Rails Model Naming: Fix or Leave As-Is - ruby-on-rails

This is more of a philosophical question than a technical one.
I'm about 40 hours into working on a new Rails app. It's retail-related, and early on I chose the name "item" to describe a single available product for sale.
As time has gone on it's become obvious to me this was a mistake - the word "item" is too generic, and "product" perhaps would have been a better choice.
So the decision I'm faced with now is, do I refactor / rename my models, ERB code and tables before I build more with this somewhat poorly chosen name, or do I just leave it as-is, save some time and move on? I worry that it's choosing the latter repeatedly that results in the ridiculous technical debt I've seen on other projects, but I also think this might be a form of premature optimization.

Naming convention is absolutely necessary for mid-to-large projects. I would say go in and refactor everything to make the naming as specific as possible. Generic identifiers will quickly get out of hand as new functionality gets introduced (I was once on a project that had a class named UserReportReportReportParameters).
The quicker you get this done, the less painful it will be.
Edit: I should probably add that if this is impossible due to deadlines or any other constraints, to stick to the current naming schema until you have time to refactor everything at once. I'm of the firm opinion that a bad naming convention is better than a mixed naming convention.


When should you nest model declarations in Rails?

What are the guidelines about when it is better to nest Model name spaces and when it is better to leave them all top-level?
For instance, when I have a few classes that all have something to do with one core class (and the majority of the system only deals with that core class) then my instinct tells me to declare them as such:
Almost always this corresponding to has_many/belongs_to relationships (i'd almost consider this the next candidate for convention over configuration.)
And again, my routes often reflect this nesting:
The reason I feel like I should do this is because often two component areas of the same large application may need a supporting component with similar if not identical names as other areas of the software. I feel like name spacing these dependent models (which only exist to support that core model) is the best way to go.
I'm confused because while some times doing things this way can make stuff easier (such as link_to which needs only to take the DependentOne model and will automatically route correctly) yet other items such as form_for refuse to work properly (because it doesn't route properly and if I add the CoreModel to the form_for it complains about no such route core_model_core_model_dependent_one etc....
Perhaps I haven't been clear enough and so I'll ensure I update this as requests for clarifications come in.
...the majority of the system only deals with that core class...
In that case, I wouldn't bother namespacing them.
The reason I feel like I should do this is because often two component areas of the same large application may need a supporting component with similar if not identical names as other areas of the software. I feel like name spacing these dependent models (which only exist to support that core model) is the best way to go.
Bingo - if you have name conflicts, namespacing is a good way to fix it. But, do you have that problem yet?
Namespacing prevents name conflicts, but in Rails it also introduces some gotchas and headaches and (throughout the app) quite a bit more typing. So, to me, it isn't worth it unless you actually have a name conflict.
Consider a structure like this, with your core model and many that just help it.
#Core Models
For most of the life of your app you may never run into a problem. If you do finally hit one, you could just do this:
Or if it's really simple just prefixing the class name would work:
For that matter, it's probably simpler to name your core models in this way than it would be to "properly" namespace them:
So, there are many ways to accomplish what you need, none of which suggest you should bother namespacing the core functionality of your app when you don't actually have a namespace conflict. Given the headaches you've already run into I think you'll be happier leaving the core models of your app in the top-level namespace and only nesting alternate models that actually have a conflict down the road.

The "Right" flow in creating a Rails project

I'm starting out with Ruby on Rails and I know of a few stuff already, but I was wondering if there was a "right" way of going about developing a project. Right now, I would create my models first using [script/generate model MyModel] then modifying them until I feel they are complete enough. Then I'd go for [script/generate scaffold MyModel] so I don't need to do as much coding for the views. Lastly I modify the views and add more models then scaffold some more for other features I might need.
Would there be a better way of doing this? Especially in the context of working with a team in developing a project? Thanks!
I'm sure everyone has their own workflow, but I think a typical one is this:
Specify the "domain" your project. This probably sounds silly, but before you get started you should really think about what exactly your website is going to offer. It doesn't need to be specific down to the last detail, but should have an idea so that you can perform the next step...
Design your database schema. I usually just plan this out on paper. There's a real art to creating a normalized database. Think of everything that needs to be "permanent" in your app, because it will have to be in the database and accounted for, with as little duplication as possible.
After this I usually do as you say: create my models (and migration scripts along the way). The main thing you want to get down in your models first is the associations with other models.
The next part depends on how comfortable you are as a developer in Rails. A lot of people enjoy the test driven development approach (TDD), and will write Unit tests (Rails provides excellent facilities for writing these, and rake tasks to run them). However, since you're just learning, you may want to write your tests after you implement your model business logic.
The road after this is pretty much up to you. You can work on your views/controllers/models as you need to. That's one of the beauties of Rails and agile development, you don't need a lot of boiler plate code to get started.
I'm probably weird in this, but I usually design my front page and get some basic CSS going, as I find I am more productive if my results are semi-nice looking.
I would probably avoid generating scaffolds though...I think you'll learn a lot more about the framework and spend less time removing unwanted code if you generate the individual pieces themselves.
In the context of developing with a team, things will probably be different. If you have a lot of complex business logic, some people may spend most of their time writing model code, while people more on the design side will be implementing view code. But you will have to meet in the middle of course, which will get easier as your project grows and becomes more modular. Just remember to use a version control system! Subversion if you want something easy to use and learn, Git if you're up for a challenge.

When to stop DRYing up the code?

So DRYing up code is supposed to be good thing right? There was a situation in one of the projects I was working on where there were certain models/entities that were more-or-less the same except the context in which they were being used. That is, Every such entity had a title, descriptions, tags, a user_id etc and some other attributes. Hence their CRUD actions in their respective controller looked pretty similar.
My manager argued that its repetition of code and needs to be DRYed up. Hence he came up with CRUD ruby module that when included took care of CRUD actions for the controllers of all these entities. But eventually, Simplicity was compromised. The code lost readability as every "thing" was named "object". Debugging became difficult and the whole point of DRYing up the code was lost.
This was just one case. There are several of them where DRYing up resulted in complex, hard-to-debug code. So the question is, when do we stop DRYing up the code? Because not every time you realize the code has lost simplicity (And often the code author never realizes the simplicity of code is lost). Also, if we have to choose between simplicity and DRYed code, what should choose, if at all there comes a situation where you could get only either of them.
From what I understand, if DRYing up code is causing loss of simplicity, we are doing something terribly wrong. I think, we should be DRYing up code that is repeated and has single responsibility. If the code responsibilities are different and/or the abstraction of entities cannot be named, we are not repeating code. The code pattern might be repeated but its a different code altogether with a responsibilty of its own. If DRYing is resulting into vague code, you are probably trying to DRY up code with different responsibilities that have a similar pattern which is not really a good practice. DRYing should enhance the simplicity, not suppress it.
If you are following REST, then yes, the controllers will be very similar and largely boilerplate. I agree with your manager that it's a problem.
It sounds though like he came up with a suboptimal solution. For a better one, check out Jose Valim's inherited_resources plugin that is being incorporated into Rails 3.
Readability and Maintainability are the two most important features of good code. Unfortunately, a compromise has to be made sometimes. It's a balance question and not everyone is going to agree.
Myself, I lean towards your point of view as well. I would rather have some apparent repetition if it means the code is easier to understand.
As for the 'debugging' problem, I am in the habit when I create such a 'base class' to include a supplementary field. This field is a simple string which identify the most derived class (and is thus passed from Constructor to Constructor). Then each message is going to print this field + the object id "realtype[id]" and everything is suddenly much easier to debug.
Now on to DRY.
There are two things to DRY:
building a hierarchy
using generic code
The first point should now be well understood. A hierarchy of class means a IS-A relationship. If two classes have similar behavior but are otherwise functionally unrelated, then they SHOULD NOT be part of the same hierarchy. It only confuses the poor maintainer and hurts readability.
The second point can be used much more often, especially with scripting languages. For the precedent example, I would argue that instead of having a hierarchy of classes, you could simply define generic methods that would take different classes (modeling different business) and treat them uniformly. This way you avoid repetition (DRY) yet you do not sacrifice readability (imho).
My 2 cts.
If someone every told me--with a straight face--that my code needed DRYing, I would probably take that as a sign that anything else they were going to do was going to be really far-fetched and for-the-sake-of-it.
That having been said, there is also a difference between simplicity in writing code (laziness) and simplicity in the code itself (elegance). I agree, though, that there is a balance. I had this situation myself one particular time (in PHP, but oh how it reminds me of your dilemma):
$checked = ($somevariable) ? "checked=\"checked\"" :"";
echo "<input type="radio" $disabled_checked />";
$checked = ($someothervariable) ? "checked=\"checked\"" :"";
echo "<input type="radio" $checked />";
This isn't even a very good example of what I was dealing with. Essentially, because it's a radio input, both inputs needed a some way of knowing which was to be bubbled in. I knew it had what your boss might call "wetness" issues, so I racked my head trying to come up with some solution that would be graceful and to the point. Finally I showed it to a senior developer and he said "No, it's all in order, it does what it needs to. It's only one extra line."
I felt a relief at being reminded that I was hurting my project more then helping by worrying over this, but at the same time, I'm still disappointed that he was so casual about a fundamental principle (as though it wasn't one of his, though I'm sure it is).
So while I agree, your manager probably was doing something just for the sake of doing it, it is only when we strive to come up with the better methods and approaches that we get better languages like Ruby and Python and cooler libraries like Jquery.
Basically, what if next week you suddenly had 70 things instead of 2? If your boss's objects make that a snap, he was right. If it's the same amount of trouble (in the code or in the execution), he was wrong. But that doesn't mean there isn't a better answer then keeping it simple because it's only a couple of things.
The aim of the DRY principle is to help increase the "quality" of the code.
If the changes aren't improving the quality of the code, it is time to stop.
The ability to judge this comes with experience. As requirements change, the most appropriate way to refactor the code also changes, so it's impossible to have everything ideal - at least you need to freeze the requirements first.
Minimising the size of the code should generally not be a consideration in the quality unless you are codegolfing, so don't DRY when the only purpose is to reduce the size of the code.
Complicated tricks can do more harm than good.
A key reason for applying DRY to improve maintainability is to ensure that when a code change is necessary, that change only needs to be made in one place, thus avoiding the risk that it doesn't get changed everywhere that needs it.
But I'm not telling the whole story:
This interview with Dave Thomas has DT saying:
DRY says that every piece of system
knowledge should have one
authoritative, unambiguous
The first time I saw "DRY" was in The Pragmatic Programmer so I'm inclined to go with Dave on this.
There's another article worth reading here
But DRY is a principle, not a rule: the better we understand the principle, the more able we should be to recognise situations where it should be applied.
(And finally, I think I'd want a little more than "more-or-less the same" before I started "DRY"ing that code: if I could see a clear way in which the two things might diverge in the future then I'd be inclined to leave them alone).
For me, duplicated code is a smell that can have multiple origins:
Missing variables (introduce variable).
Missing methods (push expression into a method).
Feature envy (push behaviour down into the envied class).
Over-generalization (break up generic class into specific concrete classes).
Insufficient abstraction (push attributes and behaviour down into new class).
This list is probably incomplete. Consider it a starting point.
When you find duplication, think about what problem it's symptomatic of. Then take a stab at addressing that problem. When you're done, consider the readability of the new code. If it has deteriorated, you may be in one of these positions:
You misidentified the problem at the root of the duplication (revert, rethink, try again).
The duplication is a necessary trade-off (revert your change and live with it).
Your software is necessarily complex (commit your change and live with it).
Consider posting example code along with questions like this, if possible. They provide something concrete to work around. And remember, a lot of this stuff is very subjective.

Should is_paranoid be built into Rails?

Or, put differently, is there any reason not to use it on all of my models?
Some background: is_paranoid is a gem that makes calls to destroy set a deleted_at timestamp rather than deleting the row (and calls to find exclude rows with non-null deleted_ats).
I've found this feature so useful that I'm starting to include it in every model -- hard deleting records is just too scary. Is there any reason this is a bad thing? Should this feature be turned on by default in Rails?
Ruby is not for cowards who are scared of their own code!
In most cases you really want to delete the record completely. Consider a table that contains relationships between two other models. This is an obvious case when you would not like to use deleted_at.
Another thing is that your approach to database design is kinda rubyish. You will suffer of necessity to handle all this deleted_At stuff, when you have to write more complex queries to your tables than mere finds. And you surely will, when your application's DB takes lots of space so you'll have to replace nice and shiny ruby code with hacky SQL queries. You may want then to discard this column, but--oops--you have already utilized deleted_at logic somewhere and you'll have to rewrite larger pieces of your app. Gotcha.
And at the last place, actually it seems natural when things disappear upon deletion. And the whole point of the modelling is that the models try to express in machine-readable terms what's going on there. By default you delete record and it passes forever. And only reason deleted_at may be natural is when a record is to be later restored or should prevent similar record to be confused with the original one (table for Users is most likely the place you want to use it). But in most models it's just paranoia.
What I'm trying to say is that the plausibility to restore deleted records should be an explicitly expressed intent, because it's not what people normally expect and because there are cases where implicit use of it is error prone and not just adds a small overhead (unlike maintaining a created_at column).
Of course, there is a number of cases where you would like to revert deletion of records (especially when accidental deletion of valuable data leads to an unnecessary expenditure). But to utilize it you'll have to modify your application, add forms an so on, so it won't be a problem to add just another line to your model class. And there certainly are other ways you may implement storing deleted data.
So IMHO that's an unnecessary feature for every model and should be only turned on when needed and when this way to add safety to models is applicable to a particular model. And that means not by default.
(This past was influenced by railsninja's valuable remarks).
#Pavel Shved
I'm sorry but what? Ruby is not for cowards scared of code? This could be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Sure in a join table you want to delete records, but what about the join model of a has many through, maybe not.
In Business applications it often makes good sense to not hard delete things, Users make mistakes, A LOT.
A lot of your response, Pavel, is kind of dribble. There is no shame in using SQL where you need to, and how does using deleted_at cause this massive refactor, I'm at a loss about that.
#Horace I don't think is_paranoid should be in core, not everyone needs it. It's a fantastic gem though, I use it in my work apps and it works great. I am also fairly certain it hasn't forced me to resort to sql when I wouldn't need to, and I can't see a big refactor in my future due to it's presence. Use it when you need it, but it should be a gem.

Programming for and by yourself

If you're writing something by yourself, whether to practice, solve a personal problem, or just for entertainment, is it ok, once in a while, to have a public field? Maybe?
Let me give you an analogy.
I come from a part of the world where English is not the primary language. But it’s necessary for all things in life.
During one of those usual days during my pre-teen years I said something very funny in English. Then my Dad said, “Son, think in English. Then you’ll get fluent”
I think it applies perfectly to this situation.
Think,try and question best practices in your playground. You will soon realize what’s best for what.Why are properties needed in the first place. Why should this be public? Why should I not call a virtual member from the constructor? Let me try using "new" modifier for a method call. What happens when I write 10 nested levels of if-then-else and try reading it again after 10 days. Why the heck should I use a factory pattern for a simple project. Et cetera.
And then you’ll realize without shooting at your foot, why design patterns are patterns...
I think it's reasonable if you're consciously throwing the code away afterwards. In particular, if you're experimenting with something completely different, taking shortcuts makes sense. Just don't let it lead to habits which cross over into "real" code.
Violating general principles is always "ok"! It is not an error to violate a principle but it is a trade off. The cost of not writing clean code will be higher the longer your software will survive. My take on this is: If in doubt make it clean!
Of course it's OK. It's your code, you can do whatever you want with it. Personally, I try to stick to good practice also in my private code, just to make it a natural habit so I don't have to think about it.
The short answer is yes, if you believe that you're gaining a lot by making things public instead of private with accessors you are welcome to do so. Consistency, I think, is the biggest thing to keep in mind. For instance, don't make some variables straight public, and some not. Do the same across the board if you break with best practices. It comes back to a trade-off. Almost no-one follows many of the IEEE specs for how Software Engineering should be executed and documented because the overhead is far too great, and it can get unmanageable. The same is true for personal, light-weight programming. It's okay to do something quick and dirty, just do not get used to it.
Public members are acceptable in the Data Transfer Object design patter:
Typically, the members in the Transfer Object are defined as public, thus eliminating the need for get and set methods.
One of the key advantages of OOP is for scaling and maintainability. By encapsulating code, one can hide the implementation. This means other programmers don't have to know the implementation, and can't change your object's internal state. If you language doesn't support properties, you end up with a lot of code which obfuscates and bloats your project. If the code doesn't need to be worked on by multiple programmers, you aren't producing a reusable component, and YOU are the maintenance programmer, then code in whatever manner allows you to get things done.
Does a maid need to make his/her own bed in the morning in order to practice properly making a bed?
Side note: it also depends on the language:
In Scala, according to the Uniform Access Principle, clients read and write field values as if they are publicly accessible, even though in some case they are actually calling methods. The maintainer of the class has the freedom to change the implementation without forcing users to make code changes.
Scala keeps field and method names in the same namespace.
Many languages, like Java, keep field and method names in separate namespaces.
However, these languages can’t support the uniform access principle as a result, unless they build in ad hoc support in their grammars or compilers.
So the real question is:
What service are you exposing (here by having a public field)?.
If the service (get/set a given type value) makes sense for your API, then the "shortcut" is legitimate.
As long as you encapsulate that field eventually, is it ok because you made the shortcut for the "right" reason (API and service exposure), versus the "wrong" reason (quick ad-hoc access).
A good unit test (thinking like the user of your API) can help you check if that field should be accessed directly or if it is only useful for internal development of other classes within your program.
Here's my take on it:
I'd advise avoiding public fields. They have a nasty habit of biting you later on because you can't control them. (The word you're looking for here is volatility.) Further, if you decide to change their internal implementation, you have to touch a lot more code.
Then again, that's what refactoring tools are for. If you have a decent refactoring tool, that's not nearly so difficult.
There is no silver bullet. I can't repeat this enough. If you have work to do, and you need to get it done in a hurry, writing one line of code instead of eight (as is the case in Visual Basic) is certainly faster.
Rules were meant to be broken. If a rule doesn't necessarily apply in your case, don't use it. Design patterns, coding guidelines, laws and best practices should not be treated as a straightjacket that requires you to needlessly complicate your code to the point where it is enormously complex and difficult to understand and maintain. Don't let someone force you into a practice just because it's popular or "standard" when it doesn't fit your requirements.
Again, this is a subjective opinion, and your mileage may vary.
