How do I determine the type of the implementing object of an interface - delphi

I'm attempting to write a unit test for a simple factory class that creates one of several possible implementing objects and returns it as an interface reference.
DUnit has a built in procedure, CheckIs(AObject: TObject; AClass: TClass; msg: string), that based on its name and the parameters it accepts should fail the test if the object's class type doesn't match the expected one. The only problem is it requires an object reference not an interface reference.
So I'm trying to use CheckTrue and perform the comparison in the body of the test but I'm not as familiar with Delphi's type checking support as I am with C#'s.
I know the is operator is out of the question since it only works with object references.
CheckTrue(LMyInterfaceReference {comparison here} TMyClass);
Any suggestions?
BTW, I'm using Delphi 2009 so I don't have access to the new RTTI support added in 2010+.

I'm wondering why you MUST have to test this... maybe you really don't have to.
But if knowing the underlying object of a Interface is a must, you have two choices:
Add a method to the interface which returns the underlying object, just a TObject, and implement this in each class just by returning self.
Hack a bit, for example using this Interface to object routine.

If you don't like hacks and don't feel like upgrading to Delphi 2010+ you may use an interface like this:
IImplementingObjectInterface = interface
function GetImplementingObject: TObject;
Make sure your objects also implement this interface and use it to extract the implementing object. If you need to do this for a lot of objects you can define your own TInterfacedObject derivate that already implements this so you can simply change your inheritance and be done.

Barry Kelly (one of the main Embarcadero Delphi Compiler Engineers) wrote a nice An ugly alternative to interface to object casting this week.
It answers your question.
The fun is that Hallvard Vassbotn wrote a very similar piece of code back in 2004.
From Delphi 2010 on, you can just use an is check or as cast to go back from interface references to object references.


How to pass a list of objects to a function, which expects a list of objects which implement an interface?

Trying to pass a list of objects to a function, which expects list of objects implementing an interface. Said objects implement that interface. Compiler will not allow it.
Looking for an alternative workaround or my mistake.
The setup
I did not use the actual code, and that should not matter IMO. Seems like a conceptional problem to me.
The class TObjectWithInterface implements the interface ISomeInterface and extends the class TCustomInterfacedObject, which simply works around the reference counting of IInterface as given in the documentation.
TObjectWithInterface = class(TCustomInterfacedObject, ISomeInterface)
If have a procedure which takes a list of objects implementing that interface:
procedure SomeFunction(List: TList<ISomeInterface>)
The issue
Inside of a function of TObjectWithInterface, I try to call that function, using a list of objects of TObjectWithInterface:
procedure TObjectWithInterface.DoTheStuff(ListOfObjects: TList<TObjectWithInterface>)
// ...
SomeFunction(ListOfObjects); // <-- Compiler error: Incompatible types
// ...
The compiler tells me the following:
E2010: Incompatible types: 'System.Generics.Collections.TList' and 'System.Generics.Collections.TList'
The dumb workaround
I really dislike my current workaround, which consists of creating a new list and type casting each TObjectWithInterface to ISomeInterface:
procedure TObjectWithInterface.DoTheStuff(ListOfObjects: TList<TObjectWithInterface>)
ListOfInterfaceObjects: TList<ISomeInterface>;
// ...
ListOfInterfaceObjects := TList<ISomeInterface>.Create;
for var Object in ListOfObjects do
ListOfInterfaceObjects.Add(Objects as ISomeInterface);
// ...
This seems very hacky to me. I may have done something stupid, or do not understand something correctly, as this is the first time, that I am trying to use Interfaces in Delphi. Please don't be mad.
Either way, I hope someone can point out my mistake or, if this is a language limitation, has an alternative workaround.
Your "workaround" to copy the list of objects into a separate list of interfaces is actually the correct and proper solution. You can't use a TList<X> where a TList<Y> is expected, they are different and unrelated types. Just because you are disabling reference counting on the interfaces doesn't change the memory layout of the objects in relation to their interfaces, so you still have to pass around proper memory pointers, which means performing necessary conversions from one to the other.

OTL can't be compiled under D2007

I downloaded the OTL
and compile the D2007 grouproj, install the package, without problem.
I then create a simple console application that uses OtlParallel unit, of course, I add the OtlParallel and some other pas files to the project.
But it complains that Generics.Collections is not found.
The documentation says:
High-level abstractions are implemented in the OtlParallel unit. They are all created through the factory class Parallel. High-level code intensively uses anonymous methods and generics which makes Delphi 2009 the minimum supported version.
This us of both generics and anonymous methods makes this unit completely incompatible with Delphi 2007.
If you wish to use a construct like Parallel.For with Delphi 2007 and OTL then you will have to back-port OtlParallel yourself. Without anonymous methods this is very difficult to do and achieve the same fluid style of code. You would have to use procedural types instead of anonymous methods. And you would have to implement closures manually.
So instead of using
TProc = reference to procedure;
you would use
TMethod = procedure of object;
And then to implement this you create a class or record with a parameterless method. You'll need to add whatever state is needed as members of the type, and populate those members. That is in essence a manual implementation of a closure with variable capture. And you'll need to deal with lifetime. Make sure that the instances outlive the parallel loop.
Good luck!

Casting TList<T:class> to TList<W:class>

I have a list of type TList<TForm>. I need to cast it and use it as TList<TObject> like this:
procedure mainForm.testCast;
listT: TList<TForm>;
listW: TList<TObject>;
obj: TObject;
listT := TList<TForm>.create;
listW := TList<TObject>(listT); // Casting is OK
// This works, but is this fine?
for obj in listW do
The sample works as expected, but is it ok to cast like this between generic lists? Will this cause some data structure corruption etc?
I use it only for looping (DoGetEnumerator) purposes and some string checks i.e. I'll not add/remove items.
The real function is little more complicated. It gets reference to listT using RTTI in a TValue.
The main goal is not to link FMX.Forms in my unit.
Why are TGeneric<Base> and TGeneric<Descendant> incompatible types?
Well, your code will work, but it somewhat dubious in my view. Simply put the cast is not legal because
is false. So a TList<TForm> object is not a TList<TObject>. If it were, then the cast would not be needed.
That this is so is because Delphi's generic types are invariant. More details can be found here:
Why is a class implementing an interface not compatible with the interface type when used in generics?
If you have any difficulty understanding why the designers made generic types invariant, consider for a moment the effect of writing listW.Add(TObject.Create) in your code. Think what it means to the true underlying object of type TList<TForm>.
So the language promises you nothing. You are venturing outside its guarantees. It so happens that the implementation of these two un-related types is compatible enough for your code to work. But that is really just an accident of implementation.
Since you are already using RTTI, then I suggest that you iterate over the list with RTTI. You can call GetEnumerator and so on using RTTI. That way you will call the actual methods of the object.

Internal (memory) representation of TProc and references at all

Does anyone here know how Delphi represents a reference to procedure?
for example
proc: TProc;
proc = procedure begin beep end;
What do we got in "proc"?
I know that for "method variable" the memory representation is 4 bytes for the "procedure address" followed by 4 bytes for the "object address", but for "reference to procedure" is somewhat different and I cannot quite figure it out.
The reason I want this is because I have some legacy code that I want to make it work with references.
Does anyone know something about it?
Method references are implemented as a COM-style interface with a single method called Invoke, which has the same signature as the method reference.
So TProc looks like this:
TProc = interface(IInterface) // so inherits QI, AddRef, Release
procedure Invoke;
It's a valid question to ask, as Delphi has interoperability with the C++ product. By using a pre-existing reference-counted type and idiom (COM lifetime rules), interop with C++ at the method reference level is possible.
Anonymous methods generate a hidden class which implements an interface isomorphic to the method reference interface, i.e. exactly the same shape, but not with the same symbolic identity. The hidden class doesn't implement the method reference interface directly because it may need to implement the interface multiple times (a single block may contain multiple anonymous methods all assigned to locations of the same method reference type).

getting around circular references in Delphi [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Delphi Enterprise: how can I apply the Visitor Pattern without circular references?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a way of getting around circular unit references in Delphi?
Maybe a newer version of delphi or some magic hack or something?
My delphi project has 100 000+ lines of code mostly based on singleton classes. I need to refactor this, but that would mean several months of "circular reference" hell :)
I've been maintaining close to a million lines of legacy code for the past 10 years so I understand your pain!
In the code that I maintain, when I've encountered circular uses, I frequently have found that they are caused by constants or type definitions in unit A that are needed by unit B. (Sometimes it's also a small bit of code (or even, global variables) in Unit A that is also needed by unit B.
In this situation (when I'm lucky!) I can carefully extract those parts of the code into a new unit C that contains the constants, type definitions, and shared code. Then units A and B use unit C.
I post the above with some hesitance because I'm not an expert on software design and realize there are many others here who are far more knowledgeable than I am. Hopefully, though, my experience will be of some use to you.
It seems you have quite serious code design issues. Besides many signs of such issues, one is the circular unit reference. But as you said: you cannot refactor all the code.
Move all what is possible to the implementation section. They are allowed to have circular references.
To simplify this task you can use 3rd party tools. I would recommend
Peganza Pascal Analyzer - it will suggest what you can move to the implementation section. And will give you many more hints to improve your code quality.
Use the implementation section uses whenever possible, and limit what's in the interface uses clause to what has to be visible in the interface declarations.
There is no "magic hack". Circular references would cause an endless loop for the compiler (unit A requires compiling unit B which requires compiling unit A which requires compiling unit B, etc.).
If you have a specific instance where you think you cannot avoid circular references, edit your post and provide the code; I'm sure someone here can help you figure out how to get it fixed.
There is many ways to avoid circular references.
Way too often, an object will execute some code that should be done in an event instead than being done by the object itself. Whether it is because the programmer working on the project was too short on time(aren't we always?), didn't have enough experience/knowledge or was just lazy, some code like this eventually end up in applications. Real world exemple : TCPSocket component that directly update some visual component on the application's MainForm instead of having the main form register a "OnTCPActivity" procedure on the component.
Abstract Classes/Interfaces. Using either of them allow to remove a direct dependance between many units. An abstract class or an interface can be declared alone in its own unit, limiting dependancies to a maximum. Exemple: Our application has a debug form. It has uses on pretty much the whole application as it displays information from various area of the application. Even worse, every form that allows to show the debug form will also also end up requiring all the units from the debug form. A better approach would be to have a debug form which is essentially empty, but that has the capacity to register "DebugFrames".
TDebugFrm.RegisterDebugFrame(Frame : TDebugFrame);
That way, the TDebugFrm has no dependancies of its own (Except than on the TDebugFrame class). Any and all unit that requires to show the debug form can do so without risking to add too many dependancies either.
There are many other exemple... I bet it could fill a book of its own. Designing a clean class hierarchy in a time efficient fashion is pretty hard to do and it comes with experience. Knowing the tools available to achieve it and how to use them is the 1st step to achieve it. But to answer your question... There is no 1-size-fit-all answer to your question, it's always to be taken on a case by case basis.
Similar Question: Delphi Enterprise: how can I apply the Visitor Pattern without circular references?
The solution presented by Uwe Raabe uses interfaces to resolve the circular dependency.
Modelmaker Code Explorer has a really nice wizard for listing all the uses, including cycles.
It requires that your project compiles.
I agree with the other posters that it is a design issue.
You should carefully look at your design, and remove unused units.
At DelphiLive'09, I did a session titled Smarter code with Databases and data aware controls which contains quite few tips on good design (not limited to DB apps).
I found a solution that doesn't need the use of Interfaces but may not resolve every issues of the circular reference.
I have two classes in two units: TMap and TTile.
TMap contains a map and display it using isometric tiles (TTile).
I wanted to have a pointer in TTile to point back on the map. Map is a class property of TTile.
Class Var FoMap: TObject;
Normaly, you will need to declare each corresponding unit in the other unit... and get the circular reference.
Here, how I get around it.
In TTile, I declare map to be a TObject and move Map unit in the Uses clause of the Implementation section.
That way I can use map but need to cast it each time to TMap to access its properties.
Can I do better? If I could use a getter function to type cast it. But I will need to move Uses Map in the Interface section.... So, back to square one.
In the Implementation section, I did declare a getter function that is not part of my class. A Simple function.
Uses Map;
Function Map: TMap;
Result := TMap(TTile.Map);
Cool, I thought. Now, every time I need to call a property of my Map, I just use Map.MyProperty.
Ouch! Did compile! :) Did not work the expected way. The compiler use the Map property of TTile and not my function.
So, I rename my function to aMap. But my Muse spoke to me. NOOOOO! Rename the Class Property to aMap... Now I can use Map the way I intented it.
Map.Size; This call my little function, who typecast aMap as TMap;
Patrick Forest
I gave a previous answer but after some thinking and scratching I found a better way to solve the circular reference problem. Here my first unit who need a pointer on an object TB define in unit B.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, b, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
FoB: TB;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FoB := TB.Create(Self);
Here the code of the Unit B where TB has a pointer on TForm1.
unit B;
dialogs, Forms;
TForm1 = class(TForm);
TB = class
FaOwner: TForm1;
constructor Create(aOwner: TForm);
property owner: TForm1 read FaOwner;
uses unit1;
Constructor TB.create(aOwner: TForm);
FaOwner := TForm1(aOwner);
FaOwner.Left := 500;
And here why it compiles. First Unit B declare the use of Unit1 in the implementation section. Resolving immediately the circular reference unit between Unit1 et Unit B.
But to allow Delphi to compile, I need to give him something to chew on the declaration of FaOwner: TForm1. So, I add stub class name TForm1 who match the declaration of TForm1 in Unit1.
Next, when come the time to call the constructor, TForm1 is able to pass itself has the parameter. In the constructor code, I need to typecast the aOwner parameter to Unit1.TForm1. And voilĂ , FaOwner his set to point on my form.
Now, if the class TB need to use FaOwner internally, I don't need to typecast it every time
to Unit1.TForm1 because both declaration are the same. Note that you could set the declaration of to constructor to
Constructor TB.create(aOwner: TForm1);
but when TForm1 will call the constructor and pass itself has a parameter, you will need to typecast it has b.TForm1. Otherwise Delphi will throw an error telling that both TForm1 are not compatible. So each time you call the TB.constructor you will need to typecast to the appropriate TForm1. The first solution, using a common ancestor, his better. Write the typecast once and forget it.
After I posted it, I realized that I made a mistake telling that both TForm1 were identical. They are not Unit1.TForm1 has components and methods that are unknown to B.TForm1. Has long TB doesn't need to use them or just need to use the commonality given by TForm you're okay. If you need to call something particular to UNit1.TForm1 from TB, you will need to typecast it to Unit1.TForm1.
I try it and test it with Delphi 2010 and it compiled and worked.
Hope it will help and spare you some headache.
