CTRL + Click not working - delphi

Code browsing is not working for my project. I set the Search Path to all the Source units that I am using. And also I deleted the .local and .identcache files. My project is compiling with no problems. What can I do to make ctrl + click work.

One bug that I am aware of occurs when you have a class which declares a record inline, as so:
TMyClass = class
FData: record
MyData: Integer;
If you have any code like this then many of the IDE's code insight/completion/whatever features stop working. This fault stretches right back to Delphi 6 and possibly beyond.
I fix it with an class private type declaration:
TMyClass = class
TData = record
MyData: Integer;
FData: TData;
But if that syntax is not available in D2007 then you'd need to declare the record type outside the class.
Another factor which I find can confuse the IDE is if you are using a lot of conditional statements ($IFDEF and the like).
Finally I'd recommend installing Andreas Hausladen's IDEFixPack which does improve IDE behaviour.
Of course, your problem may be caused by something else, but without being able to experiment with your actual code, we have to guess to a degree.

Ctrl-Click easily gets confused when you use conditional defines to control what code gets compiled:
Usually it needs a couple of these, but sometimes a single one of these, especially in the interface section, is enough to send Ctrl-Click into confusion.
Another time when I have seen Ctrl-Click not to work is when you are using project groups and the unit you have in the editor does not belong to the project that is currently active in the project group.

I had same problem with code browsing in my module (in Delphi XE3). Look for your source code and find construction like this:
procedure procName;
if ... then
end else
Attention to last "else".
The compiler understands this code, but Code Browsing don't.
It's need to insert ";" after "else" or erase "else".
After this correction of source, the Code Browser is working.


Is there an easy way to work around a Delphi utf8-file flaw?

I have discovered (the hard way) that if a file has a valid UTF-8 BOM but contains any invalid UTF8 encodings, and is read by any of the Delphi (2009+) encoding-enabled methods such as LoadFromFile, then the result is a completely empty file with no error indication. In several of my applications, I would prefer to simply lose a few bad encodings, even if I get no error report in this case either.
Debugging reveals that MultiByteToWideChar is called twice, first to get the output buffer size, then to do the conversion. But TEncoding.UTF8 contains a private FMBToWCharFlags value for these calls, and this is initialized with a MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS value. So the call to get the charcount returns 0 and the loaded file is completely empty. Calling this API without the flag would 'silently drop illegal code points'.
My question is how best to weave through the nest of classes in the Encoding area to work around the fact that this is a private value (and needs to be, because it is a class var for all threads). I think I could add a custom UTF8 encoding, using the guidance in Marco Cantu's Delphi 2009 book. And it could optionally raise an exception if MultiByteToWideChar has returned an encoding error, after calling it again without the flag. But that does not solve the problem of how to get my custom encoding used instead of Tencoding.UTF8.
If I could just set this up as a default for the application at initialization, perhaps by actually modifying the class var for Tencoding.UFT8, this would probably be sufficient.
Of course, I need a solution without waiting to lodge a QC report asking for a more robust design, getting it accepted, and seeing it changed.
Any ideas would be very welcome. And can someone confirm this is still an issue for XE4, which I have not yet installed?
I ran into the MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS issue when I first updated Indy to support TEncoding, and ended up implementing a custom TEncoding-derived class for UTF-8 handling to avoid specifying MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS. I didn't think to use a class helper.
However, this issue is not just limited to UTF-8. Any decoding failure of any of the TEncoding classes will result in a blank result, not an exception being raised. Why Embarcadero chose that route, when most of the RTL/VCL uses exceptions instead, is beyond me. Not raising an exception on error caused a fair amount of issues in Indy that had to be worked around.
This can be done pretty simply, at least in Delphi XE5 (have not checked earlier versions). Just instantiate your own TUTF8Encoding:
procedure LoadInvalidUTF8File(const Filename: string);
FEncoding: TUTF8Encoding;
FEncoding := TUTF8Encoding.Create(CP_UTF8, 0, 0);
// Instead of CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, 0
with TStringList.Create do
LoadFromFile(Filename, FEncoding);
// ...
The only issue here is that the IsSingleByte property for the newly instantiated TUTF8Encoding is then incorrectly set to False, but this property is not currently used anywhere in the Delphi sources.
A partial workaround is to force the UTF8 encoding to suppress MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS globally. For me, this avoids the need for raising an exception, because I find it makes MultiByteToWideChar not quite 'silent': it actually inserts $fffd characters (Unicode 'replacement character') which I can then find in the cases where this is important. The following code does this:
unit fixutf8;
uses System.Sysutils;
TUTF8fixer = class helper for Tmbcsencoding
procedure setflag0;
procedure TUTF8fixer.setflag0;
{$if CompilerVersion = 31}
MOV Self.FMBToWCharFlags,ECX
Self.FMBToWCharFlags := 0;
procedure initencoding;
(Tencoding.UTF8 as TmbcsEncoding).setflag0;
A more useful and principled fix would require changing the calls to MultiByteToWideChar not to use MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, and to make an initial call with this flag so that an exception could be raised after the load is complete, to indicate that characters will have been replaced.
There are relevant QC reports on this issue, including 76571, 79042 and 111980. The first one has been resolved 'as designed'.
(Edited to work with Delphi Berlin)
Your "global" approach is not really global - it relies upon the assumption that all the code would only use one and the same instance of TUTF8Encoding. The same instance where you hacked the flags field.
But it would not work if one obtain TUTF8Encoding object(s) by other means than TEncoding.GetUTF8, for example in XE2 another method - TEncoding.GetEncoding(CP_UTF8) - would create a new instance of TUTF8Encoding instead of re-using FUTF8 shared one. Or some function might run TUTF8Encode.Create directly.
So i'd suggest two more approaches.
Approach with patching the class implementation, somewhat hacky. You introduce your own class for the sake of obtaining new "fixes" constructor body.
type TMyUTF8Encoding = class(TUTF8Encoding)
public constructor Create; override;
This constructor would be the copycat of TUTF8Encoding.Create() implementation, except for setting the flag as you want it ( in XE2 it is done by calling another, inherited Create(x,y,z) so u would not need an access to the private field ) instead.
Then you can patch the stock TUTF8Encoding VMT overriding its virtual constructor to that new constructor of yours.
You may read Delphi documentation about "internal formats" and so forth, to get the VMT layout. You would also need calling VirtualProtect (or other platform-specific function) to remove protection from VMT memory area before patching and then to restore it.
Examples to learn from
How to change the implementation (detour) of an externally declared function
Or you may try using Delphi Detours library, hopefully it can patch virtual constructors. Then... it might be an overkill here to use that rather complex lib for that single goal.
After you hacked the TUTF8Encoding class do call the TEncoding.FreeEncodings to remove the already created shared instances (if any) if any and thus trigger recreating the UTF8 instances with your modifications.
Then, if you compile your program as a single monolithic EXE , without using runtime BPL modules, you just can copy the SysUtils.pas sources to your application folder and then to include that local copy into your project explicitly.
How to patch a method in Classes.pas
There you would change the very TUTF8Encoding implementation as you see fit in the sources and Delphi would use it.
This brain-deadly simplistic (hence - equally reliable) approach would not work though if your projects would be built to reuse rtlNNN.bpl runtime package instead of being monolithic.

how to get a component class in DLL

I'm making a mdi application with many child forms, one of which is the form to display the report.
on the report form I use dll files to display all the components on the form and look for value
in each component, I use the following code to do that.
// this code i write in dll or bpl file
procedure getReportParams(Form : Tform); stdcall;
i : integer;
str, cbstr : string;
b : boolean;
for i:=0 to Form.ComponentCount-1 do
str:=str+Form.Components[i].Name+' - '+Form.Components[i].ClassName+', ';
if (Form.Components[i] is TcxLookupComboBox) then
showmessage('test 1');
// if i uncomment the code below, the program get error Einvalidcast
// cbstr:=(Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookupComboBox).Text;
// if (Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookUpCombobox).Parent=Form.FindComponent('pnledit') then
// showmessage((Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookUpCombobox).Name);
// this showmessage work well in dll, bpl, or other unit
if b then
showmessage(cbstr+' true') else showmessage(cbstr+' false');
simple question is how to write code cbstr:=(Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookupComboBox).Text; with corecly without get EInvalidCast error?
Btw if i write this code in other unit, dll and bpl program get error but if i write that code in same unit (unit report) the code work well. thank for advance.
Your problem is that the classes in your DLL are different from the classes in your executable. You have two instances of these classes, even thought they are compiled from the same code. The compiler is accurate when it says that the object is not the class that you cast it to. You simply cannot share Delphi classes using DLLs.
The solution is either:
Compile all your code into a single executable.
Use runtime packages to share classes.
In your scenario it's not enough that you put your code in a package. The problem are the devexpresses classes. You need to link to those using runtime packages. Because you are not doing so you have multiple different versions of those classes.
You note that the results of the is operator appear to be at odds with the ClassName function. Well, that's because all the different versions of the class have the same name.
I also note that the issue you are encountering is the same as in your earlier question: How can I pass TForm to a DLL as parameter? The explanation and advice from the answer you accepted there apply equally here.
If you already used a (Foo is TSomething) type check, then you know that foo is a TSomething and you can use a static cast: TSomething(Foo)
If you are trying to link this code in another Executable or dll, you probably have not included the correct units IF IT FAILS TO COMPILE, AND IF it fails at runtime, you didn't turn the BPL link option on (Use Runtime PACKAGES, and make sure the list of package names is complete). Remember that checking "something is TSomething" you are comparing a class declaration with another live object's class. A class is not defined by the string name. It's actually type information linked into your application.
When you link a DLL (without runtime packages) you actually may have linked TSomething into your main EXE and into your DLL, and they are TWO DIFFERENT copies of the class with the same name and the name matters not one bit. When you compare for identity, there's no way to know at runtime that they were the same thing. SO they aren't.
You think about code the way you see it written on the screen. When it runs, it's been compiled into code, and the types are simply data in the exe or DLL. So TSomething-in-myexe.exe is not the same class as TSomething-in-mydll.dll.
If you want them to be the same, turn on Use Runtime Packages (BPLs) for all places where you want to compare type information between different compiled parts. In particular passing pointers or references to VCL types between non-bpl-enabled linked targets is not going to work the way you thought it would.
You should also make sure that the list of runtime packages contains the package that defines that class you're using. (TcxSomething is probably a developer express component, go find what package BPL it is defined in.)

Overriding Component Create Constructor in Separate Design-Time package

Programming Environment: Delphi 6 and upwards
I am aware of the fact that since Delphi 6, custom components must have separate design- and run-time package. All run time features of the a component must therefore be in a separate unit and packaged separately to the component's design-time package.
My problem is the following: My component has code that needs to be run both when it is created on the form at run time and, additional code that needs to be run at design-time, when the component is placed on the form. I have managed to put the run time code into the separate run time unit, package it and deploy it successfully.
However, in the separate design-time module unit, how do I reference and add the design-time code that needs to be included into the component's create constructor during design-time, when the component gets placed onto the form?
You can separate design time behaviour from run time behaviour with
if [not] (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
But if your constructor code needs the DesignIDE design time package, e.g. from the units DesignEditors, DesignIntf, etc..., then I think you are stuck. Maybe some IOTA involvement can help. But since there does not seem to exist a notifier interface for the creation of components, that would require a custom IOTAFormEditor. Not that easy, if not impossible.
Why not use callbacks?
From your designtime package initialization code do this:
unit MyDsgnUnit;
//TMyHook defined in AnImplUnit
TMyDesignHandlerObject = class
procedure MyMethod(Sender:TObject;ParentForm:TObject); { must match TMyHook }
uses AnImplUnit, DesignUnitNamesHere;
procedure TMyDesignHandlerObject.MyMethod(Sender:TObject);
newObject := TMyComponent(Sender);
ADesignHandlerObject := TMyDesignHandlerObject.Create;
AnImplUnit.AfterConstructionHook := TDesignHandlerObject.MyMethod;
and in your component do something like this:
unit AnImplUnit;
TMyHook = procedure(Sender:TObject;ParentForm:TObject) of object;
procedure TMyComponent.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
if Assigned(AfterConstructionHook)
Update Flushed out example more. There is no reason you can't add more parameters to the AfterConstructionHook, but since your reference to Sender is already of type TMyComponent, I don't see the point, when you can access everything public or protected, in TMyComponent(Sender) from within your hook function, and if you inherit locally (known as a protected-access class), you can access the protected stuff too.
Make sure your DPK defines a symbol of your choice, for example DESIGNTIME. Then you'll be able to use something like this to only include design-time units when needed:
uses Windows, Whatever, Something
Then to the same in your constructor code:
constructor TMyClass.Create(aOwner:TComponent);override;
// I'm at design time.
When using this technique you should either use a separate DCU directory for your pacakge and your normal executable, or do a build each time you switch from the design time package to other projects. That's because Delphi will only re-build a DCU if the PAS has changed, when in this case the PAS doesn't tell the whole story, defined symbols also matter. If you have a DCU on disk that was compiled by Delphi while you were building your design time project, you might see a ToolsApi.DCU not found when trying to compile a normal project. Rebuilding re-compiles the DCU and makes the message go away. Just as well, if you re-compile (not re-build) the design time project after you built a normal project, your DCU might be stuck in it's non-DESIGNTIME state, leaving you without your special design-time behavior.
As long as your code does not require the IDE tools, like design interface and so on, then all you need to do is check the component flag and you can use it anywhere within the component, as follows...
procedure TNewEdit.Loaded;
if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
However without really knowing what you are attempting to do, there are several doors left open... for example, if you want to change a property value at design time, and a different value at run time, then there are streaming issues you have to deal with.

getting around circular references in Delphi [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Delphi Enterprise: how can I apply the Visitor Pattern without circular references?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a way of getting around circular unit references in Delphi?
Maybe a newer version of delphi or some magic hack or something?
My delphi project has 100 000+ lines of code mostly based on singleton classes. I need to refactor this, but that would mean several months of "circular reference" hell :)
I've been maintaining close to a million lines of legacy code for the past 10 years so I understand your pain!
In the code that I maintain, when I've encountered circular uses, I frequently have found that they are caused by constants or type definitions in unit A that are needed by unit B. (Sometimes it's also a small bit of code (or even, global variables) in Unit A that is also needed by unit B.
In this situation (when I'm lucky!) I can carefully extract those parts of the code into a new unit C that contains the constants, type definitions, and shared code. Then units A and B use unit C.
I post the above with some hesitance because I'm not an expert on software design and realize there are many others here who are far more knowledgeable than I am. Hopefully, though, my experience will be of some use to you.
It seems you have quite serious code design issues. Besides many signs of such issues, one is the circular unit reference. But as you said: you cannot refactor all the code.
Move all what is possible to the implementation section. They are allowed to have circular references.
To simplify this task you can use 3rd party tools. I would recommend
Peganza Pascal Analyzer - it will suggest what you can move to the implementation section. And will give you many more hints to improve your code quality.
Use the implementation section uses whenever possible, and limit what's in the interface uses clause to what has to be visible in the interface declarations.
There is no "magic hack". Circular references would cause an endless loop for the compiler (unit A requires compiling unit B which requires compiling unit A which requires compiling unit B, etc.).
If you have a specific instance where you think you cannot avoid circular references, edit your post and provide the code; I'm sure someone here can help you figure out how to get it fixed.
There is many ways to avoid circular references.
Way too often, an object will execute some code that should be done in an event instead than being done by the object itself. Whether it is because the programmer working on the project was too short on time(aren't we always?), didn't have enough experience/knowledge or was just lazy, some code like this eventually end up in applications. Real world exemple : TCPSocket component that directly update some visual component on the application's MainForm instead of having the main form register a "OnTCPActivity" procedure on the component.
Abstract Classes/Interfaces. Using either of them allow to remove a direct dependance between many units. An abstract class or an interface can be declared alone in its own unit, limiting dependancies to a maximum. Exemple: Our application has a debug form. It has uses on pretty much the whole application as it displays information from various area of the application. Even worse, every form that allows to show the debug form will also also end up requiring all the units from the debug form. A better approach would be to have a debug form which is essentially empty, but that has the capacity to register "DebugFrames".
TDebugFrm.RegisterDebugFrame(Frame : TDebugFrame);
That way, the TDebugFrm has no dependancies of its own (Except than on the TDebugFrame class). Any and all unit that requires to show the debug form can do so without risking to add too many dependancies either.
There are many other exemple... I bet it could fill a book of its own. Designing a clean class hierarchy in a time efficient fashion is pretty hard to do and it comes with experience. Knowing the tools available to achieve it and how to use them is the 1st step to achieve it. But to answer your question... There is no 1-size-fit-all answer to your question, it's always to be taken on a case by case basis.
Similar Question: Delphi Enterprise: how can I apply the Visitor Pattern without circular references?
The solution presented by Uwe Raabe uses interfaces to resolve the circular dependency.
Modelmaker Code Explorer has a really nice wizard for listing all the uses, including cycles.
It requires that your project compiles.
I agree with the other posters that it is a design issue.
You should carefully look at your design, and remove unused units.
At DelphiLive'09, I did a session titled Smarter code with Databases and data aware controls which contains quite few tips on good design (not limited to DB apps).
I found a solution that doesn't need the use of Interfaces but may not resolve every issues of the circular reference.
I have two classes in two units: TMap and TTile.
TMap contains a map and display it using isometric tiles (TTile).
I wanted to have a pointer in TTile to point back on the map. Map is a class property of TTile.
Class Var FoMap: TObject;
Normaly, you will need to declare each corresponding unit in the other unit... and get the circular reference.
Here, how I get around it.
In TTile, I declare map to be a TObject and move Map unit in the Uses clause of the Implementation section.
That way I can use map but need to cast it each time to TMap to access its properties.
Can I do better? If I could use a getter function to type cast it. But I will need to move Uses Map in the Interface section.... So, back to square one.
In the Implementation section, I did declare a getter function that is not part of my class. A Simple function.
Uses Map;
Function Map: TMap;
Result := TMap(TTile.Map);
Cool, I thought. Now, every time I need to call a property of my Map, I just use Map.MyProperty.
Ouch! Did compile! :) Did not work the expected way. The compiler use the Map property of TTile and not my function.
So, I rename my function to aMap. But my Muse spoke to me. NOOOOO! Rename the Class Property to aMap... Now I can use Map the way I intented it.
Map.Size; This call my little function, who typecast aMap as TMap;
Patrick Forest
I gave a previous answer but after some thinking and scratching I found a better way to solve the circular reference problem. Here my first unit who need a pointer on an object TB define in unit B.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, b, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
FoB: TB;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FoB := TB.Create(Self);
Here the code of the Unit B where TB has a pointer on TForm1.
unit B;
dialogs, Forms;
TForm1 = class(TForm);
TB = class
FaOwner: TForm1;
constructor Create(aOwner: TForm);
property owner: TForm1 read FaOwner;
uses unit1;
Constructor TB.create(aOwner: TForm);
FaOwner := TForm1(aOwner);
FaOwner.Left := 500;
And here why it compiles. First Unit B declare the use of Unit1 in the implementation section. Resolving immediately the circular reference unit between Unit1 et Unit B.
But to allow Delphi to compile, I need to give him something to chew on the declaration of FaOwner: TForm1. So, I add stub class name TForm1 who match the declaration of TForm1 in Unit1.
Next, when come the time to call the constructor, TForm1 is able to pass itself has the parameter. In the constructor code, I need to typecast the aOwner parameter to Unit1.TForm1. And voilĂ , FaOwner his set to point on my form.
Now, if the class TB need to use FaOwner internally, I don't need to typecast it every time
to Unit1.TForm1 because both declaration are the same. Note that you could set the declaration of to constructor to
Constructor TB.create(aOwner: TForm1);
but when TForm1 will call the constructor and pass itself has a parameter, you will need to typecast it has b.TForm1. Otherwise Delphi will throw an error telling that both TForm1 are not compatible. So each time you call the TB.constructor you will need to typecast to the appropriate TForm1. The first solution, using a common ancestor, his better. Write the typecast once and forget it.
After I posted it, I realized that I made a mistake telling that both TForm1 were identical. They are not Unit1.TForm1 has components and methods that are unknown to B.TForm1. Has long TB doesn't need to use them or just need to use the commonality given by TForm you're okay. If you need to call something particular to UNit1.TForm1 from TB, you will need to typecast it to Unit1.TForm1.
I try it and test it with Delphi 2010 and it compiled and worked.
Hope it will help and spare you some headache.

Get list of object's methods, properties and events?

When trying a new component for which there's no documentation, I need to go through its methods, properties, and events to try to figure out what it can do. Doing this through the IDE's Object Inspector is a bit tedious.
Is there a utility that presents this list in a more readable format?
Thank you.
When I want to know what something can do, I read the source code. The class declaration will contain a succinct list of all the methods and properties, unless there is a lot of inheritance. The definitions will tell you want the methods do.
Another thing is to declare a variable of the type you're interested in, type its name and a period, and then press Ctrl+Space to let Class Completion show you everything you can do.
As the others said, use the source. Also an UML tool will help.
But if you don't want to use this, you can use this procedure (you need Delphi 2010 for this, and be sure to add RTTI to your 'Uses' clause):
procedure DumpProps(aObject: TObject; aList: TStringList);
RttiContext: TRttiContext;
RttiType: TRttiType;
I: Integer;
n: integer;
props: TArray<TRttiProperty>;
aList.Clear; //it must be <> nil
RttiType := RttiContext.GetType(aObject.ClassType);
with aList do
Append('Begin Dump');
for I := Low(props) to High(props) do
Append(props[i].Name+': '); //odd construction to see if the Getter blows
on E: Exception do
Strings[n]:=Strings[n]+' >>> ERROR! <<< '+E.Message;
The above you can use either at run-time, either if you build a Menu Wizard, you can have your info at design time.
You can use the Class Browser that comes with GExperts.
I would also recommend to build a Model diagram with the IDE or ModelMaker. It helps to see the visual relations.
In the immortal words of Obi Wan Kenobi -- "Use the source".
There is no substitute for reading and understanding the source code of a component (or anything) to understand what it does and what it is up to.
Source code is the Lingua Franca of programming.
Look at the .hpp that is generated for C++Builder support. It resembles the interface section of a Delphi unit.
I just use code completion. If you can't figure out what the component does from the names of the properties and methods, then it's probably poorly designed anyway, and you're better off not using it. Also, since you're asking the question, I'm guessing you do not have the source. If you don't, again, I wouldn't use the component. You're only storing trouble for yourself.
There is RTTI...
