how to get results from Yahoo Ireland or Yahoo India search, using YQL - yql

I just want to use YQL to get the top 10 results for a particular query, and a region, eg Yahoo India, or Yahoo Ireland.
How do i do this?

You can use a region value when querying against the search.web table, like
select * from search.web where query="pizza" and region="in"
(Try this query the YQL console.)
Available region values are listed in the Supported Regions and Languages for Web and News Search page for the Yahoo! BOSS API, which the search.web data table uses.

Following changes with the Yahoo Pipes V2 'upgrade' some YQL tables have been dropped.
Thankfully some new ones have appeared but are not widely known about yet.
SELECT * FROM WHERE query="pizza india"


Yahoo Finance API get list of all mutual funds and ETFs tickers

I'm looking for a way to get list of all mutual funds and ETFs tickers from Yahoo Finance. I've found few solutions like for example:
But unfortunantely after checking dozens of random tickers most of them didn't belong to mutual funds category. Having list of this tickers seems useful as long I could find a way to check ticker's category.
On Yahoo Finance website using search box, popup show ticker's category. How to replicate this functionality programmatically or using for example YQL?
After following Daniel's advise I've successfully filtered tickers and
updated them on my GitHub:
It's possible to tell wether ticker is mutual fund or ETF but it's hard to distinct between mutual fund and ETF.
As an example let's take mututal fund with ticker TIBIX. From what I know only mutual funds and ETFs have category "Fund Family" in their profile tab. So you need YQL that checks whether ticker contains HTML span containing "Fund Family" inside.
Raw YQL query
select * from htmlstring where url='' and xpath='//span/*[contains(.,"Fund Family")]//text()'
Endpoint for the query*%20from%20htmlstring%20where%20url%3D''%20and%20xpath%3D'%2F%2Fspan%2F*%5Bcontains(.%2C%22Fund%20Family%22)%5D%2F%2Ftext()'&format=json&
If you ticker is mutual fund or ETF, query should return such response:
{"query":{"count":1,"created":"2017-09-25T07:07:10Z","lang":"en-US","results":{"result":"Fund Family"}}}
Either way result will be empty.

YQL don't provide Indian stock quote related data

we are very interested to use YQL but unfortunately the query is not supported for Indian stock market , we are building one large web app where wee need to show BSE and NSE tickers with live updates , so we thought to use yahoo financial services but I have tried a lot in the console the below line but this is return with zero data
select * from where symbol IN("^BSESN")
For that result we can't able to use yql , I have also change the symbol ^BSESN with other Indian company names like reliance ,tata but nothing is shown, feeling very poor......
select * from where symbol IN("^BSESN") ---- not working any idea or suggestion will helpful to me
Thanks in advance
Yahoo's YQL shows uneven performance for bourses outside the West. For example:
You can obtain historical data for Reliance Industries from using YQL as follows: select * from where symbol in ('RIL.BO')
You cannot get stock quote from using YQL as follows: select * from where symbol in ("RIL.BO")
Try it!

YQL, returning only 100 values. Can I get more?

I'm using YQL with JSON in order to retrieve a Twitter search. It only returns 100 values. Any chance to get more than that?
Doesn't look good, friend: "The maximum number of results that can be returned by a YQL query on this table is 100, which is defined by the attribute max."
The maximum number of items returned by a SELECT statement with YQL is 5,000. If the table in query does not give enough results by default (assuming there are more available), you can ask for more results by using a remote limit.
select * from where q="lol"
For more details, see Paging and Table Limits in the YQL Guide.
Be aware that many data providers will rate limit queries against their services, Twitter certainly does.

YQL documentation for the search and the "geo" key

Someone know some documentation of Yql Google News Search? I am trying understand the "geo" key values for the search.
This link show a example for the search.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
For details of the usage of the different keys on the YQL table, see the source API's documentation.
In this case that can be found in the Google News Search API - JSON Developer's Guide, and the geo key is described as:
This optional argument tells the News Search system to scope search results to a particular location. With this argument present, the query argument (q) becomes optional. You must supply either a city, state, province, country, or zip code as in geo=Santa%20Barbara or geo=British%20Columbia or geo=Peru or geo=93108.
It goes on to say:
When using the geo property, please note the following:
Make sure the location you supply exists within the scope of your chosen news edition. For example, if you specify geo=Quebec for the Canadian edition of Google news, you probably won't get good results.
You can't combine geo with the topic property.
Some editions of News Search don't support the geo parameter. To test if geo works with a specific edition,
Go to that edition's landing page (for example,
Click Add a Section.
In the Add a Local Section box on the right side of the page, enter a search query relevant to your desired location (for example, Quebec). You should now see a Local Results pane on the edition homepage.
If the Local Results pane is populated with results, you can use the geo parameter for that region.

How to use YQL to get sectors from Yahoo Finance?

I found out about YQL and would like to use it to get a list of financial sectors. I went to the YQL console and tried to use the table:
select * from
The results are "null". I'm assuming the data is available. What is wrong with the way I'm calling YQL?
