captcha plugin for struts 2 - struts2

Any captcha plugin for struts 2 other than jcaptcha4struts2 and provide some useful link also

Try this:
It is pretty straightforward with Struts 2.
I recommend you to copy over the source code (its ASL licensed and therefore allowed) and then follow the instructions. Or you create a taglib, if you would like to avoid java code in you jsp.
The server side instructions can be modified to use it with the field names recaptcha_challenge_field and recaptcha_response_field.
If you add the following methods to your action:
public HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest() {
return httpServletRequest;
public void setHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
this.httpServletRequest = httpServletRequest;
And add the following listener to web.xml:
You are able to catch the HttpServletRequest which is necessary to validate the captcha.
Hope that helps.


Swagger UI implementation via WebApplicationInitializer class

I am using spring 4.1.6 release version on was 8.5 for jackson jersery rest service. This has no web.xml. it is done thro WebApplicationInitializer class.Now i would like to implement swagger UI, I googled and didnt find any examples that fit my exact scenario. everyone is providing examples that is for rest controller thro spring mvc. i would like to know how to do it thro jackson jersey in spring4. please advise
public SwaggerConfig swaggerConfig(){
return new SwaggerConfig();
public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
using this swagger-ui is enabled with spring MVC

Restrict access to java-melody monitoring url

Is there a way I can restrict access to /monitoring url generated by Java-Melody plugin in Grails using Shiro roles?
Update: a little bit more details. It's no problem so secure most Grails ressources with shiro. But in case of the java melody plugin, it seems that the melody filter is executed before the shiro filter gets executed. This renders shiro useless.
There are some solutions which say that this might be fixed through a change in the web.xml, but this is not a quick hit and I (rdmueller) didn't manage to make it work yet. The web.xml plugin also seems to promise some help, but I don't want to add another plugin just to secure one plugin.
Some older statements found on the web state that this problem should be already solved through the usage of the loadAfter list in this file: - but it seems that this only worked for older versions of Grails.
Update2: In order to make it easier to propose a solution, I've create a Grails 2.2.4 sample:
just clone the project, do a grailsw run-app and navigate to
and you'll get a login screen via shiro. Navigate to
and you'll get the melody screen without being logged in :-(
I ended up doing so by making changes to web.xml for HTTP authentication. Add this to you web.config file.
Then add a user and role to your tomcat-users.xml
<user username="yourusername" password="yourpassword" roles="monitoring"/>
I assume you're using Grails 2.x, you could hardcode it this way :
<!-- language: java-->
// grails-app/conf/MonitoringFilters.groovy
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils
class MonitoringFilters {
def dependsOn = [ShiroSecurityFilters]
def filters = {
myMonitoringArea(uri: "/monitoring") {
before = {
This is not a "quick hit", but the following approach should work with Shiro or whatever security framework your Grails app uses.
In web.xml, add the following elements above any existing <filter> elements:
This will call com.your.package.MelodyFilter any time the /monitoring/* url pattern is invoked.
Next, you'll need to create a MelodyFilter Java class in /src/java/com/your/package/
In the body of the doFilter method, you may call a Grails service method to perform any desired security checks, as follows:
package com.your.package;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
public class MelodyFilter implements Filter {
public void destroy() { }
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
String uri = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getRequestURI();
HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getSession(false);
ApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(session.getServletContext());
// replace MyService with your actual service
MyService myService = (MyService)ctx.getBean("myService");
// replace isUserAuthorized with your actual service method;
// session and uri params included to demonstrate how to pass them
// your argument list can be whatever your service method requires
boolean authorized = myService.isUserAuthorized(session, uri);
if (authorized) { chain.doFilter(request,response); }
else {
request.setAttribute("error", "User is not authorized to access " + uri);
request.getRequestDispatcher("/someController/someAction").forward(request, response);
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { }
Then simply implement myService.isUserAuthorized() to perform whatever security checks you desire.
I have verified this technique works in Grails-2.3.6 with grails-melody:1.59.0
Just to list all available options:
the shiro-protect-any - plugin seems to work, but IMHO, it seems to be to be a bit too complicated and the plugin is "not fully tested" (says the author)...

Grails: Grails3 : doWithWebDescriptor?

I am trying to get further into grails3 and I am unsure about plugin descriptor and doWithWebDescriptor:
def doWithWebDescriptor = { xml ->
def listenerNode = xml.'listener'
listenerNode[listenerNode.size() - 1] + {
listener {
I tried grails install-templates under grails 3 and no web.xml was generated... I also had a look at the default generated plugin descriptor which did not appear to have doWithWebDescriptor...
Was wondering if this has changed - is it no longer producing a web.xml or if it is what should I be doing to register a listener under grails 3 .
I have managed to get default tomcat websocket listener to work via a spring boot grails app:
It is documented here:
I have decided to update this post and include all my findings so far on this matter.
More specifically the application.groovy inside your application grails-app/init folder:
This bean initiates default tomcat websocket listener:
public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<AnotherWebSocketHandler> httpSessionEventPublisher() {
return new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<AnotherWebSocketHandler>(new AnotherWebSocketHandler());
Whilst messing around to reuse in plugin, the findings are:
The above project is a basic grails application which does 2 things, a basic spring socket as well java 1.X Websocket:
Here is how to use Default websocket in a grails 3 plugin
In you plugin descriptor you have something like this:
Closure doWithSpring() {
wsChatConfig DefaultWsChatConfig
In this plugin I have left both methods of initiating the listener:
public ServletContextInitializer myInitializer() {
return new ServletContextInitializer() {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
// Alternative way
public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<WsChatEndpoint> httpSessionEventPublisher() {
return new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<WsChatEndpoint>(new WsChatEndpoint())
The top method came in very handy since you can only initialise 1 ServletListenerRegistrationBean and I had to resort to the top method to enable other listeners... I could have just used the top primary for all the calls. Left in for future reference..
With this in place, spring boot now emulates the same as web.xml would when registering a listener. The actual groovy classes that load the websockets from there are as they were i.e. using default websocket calls such as onOpen onMessage etc..
From Grails 3 there's a new way of adding runtime configuration using spring registration beans in the Plugin method doWithSpring. doWithWebDescriptor is not used anymore.
This should work for the Servlet Listeners:
Closure doWithSpring() {{ ->
MyListener(ServletListenerRegistrationBean) {
listener = bean(someClass)
Disclaimer: I didn't test this code.
Refer to the Gails documentation.

Return username and password to login form grails spring security

When a user fails authentication, I want the username and password to be returned to the form.
I'm using the spring security core plugin with Grails and Spring Security LDAP. I've searched around for a while and have come up with zip. Any ideas?
From UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter javadoc:
If you want to retain the username, cache it in a customized AuthenticationFailureHandler
As for password there is no point to cache it, because it cannot be put back to form password field for security reasons.
For future reference, as the above answers are either too vague to be helpful to those of us who are just beginning to learn this framework for the first time (prompting such questions as: what's an AuthenticationFailureHandler? How do I implement one? How do I connect it to my existing infrastructure that was magically created by the <security:http> namespace handler?) or no longer work (the code to store the username in SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME was removed from UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter as of version 3.1.0), here's a little more detail on the first answer:
An AuthenticationFailureHandler is used by the login process to decide what to do when authentication fails.
The default login form setup as provided by <security:http><security:form-login /></security:http> uses a SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler to perform the redirection to the login failed url (which defaults to /spring_security_login?login_error).
You can hook your own implementation in by using the authentication-failure-handler-ref attribute of your <form-login> element.
So, my implementation looks like this:
public class UsernameStoringUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler
public void onAuthenticationFailure (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException exception) throws IOException, ServletException
request.getSession (true).setAttribute ("SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME", request.getParameter ("j_username"));
super.onAuthenticationFailure (request, response, exception);
which is configured thus:
<security:form-login authentication-failure-handler-ref="authenticationFailureHandler" [...] />
<bean id="authenticationFailureHandler" class="my.package.UsernameStoringUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler" p:defaultFailureUrl="/LoginError" />
And then I can access the failed login username using the same approach as described in James Kleeh's answer here, but which no longer worked because of the change to the framework.
I was able to do the following to get the username back to the form: In LoginController.groovy:
render view: view, model: [postUrl: postUrl,
rememberMeParameter: config.rememberMe.parameter,
lastUsername: request.getSession().getAttribute("SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME")]

PrettyFaces, Filter, and url-pattern issue

I'm working on a Java EE (which I'm fairly new to) web application (JSF, JPA, EJB), and am in the process of incorporating PrettyFaces for human readable/bookmarkable URLs. I've been using a Filter for 2 reasons.
to make sure a user is logged in.
to wrap the call to filterChain.doFilter(...) in a transaction so JPA lazy loading works when generating views (for example, I can just set a Department object in the backing bean, and use #{backingBean.department.employees} to get the associated list of employees in the .xhmtl file).
Before incorporating PrettyFaces, I was using a url-pattern (in web.xml) of *.xhmtl (although the filter doesn't really need to run for the login page) for the Filter. With PrettyFaces, trying to specify a url-pattern for Filters seems to be a bit of a problem, mainly due to the lack of flexibility of the url-pattern rules (lack of support for regular expressions). Is there another way of accomplishing what I need with-out using Filters (and without having to duplicate code)?
Also, I know I can add a static portion to the beginning of the URL (like, /dept/#{deptName}/... and then use a Filter with a url-pattern of /dept/*, but I was hoping to just start with something like /#{deptName}/... (and using a url-pattern of /* runs the filter on everything, including images, javascript, css, etc.)
Basically, the filter has a transaction injected...
#Resource UserTransaction tx;
And does something like this.
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse httpRes = (HttpServletResponse) response;
HttpSession session = httpReq.getSession();
User currentUser = (User)session.getAttribute("userInSession");
if (currentUser == null) {
httpRes.sendRedirect("...") //redirect to LoginServlet
} else {
try {
chain.doFilter(httpReq, httpRes);
catch (Exception e) { }
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) { }
I have a managed bean that is like this...
public class UutSerialNumberController {
#EJB private ProgramServiceBean programServiceBean;
#EJB private UutServiceBean uutServiceBean;
private Integer programId;
private Integer uutId;
private Program program;
private Uut uut;
public String loadData() {
program = programServiceBean.findByProgramId(programId);
uut = uutServiceBean.findUutByUutId(uutId);
return null;
//other stuff, setters/getters
In the view uutSerialNumber.xhmtl, I do something like this (which requires lazy-loading, unless I want to go to the trouble of manually pre-fetching collections in my uutServiceBean.findUutByUutId())...
<c:forEach var="serialNumber item="#{uut.serialNumbers}>
Turns out I didn't have PrettyFaces configured correctly (doh!). It was a little confusing because in the PrettyFaces Reference Guide, it says that you don't need to edit web.xml if using Servlet 3.0 (which I am). But, doing the following solved my problem.
<!-- PrettyFaces Filter -->
<filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>
<!-- My own view Filter -->
<filter-name>View Filter</filter-name>
<!-- mappings -->
<filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>View Filter</filter-name>
With this, I'm able to run a filter on my views and use a Transaction View Pattern (similar to the one mentioned in Pro JPA 2, except using a Filter instead of a Serlvet, so lazy loading works with JPA), and also check that the user has a session going.
I cant see how using PrettyFaces may affect your filter - you can always get PrettyContext from HttpServletRequest and get all you need for processing url's, including regular expressions. As for JPA and lazy loading - this is quite a different story, I'd suggest to be more specific in this area and provide more details, code snippets, etc for us to be able to help.
