Floating window with a form - ruby-on-rails

I want the edit action of a specific controller to be handled in a window that floats above the main application window (not a new browser window). I can't find anything online that provides info on this, how does one go about doing this. I hope floating window is the correct term for this.

you'll have to use javascript as it's a client side user interface issue that you're dealing with. try jQuery with plugins like ThickBox to help you load the form onto a modal windows through a floating div
and personally i felt loading the form page in an iframe in the floating div will be an easy solution to what you are trying to achieve
hope this helps =)


combining the actions of a tooltip with that of a modal window

I have a component of my site that is jQuery. I would like to use like a tool tip to walk the end user through the process of navigating this component. I have tried to modify the qtip plugin to do this. A link will be clicked that will bring up the 1st tooltip which will contain a link taking the user to the next tool tip. I was able to find a modal window, that allows me to do this, however I was unable to figure out how to have the window pop up in a specific place like the tool tip. I was also unable to close the previous window when the next one opened.
Found the solution. http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/tutorials/advanced/#stepbystep The answer was burried the whole time! :)

Is there a traditional modal dialog in JqueryMobile 1.0 library (not a plugin)

I was able to use the dialog, but need a typical modal dialog which has the current page in the background and the dialog is on top of the current screen.
The default dialog seems to take the whole screen and the current page is gone with the mobile.changepage call to display the dialog. Even if there was a way to adjust the height and width of the dialog it still wont serve the purpose since the previous page is already gone.
I believe there are some plugins, but I'm wondering if there is one which comes with the default library (1.0 final version) or if there is a way to create one using the library without a lot of coding if it is possible.
At this moment,this support is not there in JQM 1.0 library.But this feature is going to be there in the 1.2 version as per the JQM blog http://jquerymobile.com/blog/ . In the meanwhile you can check http://filamentgroup.com/tests/popup/docs/pages/popup/index.html to see a rough preview.May be you can check the source code and see if it is possible to do so in JQM 1.0
Hope that helps.
Good Luck!!

JQuery mobile, is there a way to prevent the SELECT box from becoming a dialog page?

SO I have a select box that I fill dynamically. I discovered that once the SELECT gets longer than the page, it automatically becomes a dialog listview.... which is TERRIBLE!
When this happens, the page refreshes when the dialog is closed and my whole page starts over....
Has anyone experienced that and do you know how to shut it off?
You could use the native look and feel?
Native form elements & buttons Although the framework automatically enhances form elements and buttons into touch input
optimized controls to streamline development, it's easy to tell jQuery
Mobile to leave these elements alone so the standard, native control
can be used instead.
Adding the data-role="none" attribute to any form or button element
tells the framework to not apply any enhanced styles or scripting. The
examples below all have this attribute in place to demonstrate the
effect. You may need to write custom styles to lay out your form
controls because we try to leave all the default styling intact.

How to navigate BlackBerry BrowserField2 in OS5

I am using the new BrowserField2 in BlackBerry OS5 to display HTML content in my app. There are 3 options available for navigation through links in that content.
CURSOR navigation uses a block cursor and actually moves through the characters of the page. Not very useful for me.
POINTER navigation uses a mouse like pointer that you move around the screen and hover over elements. This could work but there is a bug however in that the browser field captures navigation and never lets go so this mode is effectively broken if you share a screen with any other managers. Once your focus enters the browser field you cannot move focus back out and into neighboring fields. RIM has acknowledged the bug but has no work around.
NONE which is for custom navigation but they offer no explanation as to how you would do this.
What I ideally want is to simply have trackpad movements move the focus through the links and highlight them. Then a click would activate the link. I assume I would select the NONE option above and implement my own focus navigation but I am not clear how this can be accomplished with the new APIs.
Is anyone familiar with the new browser2 component could give some guidance?
There's a workaroudn to getting back the focus out of the BrowserField using the NAVIGATION_POINTER.
I found it in this thread:
"farahh" posted this:
I found out a hack..
with the navigation set to pointer mode, a click outside the browserfield manager invokes Manager.invokeAction(int). I used the getFieldWithFocus to verify which field has focus and then switch the focus to something else.
PD: i havent found out how to get the behaviour you want, i need that as well so if you got it working please let me know, its kinda urgent in my project =(
I actually reverted back to the older browser1 (OS4) component because the navigation problems in browserField2 (OS5) were a deal breaker for me. Luckily the OS4 browser does everything I need in terms of functionality and it has the exact navigation behavior I need and there are no focus problems mixing it with other views.

Help with html select replacement

I hate default select control, that's because it can't be styled in IE using CSS.
This is why I developed a new select control from scratch, using HTML + CSS + JavaScript.
I did a great job in the past two days matching CSS and HTML together, but today I discovered a bug wich looks very hard for me to fix.
In IE 7, when I have tow controls on the same page, the one from top does not overlay the one from bottom.
See the image: coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.jpg
Download the demo page (HTML + CSS + Javascript): coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.zip
Please help me, this control looks so nice for me and I want to use it on all my projects from now on. This bug killed my hopes and lot of time.
Thank you.
If you give each control the same z-index, then you will not have control over the stacking order.
I would suggest modifying your control to behave more like a real SELECT element: only one can be open at a time, or losing focus causes it to close. Alternately, you can set a high z-index when the control has focus, and a lower one when it does not.
Another thing to look out for: try putting some other controls like radio, checkbox, and select under your control. You might find that IE also will not hover over those even if you give them a different z-index (as #grawity explained in his answer). This is why you'll typically see widget demos displayed on top of these elements, as shown here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/
A typical hack to fix this is to use an iframe, but that probably deserves a different question altogether.
Edit: After rereading the question, this answer now seems totally unrelated, but I'm keeping it here anyway.
Not really an answer, but an attempt to explain:
In Internet Explorer, <select> tags are implemented as simple windowed controls, while all other elements are windowless controls (this allows them to be styled). That's why these tags are always on top and don't follow the z-order rules. (The drop-down menu part must be styleable so it's a windowless control, and so it shows under the main part.)
In Firefox all elements are windowless, and in IE8 they should be too.
