Rails NoMethod Error when calling a dynamic attribute find - ruby-on-rails

I am currently working on an app. In this app, I created a Person model and I was using rail's dynamic attribute find feature. In the Person model I have an attribute called uid, so I was calling Person.find_by_uid(some numerical value). This worked fine in my development mode and the app was totally functioning. However, once I deployed this app to heroku. The app failed and the log complains about NoMethodError (undefined method `find_by_uid' for #):
I have been looking all places, but still unable to track down the problem. I tried to define the method find_by_uid under the Person model, and still does not work.
I was wondering if anyone has had similar experience or knows how to solve this issue?
Thank you very much ahead of the time!

Did you try running the migrations in heroku (heroku rake db:migrate)? Most provably that attribute is not in the heroku data base so you don't have that dynamic method.

I ran into the same problem. heroku restart has saved me.


Rolify dynamic calls not run or recognized by heroku

I am getting an error for using a function provided by a special configuration on Heroku even though it works fine on my machine.
Specifically, I am using the Rolify method is_admin? on user, which is made possible by a configuration setting in an initializer file.
So far with Heroku I have migrated the database again, restarted the app and refreshed the page multiple times for each. How can I get Heroku to run the configuration file like my local machine does every time I reset the local server?
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `is_admin?' for #<User:0x0000000524c8e0>):
2012-07-22T09:00:53+00:00 app[web.1]: 1: <% if current_user.is_admin? %>
# config/initializers/rolify.rb
Rolify.configure do |config|
Well, I tried one more thing and it worked, but here it is just in case.
I ran $ heroku run rake db:reset and it worked again. Not sure why, but oh well.
The issue is that if you call Rolify custom methods when the role does not exist yet in the database, it results in an error. To get around this, either seed your database with all of the roles you'll need, or better, do not use dynamic methods.
For example, instead of:
#user.is_admin? use #user.has_role?(:admin) and it will not break.

Rake test suddenly stopped working

I have been working with my rails application and since today I have not been able to run rake test:units
I though maybe my Ruby installation is broken or something, so I tried creating a new application, created a new model quickly, wrote a couple of unit test and then ran them. Everything seems to be running fine with the new app.
Please check the error log generated here http://pastebin.com/jgNXpXE3
Seems there's a bug in your Product model. Do you have a call to validates without any parameters passed to it?

Rails 2.3.9, adding ActiveScaffold, getting in `alias_method': undefined method `number_of_pages' for class `Paginator'

I have AS (as a plugin) working in another app just fine (I dont remember this
issue...) - its also using Rails 2.3.9, on same dev box.
Now trying to add it to a new app and getting this error when running
the webrick, script/server:
active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:33:in `alias_method':
undefined method `number_of_pages' for class `Paginator' (NameError)
from /Users/kimptoc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/
33:in `alias_method_chain'
from /Users/kimptoc/Documents/ruby/borisbikestats/vendor/plugins/
I couldn't find any previous references to this error.
Embarassingly I dont know which version of AS I am using successfully... it says 1.2RC1 in the CHANGELOG file, but I seem to remember trying a few of the forks...(is there somewhere I can see which fork is in use...). I have tried using the the 'main' activescaffold in the new project, but it fails as above, but so does using the same plugin that is in the working project :(
Thanks in advance for any pointers as to what I am doing wrong.
PS Just realised that new Rails was using Rails 3 and old/working one was 2.3.9. It seems you need to use an alternate branch of AS for Rails 3, like this : https://github.com/vhochstein/active_scaffold/wiki
This is just a guess, but built in pagination was removed in Rails 2 as I recall, and you needed to install the classic_pagination plugin to get that functionality back.
I only used ActiveScaffold once, but the error there says paginator_extensions.rb ... it's probably monkey patching the old Rails paginator? Therefore the class exists but the number_of_pages method doesn't.

Troubleshooting: Rails can't save to database in production?

I could use a little help trouble shooting this problem.
When using the app to create a new record nothing is being saved to the database.
There are no visible errors presented.
Dropping to the command line, and using the console with the same production environment, I can create a new object and save it (I have to bypass validations). If I look in mysql database I can see the record that I created from the console.
App works fine locally.
Any thoughts on what might be the problem?
Rails 2.0.2
Sounds like a validation error.
In your controller, try using save! (with the bang) to see if will throw a meaningful error.
I am not sure what code you have in the controller, but this might help show the problem
if my_object.save
log.debug 'object saved correctly'
log.debug my_object.errors.full_messages
Good luck, if this doesn't help. Try posting the relevant controller and model code.
Have you double checked that the request (with params, etc) works correctly in development?
If not, perhaps looking at the production log file will tell you where the request was routed (e.g. which controller and action, and with which parameters).

has_many_polymorphs tagging - works on development machine, not on production!

I'm having a weird problem, where tagging works fine on my development machine, but when I deploy to the production server, I get this error in the log:
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `tags' for #<Person:0x98bb9d4>) on line...
There is an entry in the production.log file that states that has_many_polymorphs is loaded, so it's not like the plugin isn't available on the production machine.
My Google-fu has failed me trying to find the answer, so if anyone knows what could be wrong it would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: I should have mentioned that on both production and development I'm using the same database. I downloaded the production one, and used it on the development machine and it works fine.
cap deploy:migrations
I've seen similar problems to this in which the polymorphic type field is not getting correctly filled in, or when there was some existing data prior to the polymorphic type tag getting added. Is person a subclass? does the _type field contain any null values on the polymorphs table?
Just stabbing in the dark here, but has_many_polymorphs doesn't natively add tagging functionality to your models. Instead, you use a generator to create a tagging extensions module that goes into lib/tagging_extensions.rb. The module file has helper methods that add tagging functions, built on top of the has_many_polymorphs base functionality.
So, is it possible that you have the plug-in installed, but not the tagging extensions file?
I spent some time with a consultant tracking this down, and eventually we discovered that for reasons unknown, the Tagging stuff just wasn't being loaded.
By adding a single line of code, just three letters, to the end of environment.rb, it was resolved. I commented it so that we'd never forget wtf was going on:
# Magic begins here.
# We need to force Rails to load the Tag record, or
# has_many_polymorphs doesn't work properly. I don't know
# if there's a better fix, but this one seems reasonable. :-/
That was it. I'm sure there's an elegant and proper solution to this, but this works. Weird.
I hope this helps someone out there.
