jquery gradient image height - jquery-ui

I am new to jQuery I am facing a some problem with jQuery gradient image please give me some solution for this
I have one div divided vertically in three part left, middle,right.The div has a background images (that is gradient) .and there is some data in the div. I want that the image height should be increase when the user input more data in the div
Can we increase the height of the gradient image using jQuery. Please give me some reference site or some solution

I don't know that you need JQuery to do this for you; it will be fun to do it on you own.
As you know, you can style the div such that its height will increase as you add more content to it. So your question really is how to make the gradient background appear the way you want it: you might want the gradient to grow lighter and lighter at the bottom, say, as the div increases in height. It just so happens (lucky you!) that background-image CSS is rich and capable. That's why it's fun: it actually works!
Read about CSS background-position for some ideas. You might find that the effect you want is automatic.
-- pete


Highcharts gauge fill to 100% of container

This functionality is available for the Pie Chart via the plotOptions size parameter, however after inspecting the Highcharts API the size isn't available for the Gauge.
size API entry for Pie Chart
Considering the likeness of the two charts (being circular), I was hoping there would be a similar option but the gauge always fills some subset of the container div that I am unable to control. Has anyone else run into this issue or found a solution?
By setting the spacing to zero, you can fill the entire space:
Fiddle with the spacing parameters to change how much the chart fills. As for a percentage based like size option I can't find one either.
I know this is old, but if like me, you have borderWidth set to something greater than 0, you'll find yourself with the tag being positioned (e.g. x="5.5" y="5.5") off from the corner and width and height shrunk. Setting spacing and margin options won't help in this case.
The simple solution then is to avoid setting borderWidth to anything at all; just leave it default or set it to zero. Instead, set the border on the container element you're calling highcharts on.
Alternatively, you could set negative margins and increase size on the container element to compensate for position shift and size shrink on the graph. Might need to wrap the container in a div with style="overflow: hidden;".

What is the optimal icon size for XPages Mobile Control line items in views?

I have been adding icons to my mobile control Line Item controls and haven't quite figured out what the preferred size of these icons should be. The CSS has max size settings of 35 by 35px.
The reason I ask this is because the icons don't seem to line up correctly. The CSS positions them at 0 0. If all else fails I may modify CSS and position them to something other than 0 0.
Still interested in hearing how you have dealt with this.
In the teamroom template, the mobile view for Recent Activity has icons that line up with the text. All these images are 16 X 16px.
There will never be 1 fit for all, the layout will be dependant on font size, row height and where you want it to line up. Some people may want it to align in the middle vertically and others will want it to align with the title in the row.
I would say 21px x 21px. but that depends on what font-size you are using.
Icon size can depends upon the applicaton. Normal size is 32x32 and an extended icon size is 64x64. If you want to line up the icons, you might have to change the icons to a standard size.

how to change jquerymobile ui-blocks height and width

am using jquerymobile for representing a two column radiobuttons in my project, the problem am facing is the contents of the block-a is lengther than the contents of the block-b so am getting a difference of div size the output is at (http://i40.tinypic.com/r0tt85.png) if u can lookat my out put the second question 6th option is small when compare to all the other ones the block size is based on the content how can i make same size for all the blocks without based on the content any help please needed
If you want all blocks to be the same height, you can set the height in CSS:
.ui-bar {
height: 100px !important;

CSS sprite position problem

I trying to create a fixed border to the site that dynamically change size with the browser window from this sprite (it isn't perfect I know.): http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/269/7/0/bordersprite_by_nakos-d4ayzne.png
DEMO on jSFiddle
My problem as you can see is the vertical wall part. As the #falJ and #falB are height:100% they include the bottom wall's end too with the space between the two wall sprites. Is there a way to force backround-position to only use vertical wall part without bottom wall's end?
Thanks in advance.
Solution: http://jsfiddle.net/vonkly/Ld43B/
It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it achieves what you want. Check out the source code & direct link for the background images to see what you'll need to do. It's currently set at 299px wide; I imagine you'll be using something wider.
I'd also suggest adding some padding around your content (either with a p tag, span, another div, etc.) - the way it is currently set up isn't what I'd recommend for readability.
The only way I can imagine achieving a fluid width + height box with the borders that you have in the way that you want is to use a second image for the west and east containing divs. This should work with your current method.

Is there an easy way to cut a slice from an image using Gimp?

Wondering if there is an easy way to remove a rectangular slice across the entire width of an image using Gimp, and have the resulting hole closed up automatically. I hope that makes sense. If I select a slice across an image and do "cut", it leaves a blank "hole" there. I want the new top and bottom of the image to join and fill that hole, reducing the image height by the amount sliced out.
Any easy way to do this?
Here is a method that is quick and often does what you want:
Cut out the middle, leaving a transparent "hole".
Click anywhere to remove the selection (so the hole is not selected).
Click Image > Zealous crop .
This is going to remove the middle part. However, if you also have transparency in other parts of the image (like around the edges) it's going to remove that transparency too.
I believe you're asking to do something like cut out the middle of a page, leaving the header and footer and have the blank space removed with the cut action, effectively joining the header and footer together.
To my knowledge, I don't believe so. Even if you cut, or delete, that space is still part of the image even without content.
But, you would be able to highlight the top or bottom (or left or right) of the remaining space and drag it to align with the other side. It's not ideal for repetitive tasks, but should get you through if you only have to do it a few times.
Install Python and the Python Imaging Library. Back in GIMP, select and cut the full-width areas you don't want to transparent, and export the image to test.png. Then use this Python code (works only if complete lines are transparent; will not work properly if there are 100%-transparent pixels anywhere other than on a full-width row)—
from PIL import Image
i = Image.open("test.png")
b = i.tobytes()
b2 = ''.join(b[n:n+4] for n in xrange(0,len(b),4) if ord(b[n+3]))
newHeight = len(b2)/i.width/4
i2 = Image.frombytes('RGBA',(i.width,newHeight),b2)
Then re-load test.png and verify that the areas you cut have gone.
In gimp 2.8.1 you can easily create a new image from a selection. So if you select a rectangular than do a copy (Ctrl-C) and a past in a new image
Edit -> Paste as -> new image (or Ctrl-Shift-V).
