Windows Ruby/Rails IDE or editor with autocompletion - ruby-on-rails

I am looking for an IDE with Ruby on Rails autocompletion on windows. Netbeans seems to be ok but he is buggy and the wizard for importing existing project does not work. RubyMine is unable to read files from a network drive (and you must pay for it!).
Is there any Ruby ide autocompleting code with at least the rails API and eventually my project classes?

Take a look at Aptana Studio 3 Beta, that runs on Eclipse. One of it's features, RadRails, provides exhaustive support for both Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Try e editor. The power of textmate on windows!


Ruby on Rails in SpringSource tool suite?

I have been using Grails for some time now, but in school they are making us use Ruby on Rails. I have been trying to find an extension for ruby on rails for STS as there is for Grails, but I have failed. The only thing that comes close is a plugin so i can use ruby code in my Grails app using JRuby. I just want to make sure that a fully integrated extension DOESN'T exist.
If that is the case, what would be the graphical IDE way of developing in ruby on rails, the same way one would use STS for Groovy on Grails development?
(preferably free :) )
Try JetBrains RubyMine, it's an IDE for Ruby and Rails.
Aptana Studio is the best and free IDE for ruby on rails.
Old versions of Netbeans got a good support for language, but no longer updated for new releases.
I like JetBrains. will allow you to build Rails framework apps. Look in the new install listing and I 'm sure you will find the url for Ruby and Rails. The type name is now under DLT Dynamic Languages Tools. RDT is a bit old and the EasyEclipse uses that.
Try yhis for radrails org.nexb.easyeclipse.radrails of course you know namespaces like this are backward. The best I could come up with for that is Or my STS has Juno - and look under Programming Languages DLT Ruby to get started.
Also these guys might be able to help you

Cannot find RadRails views in Aptana Studio 3

I cannot see any of the RadRails views in my IDE. For example Rake tasks, rails console, generator view, etc.. See the screenshot for the available view options.
I'm perplexed by the explanations I find on Aptana site and other forums. I cannot find a menu option called "My Aptana" or plug-ins anywhere.
Also, the preferences window does not have the "Ruby" option as expected. See the screenshot.
I have the installed Aptana Studio on Mac (Aptana Studio 3, build: (
Aptana Studio 3 removed a number of the Ruby/Rails specific UI views. We took a "less is more" approach, since keeping the UIs up to date with the evolving ruby/Rails community and across versions proved to be very messy and in many cases the UIs were less productive than just using the command line.
The Rake tasks integration now uses a right-click menu on projects containing Rakefiles.
There are options to launch Rails apps under the server in run or debug mode as well. There's also project wizards for Ruby and Rails, and we have support for YAML, HAML, Ruby, Sass, SCSS, CSS, HTML and ERB files/editors.
For generators we urge users to use the command line inside the IDE (the Terminal view), or outside the IDE.
If there are specific views/functionality that you feel is missing and really needs to be brought back, feel free to add your voice/comments to
Also see
I believe Aptana Studio is all built around Rails you can find console under General and you can open a Terminal tab from Aptana folder. It's built a bit differently than RadRails

Autocompletion ruby on rails editor for windows

I am looking for an editor/IDE on windows doing autocompletion like eclipse (you start to type and there is a list of possible functions/variables). I tried Netbeans but it does not support network drives, I tried ruby mine, and aptana, but the tab gizmo requires you already know ruby on rails very well to be used.
Is there a Rails editor for windows with autocompletion?
I think JetBrains makes the best IDEs on the market, hands down. Take a look at their Ruby Mine. It's not free, but some things are worth paying for.
Take a look at this thread:
Ruby on Rails Editor for Windows
Aptana RadRails is an extension for eclipse with ruby on rails support and is open source.
RubyMine is also another good editor but it is not free. RubyMine is surely a useful IDE but you might try the open source IDEs first.

RadRails trial expired - any free options for Rails in Eclipse?

I installed RadRails a while back and uninstalled it after it said that my trial had expired.
Is it correct that this is the only option for Rails development in Eclipse?
And is there any other - free - option for Eclipse? (I tried "Ruby RDT" but it doesn't offer any Rails support, just basic Ruby editing.)
Use the full Aptana Studio, and after it says the Professional trial is over, you can continue using the Community Edition mode.
Doesn't seem to be a way to just get the Community Edition by itself, but it'll just ask you to close and restart Eclipse after 30 days.
Try Aptana IDE - it is Eclipse based and totally free. Also as much as I know its Rails support is bases on Rad Rails eclipse plugin.
BTW, I'm using NetBeans 6.5.1 for Rails and I've already convinced everybody is my office that it is better than Aptana :)
I was using Eclipse for a while for Rails development, based on RDT plus mods described in the following article:

Building Ruby on Windows XP

Has anyone out there got a good set of instructions for building/compiling Ruby from source of windows XP ?
Luis Lavena maintains the Ruby One-Click installer binaries. His blogs and postings on Ruby Forum are definitely the place to start.
I normally get a binary installable for windows.. much faster if you just need Ruby installed. But you may be modifying ruby source.. anyways..
Update: I ended up compiling Ruby from source today... here is what worked for me
I would agree that the binary distrubtion is your best bet for Ruby on Windows, however, like Gishu mentioned, you may be modifying it a bit. If that's the case I would build it from source with Cygwin. This will give you the familiar tool set for building software from source.
However the following thread at Ruby Forum seems to have a very active discussion on building Ruby in Windows using Microsoft's Visual C++ toolkit with some other .NET additions.
Good luck!
