Rails 3.0 authorization per user not roles - ruby-on-rails

A lot of the rails authorization gems in rails is based on the idea of roles. We have a website that does not have "roles" but rather many users. Each user needs access to changed/update information on a single page rather than on lots of pages in a role of author. The page that they are editing is public accessible (view) but only editable by that user or the admin. No other user can edit that page.
Creating a role per user for this is silly.
Are there any rails gems already available that will allow this sort of mapping to users that do not have a particular grouping in a role?
Am I looking at the problem incorrectly?

You can use CanCan, and limit the queries / actions per user. Check it here https://github.com/ryanb/cancan . And there's an example of how to do this in Railscast 192.
I have the idea that I've seen an example in which CanCan added a mixin active record to provide some out of the box authorization, but I can't find an example of that. It the code looked like (it the app would be a blog with comments) Comment.authorize.find(1) and that command validated that the user had created the comment.

Role based permission systems are old hat,
Mysql changed from a roles based system to
a permissions based system a long time ago.
I have a plugin that is very similar to cancan
but it differs in a few small ways.Fat Model Auth


Devise and discourse: Seperate devise users for vendors and users or just one devise for users?

I'm building a website, where vendors can have their own separate website on. There is vendors and normal users.
The goal is to have a closed profile page w. login for both, where a vendor can edit his website, check out stats and more. A normal user is also able to login to mark different vendor's websites as favourites and check out newest post on the forum. So what is important here is: They booth need to be on my Discourse forum, but I'd like to avoid a Vendor to have a login both for vendor and for a user (Signing up twice).
http://www.discourse.org/ has SSO ability for devise, but im not sure if it allows for two different devise models.
Should I:
Create one devise-model for both, called Users? (And have a boolean or integer if User is a vendor/has vendor-access?)
Separate them: One for Users and one for Vendors?
I haven't tested out if Discourse allows for two devise-models, since Discourse is the easiest to set up in production-mode. But I need your advice: Can I use Single sign-on for devise with two different devise models? Is it the preferable way? Or is there other ways than this I haven't noticed? Like adding a user to a vendor, or something?
Using rails 5
We can achieve this by managing role field. We can make entry on the time of sign_up in role field that user is normal user or vendor. After create this we check user_role can in after_sign_up_path and redirect to path accordingly.
for this refer gem rolify
please correct me if getting any thing wrong.

Using ActiveAdmin in Rails to create user specific admin pages

To explain it in a sentence, I am asking if it is possible to use the ActiveAdmin gem to create admin pages specific to admin users, i.e. each admin user only gets to see models and associating models specific to him. If so, how would I implement this?
To further explain my situation, I have a model called Sponsor(who would essentially be the admin users), and they put up different offers(another model that belongs to Sponsor) for users to redeem. So what I am trying to do is create an admin page where each sponsor gets his own admin credentials, and the admin page only shows the information that relates to this sponsor, i.e. the information regarding the offers this sponsor put up, and all relating models and its details. Is this possible to implement using the ActiveAdmin gem or any other gems for that matter?
I would rather not implement this from scratch if there are gems out there that I could use. Any suggestions?
I haven't tried this myself but it should be easily achievable in ActiveAdmin
either by changing the default scope on per controller basis or by using AuthorizationAdapter.

How to create users with different dashboard layouts and privileges using RailsAdmin in Ruby on Rails

We are trying to create different groups of users with restricted database
functionality using the railsAdmin plugin in Rails. Specifically, there is a
table in the database that indexes all personnel. We want to create two
levels of user accounts. "Admins" have access to all personnel. "Moderators"
have access to a subset of personnel only. Further, moderators should be
able to add personnel to the database, but they should be visible only to
that moderator and the admins. As an example, if user A is a moderator and
adds a person named "Dave,", we don't want Dave to be visible in the
dashboard for other moderators (e.g., B, C, etc). Similarly, if moderator B
adds a person, s/he should be visible only to moderator B. We are having
difficulty determining where in the code this type of functionality should
be added. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thank you.
Have you considered using CanCan with rails_admin?
There is a pretty good guide on authorisation using CanCan with rails_admin on their wiki:
p.s. you might prefer to use CanCanCan which is more actively maintained

How to handle authorizations based on different subscriptions to users in rails 3?

I am working on Rails 3.2. I am currently building tenant-based site which provides registration to the users. For users those want to register to the site, they need to get subscription plan provided from the site. Based on these subscriptions, I am supposed to provide different authorizations to users. For example, Plan A-subscription will allow user to create some 100 contacts, 100 events and no document uploads, while Plan B-subscription will allow user to create some 250 contacts, 200 events with document uploading features, etc. with further plans.
For this, I require data access authorizations at model level too.
In a nutshell, these functioning specifically lists all authorizations and Access Control lists for the users.
As working on Rails 3.2, I have found few gems which will help to declare authorization-rules for users.
These gems allow to specify authorization-rules for the application. But I need authorization-rules also at Model level while limiting the access to the database from the user's side. Please suggest me with few documentation or gems to get through...
Any suggestions would be helpful..
I would suggest
there is a nice screencast on it aswell.
As the creator of fat_model_auth I can recommend it.
Just released a new gem which works great with Rails 5.

Authorization model for Ruby on Rails

I am building a project management app and I am not sure which is the best/correct authorization model to implement given I am new to Rails (and programming in general). Here is what I am trying to do.
I want to be able to add a "client" to the application and then multiple projects to a client. I would like to be able to add users (that are essentially representatives of the client) to view that clients multiple projects but not other clients. I intend on having controllers for time tracking, notes, comments and images all to be associated with both clients and project of that client.
In addition, I would like to set up the account to control who is able to have one. I don't need the user to establish an account on their own.
Does that make sense?
I believe what you are mentioning is called Authorization not Authentication, anyway:
I would suggest acl9 for authorization and authlogic for authentication.
These (free) Railscasts should give you some food for thought. There are lots of great RubyGems/plugins out there for this sort of thing.
The Ruby Toolbox gives you an overview of tools and their popularity in the rails community (rated by watchers and forkers on GitHub). As you can see there, the suggested plugins restful_authentication and authlogic are almost on the same level.
Restful Authentication is still the golden standard for user authentication in ruby on rails.
I have used Authorization plug-in in the past and like it because it gives some nice meta methods such as:
user.is_eligible_for_what --> returns array of authorizable objects for which user has role "eligible"
user.is_moderator_of? group --> returns true/false
user.is_moderator_of group --> sets user to have role "moderator" for object group.
user.is_administrator --> sets user to have role "administrator" not really tied to any object.
There's also a brand new RailsCast on CanCan.
I'd use AuthLogic for authentication (logging in users and making sure they are who they claim to be) and declarative_authorization for authorization (making sure they have access to resources). See Ryan Bates' excellent Railscasts on AuthLogic and restful_authentication for more info.
