This is how i am defining a simple class with instance variables and instance methods.
ExampleClass = SC.Object.extend({
bar: function() { = "Hello world";
console.log( );
// test
var testInstance = ExampleClass.create();; // outputs 'Hello world'
Could anyone help me out with a similar example of class variable (or similar behavoir), and class method?
A class Method/Property would be done like:
ExampleClass = SC.Object.extend({
bar: function() { = "Hello world";
console.log( );
classFoo: "foo",
classBar: function() {
return "Bar";
Then you can access it like:
But don't forget that when accessing a property (or computed property) on an instance, that you need to use .get() like:
var example = ExampleClass.create();
// Good
example.set('foo', 'baz');
// BAD!! Don't do this, or Bindings/ Observes won't work.; = 'baz';
Consider this class that is used as a data model in a Model-View-Controller scenario (I'm using TypeScript 3.5):
export class ViewSource {
private viewName : string;
private viewStruct : IViewStruct;
private rows : any[];
private rowIndex : number|null;
constructor(viewName : string) {
// Same as this.setViewName(viewName);
this.viewName = viewName;
this.viewStruct = api.meta.get_view_struct(viewName);
if (!this.viewStruct) {
throw new Error("Clould not load structure for view, name=" + (viewName));
this.rows = [];
this.rowIndex = null;
public setViewName = (viewName: string) => {
this.viewName = viewName;
this.viewStruct = api.meta.get_view_struct(viewName);
if (!this.viewStruct) {
throw new Error("Clould not load structure for view, name=" + (viewName));
this.rows = [];
this.rowIndex = null;
public getViewStruct = ():IViewStruct => { return this.viewStruct; }
public getCellValue = (rowIndex: number, columnName: string) : any => {
const row = this.rows[rowIndex] as any;
return row[columnName];
This is not a complete class, I only included a few methods to demonstrate the problem. ViewSource is a mutable object. It can be referenced from multiple parts of the application. (Please note that being a mutable object is a fact. This question is not about choosing a different data model that uses immutable objects.)
Whenever I want to change the state of a ViewSource object, I call its setViewName method. It does work, but it is also very clumsy. Every line of code in the constructor is repeated in the setViewName method.
Of course, it is not possible to use this constructor:
constructor(viewName : string) {
because that results in TS2564 error:
Property 'viewStruct' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.ts(2564)
I do not want to ignore TS2564 errors in general. But I also do not want to repeat all attribute initializations. I have some other classes with even more properties (>10), and the corresponding code duplication looks ugly, and it is error prone. (I might forget that some things have to bee modified in two methods...)
So how can I avoid duplicating many lines of code?
I think the best method to avoid code duplication in this case would be to create a function that contains the initialization code, but instead of setting the value, it retunrs the value that need to be set.
Something like the following:
export class ViewSource {
private viewName : string;
private viewStruct : IViewStruct;
private rows : any[];
private rowIndex : number|null;
constructor(viewName : string) {
const {newViewName, newViewStruct, newRows, newRowIndex} = this.getNewValues(viewName);
this.viewName = newViewName;
this.newViewStruct = newViewStruct;
// Rest of initialization goes here
public setViewName = (viewName: string) => {
const {newViewName, newViewStruct, newRows, newRowIndex} = this.getNewValues(viewName);
// Rest of initialization goes here
privat getNewValues = (viewName) => {
const newViewName = viewName;
const newViewStruct = api.meta.get_view_struct(viewName);
if (!newViewStruct) {
throw new Error("Clould not load structure for view, name=" + (viewName));
const newRows = [];
const newRowIndex = null;
return {newViewName, newViewStruct, newRows, newRowIndex};
This way the only thing you duplicate is setting the values, not calculating them, and if the values calculations will get more complicated you can simply expand the returned value.
A less complex approach than the accepted answer is to use the //#ts-ignore[1] comment above each member that is initialized elsewhere.
Consider this contrived example
class Foo {
// #ts-ignore TS2564 - initialized in the init method
a: number;
// #ts-ignore TS2564 - initialized in the init method
b: string;
// #ts-ignore TS2564 - initialized in the init method
c: number;
constructor(a: number, b: string) {
if(a === 0) {
} else {
private init(a: number, b: string, c: number): void {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
Since TypeScript 3.9 there exists the //#ts-expect-error[2] comment, but I think #ts-ignore is suitable.
[1] Suppress errors in .ts files
[2] TS expect errors comment
Since TypeScript 2.7 you can use the definite assignment assertion modifier which means adding an exclamation mark between the variable name and the colon:
private viewName!: string
This has the same effect as adding a // #ts-ignore TS2564 comment above it as #RamblinRose suggested.
I'm trying to get my head around the module pattern in Javascript and have come across various different ways that I can see to do it. What is the difference (if any) between the following:
Person = function() {
return {
person1 = Person();
function Person2() {
return {
person2 = Person2();
person3 = function() {
return {
person4 = (function() {
return {
// ...
person5 = (function() {
return {
// ...
They all seem to do the same thing to me.
// This creates a function, which then returns an object.
// Person1 isn't available until the assignment block runs.
Person = function() {
return {
person1 = Person();
// Same thing, different way of phrasing it.
// There are sometimes advantages of the
// two methods, but in this context they are the same.
// Person2 is available at compile time.
function Person2() {
return {
person2 = Person2();
// This is identical to 'person4'
// In *this* context, the parens aren't needed
// but serve as a tool for whoever reads the code.
// (In other contexts you do need them.)
person3 = function() {
return {
// This is a short cut to create a function and then execute it,
// removing the need for a temporary variable.
// This is called the IIFE (Immediate Invoked Function Expression)
person4 = (function() {
return {
// ...
// Exactly the same as Person3 and Person4 -- Explained below.
person5 = (function() {
return {
// ...
In the contexts above,
= function() {}();
= (function() {}());
= (function() {})();
All do exactly the same thing.
I'll break them down.
function() {}();
<functionExpression>(); // Call a function expression.
(<functionExpression>()); // Wrapping it up in extra parens means nothing.
// Nothing more than saying (((1))) + (((2)))
// We already know the extra parens means nothing, so remove them and you get
<functionExpression>(); // Which is the same as case1
Now, all of that said == why do you sometimes need parens?
Because this is a *function statement)
function test() {};
In order to make a function expression, you need some kind of operator before it.
(function test() {})
!function test() {}
+function test() {}
all work.
By standardizing on the parens, we are able to:
Return a value out of the IIFE
Use a consistent way to let the reader of the code know it is an IIFE, not a regular function.
The first two aren't a module pattern, but a factory function - there is a Person "constructor" that can be invoked multiple times. For the semantic difference see var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}.
The other three are IIFEs, which all do exactly the same thing. For the syntax differences, see Explain the encapsulated anonymous function syntax and Location of parenthesis for auto-executing anonymous JavaScript functions?.
I've found a extremely detail page explaining this kind of stuff
Sth called IIFE
Hope will help.
Admittedly, this is a little bit of an odd test case, but it's a problem I've ran in to. I have a class that takes a function as a parameter in it's constructor. I'd like to know if the function that was passed was called. Here's an example:
class TestClassMock extends Mock implements RealClass {
RealClass _real;
TestClassMock() {
_real = new RealClass();
class RealClass {
String _name = "RealClass";
Function myNamedFunction;
RealClass() {
myNamedFunction = _theNamedFunction;
String _theNamedFunction() {
return _name;
class ClassThatCallsRealClass {
ClassThatCallsRealClass(Function func) {
//The test
TestClassMock testClassMock = new TestClassMock();
ClassThatCallsRealClass caller = new ClassThatCallsRealClass(testClassMock.myNamedFunction);
So to explain a bit, ClassThatCallsRealClass takes a function as a parameter and calls it. If you were to pass in (Instance Of RealClass).myNamedFunction, this would in turn call the private function _theNamedFunction on RealClass. However, if you try to mock RealClass and redirect all calls from myNamedFunction to the RealClass myNamedFunction, this seems to fail. I don't see any clear way to get this to work, but I would think it'd be possible.
Any ideas?
In Dart, all functions are instances of class Function as you know since you pass an instance of Function to the ClassThatCallsRealClass constructor. Instances of Function have a method call() as shown here.
Meanwhile, Dart has a very good mocking capability described here (with thanks to #KWalrath for the update).
So all you need to do is test with mocks like with any other object. Just as described in the reference, create a spy for ClassThatCallsRealClass and a mock for your Function instance. Then use a verify(happenedOnce) on the call() method of the function.
To mock your function do this:
class MockFunction extends Mock {
call(int a, int b) => a + b;
var mock = new MockFunction();
mock(1,2); //returns 3
Of course the parameter list to call will match that of the real function. Pass mock to your spy on ClassThatCallsRealClass.
That worked for me:
library x;
import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
import "package:unittest/mock.dart";
class TestClassMock extends Mock implements RealClass {
RealClass _real;
TestClassMock() {
_real = new RealClass();
class RealClass {
String _name = "RealClass";
Function myNamedFunction;
RealClass() {
myNamedFunction = _theNamedFunction;
String _theNamedFunction() {
return _name;
class ClassThatCallsRealClass {
ClassThatCallsRealClass(Function func) {
class MyFunc implements Function {
Function func;
String functionName;
MyFunc(this.func, this.functionName);
call() {
var inv = new MyInvocation(functionName);
main(List<String> args) {
test('xx', () {
//The test
TestClassMock testClassMock = new TestClassMock();
ClassThatCallsRealClass caller = new ClassThatCallsRealClass(new MyFunc(testClassMock.noSuchMethod, "myNamedFunction"));
class MyInvocation extends Invocation {
final String f;
bool get isGetter => false;
bool get isMethod => true;
bool get isSetter => false;
Symbol get memberName => new Symbol(f);
Map<Symbol, dynamic> get namedArguments => {};
List get positionalArguments => [];
testClassMock.myNamedFunction returns null so I call noSuchMethod directly instead which needs an Invocation.
Invocation is abstract so I created an implemented.
MyFunc is a class that wraps the function. MyFunc can be called as a function because it implements the call method.
Like the question at Dynamic class method invocation in PHP I want to do this in Dart.
var = "name";
page.${var} = value;;
Is that possible?
There are several things you can achieve with Mirrors.
Here's an example how to set values of classes and how to call methods dynamically:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Page {
var name;
method() {
void main() {
var page = new Page();
var im = reflect(page);
// Set values.
im.setField("name", "some value").then((temp) => print(;
// Call methods.
im.invoke("method", []);
In case you wonder, im is an InstanceMirror, which basically reflects the page instance.
There is also another question: Is there a way to dynamically call a method or set an instance variable in a class in Dart?
You can use Dart Mirror API to do such thing. Mirror API is not fully implemented now but here's how it could work :
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Page {
String name;
main() {
final page = new Page();
var value = "value";
InstanceMirror im = reflect(page);
im.setField("name", value).then((_){
print(; // display "value"
You can use Serializable
For example:
import 'package:serializable/serializable.dart';
class Page extends _$PageSerializable {
String name;
main() {
final page = new Page();
var attribute = "name";
var value = "value";
page["name"] = value;
page[attribute] = value;
print(" ${page['name']}");
I am working on a class for building drop down buttons dynamically. Here is excerpt one of my code (located in the Class constructor):
_button.onRollOver = function()
this.gotoAndStop("over");,0.2 * optionCount,{_y:mask._y, ease:Strong.easeOut, onComplete:detectMouse, onCompleteParams:[button]});
function detectMouse(button:MovieClip)
button.options.onMouseMove = function()
for (var option:String in this._parent.children)
if (this._parent.children[option].hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))
if (!this._parent.children[option].active) {
drawOption(this._parent.children[option], "hover");
this._parent.children[option].active = true;
I am attempting to call on the function drawOption() which is inside the same class and looks like so:
private function drawOption(option:MovieClip, state:String)
switch (state)
case "hover" :
var backgroundColour:Number = _shadow;
var textColour:Number = 0xffffff;
default :
var backgroundColour:Number = _background;
var textColour:Number = _shadow;
option._x = edgePadding;
option._y = 1 + edgePadding + (optionPadding * (option.index)) + (optionHeight * option.index);
var textfield:TextField = option.createTextField("string", option.getNextHighestDepth(), 20, 2, _optionWidth, optionHeight);
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.bold = true;
format.size = fontSize;
format.font = "Arial";
format.color = textColour;
textfield.text = option.string;
But because I am trying to call from inside an onRollOver it seems that it is unable to recognise the Class methods. How would I go about accessing the function without making a duplicate of it (very messy, do not want!).
In AS2 I prefer to use the Delegate class to add functions to event handlers whilst maintaining control over the scope.
You implement it like this:
import mx.utils.Delegate;
//create method allows you to set the active scope, and a handler function
_button.onRollOver = Delegate.create(this,rollOverHandler);
function rollOverHander() {
// since the scope has shifted you need to use
// the instance name of the button
_button.gotoAndStop("over");,0.2 * optionCount,{_y:mask._y, ease:Strong.easeOut, onComplete:detectMouse, onCompleteParams:[button]});
everything in the onrollover relates to the button which is rolled over, to access the outer functions, you would have to navigate to the outer class before calling the function in exactly the same way that you are accessing the outer variables, eg:
if the parent of the button contains the function:
ContainerMC class:
class ContainerMC extends MovieClip{
function ContainerMC() {
// constructor code
trace("Container => Constructor Called");
function Init(){
trace("Container => Init Called");
this["button_mc"].onRollOver = function(){
function SayHello():String{
trace("Container => SayHello Called");
return "Hellooooo World";
I then have a movieclip in the library with the Class ContainerMC and the identitfier Container_mc, which is added to the stage by this line in the main timeline:
var Container = attachMovie("Container_mc","Container_mc",_root.getNextHighestDepth());
Edit: added working sample