from the "edit" viewModels that represent what is being posted to the server on a form post.
I have a number of projects in the solution (domainobjects, importexport,etc) that are shared with other solution plus the MVC project has the following directories in the MVC project
My ViewModels folder represents the objects that I am binding to my views (a container object that usually includes:
A domain object and
A bunch of IEnumerable of SelectListItem to populate UI dropdowns, etc
something like this:
public class OrderViewModel
public Order MyOrder {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> OrderTypes {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Sizes {get;set;}
My EditViewModels folder represents the objects that i am posting from forms to the server so they are usually simpler flat objects with just primatives that i then populate a domain object with before adding or updating my database like this:
public class OrderEditViewModel
public int Id {get;set;}
public int OrderTypeId {get;set;}
public int SizeId {get;set;}
My main question is when i have a method in my Controller class that usually looks like this (simplified):
public ActionResult Update(OrderEditViewModel order)
var existingOrder = _repository.GetOrder(order.Id);
existingOrder.Name = order.Name;
existingOrder.Size = _repository.GetSize(order.SizeId);
existingOrder.Price = order.Price;
return Json( Result = "Success");
I am trying to figure out how to get as much code as possible outside the MVC project but that forces me to move all of my classes in the EditViewModel outside of the MVC project so those objects can be reused.
Does anyone see anything wrong with having these "Post" data structure classed outside the MVC projecdt. Given its a "viewmodel" class it feels wrong to move it away from the view but I don't see any other way to share this code outside of the MVC project. Maybe the "viewModel" name here is just wrong possibly?
Your View Models are specific to your views, and should not be relevant to anything else. They contain things which nothing else should care about, such as your select lists. As such, they should stay in your UI.
The article appears to me to be creating a situation in which the business logic depends on the UI (or at least the UI Model.. ie View Model), and I think that is the wrong approach. The UI should be able to consume the business logic without the business logic being aware what the UI is. It could be a web site, a fat client, a mobile client, a web service, etc... By making this logic depend on your view models, you now are making any future services that are not web based depend on those.
This is, however, a simple CRUD app, and in simple CRUD apps you can often take a lot of shortcuts because it's just not worth the extra engineering effort. I wouldn't normally pass a domain object to the view directly in the View Model. But in this case it's probably the best choice.
If you want to do it "right", however, then you need to create more separation of concerns. Your domain and ui layers need more separation. You create separate view and domain models, and then map between them. This prevents the business layer from knowing anything about the UI.
I would probably create a service layer that handles your logic. For instance:
_orderService.UpdateOrder(order.Id, order.Name, order.Price);
In my case, i make a difference between read(view-)models and write-models.
Read models are very specific to the view, they can contain select lists and formatted and localized content. You should not move this models outside of your ui-project. Of course you can make a separate assembly with your models, or you can make one assembly per module, but you should never consume these models from your domain layer.
Write models - in my opinion - are not that specific to your UI. Instead they represent the data that is required by the command (e.g. SaveUserCommand). They can contain validation attributes, so your domain layer can validate them easily and they can be shared by domain layer and UI. In my project I have one class per command (e.g. SaveUserCommand, EditUserCommand, DeleteUserCommand) and related models (SaveUserModel, EditUserModel). Somebody will comment, that the they also contain some UI-specific code (e.g. the IClientValidateable itnerface for attributes or the attributes itself) and at least the IClientValidateable interface is a problem that I am willing to ignore to reduce the number of models. My experience with this approach (I also tried others) shows, that these models are very easy and it very easy to bind to these models.
Sometimes you will also have the problem, that you want to show some additional information in the edit-view. Instead of adding all this information to the viewbag, I will have another model, for example:
class UserEditModel
string Password;
DateTime Modified;
UserEditModel Edit;
So my advice:
Create write-models that have all the data and validation logic that is specific to your use cases.
Create view models that contain all data you want to display and try not to use the ViewBag.
If you have a form, add the write-model to your view model. The write-model has all the data that will be sent back to your server via POST and then directly to your domain layer.
I use four "layers" in two assemblies
{application}.app assembly with three namespaces, just a regular class library project.
1) {application}.model for domain model
2) {application}.data for data using repository pattern
3) {application}.services for all business logic
{application}.WebUI assembly for the UI, this is the MVC project
Controllers only call services and services get and update data through the repositories.
There is an services API for every operation your app has to do, i.e.
OrderServices.Update (existingOrder)
OrderServices.Approve (existingOrder)
Services layer only know domain models, and controllers just assemble the viewmodels, using the domain models gotten from services, to send them to the views and prepare the domain models using the viewmodels gotten from the views to send them to the appropiate service.
This way you can eventually create an {application}.WebAPI or whatever that uses the same {application}.app assembly reusing all of the buissiness logic and keeping viwemodels where they belong (the WebUI project)
Hope this helps.
Best regards.
You could use a service architecture of your project , where all function and db queries are in this files and which you could using just by adding this code
IOrderService<Order> service = new OrderEntityService();
and use it like
service.Create(Order) or service.Update();
Whats strange to me is you're taking care and effort to layer out your app as much as possible, but you're still letting your MVC controller contain a lot of your logic. You're trying to share the objects and models, but the logic to add a new OrderEditViewModel is not shared, its stuck within that controller.
What I try and do is create a "helper" or "logic" class for each of my controllers. That logic or helper class is then injected into my controllers and wrapped in an interface. My controller can save, edit and remove items through my helper class, but has no knowledge of how its actually doing that.
I have then shared these logic classes along with the models to other projects, allowing a lot of code re-use. The problem is just ensuring that none of the "HTTP'ness" of the controllers sneaks into your logic classes, as these must be usable in a console or winforms application. So you have to be pretty strict and wrap a lot of things like HTTPSession or HTTPContext into interfaces that can then have non HTTP implementations..
Well, I understand your situation and also tends to a DDD (Domain Driven Design) solution as #MystereMan suggests.
I have an approach that sepparates the "Models" in 3 categories:
ViewModels: Have all the information necessary to display content data in the UI
RequestModels: Have all the information necesssary to send data, post/get/etc.)
AutoBindModels: Have all the information that is injected my MVC binding model (cookies, sessions, etc..)
And the most important, for all that classes I use as DTO/POCO's, actually they have no UI dependent code just properties/calculated properties and could be easily in any other project to be referenced by an UI project.
You could also create a Controller class that act as a Service outside ASP.MVC project and extend or inject it in your MVC controller.
Hope it helps...
I never reuse (Edit)ViewModels objects (this is not entirely true, I often share one EditViewModel between Create and Update but not always).
I design my ViewModels for specific Views. Therefore, I don't have to compromise my ViewModels when the UI changes (it changes all the time).
I take this as far as creating two distinct ViewModels even if they are identical. I'm done refactoring shared ViewModels..
I would answer yes to your question.
Hope it helps.
OrderEditViewModel and OrderViewModel are both 'ViewModels' end of the day. IMO, they may stay together in the same project even in your same 'ViewModels' folder. You may though create a sub folder under ViewModels for your 'EditViewModels'.
Now as you want to clean/tidy up the controller actions, you may want to use AutoMapper or ValueInjecter. You are mapping domain entity and view models manually. That is a tiresome job. With AutoMapper you can do something like:
var customerInfo = Mapper.Map<CustomerViewModel, CustomerInfo>(customerViewModel);

Shuould we perform LINQ directly in asp net mvc views

Looking through the project we are working on (ASP MVC 3.0), I have seen this part of code in one of my ASPX views:
var groups = Model.GroupBy(t => new { t.OrganizationUnitName, t.OrganizationUnitId, t.ServiceTermDate }).OrderBy(m =>m.Key.ServiceTermDate).ThenBy(m => m.Key. OrganizationUnitId);
foreach (var group in groups){
var data = group.Select(t => new
SubType = ControllerHelper.LocalizedPersonSubType(t.PersonSubTypeName),
CountryName = t.Name,
PersonUniqueNumber = t.GetUniqueIdentifyingNumber(),
}).OrderBy(m => m.HoursFromMinutesFrom);
foreach(var item in data){%>
//render table and table rows, for sample
<td><%= item.PersonFullName%></td>
I am not sure this is best coding practice, shouldn't LINQ statement be placed in controller helper (or somewhere else) instead in view directly? And if I'm right, how that could be done utilizing best coding practices?
Thank you in advance
It seems that LINQ which is performed directly in the view is not only at the wrong place but also it raise another interesting question: if we place it into service layer or controller or controller helper, then how it would be passed in this case - anonymous type IGrouping to strongly typed view?
Personally, I wouldn't use LINQ in the view. Do this in the controller for unit testing purposes.
If there is logic being performed, in a larger application I'd even move it out to a services assembly which would contain all of your LINQ queries.
Your view should be as basic as possible. Any ordering, grouping or sorting should be done in your controller (preferably with the help of a helper method which is re-usable for different actions across the application).
The philosophy of ASP.NET MVC (and I'd say of the MVC paradigm in general) is:
Put as little code as possible in the view. Ideally, you should just
reference data in the model class, perhaps with some loops or
conditional statements.
Do not put complex application logic in the controller methods.
Ideally, these methods should just collect the input data from the user
(if any), perform all the appropriate security and data validations, then pass the data to an application logic (or business logic)
class, then redirect to the appropriate view with the new model data
obtained from the logic class. (I once read that a controller method should have no more than 10 lines of code; maybe this is a bit exagerated but you get the point)
So I would say: not only the view should be LINQ free; the controller should be like this too.
Yes you can do it on View but i prefer to use Business logic work done through
controller rather than on View.
View is just used to display the GUI that must be as basic and simple to reduce the complexity of the GUI.
To make application code consistent, maintainable and reusable put these type of logic on Business Logic Classes except writing on Controller or view.
MVC is about abstraction of concerns.
The code you have posted above is breaking the most important rule of MVC. The view is the view, it has no business logic or data access code. It simply displays data that it is given to it in a nice way that can allow for presentation and user interaction. Think of the view as something you could give to a designer who knows nothing of
The problem you have above is a perfect candidate for a ViewModel. The "Model" variable that is being used here is wrong, since you are taking it and then changing it to display something different. If the domain model doesn't fit then the controller should create a ViewModel that looks exactly as the view expects. There are a few ways of doing this. But one way is for example:
public ActionResult DoSomething()
List<DomainModel> modelCollection = getListOfDomainModels();
// Perform ViewModel projection
var viewModelList = modelCollection
.GroupBy(t => new { t.OrganizationUnitName, t.OrganizationUnitId, t.ServiceTermDate })
.OrderBy(m =>m.Key.ServiceTermDate)
.ThenBy(m => m.Key. OrganizationUnitId)
.Select(p => new MyViewModel()
FullName = t.PersonFullName,
StatusName = t.ServiceTermStatusName,
// etc ...
return View("DoSomethingView", viewModelList);
Now your Model variable will contain the correct model for the view.
Depending on your project's size and requirements you can make this alot better by performing the whole query in another layer outside of the controller and then projecting to a ViewModel inside your controller.
You should not be doing it in either the View or the Controller. Thus without giving you to much to chew at a a time you will want to have Separation of concerns (SOC) and keep it DRY (Don't repeat yourself) otherwise it becomes a maintenance nightmare.
If you put that code in the view (which is the worst place for it). 1. What happens if you want to use same or similar code elsewhere? 2. How will you step through debugging your code in this manner?
This is the equivalent of placing sql queries in a ASP.NET webforms .aspx file, not even in the code behind .aspx.cs file. Not using your model or a repository pattern and putting the code in the controller is another bad idea as a controller ActionResult has a Single Responsibility (SRP) of handling request, by smothering it with this code you have introduced an anti-pattern. Keep the code clean in organized areas. Don't be afraid to add class library projects. Look up the Repository pattern and eventually get to the point of doing unit testing and using DI (Dependency Injection) not just for unit test, but for a loosely coupled / highly cohesive application.

Any issues with always using ASP.NET MVC AsyncController instead of Controller?

We have a series of ASP.NET MVC controllers that all inherit from a single base controller (that inherits from the Controller class). We are now looking at creating some asynchronous actions, and was wondering if we'd run into any trouble if we just changed the base controller to inherit from AsyncController instead of Controller (meaning all of our controllers would inherit from AsyncController).
In my opinion, you'll do no harm as the asynch functionality is only called into play when you follow the conventions of:
public class PortalController : AsyncController
public void NewsAsync(string city)
NewsService newsService = new NewsService();
newsService.GetHeadlinesCompleted += (sender, e) =>
AsyncManager.Parameters["headlines"] = e.Value;
public ActionResult NewsCompleted(string[] headlines)
return View("News", new ViewStringModel
NewsHeadlines = headlines
the convention being the addition of the News*Async* and the News*Completed* portions in the naming.
async controllers in mvc 2
Observe that the controller class now derives from AsyncController rather than Controller. In addition, the News action method has been split into methods named NewsAsync and NewsCompleted, which are analagous to the Begin and End methods in asynchronous pages. Logically, the controller still exposes a single action method named News. But physically, the method implementation has been broken up using a variation on the async pattern used throughout the .NET framework.
If you don't change anything in your inherited controller code, then no async activty will be initiated. However, as stated by Robert above (or below maybe :-)), you could decorate the actions on a needs must basis to keep the intention clear, tho', i personally think the convention should show that up clearly.
certainly worthy of debate.
MVC 4 doesn't have an asynch controller - see the source:
namespace System.Web.Mvc
// Controller now supports asynchronous operations.
// This class only exists
// a) for backwards compat for callers that derive from it,
// b) ActionMethodSelector can detect it to bind to ActionAsync/ActionCompleted patterns.
public abstract class AsyncController : Controller
See my tutorial Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET MVC 4
If you set a breakpoint in your Action method and observe the callstack (with Show External code enabled), you will see that there are several additional steps required to invoke a synchronous action residing in an AsyncController vs. in a standard Controller. Namely the AsyncControllerActionInvoker invokes Begin/End style methods ending with BeginInvokeSynchronousActionMethod. I don't know how much overhead these extra calls contribute, but it is something to be aware of before you blindly extend all your controllers from AsyncController even where no Async actions exist.
You should be fine doing that since AsyncController already inherits from Controller.
See here for more information
The remarks on that page are quite useful for determining whether you're doing the right thing by inheriting from AsyncController and offers a nice guide to keep you on track.
The use of an Async Controller depends on whether you want to wait for any particular task or step to complete before going on to the next task. The problem is akin to buying something from Amazon before the money from your paycheck hits your checking account.
For typical web applications, I would say this is not advisable. The web server is already very parallel, so the only advantage would be speeding up responsiveness to the user. For many operations this benefit would be negligible.
I would reserve the Async Controllers for long-running processes in the background, where it is impractical to wait for the task to complete before returning the web page back to the user's control.
NOTE: If you have a copy of a .NET disassembler (or the ASP.NET MVC source), you can open up the AsyncController class and have a look at the code. That should give you a pretty good idea whether or not you can use the AsyncController as an ordinary Controller.
The article I linked to below says this: "Controllers that derive from AsyncController enable ASP.NET to process asynchronous requests, and they can still service synchronous action methods."

ASP.NET MVC - Job of Controllers

I think I'm beginning to be confused with the job of a controller in MVC.
I have a service that exposes five functions:
list packages in queue
get package
delete package
accept package
deny package
My ASP.NET MVC controller depends on this service, and can generally execute a service call on an Action. I'm happy so far.
The second part is then building the ViewModel result. If I do this inside of the controller, the controller now has an exploding dependency list -- each action added increases the dependencies in order to build the view model, and these are all inherited by the controller. I don't like this very much. I'm building this controller that depends on N different view model builders, but only using one of them per request.
So I was thinking of pulling all of this out and applying action filters specific to each view model. I haven't done this yet, but it seems okay.
The question this is raising for me is: what is the responsibility of the controller? If I end up pulling the view model building into filters, my controller is doing little more than having a route execute a service call (and providing a filter plugin). If I instead leave my controller responsible for building each view model, it becomes a mess.
It seems like I almost want to instantiate an action per request, not a controller, and I'm just abusing filters to get at that?
Do you have dedicated ViewModels and Poco-Models? If this is the case you can handle the data from the services inside the ViewModel.
I am quite happy with this uproach.
public class PackageViewModel()
public PackageDetail{get;set;}
public int PackageID{get;set;}
public List<Package>Packages{get;set;}
public string SomeFilterCriteria{get;set;}
publlic void FillPackageList(IPackageService packageService)
Packages = packageService.GetPackages(SomeFilterCriteria);
In Controller:
public ViewResult ListPackages(PackageViewModel model)
return View("ListPackages",model);
I dont understand what you mean by "view model builders".
The controller is supposed to orchestrate all actions you want to occur in your view. If you pull this logic out into action filters, it's still doing the logic per route request, it's just going to be cleaner in your case.

Rendering multiple views from multiple controllers on a single page

On the main page of my site, I would like to show several views which rely on their own controllers for data retrieval. I do not want to retrieve anything from the DAL in my Home controller.
For example, I want to show view listing top 5 news, a view with random quote from the database, another view with the users shopping cart contents, etc.
After Googling around, I found RenderAction method which is almost perfect, but it's not available in RC1, only in Futures, and apparently, it has some issues.
I found RenderPartial as well, but that relies on the main controller to pass data to the view.
Additional clarification:
The main reason I do not want data access logic in the Home controller is to avoid repeating the code and logic. I will use top 5 news view in several pages/controllers. I do not want to repeat data retrieval in every one of them. I already did separate a lot of logic and validation to business layer. The solution I'm after is RenderAction or UserControls as in classic ASP. I know i can use them in MVC as well, but... whats the point? I mean, if what i'm asking is too complicated or too absurd (reusable UI components), then MVC is definitely not for me, and I'd consider it seriously inferior to classic ASP.NET, because this requirement is really simple.
What you're asking is to basically not perform data access in the HomeController, this seems like a dogmatic approach. I would consider either using RenderAction from the Futures assembly (not sure what's wrong with it, I use it in a number of projects) or SubControllers from MvcContrib.
While I can understand the desire not to replicate functionality in multiple controllers, I don't understand the reluctance to have your Home controller interact with the DAL. I think the partial view is definitely the way to go. My solution to not replicating the functionality would be to push the code that generates the data for the various views into your business or data layer. You could then reference it from each of the required controller actions that use the partial views. Putting it in the business layer could isolate the controller from your data layer, if that's what you desire, but I still think it's the proper job of the controller action to obtain and provide the data to the view.
Another potential solution would be to populate the view generated by your Home controller via Ajax callbacks to the various controller actions that generate the required view components. The drawback to this is that it doesn't fail gracefully in the absence of javascript in the browser.
Based on your clarification, I would suggest implementing a base controller that fills the ViewData for the shared controls in ActionExecuted (so that it's done only when the action succeeds). Derive your other controllers from the base controller when you want to inherit this behavior.
If you really don't want to use RenderAction, then the only other option you have is to load the necessary data pieces with action filters. Your home controller could then look like this:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
These action filters could be re-used where they are needed. You might also choose to place these on the controller class itself.
