rich text editor with image hosting -

is there a rich text editor that has image hosting with it?
eg with stackoverflow they are using imgur to host images.
or is there another way eg using an api? im using mvc/c#

They are the brothers :)


Try this SO question:
There are a few possible options, but you're looking at writing your own connector for the text editor to interface with the API - but having said that, for the most part you'd probably be writing a connector for the image uploading anyway, or at least searching around looking for one that works since most (free) RTEs don't supply file / image upload functionality built-in.

Not sure if this is entirely what you're after, but it might be worth having a look at using Yahoo's YUI editor + Flickr for hosting the images:

jquery tinymce is a best option. Since there are many plugins for image upload that can be easily integerate into editor
There would be default image upload. if u need use some third party plugins like this
refer it.

If you are looking for free stuff, use FCKEditors, it contains image uploader already plugged in.

Try this , this works for me: I used tinymce RTE roxyfileman


How to display PowerPoint Presentation In Rails 4 Paperclip??/

In my application, i have uploaded PPT,PPTX files using paperclip gem. I have url like this
" Presentation.last.avatar.url" = "/system/presentations/avatars/000/000/006/original/example.ppt?1411994371"
Now i want to display those PPT, and PPtx files in my localhost web browser. please give me suggestions.. thanks
Assuming you mean that you want them to be embedded in the browser, I've solved this by uploading the them to Scribd in the background and then displaying the embedded widget. This is a great solution because turning a PPT file into clean HTML is hard (so let someone else work it out), and you do not have to pay for hosting or bandwidth for those files.
It's a lot nicer to do it this way than to force the user to have an Office plugin installed for their browser, which depending on their platform they may not have.
The Scribd_fu gem will work with Paperclip, or you could use the official RScribd gem and roll your own.

Accept pasted image in Rails

I'd like my users to be able to upload an image by pasting it into a form.
Is this possible somehow with Rails?
I'd like to do this safely and limit to a single picture upload, not a completely open textarea.
I'm looking for something like that I can add into a form in a Rails app.
Also, with a paperclip hook like would be nice
Although I don't have a specific answer (copy & paste), I do have an answer regarding how to implement the uploading within the DOM:
If you use something like jquery-file-upload, you'll be able to incorporate a GUI-based upload process to Rails
I think your question can be answered by taking this technology & applying to the specific element where you'd like to "copy & paste" the image
You can drag & drop images from your system into the example above. This is very similar to the copy & paste functionality you're seeking. I would personally look at this technology, and then apply it to the copy & paste procedure
You've referenced GMail as a great example of this -- but you have to remember they're allowing you to paste into a WYSIWYG editor
This is very important, as the upload image element will be handled through the WYSIWYG. You may be able to use this resource to help:
Wysiwyg with image copy/paste

iOS // show html -> rich text

What is the best way to show html -> rich text in iOS?
The problem is that some images from this text should be available offline, so I can't use a simple UIWebView.
Ideally I want to show just html with an ability to replace some special tags with other controls (UIImageView etc). I don't need to download this images from html. Both images and html will be downloaded with issues. Just need to manage the layout.
Core Text is not suitable, because to use it I'll need to parse this html manually. It should be a simpler way.
This has to be supported by iOS 6, so I can't use anything new from iOS 7.
I've seen this question. Doesn't look like this OmniGroup framework will work for me.
RTLabel doesn't support everything, what I want to have.
DTCoreText looks good, but it's not free (don't want to show their license text).
Maybe it's another cool fremework, which I didn't find yet?
Have tryed
This will simply give string out of html. It might not be exactly what you are looking for but hope this will solve part of your problem.
But this will not solve your offline image viewing.
For image
Will do a async download and cache image.

Using Your Own Text Editor On a Server

Are there any hosting providers which allow you to use your own text editor to edit hosted files? At the moment, I'm using Namecheap and I can only edit hosted files through their code editor which means I need to edit the files locally and then upload them if I want to use my own text editor. I'd really like to develop a site directly on the server so skipping this step would save quite a bit of time.
Specifically, I'd like to use Sublime Text 2. Google didn't help so I'm hoping someone hear could point me in the right direction.
It looks like EasyEditors might have what you need. It appears that you can edit the files on their site.

LaTeX: Are there any web frontends available?

As of now the workflow is something like, I import an SVN or a CVS repository and then compile a document locally on my machine to get either a ps or a pdf file. But I was wondering if there is a Web front-end to do all the stuff, like for instance, an editor using which you can edit the file online and then download just the pdf file by compiling it?
Any suggestions?
latex-lab will build on top of the google apps editor base...
scribtex is hosted only it looks like.
Another to add to the list is TeXonWeb.
If you mean online LaTeX compilers, then there are two I know of - at (to PDF) and at ScienceSoft (to several formats). Haven't seen any full editors, though.
There is a CMS based on Latex out there at
The best site I found to produce PDF from LaTeX online is PC Shows.
Verbosus offers an Online LaTeX Editor that supports PDF preview, HTTPS, syntax highlighting, code completion, templates, etc. (Additionally it offers an editor for Octave/Matlab)
This is less of a web-based interface than a simple drag-and-drop cgi script that converts latex syntax to a graphic...
latex-online is a simple open source web service that compiles latex sources/public git repos and returns pdf's. It has both a simplistic web front-end and a command-line tool for interacting with the service - you might find it interesting.
One rather new possibility is
You can either interactively edit your documents or you can pass your document via the url to it. E.g. a simple hello world document can be constructed as!%0A%5Cend%7Bdocument%7D
