How to upload multiple documents to SharePoint at the same time? - sharepoint-2007

I am trying to upload many documents to a library of SharePoint 2007, but it's too bad that I have to upload each by itself. Isn't there a way to upload more than one at the same time?

Have you tried using the multiple upload control, its an activex so you will have to use IE
Click Upload Document.
On the Upload Document page, click Upload Multiple Files.
Go the folder where you downloaded the practice files.
Select the two Word files (Memo_Draft.doc and Memo_Final.doc) by
selecting the check box next to each
Click Save and Close.
If you cannot see the option, you may need to update to the latest CU


Share multiple files via UIActivityViewController to Dropbox

My application works with HealthKit data in order to create some reports from the user's workout data and exports them to one or more files (mainly CSV and sometimes GPX files). To allow the user to access these files I present the standard UIActivityViewController passing as items an array of file as [URL] and no application activities (this is the relevant line in the code where files is the array of URLs).
It all works without issues, but today one of my users reported that when multiple files are exported and Dropbox is selected as the target for sharing the files, only the first one is saved and the others are ignored. Is there something I can do about it or is an issue that must be solved by Dropbox? To my understanding it should be the latter, but I can be missing something.
If they are relevant, here are two screenshot of the sharing screen under iOS 13: in the first only one CSV file is being shared and there's a Save to Dropbox option, in the second I'm sharing 2 CSV and 1 GPX files and that option is no longer there. In the second case there's still Copy to Dropbox (hidden) and it leads to only one file being saved, if I use Save to Files, all 3 files are correctly saved.
You are right, this is a Dropbox issue, not an issue with your apps export. It looks like the Dropbox app, by default, only accepts one file when received from the export action. Here is the workaround. The native iOS Files app will accept multiple export files and it is possible to add the Dropbox folders to the Files app, effectively allowing the multiple files to be uploaded to Dropbox.
Adding Dropbox to Files app:
Open Files app, on the app main screen, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and select edit.
This will show a ghosted Dropbox file with a toggle switch next to it, tap to add Dropbox to the list of available files.
Exporting the Multiple Files to Dropbox:
Once steps 1 and 2 are complete, go to the desired export app, and select the file you want to export.
In the list of export options, select the iOS Files app (not Dropbox), and then select the Dropbox file within the Files app. Then you can select the Dropbox sub-folder you want the multiple export files to be placed in.
That accomplishes the desired goal in the same number of steps as exporting to DropBox.

new google site - How to upload a pdf

I would like to upload the pdf of a paper on my new google site. Specifically, I want that people can click on, say, "paper_title" and can visualize the pdf and, if they want, download it.
I would like if possible a step-by-step explanation.
This is fairly straightforwards:
Firstly, store the PDF files on Google Drive and, set the link sharing as appropriate (e.g. anyone with link can view) so even anonymous internet users can see the file.
To make the PDF available via Google Sites you can either:
From Drive, copy the link to the file, and in new Sites insert a text box and
include the hyperlink to the PDF file in the text box.
in new Sites Insert (From Drive) and select the PDF file from the Google Drive; gives the same result as above, but with a re-sizable thumbnail picture of the PDF file instead of a link.
Exactly what happens after they click on the link is going to depend upon what browser the user is using, and what (if any) PDF viewer plugin is installed. Chrome, pretty much does what you want: it opens the PDF file in a viewer, from where you can download it.
Even if you don't store the PDF on Google Drive, what is described above should still work, as long as you have a hyperlink to the PDF file.

Display docx or ppt in browser with ruby

I'm currently working on a intranet webapp for a company.
I've created it so the administrators of the site are able to upload files
(.docx, .pdf, .xlsx, .ppt etc) up to the webapp, to provide easier access
to documents for the employees. It works very well, however my client wasn't
too fond of having to download the files, and wanted it to pop up in the browser,
or open up the file-spesific program instead of download.
I was playing with some ideas:
1. Somehow parse the files to JSON at upload, and then show the content in browser with html.
2. Generate a pdf from the uploaded file (which automatically launches in the browser).
3. Somehow use a previewer to show the filecontent in the browser
4. Clients computer launches the uploaded file automatically on download, however I think this is a bit more tricky...
What would be the best and most time-efficient way to go about this?
It feels like what you actually want/need is a javascript document viewer (only) such as

open an excel file located on the server instead of download it MVC

I'm building a Reporting web application right now with MVC3 and I've come up to a couple problems.
My goal is to have it able to generate and view Crystal Reports, SSRS reports, and Excel documents.
Right now I'm working on the Excel segment and I'm running into more trouble than I thought I would. First off, when I link directly to the file, it either opens inside the browser or it downloads it from the server and if the user makes changes it doesn't actually save it to the true file on the server.
I've tried both linking to the file directly using Razor and a ViewModel with the path to the document as well as directing it to an action that returned a File.
I've also tried linking it to a shortcut to the actual file thinking that if I could open the shortcut it would open the file the way I wanted it to and unfortunately it didn't really open at all.
The users already have access to the files on the server through a network drive, so as of right now they can go into the server, open the excel document, edit and save it no problem. I want to duplicate this effect through a link. The program already has a file browser built, so I can browse between the files and make links to the reports.
Thanks in advance!
Since they are apparently on a network drive, you can just link to the files directly, relative to the user?
For example: a link to file://///SERVERNAME/folder/
I tested it between two computers on the network, and that seems to work. However, you still get a popup asking that you want to do with the file, open or save. (both in firefox and IE)
Note: Yes, that many slashes seem necessary, lol

How to add an image to a TFS work item; as an image, not as an attachment

Our team is in the process of begining a project which is being managed using TFS. Several requiremens which existed only in Word documents are being migrated to TFS work items. The Word documents contain various diagrams and images which we need included in the work item, specifically under the 'Details' and 'Analysis' tabs. The problem is that images cannot be pasted into these tabs as images.
The only option to add images to the work item appears to be as an attachment.
Could someone confirm this?
Any assistance is appreciated.
The below steps worked for our team:
1- I added a *.png file as an attachment
2- Opened that *.png file within IE from the attachments tab
NOTE: Once the image opens in IE the address should be something like
the below:
If the address has "c:\etc" which is locally stored then it will not
work. The image has to be network accessible so other team members may see it in TFS.
3- Right click the image and select copy
4- Now within TFS under the "History" tab where you're entering your notes paste the image
5- Save the workitem and that is it.
You can change the text boxes to accept HTML, but that may still require the image to be hosted elsewhere.
It may also be best to just link to the existing document. We have to do this for now, because we have a large repository of existing documentation that no-one wants to bother converting.
Using the stock workitem this is true. You can extend the workitem display within the team explorer with your own custom controls that could display an attachment inline, but this won't be a small effort.
There are samples and guidance here
We write our Word documents, save them as filtered HTML and copy file and folder containing the images onto the server hosting the TFS. We then open the html from the server version in a browser and copy/paste requirements into the work items description field. Is a workaround, would be much nicer being able to directly copy/paste images into a workitem, but at least it works.
