OpenCV shape matching - opencv

I'm new to OpenCV (am actually using Emgu CV C# wrapper) and am attempting to do some object detection.
I'm attempting to determine if an object matches a predefined set of objects (that I will have to define). The background is well lit and does not move. My objects that I am starting with are bottles and cans.
My current approach is:
Do absDiff with a previously taken background image to separate the background.
Then dilate 4x to make the lighter areas (in labels) shrink.
Then I do a binary threshold to get a big blog, followed by finding contours in this image.
I then take the largest contour and draw it, which becomes my shape to either save to the accepted set or compare with the accepted set.
Currently I'm using cvMatchShapes, but the double return value seems to vary widely. I'm guessing it is because it doesn't take into account rotation.
Is this approach a good one? It isn't working well for glass bottles since the edges are hard to find...
I've read about haar classifiers, but thinking that might be overkill for my task.

Maybe this link is useful too. You have the code and library for SIFT, you just need to compile it. Good luck.


How can I transform an image to match a circular model in OpenCV

I'm trying to make a program that can take an image of a dartboard and read the score. So far I can get the position of each dart by comparing it to a model image as you can see here:
However this only works if the input image is practically the same. In this other case the board is slightly in a different perspective so I was thinking maybe I can transform the image to match the model image and then do the process that you can see above.
So my question is: How can I transform this last image to match the shape and pespective of the model dart board with OpenCV?
The dart board is basically planar. Thus, you can model the wanted transformation by a homography. Now you can perform a simple feature extraction and matching like here or if speed is not as important utilize an intensity based parametric alignment algorithm (more accurate).
However, as already mentioned in the comments, it will not be as simple afterwards. The dart flights will (depending on the distortion) most likely cover an area of your board which does not coincide with the actual score. Actually, even with a frontal view it is difficult to say.
I assume you will have to find the point on which the darts stick in your board. Furthermore, I think this will be easier with a view from a certain angle. Maybe, you can fit lines segments just in the area where you detected a difference beforehand.
I don't think comparing an image with the model that was captured using a different subject with a different angle is a good idea. There should be lots of small differences even after perfectly matching them geometrically - like shades, lighting, color differences, etc.
I would just capture an image every time the game begin (reference) and extract the features (straight lines seem good enough) and then after the game, capture an image, subtract the reference, and do blob analysis to find darts.

OpenCV intrusion detection

For a project of mine, I'm required to process images differences with OpenCV. The goal is to detect an intrusion in a zone.
To be a little more clear, here are the inputs and outputs:
An image of reference
A second image from approximately the same point of view (can be an error margin)
Detection of new objects in the scene.
Recognition of those objects.
For me, the most difficult part of it is to take off small differences (luminosity, camera position margin error, movement of trees...)
I already read a lot about OpenCV image processing (subtraction, erosion, threshold, SIFT, SURF...) and have some good results.
What I would like is a list of steps you think is the best to have a good detection (humans, cars...), and the algorithms to do each step.
Many thanks for your help.
Track-by-Detect, human tracker:
You apply the Hog detector to detect humans.
You draw a respective rectangle as foreground area on the foreground mask.
You pass this mask to "The OpenCV Video Surveillance / Blob Tracker Facility"
You can, now, group the passing humans based on their blob.{x,y} values into public/restricted areas.
I had to deal with this problem the last year.
I suggest an adaptive background-foreground estimation algorithm which produced a foreground mask.
On top of that, you add a blob detector and tracker, and then calculate if an intersection takes place between the blobs and your intrusion area.
Opencv comes has samples of all of these within the legacy code. Ofcourse, if you want you can also use your own or other versions of these.
I would definitely start with a running average background subtraction if the camera is static. Then you can use findContours() to find the intruding object's location and size. If you want to detect humans that are walking around in a scene, I would recommend looking at using the built-in haar classifier:
where you would just replace the xml with the upperbody classifier.

single person tracking from video sequence

As a part of my thesis work, I need to build a program for human tracking from video or image sequence like the KTH or IXMAS dataset with the assumptions:
Illumination remains unchanged
Only one person appear in the scene
The program need to perform in real-time
I have searched a lot but still can not find a good solution.
Please suggest me a good method or an existing program that is suitable.
Case 1 - If camera static
If the camera is static, it is really simple to track one person.
You can apply a method called background subtraction.
Here, for better results, you need a bare image from camera, with no persons in it. It is the background. ( It can also be done, even if you don't have this background image. But if you have it, better. I will tell at end what to do if no background image)
Now start capture from camera. Take first frame,convert both to grayscale, smooth both images to avoid noise.
Subtract background image from frame.
If the frame has no change wrt background image (ie no person), you get a black image ( Of course there will be some noise, we can remove it). If there is change, ie person walked into frame, you will get an image with person and background as black.
Now threshold the image for a suitable value.
Apply some erosion to remove small granular noise. Apply dilation after that.
Now find contours. Most probably there will be one contour,ie the person.
Find centroid or whatever you want for this person to track.
Now suppose you don't have a background image, you can find it using cvRunningAvg function. It finds running average of frames from your video which you use to track. But you can obviously understand, first method is better, if you get background image.
Here is the implementation of above method using cvRunningAvg.
Case 2 - Camera not static
Here background subtraction won't give good result, since you can't get a fixed background.
Then OpenCV come with a sample for people detection sample. Use it.
This is the file: peopledetect.cpp
I also recommend you to visit this SOF which deals with almost same problem: How can I detect and track people using OpenCV?
One possible solution is to use feature points tracking algorithm.
Look at this book:
Laganiere Robert - OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook - 2011
p. 266
Full algorithm is already implemented in this book, using opencv.
The above method : a simple frame differencing followed by dilation and erosion would work, in case of a simple clean scene with just the motion of the person walking with absolutely no other motion or illumination changes. Also you are doing a detection every frame, as opposed to tracking. In this specific scenario, it might not be much more difficult to track either. Movement direction and speed : you can just run Lucas Kanade on the difference images.
At the core of it, what you need is a person detector followed by a tracker. Tracker can be either point based (Lucas Kanade or Horn and Schunck) or using Kalman filter or any of those kind of tracking for bounding boxes or blobs.
A lot of vision problems are ill-posed, some some amount of structure/constraints, helps to solve it considerably faster. Few questions to ask would be these :
Is the camera moving : No quite easy, Yes : Much harder, exactly what works depends on other conditions.
Is the scene constant except for the person
Is the person front facing / side-facing most of the time : Detect using viola jones or train one (adaboost with Haar or similar features) for side-facing face.
How spatially accurate do you need it to be, will a bounding box do it, or do you need a contour : Bounding box : just search (intelligently :)) in neighbourhood with SAD (sum of Abs Differences). Contour : Tougher, use contour based trackers.
Do you need the "tracklet" or only just the position of the person at each frame, temporal accuracy ?
What resolution are we speaking about here, since you need real time :
Is the scene sparse like the sequences or would it be cluttered ?
Is there any other motion in the sequence ?
Offline or Online ?
If you develop in .NET you can use the Aforge.NET framework.
I was a regular visitor of the forums and I seem to remember there are plenty of people using it for tracking people.
I've also used the framework for other non-related purposes and can say I highly recommend it for its ease of use and powerful features.

Shape context matching in OpenCV

Have OpenCV implementation of shape context matching? I've found only matchShapes() function which do not work for me. I want to get from shape context matching set of corresponding features. Is it good idea to compare and find rotation and displacement of detected contour on two different images.
Also some example code will be very helpfull for me.
I want to detect for example pink square, and in the second case pen. Other examples could be squares with some holes, stars etc.
The basic steps of Image Processing is
Image Acquisition > Preprocessing > Segmentation > Representation > Recognition
And what you are asking for seems to lie within the representation part os this general algorithm. You want some features that descripes the objects you are interested in, right? Before sharing what I've done for simple hand-gesture recognition, I would like you to consider what you actually need. A lot of times simplicity will make it a lot easier. Consider a fixed color on your objects, consider background subtraction (these two main ties to preprocessing and segmentation). As for representation, what features are you interested in? and can you exclude the need of some of these features.
My project group and I have taken a simple approach to preprocessing and segmentation, choosing a green glove for our hand. Here's and example of the glove, camera and detection on the screen:
We have used a threshold on defects, and specified it to find defects from fingers, and we have calculated the ratio of a rotated rectangular boundingbox, to see how quadratic our blod is. With only four different hand gestures chosen, we are able to distinguish these with only these two features.
The functions we have used, and the measurements are all available in the documentation on structural analysis for OpenCV, and for acces of values in vectors (which we've used a lot), can be found in the documentation for vectors in c++
I hope you can use the train of thought put into this; if you want more specific info I'll be happy to comment, Enjoy.

How can I compare images of the same origin that were cropped?

Suppose I have an image file/URL, and I want my software to search it within a set of up to 100 images (or at least in that order of magnitude). The target image that the software should find should be the "same" image as the given image, but it should still be able to "forgive" slight processing on either of them (the two images may have been cropped differently, or they were compressed differently).
The question is - is this feasible a task, given that I won't have any of the images before the search is taking place (i.e., there won't be any indexing prior to the search.) Is it likely to work in subsecond time (remember that the compare set is quite small). And if feasible, which tools can I use for this task? This could be software components or even an online service (I can live with that for a proof of concept). Can OpenSURF help me here?
To focus my question further - I'm not asking which algorithms to use, at this point I would rather use an existing tool/API/service.
The target image that the software should find should be the "same" image as the given image, but it should still be able to "forgive" slight processing on either of them.
If "slight processing" doesn't involve rotation, but only "cropping", then simple cross-correlation should work, if there could be perspective correction, rotation, lens distortion correction, then things are more complicated.
I think this method is quite forgiving to slight color corrections. Anyway, you can always convert both images to grayscale and compare grayscale versions if you want.
To focus my question further - I'm not asking which algorithms to use, at this point I would rather use an existing tool/API/service.
You can start from cvMatchTemplate from OpenCV library (the link points to the C version of the API, but it's available also for C++ and Python). Use the cropped image as a template, and look for it in all your images.
If the images you compare have dark features on light backgrounds, you may benefit from using CV_TM_CCOEFF or CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED methods. They both subtract the average over the template area from both images. Normalized methods (CV_TM_*_NORMED) generally work better but are slower than their non-normalized counterparts.
You may consider to do some preprocessing with the images before the cross-correlation. If you normalize them first, the cross-correlation will be less sensitive to slight brightness/contrast modification. If you detect edges first, as suggested by #misha, you'll lose color/lightness information, but the results for contour overlapping will be much better.
jetxee set you off on the right track. However, if you simply use template matching, you can run into problems where the background interferes with your template matching result. For example, if your template is a building and your background is primarily light (e.g. desert sand), then the template matching will fail because the lighter background will always return a higher cross-correlation than the darker template. Here is an example of this problem.
The way you solve it is the same as what is in the link:
Perform edge-detection on both your template and the target image.
Throw original template and image away
Perform template detection using the edge-detected template and edge-detected target image
As far as forgiving slight processing, the edge detection step will take care of that. As long as the edges in the two images are not modified significantly (blurred, optically distorted), the approach will work.
I know you are not looking specifically for algorithms, but nonetheless, let me suggest the following which can accomplish exactly what you are trying to do, very efficiently...
For cropped versions of the same image, including rotation, the Fourier-Mellin transform or a log-polar transform (watch out for the artsy semi-nude drawing - good source however) will give you the translation, rotation and scale coefficients between the two images, allowing to to determine what operations were needed to go from one to the other.
