Strange issue on ipad - ipad

After using my app for sometime.Suddenly, few of the images disappear.Instead, I can see a black screen.Even the wall paper of ipad disappears.Please help!
My screen has image view with some image, next & previous button.Everytime user presses next/previous button audio file plays & image changes.If I am using it for a long time.I cannot see some of the images, while I can hear the audio file

Its because of memory shortage.I fixed this issue by removing various leaks.Hope it helps!


How to make a screen-record guiding video for iOS device

I'm creating an iOS app on recording screen by using ReplayKit.
I want to make a user operation video to guide user on how to use my app to record screen.
So I need to record a video on how to record screen and this approach is a bit awkward.
I tried several ways: Screen Mirroring such as AirPlayer and QuickTime, but the recording button on control-center is disabled whilst using Screen Mirroring.
The effect I want is as follows:
How was this video made?
I think you could recreate that video by recording your screen showing every action you want, save the video and edit it on top of an iPhone image asset.

Auto video in iphone?

Anyone know how to add the auto playing video background in iOS? I am guessing its actually images? But the video lasts for 15 seconds so if its images then at 24fps minimum that is a lot of images.
I tried using the UIImageView swapping of images, but it seems like a hack way to do this.
See Uber's app and I think Airbnb has it also.
You can make them images as you guessed, or play video using either MPMoviePlayerController or AvPlayer. Just add any as a subview to your view and make it play at viewWillAppear. I used AvPlayer as the app home screen background before and it worked perfectly.

Airplay with AVQueuePlayer has gaps

My app uses AVQueuePlayer to show video clips back to back. In testing on my AppleTV, it seems that when I switch to the next video in the queue, there is a small time gap where the Apple TV 'takes over' the screen and the home screen of the Apple TV is displayed. Is there any way to prevent this gap from happening, even a black screen or loading indicator would be a better experience.
I was having this exact same problem and was dismayed when I saw that no one had yet to find an answer.
The solution I ended up going with involved taking advantage of the multiple display support added in iOS 5. There are some helpful links in learning how to do this here:
The app I am designing will basically look for the availability of an external screen. If it finds one it will play the videos on the viewcontroller I provide for that external screen. That viewcontroller can have a black background so that any pause in between videos looks natural and no longer has the Apple TV home screen pop into view for a moment.

Play video file on splash screen

Can I play a video file in the splash screen?
I use Defualt.png and sleep interval method to use static splash screen. Instead of an image, I want to play a video of about 10 sec.
How can I do that?
Just make Default.png to be the first frame of your video. When the application is loaded, start the video. This is something in between. Hope it helps.
No, the default image is shown by the system while your app is loading, so your code isn't running yet (kinda the whole point). Once it is loaded, you can create a media player and play your video.

iOS 4.1 black screen before playing video using MPMoviePlayerViewController

My application flow is something like the following
A Video plays.
Once its done. Couple of icons are shown on the screen for users to tap on.
Depending on which icon was tapped, another video starts.
If no icon is tapped for like 5 seconds we automatically go to next video.
The problem is with 3. Just before the video starts a black screen appears for like 0.5 second.
Not sure what's going on because the videos in step 1 and step 4 plays fine.
It will be great if someone can give ideas to debug and fix this.
You can try to put a background-image onto the player with:
[[moviePlayer view] setBackgroundColor:<UIImage>image];
