How to make viewViewAppear getting called in both Master and Detail view whenever they appear - ipad

My app has 5 screens which are controlled by a tabbar at bottom, and one of them is a SplitView.
My Problem is:
The master view is just cause viewWillAppear only one time at first rotation.
The detail view is also just cause viewWillAppear only one time at first load.
While I would like viewViewAppear of both master and detail view are getting called each time this screen is opened, because there are 5 different screens, and user may leave this screen to view another, so I would like to know whenever master and details view appear to change layout or refresh data.
Please help me, thanks in advance!

It looks like you just anwsered your own question. I know its something you dont want to hear but apple's documentation says it must get the root view. Try to restructure your app a bit.
Link to documentation:
From the documentation:
A split view controller must always be
the root of any interface you create.
In other words, you must always
install the view from
aUISplitViewController object as the
root view of your application’s
window. The panes of your split-view
interface may then contain navigation
controllers, tab bar controllers, or
any other type of view controller you
need to implement your interface.


How to present navigation controller from a seperate viewcontroller

I am building an Onboarding/Welcome screen for my app, but the problem is that my app has a tab bar, so my Onboarding somehow interferes with that and doesn't look like a seamless interface. My solution is to put the Onboarding thing on a separate view controller and once a user is done with that screen, it presents the navigation controller and all of ITS views. I have done some research on this, but I'm still lost. If you have any other ideas, or have solutions, please let me know, thanks.
Here is what I want to achieve:
In order to do this in a way that looks nice and works well you should not be pushing or presenting the tab bar but updating the root view controller of the whole window.
I can’t provide a code example right now but there will be several online sources for this.
You should be changing the view controller so it essentially toggles the app between “logged in” and “logged out”.
That way you don’t have to worry about how to get from one to the other. They act separately just dealing with their own stuff.

Possible to update a UIViewController that is not on screen?

I have a side menu controller that is part of the rootViewControllerI never remove it from there and when it slides off screen - its just an animation that updates its frame details.
Is it possible to update this view, while it is not displayed on scene? I have a UiTableView in there and I would like to reload it while it is off screen - so when the user slides out the screen, its already populated with new content.
My first approach was a delegate - however, the delegate method doesn't get fired and I believe this is due to it being off screen. But, I somehow think side its in UIWindow it is never really deallocated like a normal view when it leaves the screen?
I am using this Github project for the menu.
The view I want to update is in a UINavigation controller, one level deep. I can get the current instance of it - however, the delegate method doesn't trigger.
It seems to me that you are going with something like this. Even if not, look at the example. Here RootViewController is always alive and you move one viewcontroller to parent view controller and remove other one.
I have two ways to fix it:
If you are removing first view from parent view controller. Don't remove it. So the controller is still live and use delegates to trigger the event.
Remove first view controller then use Root view controller to get the updates and once the previous view controller loads back take updates from root view controller and update this one.
Hope it can atleast give you an idea.

Best practice to develop common header view across all controllers/windows in iOS app

I'm keeping on developing an iPhone app (rigth now native one) and I would need to use a common "header" for all views but I don't want/need a UINavigationBar and prefer much more have a common "partial view". It will have some actions to perform but always the same ones (showing notifications panel, basically). It should be something like you can see in the screenshots.
I don't need (I feel) delegation because the controller's view can handle notifications and show them when user clicked the customize button.
I don't mind to use a Nib o make the view hardcoded but I'm not sure how I must make an instance of the view or the controller that handles it within each app tab (I'm using UITabBar as navigation control).
From my point of view it doesn't exist a way to get a common controller to call wherever needed; you just can use some method to present new controller as modal o push it out and I think that is not what I'm looking for.
Any idea is welcome. Thanks
Create a custom view controller with 2 subviews. Subview 1 is the header. Subview 2 is the container view where child view controllers are displayed (your tab bar controller in this case).
Your custom view controller could be the delegate of the tab bar controller if you want, so it can be notified when the tabs change and update anything on the header view.
Well, finally is have used the solution I found on the link
I have created a Nib with a view controller and then, in the main window I have added two view, the top one subclasses the view controller for the Nib view and it is rendered automatically when app is launched without a single line of code within "main" controller. See the screenshots for more detail:
Thank you very much for your help

UzysSlideMenu: how to use several view controllers?

I just came across a slide-in menu I really like:
I would like to use this menu for an application that uses several view controllers (UIViewControllers and UINavigationControllers).
In Xcode, I created a single view application and made the view controller (MenuViewController) show the menu, like the creator did in his example project. I added more view controllers to the storyboard and connected them via segues to the MenuViewController. Upon selecting a menu item, these segues are triggered and the selected view is shown - so far so good.
But now, I run into the following problem:
All my view controllers are shown in full screen. That means that VCs that get segue'd in the viewport don't show the menu, because it's just not implemented there. I could put the menu in every VC, but that doesn't seem to be the right way to do it (even if I use some custom delegate method that every controller calls, like putMenuInViewController:(UIViewController *)target). I think I need something like a global singleton for the menu and make it appear in every view controller, but I have absolutely no idea on how to it or what to google for.
Any points into the right direction are greatly appreciated :)
I think you need to implement one root view controller with this menu as singleton, and add other view controller as child view controller to it.
I wrote a post about it, you can find it here:

Programmatically load the initial view controller from storyboard IOS5

I am creating a login type functionality for my iphone app. I've laid the whole thing out in storyboard. I have set a condition that keeps the user logged in for a day. Then after that, the application should direct them to the initial view controller (a page where they have to enter login credentials).
I was planning on putting this logic in the AppDelegate (app did load). If there is a better place to put this logic, I'd be open to that. But how do i access and load the initial view controller in my storyboard?
The reason I can't just load a segue to this initial view, is because I won't necessarily know where the user last left the application. And i don't want to create individual segues from each view back to the initial view.
EDIT! In response to Luis's answer
Okay, great! I added a navigation controller at the beginning of my starboard, like the first character suggested. Now, I'd like to go back to the navigation controller every time I open, or re-open the app, so that the navigation controller's logic executes. Thanks
Read both of the answers provided for this question, the first approach is easier but you have to do what you just wrote you didn't, the second one is what you are looking for but its way more complicated.
iOS 5 storyboard, programmatically determine path
