AS3 - how to set VideoPlayer's metadata? - actionscript

I've set a custom client for a FLVPlayback's netStream, to attach my own functions (onXMPData, onMetaData) to parse the various info myself. However, i'd still like to pass the meta data back to the VideoPlayer. How do I do this? I tried dispatching a METADATA_RECEIVED event with the metadata object (tried dispatching from the client, the netstream, the video player, the flvplayback..), but it does not work.

I gave up, and decided just to open two netstreams for the f4v. The regular, untampered flvplayback one.. and then another just for reading xmpdata.


Set the Visitor ID in Adobe Analytics through DTM

I'm trying to set the Visitor ID in Adobe Analytics through DTM.
Above the s_code I have:
var visitor = new Visitor("xxxx")
visitor.trackingServer = ""
I've created a data element where the legacy code used to call the
and set the Visitor ID to %Visitor ID%
That's not working however, and my visitor ID is always just set to %Visitor ID% and obviously not reading any values. I'd really appreciate any input that someone can give me.
The Visitor ID pops s.visitorID and is in general related to visitor id, but is not the same as s.visitor which is what gets popped for the VisitorAPI integration. DTM does not currently have a built-in field for the s.visitor variable, so you will have to set it yourself within the config, either in the Library Management code editor (assuming you are opting to c/p the core lib and not the "Managed by Adobe" option) or else in the Custom Page Code section.
Since you are popping it in a data layer first, you can reference the data layer like this:
s.visitor = _satellite.getVar('Visitor ID');
NOTE: A separate potential issue you may have is with whether or not the Visitor object is available for your data element. Since data elements are the first thing to be evaluated by DTM, you will need to ensure that the VisitorAPI.js library is output before your top page DTM script include.
If this is a problem for you, or if you are wanting to host VisitorAPI.js within DTM, then you may need to adjust where you are popping that stuff. For example, place the VisitorAPI core code above the custom code as the first stuff within the data element, before:
var visitor = new Visitor("xxxx") visitor.trackingServer = "
Or, don't use the data element at all. Instead, put the VisitorAPI code within the Adobe Analytics custom code or core lib section and pop all that stuff (aboove the s.visitor assignment). Or a number of other methods; point is, VisitorAPI stuff must be loaded before the data element can make use of it, same as it must be loaded before Adobe Analytics can make use of it.
So DTM is changing pretty fast and furious right now. They have a "Marketing Cloud Service ID" that works well. Before I used that, however, I did find a way to fix the code. Crayon Violent was right, as usual, that the problem was that the script wasn't available yet. I fixed this by putting the following code in between the VisitorAPI.js and the AppMeasurement stuff in the DTM managed library.
var aA = new AppMeasurement();
aA.visitor = Visitor.getInstance("companyname");
In addition, there were also some issues using my localhost for testing while trying to see if I had this correct or not. If you are having issues and think you have it correct, it may be worthwhile to elevate it to a different environment.

Response comments added to the wrong parent document

I have a view data source that uses a view key to access documents and show them in a repeat with var "posts". within the repeat I have a document data source with var "post" that gets's the the unid of the documents using posts.getUniversalID().
further down the repeat I have another document data source "newcomment" that is a response and take the parent id as: post.getDocument().getUniversalID()
below the newcomment data source I have an editbox and a submit button which saves the comment as a response to the "post" using
Here is my problem
two people access the same xpage. personA enters the page and starts writing a comment to a post. in the same time personB creates a new post and submit it before personA submits the comment. What happens now is that the comments gets binded to the latest post and not to the post personA responded to.
I tried anothoher thing also, let's say there is 10 posts in that database. personA and personB access the xpages. personA start writing a comment to post number 8. at the same time personB creates two new posts in the database. when personA now submits the comment it seem to get bind to the same index which is now two posts up. but still index 8. which is ofcourse the wrong post.
If I change the repeat to "createControlsAtPageCreation" ie.e repeatControls=true the comment is attached to the correct post but then I run into another problem that the view is not updated to show the latest posts.
my repeat is wihtin a custom control that is loaded dynamically using the dynamic content control in extlib.
As information here is what I have found about the repeatControls settings
Setting the repeatControls property to true instructs the repeat control to create a new copy of its children for each iteration over the dataset.
When the Repeat control is configured with the property
repeatControls=“true” , it repeats its contents only once, at page load time
So my question here is that I do not understand what is going on. why is my comment attached to the wrong parent document? and is there a way I can prevent this and still have new posts displayed correctly
thanks for your help
Without the code it's a bit hard to imagine what exactly is going one here but this looks very similar to problem that I had with repeat control and value binding.
Long story short the problem was connecet to repeatControls property set to false. When it was like that data binding were working only for first element in collection - all data was somehow magically saved to this first object! I managed to get this working by using combination of dynamic content control rebuild and repeatControls set to true. Only then databindings were working property.
It seems like if You are repeating rendering only (and this is what repeatControls set to false do) the decoding phase of jsf lifecycle goes foobar.
Without your XSP markup, it's difficult to be absolutely definitive but it appears that you're app code is creating and persisting the datasources and components per row during page load - therefore increasing the overall size and complexity of the component tree also. You should alternatively try an approach that will lazy-load the datasource only when requested by the end-user (eg: edit / reply).
Refer to the XPages Extension Library demo application (XPagesExt.nsf) for examples that use such a dynamic approach. In particular, look at Core_InPlaceForm.xsp which demonstrates using the xe:inPlaceForm control within a xp:repeat. And also see Domino_ForumView.xsp which demonstrates using the xe:forumView and xe:forumPost controls to manage and visualize a hierarchical thread. Also consider the concurrency mode that best suits your requirements when it actually comes to saving any given post or comment (fail, createConflict, force, exception) and document locking for high contention situations. The above-mentioned controls all provide the highest level of dynamic control and datasource creation and destruction.
Please feel free to send me on a worked example database, where I can understand your exact use case - DM me or email me.

Issue using executeQueryLocally without server metadata

I'm not using EF, so have followed the NoDb sample to successfully load data from my WebApi without using the server side metadata. After the initial load, I was hoping to use the local data cache in the EntityManager while the user interacts with the page. The problem is when I call executeQueryLocally, the cached data set is empty. I stepped through the code to see why the data wasn't being saved to the cache, and there were two issues:
in _getEntityType, metadataStore.isEmpty() was returning true.
in _getEntityType, metadataStore._getEntityTypeNameForResourceName was returning nothing
To get around the this, I added calls in my code to metadataStore.addDataService and metadataStore._setEntityTypeForResourceName. After adding these, the cache was saved properly and executeQueryLocally worked. I'm assuming this was not the intended way to get this to work... Is there something else I am doing wrong? Or is this a bug that can be fixed?
Sorry for taking so long getting back to this one.
We just made the metadataStore.setEntityTypeForResourceName public in breeze v.1.1.3. ( we renamed the method to remove the first '_".
Otherwise, you did exactly the right thing. Good catch.

Access specific extension object data from page code

I'm trying to build an addon that will observe and collect XHR and image responses received on a page and make them available to page script (on that page) for further inspection.
In my 'http-on-examine-response' observer code, I push URLs I'm interested in, into an array for their associated window, into an object, something like this -
myWindowId = resp.outerWindowID+'-'+resp.currentInnerWindowID;
(I thought that approach may be better than using tab references to identify unique source windows)
The relevant arrays are updated automatically as any page makes a request.
I'd like to be able to query the relevant array from page script or a bookmarklet at any time.
Should I set up port.on..., or postMessage() communication between the page/bookmarklet, content script and extension, or use a pageMod to write the appropriate array directly to an unsafeWindow global object on the relevant page?
I couldn't figure out how to make a pageMod write a specific array to a specific page as soon as the new responses were observed.
Full source is here -
I think it's all working, apart from getting the data back on to the page.
With help from Wladimir Palant, I found that XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap() is defined and does what I needed from the SDK module context. It allowed me to set variables directly in a window from my addon.
More info about wrappers here -

How to do post-processing of video saved by Red5 media server

I have a use case, where in after sending the video stream to the Red5 server, I would like to post process on the video after the video is saved. I would like to add some metadata tags on them.
I found that this can be done in appDisconnect() method in the ApplicationAdapter, but there are other ways via which the video can be saved like by using ClientBroadcastStream also.
ClientBroadcastStream stream = (ClientBroadcastStream) app.getBroadcastStream(
conn.getScope(), "hostStream");
// Stop recording
I would like to know if there are any events which I can listen on (like which tells me that video is saved and is saved in this location with this filename) to do post-processing of the video. So that I need not put hooks in multiple places.
The "ez" way is to implement your own ClientBroadcastStream by extending this base class. Then simply override the "stopRecording()" method. If you would like to take a moment and add an enhancement request on the issue tracker, I would be glad to look into adding scope events for this type of thing. With a scope event you could just listen for them anywhere and handle them appropriately. Red5 issue tracker:
Using a custom stream class would be configured in the red5-common.xml like so:
<bean id="clientBroadcastStream" scope="prototype" lazy-init="true" class="com.mypackage.MyClientBroadcastStream">
