Can the height of a UITableViewCell be changed without reloading the table view? - ipad

I'm trying to resize a UITableViewCell without reloading the table view.
My UITableViewCell contains a UITextView so users can input list items that may be several lines (about four max) in length. Right now, I'm resizing the text view each time the user presses the return key, but I'd like to change the height of the table view cell as well.
The main problem I'm running into is that reloading the table view's data makes the text view lose focus. Is there any way to change the height of the UITableViewCell without reloading the table view, letting the user continue to input text in the text view?

To resize a table view row, try sending:
[tableView beginUpdates];
[tableView endUpdates];
These messages one immediately after the other should do the trick provided you have the correct height returned for that cell in the tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method. The row should animate. You should be able to return the height of your cell using its bounds or just from knowing what you've set the cell height as.
Obviously "tableView" is the name of your table view.


UITableView + UICollectionView + UITableView sizing issue

Below attached image is representing my requirement:
In this image the yellow color UITableView will have list of different UITableViewCell items. In one of the UITableViewCell it has UICollectionView with its list of UICollectionViewCell items and the scroll direction for the UICollectionView is set to horizontal
Each UICollectionViewCell will have one UITableView (Highlighted in Red Color) and it will have its list of UITableViewCell (Highlited in Rose Color) items. Here, the UITableViewCell (Highlited in Rose Color) item can collapse/expand. Whenever the cell is collapse/expand the red table's content size is handled automatically. But, whenever the red table's content size is increased the collectionview size is not increasing.
I have added all relevant constraints to these UI elements. But, the content size or frame of the collectionview is not expanding when a tableview cell is expanded.
To understand better here i am breaking it down how the views are designed:
Yellow tableview embedded inside a UIViewController and it will have one simple UITableViewCell which has no custom class
To the cell programatically the UICollectionView will be added. This UICollectionView is placed in one xib file and it has embeded inside a UIView
UICollectionViewCell has been created in one xib and it will have UITableView element inside.
Also, UITableViewCell has its own xib to refer and this is the cell which will gets expand/collapse
I have tried modifying the intrinsicContentSize property to modify the UICollectionView property's height where it has embedded inside UIView element whenever the expand is happening. Please, refer the CardView.swift for the reference.
I know the design is bit complex. But, what am i missing here?
Based on your requirement in the image, I just created a sample project here.
I did not use separate Xibs. However, I was able to achieve what you asked for.
You might have to handle the reload of the innermost tableView better based on your apps business logic.
Here's what I have implemented:
The top most view controller has a parent table view.
This table view cell consists of a child collection view.
The child collection view cell consists of a grand child table view.
The grand child table view is the one corresponding to the table view Highlited in Rose Color in the question.
To answer your question about the collection view not expanding: to expand the child collection view when the grandchild table view cell is tapped, I am reloading the parent table view by increasing the row height for the cell containing the collection view. Hence you don't have to worry about adjusting the constraints in auto layout
In case you want to add additional content into the child collection view cell, you can add a height constraint to the grand child table view with a low priority and modify that whenever you need to expand the content in the grand child table view.
if you want to achieve point 6, as suggested by #Ramy Al Zuhouri, you might have to call: collectionView.performBatchUpdates before collectionView.reloadData() to expand the cell size
Refer to the video below for better understanding
This doesn't necessarily solve your problem, but sometimes it's a matter of forcing the collection view to invalidate its layout and recalculating its size. I once received an answer to a TSI from an Apple enginner:
So this is old fashioned way of forcing a re-usable container (Collection || Table) to invalidate its layout. You may even be able to just call invalidate layout. There are oddities in the system with AutoLayout and animations that sometimes throw the system into an odd state. If we do the above the container and can invalidate its layout and make updates without need to re-calculate + incorporate animations. To summarize, calling performBatchUpdates with nil parameters can be useful if you need to force an update based on layout content (not necessarily datasource changes).
It looks like a hack to be used with caution, but it can be worth to give it a try. Whenever you need to recalculate the size of the collection view's cell to expand or shrink, you can do this:
collectionView.performBatchUpdates(nil, completion: nil)
This forces a reload, and UIKit is able to recalculate the height of the cell given that you update the height. How? In my case I did by updating a height constraint, but there are multiple ways of doing this. However, it's intended that as the reload happens the collection view should be aware of the new cell height.
the good approach for this, you have to add collectionView in the tableViewHeader
then whenever you scroll up your tableView your collectionView section will also scroll up
to load cells on the specific indexes follow bellow steps:
if(indexpath.row == 0){
//load first tableView cell with collection view
else if (indexpath.row == 1){
//load second tableView cell with collection view
//load table view cell here

nested horizontal collectionview in auto size tableview cell exanding height make collection view scroll reset when reload cell for row accured

i have table view for showing product detail and each part is tableview cell,
in one of my tableview cell that is showing sizes and stores that has that size like this
when the user click on one of collection view items tableview expand to show stores.
if i update root tableviewcell constraints i need to reload that cell
after reloading collection scroll will rest
i tried beginUpdates and endUpdates for root tableview after changing constraint it will work but in some situation it will show a blank cell
what's wrong in my idea
in summary :
how to expand tableview cell without reloading and refresh cell view .i think both questions are equal
Change the constraints in the tableView and add to model the currently selected collectionViewCell and scroll to it with no animation in collectionViewCell awakeFromNib method the default value is 0 which means no animation will happen [the model I mean here is the model of the tableView from which you display every tableViewCell]

Unable to resize an UITableViewCell containing an UIView

I have a custom table view cell. I have a UIView in the tableview cell that is shown only when the table is expanded. I toggle the height for table view cell each time on tap to show the UIView. I also need to detect clicks on some of the components of UIView.
-->UIView1 height h1
-->UIView2 height h2
The cell height of the cell should vary according to the size of UIView. Currently I am calling
tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: for varying the height on cell click. However this doesn't work if the UIViews are of variable heights and the bigger view gets clipped.
Is there a better way of solving it?
Ok so real quick tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: shall not be called by your controller.
The biggest problem I always run into when dynamically sizing cells is that that heightForRowAtIndexPath is called very early on in the table layout process, so essentially the height of each cell must be know prior to asking the tableview to layout. Anyway I am going to assume that you are using a custom table view cell and have placed a UIView inside there... If you haven't, do.
First: Throw a class function into the CustomTableViewCell called heightNeededForTableViewCellWithView:(UIView *)view and determine the height you would want, handle the condition where view is nil and what the default size shall be.
Second: Call this class function when tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: is called and since you own the datasource in your controller you can dynamically return the heightNeededForTableViewCellWithView:viewAtRow based off the view you would want to show for that row!
Third: When a user taps a cell, remember which index they tapped and call [tableView reloadData] which will call tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:

UITableView dynamic cell heights - reload height for single row

I have a UITableView with rows of dynamic heights, many of which contain UITextViews. When the user starts typing in one of the textviews, I have the cells grow to accommodate the size of the textview content using the begin/endUpdates method. Using this method allows the cells to resize without losing keyboard focus on the textview, an important aspect of my app.
However, when I call begin/endUpdates, it reloads the heights for every cell that I have, and I was wondering if there was any way to only recompute the height of a cell at a particular indexPath while the user is typing. I want to do this because my heights for the other cells are expensive to compute as they have dynamic content. I know I could write some height caching code, but I was wondering if there was any method to only recompute the height of a specific cell or set of cells in a UITableView without losing keyboard focus / reloading the data content of that row?
I am using ios8, but will take an ios7/8 solutions.
Create of array of NSIndexPath's. If you have just one indexPath, add just this to the array, and use this method:
[self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray *array] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
but i think this method, will also hide the keyboard, never tried.
Doesn't seem like this is possible to do for only a single row. I ended up building a caching system for row heights so that at least it is faster to return heights for all cells.

Edit on last cell of the TAble view

In my table view cell have is custom cell.
when i select one text view it move to top position of the tableview then i can edit.
[self.tableViewEdit setContentOffset:offset animated:YES];
this is the code i used for work fine.
Last cell also move to top.but when i type in last cell it move to bottom of the last cell and move up again.
is there any way to remove last cell's bottom attraction with tableview.or how to fixed last cell top of the tableview.
when typing i used
[self.tableViewEdit beginUpdates];
[self.tableViewEdit endUpdates];
otherwise i cant keep keyboard when i typing.why i`m using above code i want to change cell height according to my typing.
