Service Layer/Repository Pattern - entity-framework-4

I am building an MVC app using the Service Layer/Repository/Unit of Work pattern with EF4.
I am a bit confused on the logic. I know the point is to decouple the system, but I am a little confused.
So the MVC Controllers call on the Services to fill the View Models. So is it safe to say the MVC App is coupled to the Service Layer?
Then the Service Layer calls on the Repository to get and persist objects. Is then safe to say the Service Layer is dependent to the Repository?
The Repository the utilizes EF4 to get and persist data to SQL server, so I would assume the Repository depends on EF4 which in turn depends on SQL Server.
Where does the unit of work all fit in.
Any examples please?

I started with hiding Unit of work somewhere in lower layer but it is wrong way to do that. After some experience my opinion is:
In case of monolitic application UnitOfWork should be accessible by Controller and lower layers.
In case of distributed application (UI and BL are on different servers) UnitOfWork should be accessible by business layer facade (service layer for remote calls) and lower layers.
The reason is that mentioned layers define what is the "business transaction" = what is current unit of work. Only this layer knows when it wants to commit changes to data store. Doing it this way allows service composition (code reuse). I discussed similar question here and here.

Julie Lerman did a good screencast on DNR tv, talking about this, there is also another screen cast on Channel 9, around creating and testing repositories just EF here.
The general thing abut these is create the abstraction of the Unit of Work in Nhibernate it would be Session, in EF would be you context and passing that session or context into your repositories, as part of you test you can fake the connections to use a list of dictinary.
Hope these help.

You are correct in your assumptions on the layering. Your EF Context is the Unit Of Work. Generally you'll abstract this away through an interface and then constructor inject into each Repository for CRUD operations. Another approach is to expose your Repositories on the UoW interface (I prefer the former). Either way allows for easier unit testing of each layer. A single call to Save on the UnitOfWork from within the service layer will then persist all changes across all Repositories.
Here's a nice article on MSDN that looks at UoW from a unit testing perspective but covers repositories also. Where it references Repositories from the MVC Controller you'll have another intermediary service layer.


Entity Framework and ASP.NET MVC - how to directly make use of DBContext and DBSet to behave as Repository and Unity of Work patterns?

I am in the process of making project decisions on development patterns for a solution, which involves the use of Entity Framework 6 as the ORM choice,
and ASP.NET MVC 5.
I need insight on how transactions and business logic will be implemented. In respect to layers, I came to an initial assumption for the design where
Entity Framework on top of SQL Server can be considered the Data Access Layer (DAL). On top of Entity Framework, there will be a Service Layer, where business logic and validation will be implemented. On top of the Service Layer, I will have ASP.NET MVC Controllers consuming what the service layer offers.
Let me ellaborate on this initial conclusion drawn as a starting point for defining the architecture:
I want to follow principles to achieve the minimum complexity scenario possible, in respect to layers, abstractions and all the solution components responsibilities. As an excercise, with this "simplicity" in mind, I could just embrace the template "proposed" by Microsoft as when you just create a new Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC Web application, but I believe that does not fit the minimum design scenario needed for an enterprise application, since in Microsoft's template, the controller directly makes use of Entity Framework DbContext and consumes the Data Access Layer, besides the fact that no service layer is present. This leads to several issues, such as extremely tight coupling
between the presentation and data access layer, as well as the so called "fat controller" problem, where controllers become the bloated piece of the software with all the added responsibilities of business logic, transactions, and so on, making it truly a mess to software maintainability with, for example, the most basic principle of DRY (don't repeat yourself) being violated since you would get duplicated code and logic all over your fat controllers.
Ramping up the next stage on the path from simplicity to complexity, I assume it is fair to add a Service Layer to the design, because this way ASP.NET MVC controllers would talk only to this service layer, who would be responsible for all CRUD and validation of CRUD operations, and all other more complex business logic operations. This Service Layer then would talk to the data access layer being represented by Entity Framework.
I would stop there and say the design with these proposed layers is enough, but that's where I need more insight on how to proceed. I need to resolve the question on how would transactions be implemented, if you think of them as a wrapper for a series of individual operations performed by methods responsible for validation and business logic residing in classes inside the service layer. In terms of implementation using Entity Framework, if I get every individual operation performed by a service layer method to issue a .SaveChanges(), I would lose the ability of having DBContext to behave like a Unit of Work, wrapping up a single .SaveChanges() for many individual DBSet operations. In this case, the DBSets may behave like repositories. Many people argue that Entity Framework's DBContext and DBSet are implementations if Unit of Work and Repository pattern, respectively.
In a more objective question then, how can I implement these patterns using directly DBContext and DBSet, without any further abstraction into new generic or specific entity repository classes and unit of work generic class? The implementation needs to rely on the consumption of a service layer for the reasons I have already stated.
I think an answer to that would be just the last complexity leap I feel necessary to get my "least complex viable design".
Let me put a more concrete example to illustrate:
In my service layer, I have 2 methods to implement validation logic for 2 insert operations, with a programmer defined method Insert such as:
Each of these methods in their corresponding service layer classes would have access to a DBContext and use DBSet.Add to signal they should be persisted,
in case all validation and/or business logic passes. The desired scenario is that I can use each service layer method call in an isolated way, and/or in groups, such as in a new different service layer class method, such as:
This new method would implement calls to EntityOneService.Insert and EntityTwoService.Insert, IN A TRANSACTION-LIKE FASHION.
By transaction-like I mean that all calls must succeed, not violating any validation or business rule, in order to have the persistence layer to commit the operations.
DBContext.SaveChanges() apparently would have to be called only once for this to happen, OUTSIDE of any service layer Insert method implementation. In the
context of an ASP.NET Controller consuming service layer methods, how could that be achieved, without actual implementation of a Unit of Work and Repostory abstraction over DBContext and DBSet?
Any advice please would be very much appreciated. I am not posting this to argue the value of a real abstraction and implementation of Repository and Unit of Work patterns, or if Entity Framework's DBContext and DBSet are or are not equivalent to proper Repository and Unit of Work patterns, that's not the point. My project requirements do not involve in any way the need to decouple the application from Entity Framework, or to ideally and fully promote testability.
These are not concerns and I am well aware of consequences and future maintainability impacts on not adopting full fledged implementations of half a dozen layers and all design patterns possible to make a big world-class enterprise solution.
desired scenario is that I can use each service layer method call in an isolated way ... but that behave IN A TRANSACTION-LIKE FASHION.
This is rather simple with EF, assuming your services are not remote (in which case transactions are not advisable in the first place).
In the simplest implementation, each service instance requires a DbContext to be passed in its constructor, and contributes its changes to that DbContext. The orchestrating controller code can control the lifetime of the DbContext and control its use of transactions.
In practice interfaces, rather than concrete service types are typically used, and Dependency Injection is often used instead of constructors. But the pattern is the same.
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
using (var s1 = new SomeService(db))
using (var s2 = new SomeOtherService(db))
using (var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction())

Share DbContext across Repositories in MVC Web App

What is the proper way to share an EF DbContext across multiple repositories in an MVC web app? Is it prudent/necessary to do so, what are the pitfalls of doing or not doing this?
App.MvcSite (Several dozen controllers, multiple areas, etc)
App.Services (service layer, many services)
App.Data (many repositories, etc)
... etc excluded for simplicity (EF Code First latest)
Research To Date
I seem to find at least two/three schools of thought on SO and the interwebs.
Share/scope your DbContext to the Request so that a single request has a single DbContext shared by all repositories.
Share/scope your DbContext at the service layer -- the service maintains a single DbContext and passes it to each repository as needed.
Do not share a DbContext, since they are cheap let each Repo have its own.
In a small website this is a non-issue which is why most MS and community examples simply don't even address this.
In my experience thus far I have not used finite repositories. I have always had services use a DbContext and directly change it so I didn't need to worry about this. I'm told there is a great benefit to finite repositories from a unit testing perspective... we'll see if it makes the rest of this worthwhile.
My Thoughts
(1) Share/scope your DbContext to the Request
This is interesting as it smartly avoids the pitfall of a singleton context which some developers think is the answer but find DbContext doesn't work that way. But it seems to have a downside in that it assumes all repositories, services, etc are going to be in coordination across an entire request... this is often not the case, right? What if changes are saved by one repo before another completes its work. (outer(inner(inner)))
(2) Share/scope your DbContext at the service layer
This makes more sense to me because each service should be coordinating a specific unit of work (lower case intentional). So if multiple services were used in one request it would be proper (if not required) that each had its own context to the database.
(3) Do not share a DbContext, since they are cheap
This is the way I've always done it... well actually I almost always only had one DbContext per request because only one service was being called. Sometimes it might be two because two services were called by a controller who was coordinating the work. But given my current application, with many finite repositories, each repository having its own context would mean a given request might have 3-10 instances of DbContext. I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that this is problematic.
Repeating the question:
What is the proper way to share an EF DbContext across multiple repositories in an MVC web app? Is it prudent/necessary to do so, what are the pitfalls of doing or not doing this?
DbContext are cheap, but distributed transactions are not.
Objects attached to one context can't be used in another context (if you have object relations)
The easiest way to share a context is to start using an inversion of control container:
I would go for a combination between the first two options and regarding your take on the first option, don't let repositories save any changes (that's not the recommended way of doing things, Martin Fowler says that him self) and for that he introduced the Unit of Work pattern.

MVC 4 - consuming a WCF in a data layer

In my test project, I created a WCF service and got it running.
Next, I created an MVC 4 project. It is broken into layers under one solution.
The model layer.
The UI/View/Controller layer
The repository layer.
To do a quick test:
In the UI layer, I added a web reference to my WCF service. In the controller, I contacted the WCF service by "using" to populate a dropdown in the view.
However, I'm driving for separation with Dependency Injection.
In the repository layer, I created an Interface with the populate dropdown and injected it. Not a problem.
What I'm struggling with the concept is:
Do I consume the WCF service in the UI layer and reference it in the repository layer? (doesn't seem right)
Do I create another project - a data layer - and add a web reference to the WCF service then from the repository, I create a reference to the data layer?
Which brings me to another question - if I create a web reference to a WCF service in a separate project (layer), the information pertaining to the WCF service is not present in the main config.sys file...
So I'm struggling to grasp this portion...anything I should be reading up on some more?
Realizing that your cake can be cut in many ways, I present you here with my take on how to cut it:
Question #1: "Do I consume the WCF service in the UI layer and reference it in the repository layer?"
First off: As Steven points to in your comment, you should consider deeply if you want to inject a third server tier. The UI layer can be renamed to the "layer that is hosted in IIS". Doing so makes it the host layer for both your MVC presentation layer and the host layer for the services.
However this does not mean that your services are implemented in this layer, only that they are hosted here (a matter of referencing the interfaces and implementation namespaces in the web.config only).
Question #2: "Do I create another project - a data layer - and add a web reference to the WCF service then from the repository, I create a reference to the data layer?"
As I read this you are asking multiple questions at once: Yes, you should create a separate layer to encapsulate the repository. No you should not let this layer contain anything related to wcf. If a server layer needs client access to a wcf service, you should separate this into a logical layer, either residing as a folder in your businesslogic layer, or as a separate physical "data adapter layer". Never ever in your repository layer. While it is true that conceptually the wcf data adapter layer is at the same level as your repository layer, you should not mix database access and service access in the same logical or physical layer.
The third question I can only answer as a question: What purpose is it that you want WCF to fullfil in your architecture? Do you want to inject a separate service tier or have you confused layer separation with tier separation?
Layer separation can be coupled runtime in-process, while tier separation can only be coupled runtime through some sort of on-the-network remoting (such as wcf).
As Steven points out in his comment, you havnt really documented the need to use wcf in your architecture at all.
Lets look at your architecture in terms of the logical layers and tiers (cutting the cake):
Client-Access-Layer (#1, running in the context of the browser)
Web-Host-Layer (#2, representing the outer server tier, contains all MVC code. Perhaps Model exists in its own physical layer.
Service-Layer (Not existing yet in your architecture, as there have been no need demonstrated for this further abstraction of layers into tiers)
Business-Layer (#2, representing the business logic that lies between presentation and database and data access layers)
Repository layer (#2, encapsulating database access logic and mapping)
Service Access layer (#2, encapsulating access to services on the outside, can be implemented as a folder in BL layer or in a separate physical layer)
Database tier (#3, the sql server)
So are you asking how to implement DI in WCF using IIS as the host and C# as the implementation language.
Are you asking general guidance into architecturing a n-tier .net application.
The first is easy, as there a tons of examples out there, such as this
The second is more tricky as the answer will always be "it depends".
It depends on what your needs are, what your level of expertise is, what the projected timespan of your project is and so on.
Hope this helps you a bit.
If you want I can send you my implementation of the behavior wcf unity stuff.
Logical layer - an architectural concept used to isolate responsibility. Layers have downward coupling, never upwards.
Physical layer - an implementation construct used to enforce the logical separation. A .net assembly can be used as the implementation of a physical layer.
Tier - one or more layers that can exist on a machine that is not hosting other tiers.
It sounds to me like you're treating the WCF call as a data source, which makes it a natural fit for the repository layer. The repository's job is to abstract knowledge of the data source's implementation from the other layers.
I would recommend not using .NET projects to enforce layer boundaries but rather to use folders within the same project to enforce logical separation rather than physical separation. Most use cases don't require physical separation and it adds complexity, such as the more difficult configuration you noted.

Designing repositories for DI (constructor injection) for service layer

I'm building an MVC3 app, trying to use IoC and constructor injection. My database has (so far) about 50 tables. I am using EF4 (w/ POCO T4 template) for my DAC code. I am using the repository pattern, and each table has its own repository. My service classes in my service layer are injected w/ these repositories.
Problem: My service classes are growing in the number of repositories they need. In some cases, I am approaching 10 repositories, and it's starting to smell.
Is there a common approach for designing repositories and service classes such that the services don't require so many repositories?
Here are my thoughts, I'm just not sure which one is right:
1) This is a sign I should consider combining/grouping my repositories into related sections of tables, reducing the number or dependent repositories per service class. The problem with this approach, though, is that it will bloat and complicate my repositories, and will keep me from being able to use a common interface for all repositories (standard methods for data retrieval/update).
2) This is a sign I should consider breaking my services into groups based on my repositories (tables). Problem with this is that some of my service methods share common implementation, and breaking these across classes may complicate my dependencies.
3) This is a sign that I don't know what I'm doing, and have something fundamentally wrong that I'm not even able to see.
UPDATE: For an idea of how I'm implementing EF4 and repositories, check out this sample app on codeplex (I used version 1). However, looking at some of the comments there (and here), looks like I need to do a bit more reading to make sure this is the route I want to take -- sounds like it may not be.
Chandermani is right that some of your tables might not be core domain classes. This means you would never search for that data except in terms of a single type of parent entity. In those cases you can reference them as "complex types" rather than full-blown entities, and EF will still take care of you.
I am using the repository pattern, and each table has its own repository
I hope you're not writing these yourself from scratch.
The EF 4.1 already implements the Repository Pattern (DbSet), and the Unit of Work pattern (DbContext). The older versions do too, though the DbContext template can easily be tweaked to provide a clean mockable implementation by changing those properties to an IDbSet.
I've seen several tutorial articles where people still write their own, though. It is strange to me, because they usually don't provide a justification, other than the fact that they are "implementing the Repository Pattern".
Writing wrappers for these repositories for access methods like FindById make it slightly easier to access, but as you've seen is a big amount of effort potentially little payback. Personally, unless I find that there is interesting domain logic or complex queries to be encapsulated, I don't even bother and just use Linq directly against the IDbSet.
My service classes in my service layer are injected w/ these repositories.
Even if you choose to use custom query wrappers, you might choose to simply inject the DbContext, and let the service code instantiate the wrappers it needs. You'd still be able to mock your data access layer, you just wouldn't be able to mock up the wrapper code. I'd still recommend you inject less generic ones though, because complex implementation is exactly the type of thing you'd like to be able to factor out in maintenance, or replace with mocks.
If you look at DDD Aggregate Root pattern and try to see you data in this perspective you would realize that many of the table do not have a independent existence at all. Their data is only valid in context of their parent. Most of the operations on them require you to get the parent as well. If you can group such tables and find the parent entity\repository all other child repository can be removed. The complexity of associating the parent child which till now you would be doing in your business layer (assuming you are retrieving parent and child using independent repo) not would be shifted to the DAL
Refactoring the Service interface is also a viable option, and any common functionality can be moved into a base class and\or can be itself defined as a service which is consumed by all your existing services (Is A vs Has A)
#Chandermani has a good point about aggregate roots. Repositories should not, necessary have a 1:1 mapping to tables.
Getting large numbers of dependencies injected in is a good sign your services are doing too much. Follow the Single Responsibility Principle, and refactor them into more manageable pieces.
are your services writing to all of the repositories? i find that my services line up pretty closely with repositories, that they provide the business logic around the CRUD operations that the repository expose.

Taking my MVC to the next level: DI and Unit of Work

I have looked at simpler applications like Nerddinner and ContactManager as well as more complicated ones like Kigg. I understand the simpler ones and now I would like to understand the more complex ones.
Usually the simpler applications have repository classes and interfaces (as loosely coupled as they can get) on top of either LINQtoSQL or the Entity Framework. The repositories are called from the controllers to do the necessary data operations.
One common pattern I see when I examine more complicated applications like Kigg or Oxite is the introduction of (I am only scratching the surface here but I have to start somewhere):
IOC DI (in Kigg's case Unity)
Web Request Lifetime manager
Unit of Work
Here are my questions:
I understand that in order to truly have a loosely coupled application you have to use something like Unity. But it also seems like the moment you introduce Unity to the mix you also have to introduce a Web Request Lifetime Manager. Why is that? Why is it that sample applications like Nerddinner do not have a Web Request Lifetime Manager? What exactly does it do? Is it a Unity specific thing?
A second pattern I notice is the introduction of Unit of Work. Again, same question: Why does Nerddinner or ContactManager not use Unit of Work? Instead these applications use the repository classes on top of Linq2Sql or Entity Framework to do the data manipulation. No sign of any Unit of Work. What exactly is it and why should it be used?
Below is a example of DI in Nerddiner at the DinnersController level:
public DinnersController()
: this(new DinnerRepository()) {
public DinnersController(IDinnerRepository repository) {
dinnerRepository = repository;
So am I right to assume that because of the first constructor the controller "owns" the DinnerRepository and it will therefore depend on the lifetime of the controller since it is declared there?
With Linq-to-SQL is used directly, your controller owns the reference to the data context. It's usually a private reference inside the controller, and so is created as part of its construction. There's no need in lifetime management, since it's in one place.
However, when you use IoC container, your data repository are created outside your controller. Since IoC container that creates it for you doesn't know how and how long you're going to use the created object, a lifetime strategy is introduced.
For example, data context (repository) is usually created at the beginning of the web request and destroyed at the end. However, for components that work with external web service, or some static mapper (e.g. logger) there's no need to create them each time. So you may want to say to create them once (i.e. singletone lifestyle).
All this happen because IoC container (like Unity) are designed to handle many situations, and they don't know your specific needs. For example, some applications use "conversation" transactions where NHibernate (or Entity Framework maybe) may last during several pages / web requests. IoC containers allow you to tweak objects lifetime to suit your needs. But as said this comes at price - since there's no single predefined strategy, you have to select one yourself.
Why NerdDinner and other applications do not use more advanced techniques is simply because they are intended to demonstrate MVC features, not advanced usages of some other libraries. I remember an article written to demonstrate one IoC container advanced functionality - this article broke some approved design patterns like separation of concerns - but this wasn't that important because design patterns were not the goal of the article. Same with simple MVC-demonstration-applications - they do not want you, the MVC newcomer, to be lost in IoC labyrinths.
And I would not recommend to look at Oxite as a design reference example:
Most if not all of the DI containers touch the concept of life times, I believe. Depending on the scenario involved, you may want the container to always return the same instance of a registered component, while for another component, you may want it to always return a new instance. Most containers also allow you to specify that within a particular context, you want it to return the same instance, etc..
I don't know Unity very well (so far I have used Windsor and Autofac), but I suspect the web request lifetime manager to be an implementation of lifetime strategies where the same instance is provided by the container during the lifetime of a single web request. You will find similar strategies in containers like Windsor.
Finally, I suppose you are referring to Unit of Work. A Unit of Work is in essence a group of actions that you want to succeed or fail as one atomic business transaction. For a more formal description, look at Martin Fowler's definition. It is a concept that has gained more popularity in the context of Domain Driven Design. A unit of work keeps track of the changes you apply in such a transaction, and when the time is right, it commits these changes in one ACID transaction. In NHibernate e.g., the session supports the notion of unit of work and more specifically the change tracking, while in Linq2SQL it is the Context ...
