Rails moving from 2.2.2 to 2.3.8 - rake not loading the environment same as the console or my app - ruby-on-rails

I have an app that has been around a while that I'm migrating for
Rails 2.3.8. There have been a lot of interesting issues, but I'm on
the home stretch, but have now run into some very odd errors.
The gist is when I run a task with rake it fails, but when I run the
same code form the console it works fine. The 'fix' I devised was to
move my include ModuleNameA, include ModuleNameB, etc to the bottom of
the AR file.
I don't like this 'fix' as I don't understand it. Before I moved them
the AR object (we will call it Bob) kept throwing undefined method
errors when it was called through the rake invocation. It was invoked
in the rake task, but in another AR object.
So the rake task was running something like Worker.work, and it would
fail as described above. When I run Worker.work from the console it
would pass. Once I moved the includes to the bottom of the file both
would work.
Anyone ever seen anything like this? I feel like something
fundamental isn't correct. Like I have broken something basic to the
functionality and my 'fix' is some kind of weird patch.
There is a module that I'm including in my AR object. It adds class and instance methods by doing:
def self.included(base)
All of the methods in this module are available in the console, but not through rake tasks.
I noticed that if i take the :work => :environment part out of the
rake task and instead in the task do block require the environment
file by hand (e.g. require(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config',
'environment'))) it works fine. All of a sudden all of my class
methods are available. this is very disturbing.

So I figured it out....
We had a directory under app/models called deals that was not included in the load path. That is where my module was that was giving me all the issues. Why it was being loaded OK from the console and not with rake...I don't know.
Once I added this to the config.load_path everything has started working fine. I never noticed this because in 2.2.2 everything worked fine, the app in production or dev mode, the console and the rake tasks in dev, test, and production mode.
I figured it was something just basic i was doing wrong as the error was obtuse and my 'fixes' looked like really bad ideas.


Rails: Reloading code in development environment gives a "ApplicationHelper has been removed from the module tree but is still active!" error

I upgraded to Rails 4 and now when some changes are made to the code, or when I do a reload! in rails console, I will get an ArgumentError: A copy of ApplicationHelper has been removed from the module tree but is still active! error.
I'm not the only one with this problem but still cant find existing solutions that work yet.
I've never encountered that problem before. I'm using Rails4 as well.
I think you have to call your controller(which is shown in the ArgumentError) explicitly in your dependent controllers.
Can you try adding this line on top inside the class?
require "_controller"
Then try rails server -e production
See if this helps. Sorry I wish I could give you more detailed solution.
If all else fails, rollback might be an option to consider.

Rails: Nested Namespace'd Controller in Rails 3.2 fails to load (fine in 3.0)

I have a controller named Reports::Accountant::ApprovedTimeOffRequestsController. It's in the proper directory, and the class name is correct in the file its self. Rails console and unicorn load just fine, but rspec can't seem to load the file during testing.
Here's the error.
/Users/mdarby/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125-perf/gems/activesupport-3.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:503:in load_missing_constant': Expected /Users/mdarby/Documents/Code/ccw_32/app/controllers/reports/accountant/approved_time_off_requests_controller.rb to define Reports::Accountant::ApprovedTimeOffRequestsController (LoadError)
from /Users/mdarby/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125-perf/gems/activesupport-3.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:192:in block in const_missing'
This file was find on Rails 3.0 stack, but now that I've upgraded to 3.2/rspec 2.9 this is bombing out.
The definition of the class:
class Reports::Accountant::ApprovedTimeOffRequestsController < ApplicationController
If anyone comes across this, I solved it by removing the specs :)
I bet you're using Spork. I ran into this exact problem. I removed Spork and I was on my way. Give that a whack and let me know if it fixed it. Might be worth filing an issue on spork if that's the case.
Are you doing anything fancy with your tests? I had a case in the app itself where multiple threads were trying to load the same module. I can only guess that one marks it as loaded before it actually runs it, and then the constant isn't available to the next. In any case, my solution was to add a prepare block outside the threading.
development.rb (you might need this in test.rb)
ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare do

How can 'parse' be undefined for Time class in test environment, but not development or production?

I'm encountering a strange issue while running a test (Steak + Capybara) that requests a certain page where I get the error:
undefined method parse for Time:Class
The method call occurs in a Sunspot file called type.rb:
def value_to_utc_time(value)
if value.respond_to?(:utc)
elsif value.respond_to?(:new_offset)
rescue ArgumentError
When I run my server in RAILS_ENV=test, I get the same error. When I run the server in development, everything is fine and dandy. This would seem to indicate that it's not just my test framework, but the whole test environment that's promoting this error.
The only info I could find online so far about Time.parse being undefined has been quite unhelpful, with most people saying that adding require 'time' will solve the problem.
My problems with this are twofold:
It's hacky
I've tried it in various places (in config/environments/test.rb, in the test file itself, etc.), and it just doesn't work.
If anyone has any ideas what is going on, I welcome them!
I figured it out! Someone had created another file called time.rb in the Rails app's test directory, so method calls on the Time class in the test environment were invoking that file rather than the actual Time class. I got the inspiration to check for this possibility from this Github issue thread

Rake test suddenly stopped working

I have been working with my rails application and since today I have not been able to run rake test:units
I though maybe my Ruby installation is broken or something, so I tried creating a new application, created a new model quickly, wrote a couple of unit test and then ran them. Everything seems to be running fine with the new app.
Please check the error log generated here http://pastebin.com/jgNXpXE3
Seems there's a bug in your Product model. Do you have a call to validates without any parameters passed to it?

Why is Rake running a model for which I can find no test?

When I run "rake", it's loading up one of the models among all of the classes I have in my app/models directory. The thing is, it's not one I have a test for, it's just a model I have in there that is actually used with script/runner to run in the background and perform tasks for my main Rails application. At the end of the file I've got it creating a new instance of the class above and then running main for the class.
Since it loops indefinitely I definitely do not want it started up by the testing code. Why would the unit testing or Rake involve this other class in any way?
To my shame, I haven't been writing any tests for this code and I decided I would start writing some, but this stopped me right away because I can't even run Rake for what is out there now without it going haywire.
I'm not sure it's Rake's fault - I have a feeling that when you add :environment as a dependency, you're bringing up the whole Rails infrastructure, which may well involve requiring every model file (this is fairly wild guesswork - I haven't followed the boot process that deeply yet).
However it's happening, it seems that your model is being required, at which point all hell breaks loose.
Looking at script/runner and more usefully, railties/lb/commands/runner.rb, the execution sequence seems to be something like:
require 'boot' # boot the Rails app
eval(File.read(code_or_file)) # run what you asked for
That second line (it's actually around line 45 in runner.rb) looks like the key. How would it be if you defined a separate script (in /lib, say?) that contained the code that runs your model? I think that would probably be a more Rails-ish way to do it. And it would probably stop Rake messing up your tests...
