Lua Sandboxing - Eliminating Function Creation - lua

I've read on the Lua wiki / here / etc. on how to sandbox lua code generally. But I haven't been able to find something that disallows function creation. For example, the example here provides a sample code as:
assert(run [[function f(x) return x^2 end; t={2}; t[1]=f(t[1])]])
And that's with an empty environment. But I want to eliminate the ability to create a function (the 1st part of the code) - e.g., just allow expressions. Any idea on how to do that? Does it have to be in C somehow? Thanks in advance!

If you want to evaluate expressions only, you could try this:
function run(s) return loadstring("return "..s)() end
(error handling omitted)
This simple solution will prevent most `attacks', but not eliminate them because one can say
(function () f=function(x) print"hello" end end)()
which defines a new function named f.
Your best bet is to use a sandbox and not worry about what the user does to the environment, because it'll not be your environment.

You can try detecting the creation of functions by looking for the string "function" before allowing the execution of the lua script. For example from your C/C++ backend.
If "function" appears throw a "you are not allowed to create functions" error and don't execute the code.
A couple notes:
You might want to try to customize the detection a bit more - only throw errors if you detect function followed by blanks and an opening parenthesis, for example. I'm leaving that as an exercise.
You should be aware that there are some standard lua functions that kindof expect the users to be able to create functions - for example, the string table has several of those. Without creating functions, it'll be very difficult for your users to work with strings (it is already difficult enough with functions...)


Lua 5.1 discover function signature

I am trying to redocument the mod library for a game called 'harvest massive encounter'
Their documentation that I was able to find:
Redocumenting everything they have documented isn't an issue, I've also found a way to discover the hooks they did not document. But I am unable to figure out a way to discover their undocumented functions.
For example: harvest.defineActionButton seems like something that I would really want to discover to make cool actions on buildings available. Where defineUpgradeButton is also a button on a building, but also replaces it.
Sadly, this button is not documented but it does exist. If I do harvest.print(type(harvest.defineActionButton)) I get "function"
Sadly this game came out in 2007 and only supports Lua 5.1, so debug.getinfo does not give me nparams as I've read online that might have helped:
local function onDebug()
local temp = debug.getinfo(harvest.defineActionButton)
for key, value in pairs(temp) do
harvest.print("key: " .. tostring(key))
harvest.print("value: " .. tostring(value))
hook.add("textInput", onDebug)
Any tips on how I can get the number of parameters on this function and maybe their name? (I would assume that expected type is impossible)
I have also attempted solutions found in:
How to get name of the argument in lua?
lua - get the list of parameter names of a function, from outside the function
But I am unable to make those solutions working
If the function was written in Lua, you can dump and analyze its bytecode with string.dump(f), which should include parameter info. If it's a C function, that's not possible (aside from statically analyzing the binary itself, which is a different category of question).
If other attempts fail, you could try redefining the function with a fake one, like this...
local defineActionButton_real = harvest.defineActionButton
harvest.defineActionButton = function(...)
return defineActionButton_real(...)
...then observing the output when the game calls the fake function.

Does Lua has something like variable?.function() as in Swift or C#?

Hello Guys!
I'm programing with Lua recently and tired about writing some code like
if variable ~= nil then
I know in C# or Swift, we can do something like
Does Lua have some ways to approach this kind of feature?
From "Programming in Lua", 4th edition, section "Tables":
Lua does not offer a safe navigation operator, and we do not think it should. Lua is minimalistic. Moreover, this operator is quite controversial, with many people arguing —not without some reason— that it promotes careless programming. However, we can emulate it in Lua with a bit of extra notation.
The bit of extra notation suggested could be for your case;
((variable or {}).func or function() end)()
This checks whether variable is nil (or false) and if not so, tries to access its entry func (note that you can't name a function function because that's a keyword) - if that doesn't exist, it returns a function doing nothing, otherwise it returns the function variable.func. The resulting function is immediately invoked.
I don't think this is very readable though.
It's easy enough to write a simple utility function:
function call_if(func, ...)
if(func) then
return func(...)

Hacking Lua - Inject new functions into built Lua

I am trying to hack a game (not for cheating though) by introducing new built-in methods and functions in order to communicate with the game using sockets. Here is a small "pseudo code" example of what I want to accomplish:
Inside the Lua code I am calling my_hack() and pass the current game state:
GameState = {}
-- Game state object to be passed on
function GameState:new()
-- Data
local gameState = GameState:new()
-- Collect game state data and pass it to 'my_hack' ..
and inside my_hack the object is getting sent away:
int my_hack(lua_State * l)
void* gameState= lua_topointer(l, 1);
// Send the game state:
return 0;
Now, the big question is how to introduce my_hack() to the game?
I assume, that all built in functions must be kept in some sort of lookup table. Since all Lua code is getting interpreted, functions like import etc. will have to be statically available, right? If that is correct, then it should be "enough" to find out where this code is residing in order to smuggle my code into the game that would allow me to call my_hack() in a Lua script.
There should be two options: The first is that the Lua built is embedded inside the executable and is completely static and the second is that all Lua code gets loaded dynamically from a DLL.
This question goes out to anybody who has a slightest clue about where and how I should keep looking for the built in functions. I've tried a few things with Cheat Engine but I wasn't too successful. I was able to cheat a bit ^^ but that's not what I'm looking out for.
Sorry for not providing a full answer, but if you can provide a custom Lua VM and change the standard libraries, you should be able to to change the luaL_openlibs method in the Lua source to provide a table with my_hack() inside of it.
Since the Lua interpreter is usually statically compiled into the host executable, modifying the interpreter in some way will probably not be possible.
I think your best bet is to find some piece of Lua code which gets called by the host, and from that file use dofile to run your own code.

run-time evaluation of values in DelphiWebScript

My delphi application runs scripts using JvInterpreter (from the Jedi project).
A feature I use is runtime evaluation of expressions.
Script Example:
JvInterpreter doesn't know X_SomeName.
When X_SomeName's value is required the scripter calls its OnGetValue-callback.
This points to a function I handle. There I lookup X_SomeName's value and return it.
Then JvInterpreter calls ShowMessage with the value I provided.
Now I consider switching to DelphiWebScript since it has a proper debug-interface and should also be faster than JvInterpreter.
Problem: I didn't find any obvious way to implement what JvInterpreter does with its OnGetValue/OnSetValue functions, though.
X_SomeName should be considered (and actually is, most of the time) a variable which is handled by the host application.
Any Ideas?
You can do that through the language extension mechanism, which has a FindUnknownName method that allows to register symbols on the spot.
It is used in the asm lib module demo, and you can also check the new "AutoExternalValues" test case in ULanguageExtensionTests, which should be closer to what you're after.

lua script error checking

Is it possible to check if a lua script contains errors without executing it? I have fallowing code:
if(luaL_loadbuffer(L, data, size, name))
fprintf (stderr, "%s", lua_tostring (L, -1));
lua_pop (L, 1);
if(lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0))
fprintf (stderr, "%s", lua_tostring (L, -1));
lua_pop (L, 1);
But if the script contains errors it passes first if and it is executed. I want to know if it contains errors when I load it, not when I execute it. Is this possible?
You can use the LUA Compiler. It will only compile your file to bytecode without executing it.
Your program will also have the advantage the run faster if it is compiled.
You can even use the -p option to only perform a syntax checking, according to the linked man page :
-p load files but do not generate any output file. Used mainly for syntax checking or testing precompiled chunks: corrupted files will probably generate errors when loaded. For a thourough integrity test, use -t.
(This was originally meant as a reply to the first comment to Krtek's question, but I ran out of space there and to be honest it works as an answer just fine.)
Functions are essentially values, and thus a named function is actually a variable of that name. Variables, by their very definition, can change as a script is executed. Hell, someone might accidentally redefine one of those functions. Is that bad? To sum my thoughts up: depending on the script, parameters passed and/or actual implementations of those pre-defined functions you speak of (one might unset itself or others, for example), it is not possible to guarantee things work unless you are willing to narrow down some of your demands. Lua is too dynamic for what you are looking for. :)
If you want a flawless test: create a dummy environment with all bells and whistles in place, and see if it crashes anywhere along the way (loading, executing, etc). This is basically a sort of unit test, and as such would be pretty heavy.
If you want a basic check to see if a script has a valid syntax: Krtek gave an answer for that already. I am quite sure (but not 100%) that the lua equivalent is to loadfile or loadstring, and the respective C equivalent is to try and lua_load() the code, each of which convert readable script to bytecode which you would already need to do before you could actually execute the code in your normal all-is-well usecase. (And if that contained function definitions, those would need to be executed later on for the code inside those to execute.)
However, these are the extent of your options with regards to pre-empting errors before they actually happen. Lua is a very dynamic language, and what is a great strength also makes for a weakness when you want to prove correctness. There are simply too many variables involved for a perfect solution.
In general it is not possible, as Lua is a dynamic language, and most of errors happen in runtime.
If you want to check for syntax errors, use luac -p option. I use it as a part of my pre-commit hook, for example.
Other common errors are triggering by misusing the global variables. You may analyze output of luac -l to catch these cases. See here:
If you want something more advanced, there are several more-or-less functional static analysis tools for Lua code. Start with LuaInspect.
In any case, you are advised to write unit tests instead of just relying on static code checks. Less pain, more gain.
