Best practice to isolate data access layer in Ruby/Rails - ruby-on-rails

So, I have Ruby on Rails application. Blank for now. And let me say right from the beginning that most of my experience is from Java, so I might be thinking not the way RoR devs do. :-)
What I need to do is to create some Data Access Layer, say it will be access users, so let it be
UserDAO.rb which will be basically then using ActiveRecord or directly accessing the database or accessing or some key-value storage or anything else I can think of.
Technically, as we don't have interfaces in Ruby, I can make UserDAO.rb to "have" the implementation (basically, I am talking about composition), which may be anything we need, say UserDAOActiveRecord.rb or UserDAOMongo.rb or anything else like that. UserDAO.rb will basically call the methods of the implementation and that's it. Should be easy to switch between implementations.
While it does sound like a possible solution, I am looking forward to hear what are the best practices for this problem in the Ruby world. Thanks!

You will have to look for a Ruby Class other than ActiveRecord (which as pointed out is an Object Relational Mapper, so has no separate data access layer).
You might want to look at:
You could create a class, Person, which contains methods which use an instance of Sequel to talk to the database.
This untested code demonstrates why this might not be a great idea:
class Person
attr_reader :first_name, :last_name
DataSource = Sequel.sqlite('my_app.db')[:people]
def initialize(record)
#first_name = record.first_name
#last_name = record.last_name
# Find a record from the database and use it to initialize a new Person object
def self.find_by_id(id) => id))

Remember that ActiveRecord isn't only a way to access a database, it's also a pattern for how your data is integrated into your application: the idea that each model controls its own data and stores/retrieves/queries it as needed, with a model instance representing a database row.
Naturally, you don't have to use that pattern, but it's one of the cores of Rails, so by treating ActiveRecord as just another data access method to be abstracted, you're losing a lot of functionality.
Note also that ActiveRecord already abstracts out the database type by using a database adapter, so it's easy to drop in MySQL, Oracle, etc. But it does assume a relational database.
However, to answer your question, it's not really necessary to wrap your data access implementation in another class just to ensure a consistent interface. As you say, ruby doesn't have Java-type interfaces, but the ruby world also doesn't generally try to ensure that developers can only do legal things. You can create a bunch of data access classes that offer the same set of methods, create unit tests to ensure that those methods are consistent (and to act as executable documentation of those methods), and then trust developers to make the correct calls against whichever implementation they pick. It's a big cultural difference from the Java world, where everything is coded to interfaces and methods are final and objects are immutable. It takes some getting used to.

Alex, I strongly suggest you to get the book Agile Web Devoplment With Rails (4th edition). Active Record implements the ... active record pattern, so the Class is the DAO (the class methods represent the dao), while the instance methods represents the object.
So for example you can have
person = Person.find(3) //Person is the dao = 'mick' //name = is the setter for he instance // well.. saves the object
I've coded in Java for 10 years and just started with ruby..... and it's quite a change.


Is that a proper way to refactor ActiveRecord fat models?

If for example I've this ActiveRecord model:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
# model logic
require "lib/someclass.rb"
class Order
before_save :something
# more logic here
Is that a good way to refactor/extract logic from model?
Or maybe use concern class, service class or something else?
Like someone told me a long time ago:
Code refactoring is not a matter of randomly moving code around.
In your example that is exactly what you are doing: moving code into another file
Why is it bad?
By moving code around like this, you are making your original class more complicated since the logic is randomly split into several other classes. Of course it looks better, less code in one file is visually better but that's all.
Prefer composition to inheritance. Using mixins like this is asking to "cleaning" a messy room by dumping the clutter into six separate junk drawers and slamming them shut. Sure, it looks cleaner at the surface, but the junk drawers actually make it harder to identify and implement the decompositions and extractions necessary to clarify the domain model.
What should I do then?
You should ask yourself:
Which code goes together and could be part of a new class / module ?
Where does it makes sense to extract code to somewhere else ?
Do I have some piece of code that is shared across my application ?
Can I extract recurrent patterns in my code base ?
Extract Service Object
I reach for Service Objects when an action meets one or more of these criteria:
The action is complex
The action reaches across multiple models
The action interacts with an external service
The action is not a core concern of the underlying model
There are multiple ways of performing the action
Extract Form Objects
When multiple model can be updated by a a single form submission, you might want to create a Form Object.
This enable to put all the form logic (name conventions, validations and so on) into one place.
Extract Query Objects
You should extract complex SQL/NoSQL queries into their own class. Each Query Object is responsible for returning a result set based on the criterias / business rules.
Extract Presenters / Decorators
Extract views logic into presenters. Your model should not deal with specific views logic. Moreover, it will enable you to use your presenter in multiple views.
More on decorators
Thanks to this blog post to help me putting these together.
Keeping the code in the same class moves logic, it doesn't extract it.
Externalizing callback declaration is misleading and potentially dangerous. Callbacks are abused enough; forcing readers to hunt down related files is cruel.
There's no general way to answer the question as asked; the "best" refactors depends on what's actually being refactoried. Lifecycle information should be obvious and precise, though.
Concerns, services, decorators, facades, etc. are good mechanisms that support refactoring. Without knowing what's being refactored it's impossible to provide meaningful advice regarding what's "best".

Best practice question - Working straight with Linq to sql classes

This is possibly a bit of a stupid question, but I am getting confused due to the ASP.NET MVC book I am currently reading...
Working with Linq-To-SQL it seems to say that it is not good practice to pass the Linq-to-SQL objects straight to the controller, but that each object should be modelled separately first and this should be passed between the controller and the repository.
Say, I have a database of products. Linq-to-SQl creates a product class for me with Name, Price and Whatnotelse properties. I could pass that straight from repository to controller and then view, but instead it seems to recommend that I use and third class, say Product_Entity, with also Name, Price etc. properties and pass that to the controller.
I fail to see the benefit of this approach, except possibly for adding attributes to the properties... But apart from that it seems to have more drawbacks than benefits. Say each product has manufacturer information as well, I don't see how I can model that easily in my third class.
Is this approach really best practice? Or did I misunderstand all that? If so, why is it bad to work straight off the linq-to-sql generated objects? And how do you deal with relationships between objects in y
The huge benefit to this other class you create is that, to use your example, it doesn't necessarily map to either a product or a manufacturer. Think about it like this:
Your Linq to SQL classes are meant for talking in the "data" domain.
Your "data" classes (the ones you're having trouble with) are meant for talking in the "application" domain.
Let's take an example. Suppose in your MVC application you wanted to show a grid of information about products. You want to see their Name, Price (from the Product table) and their Country of Manufacture and Manufacturer name (from the Manufacturer table). What would you name this class? Product_Manufacturer? What if later on you wanted to add properties from yet a third table such as product discounts? Instead of thinking about these objects in purely the data domain, think about them with regard to your application.
So instead of Product_Manufacturer, what about calling it ProductSummaryItem? Each property of the ProductSummaryItem class would map 1:1 with a field shown in your grid on the UI. Your controller would perform the mapping between the information in the data domain (Product, Manufacturer) with the custom class you'd created in the application domain (ProductSummaryItem).
By doing this, you get some awesome benefits:
1) Writing your views becomes really, really simple. All you have to do to display your data is loop through the ProductSummaryItems and wrap them in and tags, and you're done. It also allows for simple aggregation. Say for example you wanted to add a field called ProductsSoldLastYear to your ProductSummaryItem class. You could do that very simply in your views because all it is to them is another property.
2) Since the view is trivial and there's mapping logic in the controller, it becomes much easier to test the controller's output because it's customized to what the view is going to see.
3) Since the ProductSummaryItem class only has the data it needs, your queries can potentially become much faster because they only need to query for the fields that would populate your ProductSummaryItem object, and nothing else. This overhead can become overbearing the more data-domain objects make up your ProductSummaryItem object.
This pattern is called Model View ViewModel (MVVM) and is hugely popular with MVC as well as in frameworks like WPF.
The argument against MVVM is that you have to somewhat reimplement simple classes for CRUD operations. Fair enough, I guess, but you can use a tool like automapper to help out with things like that. I think you'll find fairly quickly, though, that using the MVVM pattern even for CRUD pays dividends, because before you know it, even with simple classes, you'll start wishing you had extra fields which can easily drive your views.

Creating the same model from multiple data sources

This is mostly of a design pattern question. I have one type of model that I'm going to get the data to create them from multiple sources. So for example one record my be created from an API where another is created via screen scraping with Nokogiri.
My issue lies in how best to abstract out these different data sources. Right now I'm building lib classes that return the same hash which I then use to set the attributes of the model. But I'm wondering if this isn't more of a case to use STI. Or if there is some other way of doing this I'm just not thinking about.
I think your design decision would depend largely on what attributes need to be stored. From your description, it sounds like you have a model with multiple data sources, but which would be storing the same attributes regardless of the source. In that case STI seems like overkill. When you retrieve a row from the table, does it matter whether the source is the API or the screen scraper? If not, then you could just define separate methods for each data source and use the appropriate method in the controller.
#instance =>"API")`
I'd say don't worry about inheritance (or mixing in code from modules) unless you really need to. There are some gotchas -- STI is not fully supported by some gems/plugins, for example.

Rails Single Table Inheritance - What is the best way to explicitly set type?

I am using single table inheritance in my rails application, and want to explicitly set the type of an instance.
I have the following;
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
class SpecialEvent < Event
which is implemented through single table inheritance. works as expected, but I want to be able to do things like => 'SpecialEvent')
So I can create different sub_types easily in the application.
However this doesn't work and seems to set :type to nil, not the value I set it to; I suspect this is because by calling it is overwriting the :type argument.
Has anyone got a good way of doing this?
If you're trying to dynamically instantiate a subtype, and you have the type as a string, you can do this:
from "Pragmatic - Agile Web Development with rails 3rd edition", page 380
There’s also a less obvious constraint (with STI). The attribute type
is also the name of a built-in Ruby method, so accessing it directly
to set or change the type of a row may result in strange Ruby
messages. Instead, access it implicitly by creating objects of the
appropriate class, or access it via the model object’s indexing
interface, using something such as this:
person[:type] = 'Manager'
man, this book really rocks
No, I want to create instances of
sub-types, where I want to
programmatically determine which
sub_type they are
– HermanD
You could use a factory pattern, although I have heard recently that people frown on the overuse of this pattern. Basically, use the factory to create the actual types you want to get
class EventFactory
def EventFactory.create_event(event_type)
To me it sounds like you'll need some mojo in the event#create action:
type = params[:event].delete(:type)
# check that it is an expected value!!!
die unless ['Event', 'SpecialEvent'].include(type)[:event])
Apparently, Rails does not allow you to set Type directly. Here's what I do...
klass_name = 'Foo'
klass = Class.const_get(klass_name) #
I believe .constantize is a Rails inflector shortcut. const_get is a Ruby method on Class and Module.
Up front I'll agree that STI is often NOT the best way to deal with things. Polymorphism, yes, but it's often better to use a polymorphic association than STI.
That said, I had a system in which STI was important. It was a judicial system and things like court cases were remarkably similar across their types and generally shared all their essential attributes. However, a civil case and a criminal case differed in the elements they managed. This happened at several levels in the system so abstracted my solution.
Long story short, it uses a factory method to leverage the common approach described above. As a result, the controller can remain neutral/ignorant of the particular type of STI class that you're creating.
You can use the Rails safe_constantize method, which will ensure the object/class actually exists.
For example:
def typeify(string)
new_special_event = typeify('special_event').new

How do I handle data which must be persisted in a database, but isn't a proper model, in Ruby on Rails?

Imagine a web application written in Ruby on Rails. Part of the state of that application is represented in a piece of data which doesn't fit the description of a model. This state descriptor needs to be persisted in the same database as the models.
Where it differs from a model is that there needs to be only one instance of its class and it doesn't have relationships with other classes.
Has anyone come across anything like this?
From your description I think the rails-settings plugin should do what you need.
From the Readme:
"Settings is a plugin that makes managing a table of global key, value pairs easy. Think of it like a global Hash stored in you database, that uses simple ActiveRecord like methods for manipulation. Keep track of any global setting that you dont want to hard code into your rails app. You can store any kind of object. Strings, numbers, arrays, or any object."
If it's data, and it's in the database, it's part of the model.
This isn't really a RoR problem; it's a general OO design problem.
If it were me, I'd probably find a way to conceptualize the data as a model and then just make it a singleton with a factory method and a private constructor.
Alternatively, you could think of this as a form of logging. In that case, you'd just have a Logger class (also a singleton) that reads/writes the database directly and is invoked at the beginning and end of each request.
In Rails, if data is in the database it's in a model. In this case the model may be called "Configuration", but it is still mapped to an ActiveRecord class in your Rails system.
If this data is truly static, you may not need the database at all.
You could use (as an example) a variable in your application controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper :all
#data = "YOUR DATA HERE"
There are a number of approaches that can be used to instantiate data for use in a Rails application.
I'm not sure I understand why you say it can't fit in a Rails model.
If it's just a complex data structure, just save a bunch of Ruby code in a text field in the database :-)
If for example you have a complex nested hash you want to save, assign the following to your 'data' text field: = complex_hash.inspect
When you want to read it back, simply
complex_hash = eval
Let me point out 2 more things about this solution:
If your data structure is not standard Ruby classes, a simple inspect may not do it. If you see #<MyClass:0x4066e3c> anywhere, something's not being serialized properly.
This is a naive implementation. You may want to check out real marshalling solutions if you risk having unicode data or if you really are saving a lot of custom-made classes.
