Rails - How to access the current environment's host URL? - ruby-on-rails

in my rails app for my environments, i have the following:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '' }
How can I access that param in a user_mailer?
I want to get what host equals.



rails 3 + devise: how do I make the email confirmation links use secure https (not http)

How to I tell Devise to use https (not http) for all the account confirmation and password reminder etc links?
[note: I'm not looking for a solution to redirect all http to https, I just need devise to ensure the links it creates use https]
Our rails 3 app uses devise, and the app runs fine under https, however, devise always uses http for the email confirmation and password links it emails to users.
In our environment files I tried changing:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "app1.mydomain.com" }
{ :host => "https://app1.mydomain.com" }
but predictably devise creates links that look like
http://https//app1.mydomain.com.... (eg, it prepends the :host settings with http:)
default_url_options accepts the same hash parameters as url_for. So you should be able to do this:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :protocol => 'https', :host => 'app1.mydomain.com' }
To set the protocol but also a subdirectory :
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
:host => "www.example.com",
:protocol => 'https',
:only_path => false,
:script_name => "/app" #add this attribute if your app is deployed in a subdirectory

relative_url_root in ActionMailer

What's the equivalent of relative_url_root in ActionMailer?
I've tried setting it up in default_url_options, but it appends the parameter in the query string.
Adding :skip_relative_url_root = false doesn't work either.
Using :host = 'somehost.com/subdir' does work, but is that appropriate?
A cleaner way to do it :
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
:host => "somehost.com",
:only_path => false,
:script_name => "/subdir"
Use script_name option into default_url_options of ActionMailer::Base. Based on this article.

Rails: generate a full URL in an ActionMailer view

I'm using ActionMailer to send a sign up confirmation email. The email needs to contain a link back to the site to verify the user, but I can't persuade Rails to generate a full URL (including the domain etc).
I'm using:
<%= url_for :controller => 'login', :action => 'verify', :guid => #user.new_user.guid, :only_path => false, :host => 'http://plantality.com' %>
in my view
Part b:
In development mode Rails gripes if I don't specify the host explicilty in the link above. But I don't want to do this in production. Any solutions?
To solve the problem to pass a host for generating URLs in ActionMailer, check out this plugin and the reason why I wrote it.
To solve the first issue, use named routes when applicable. Instead of
<%= url_for :controller => 'login', :action => 'verify', :guid => #user.new_user.guid, :only_path => false, :host => 'http://plantality.com' %>
assuming the route is called login, use
<%= login_url(:guid => #user.new_user.guid) %>
Note, I'm using login_url, not login_path.
I'm not sure if it is what you want but in config/environments/development.rb you can specify default options for mailer urls
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
:host => "your.host.org",
:port => 3000
you can do the same in config/environments/production.rb
I don't know why the previous solutions seem so complicated, but since I'm here why not give my 2 cents...
Go to /config/environments and add:
config.absolute_site_url = 'your site url'
for the respective environment (ie. in development.rb, test.rb, or production.rb). Restart web server.
This allows you to call Rails.application.config.absolute_site_url to get the desired URL. No need for plugins or weird cheat, just store the site url as an application wide variable.
I think its not 100% correct way but this can also be a solution :
See the Using asset hosts section in the documentation. You need to specify an asset_host. You can also construct it dynamically from the request chaining "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/login/?guid=#{#user.new_user.guid}"
To generate url, try this
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.user_url(User.first.id, host: 'yourhost.io')
this will generate url like this:
As well you can pass some params
expires = Time.now + 2.days
params = {expires: expires}
u = User.first.id
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.user_url(u, params, host: 'host.com')
will generate:
so you can werifi in action if link is not expired

localhost on rails

I am sending an email that contains a link to my website. I want to be able to test it locally and be able to move the scripts around to different hosts easily.
In my email right now I use the following:
<%= url_for(:host => 'localhost:3000', :controller => "user_activations", :action => "show", :id=>#id, :confirm=>#passcode) %>
This works for when testing locally but will obviously fail for production. Is there an easy way to have rails (or ruby) detect what the current host is? I'm thinking something like $_SERVER of php.
I realize I can use some logic using my environment variable but I would like to avoid this.
I define a constant 'HOST' in my environment.rb that sets my host. Alternatively you can use request.host or request.domain.
in environments/development.rb
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "localhost", :port => 3000 }
in environments/production.rb
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "www.xyu.at" }
and use tests with rspec-email :)

How do I configure the hostname for Rails ActionMailer?

I'm working on a fairly traditional forgot password email - I want to email the user a password change token embedded in a link that they can click on in order to change their password. I'm emailing via the traditional ActionMailer.
If I use a normal link_to tag
<%= link_to "click here", :controller => foo, :action => 'bar', :token => token %>
I get a relative link - rather useless from an email.
If I add in
:only_path => false, then it errors saying I need to set default_url_options[:host]. The ActionController docs imply that you do that by overriding the #default_url_options methods in your controller. Surely there's a configuration option to tell Rails what it's hostname is without adding my own config file, parsing it, etc?
default_url_options is available from config.action_mailer and should be set in your environment's configuration file.
For example, in config/environments/production.rb:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
:host => 'www.yourdomain.com'
For local testing, modify config/environments/development.rb:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
:host => '',
:port => 3000
Then, assuming you have a named route called forgot_password_login, you can generate the login link URL in your mailer using something like this:
forgot_password_login_url(:token => 'a7s8q15sk2...')
You probably want to set :protocol => 'https' as well, btw.
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
:host => "portal.example.com",
:protocol => 'https'
There is another alternative, as described in http://pivotallabs.com/how-i-leaned-to-stop-hating-and-love-action-mailer/
This solution has the advantage that it doesn't require any configuration (so less of a hassle), and works fine as long as you send emails from within controllers.
But if you plan on sending email without going through a controller (e.g. from command line or in response to another email), you need the static configuration.
Setting default_url_options directly is deprecated in Rails 3.1. Use url_for instead.
Add parameter :protocol to override default value (http), :protocol => 'https://'. This will create url starting with "https://..." instead of default "http://"
Interestingly, I had the same issue as you did, but in unit tests (while following Michael Hartl's railstutorial). I had this line in my test.rb file, but that didn't help:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'example.com', protocol: 'http' }
I've also added another line like this to test.rb, and surprisingly this solved the issue
default_url_options = { host: 'example.com', protocol: 'http' }
Setting default_url_options directly is deprecated in Rails 3.1
Use the url_for helper to create it:
<%= link_to "click here", url_for(:controller => foo, :action => 'bar', :token => token, :host => 'www.yourdomain.com') %>
Can you just do
<%="click here", :controller => foo, :action => 'bar', :token => token, :host=>request.host -%>
