Is there a parser generator that can use the Wirth syntax? - parsing

It seems like most use BNF / EBNF ...

The distinction made by the Wikipedia article looks to me like it is splitting hairs. "BNF/EBNF" has long meant writing grammar rules in roughly the following form:
nonterminal = right_hand_side end_rule_marker
As with other silly langauge differences ( "{" in C, begin in Pascal, endif vs. fi) you can get very different looking but identical meaning by choosing different, er, syntax for end_rule_marker and what you are allowed to say for the right_hand_side.
Normally people allow literal tokens in (your choice! of) quotes, other nonterminal names, and for EBNF, various "choice" operators typically | or / for alternatives, * or + for "repeat", [ ... ] or ? for optional, etc.
Because people designing language syntax are playing with syntax, they seem to invent their own every time they write some down. (Check the various syntax formalisms in the language standards; none of them are the same). Yes, we'd all be better off if there were one standard way to write this stuff. But we don't do that for C or C++ or C# (not even Microsoft could follow their own standard); why should BNF be any different?
Because people that build parser generators usually use it to parse their own syntax, they can and so easily define their own for each parser generator. I've never seen one that did precisely the "WSN" version at Wikipedia and I doubt I ever will in practice.
Does it matter much? Well, no. What really matters is the power of the parser generator behind the notation. You have to bend most grammars to match the power (well, weakness) of the parser generator; for instance, for LL-style generators, your grammar rules can't have left recursion (WSN allows that according to my reading). People building parser generators also want to make it convenient to express non-parser issues (such as, "how to build tree nodes") and so they also add extra notation for non-parsing issues.
So what really drives the parser generator syntax are weaknesses of the parser generator to handle arbitrary languages, extra goodies deemed valuable for the parser generator, and the mood of the guy implementing it.


Regular expression can be used to express all kinds of lexical parser requirements?

I'm learning Compilers Principles recently. I notice all examples from text books describes a language lexcial parser using "lex" or "flex" with regular expressions to show how to analyze input source files.
Does it indicate that, all known programming languages, can be implemented using type 3 grammar to do lexical parsing? Or it's just that text books are using simple samples to show ideas?
Most lexemes in most languages can be identified with regular expressions, but there are exceptions. (When it comes to parsing computer languages, there are always exceptions. Without exception.)
For example, you cannot match a C++ raw string literal with a regex. You cannot tell without syntactic analysis whether /= in a Javacript program is the single lexeme used to indicate divide-and-assign, or whether it is the start of a regular expression which matches a atring starting with =. Languages which allow nested comments (unlike C) require something a bit more powerful.
But it's enormously easier to write a few regexes than to write a full state machine in raw C, so there is a lot of motivation to find ways of bending flex to your will for a few exceptional cases. And flex cooperates to a certain extent by providing features which allow you to escape from the regex straightjacket when necessary. In an advanced class on lexical analysis you might learn more about these features.

Lexical Analysis of a Scripting Language

I am trying to create a simple script for a resource API. I have a resource API mainly creates game resources in a structured manner. What I want is dealing with this API without creating c++ programs each time I want a resource. So we (me and my instructor from uni) decided to create a simple script to create/edit resource files without compiling every time. There are also some other irrelevant factors that I need a command line interface rather than a GUI program.
Anyway, here is script sample:
<path>.<command> -<options>
/Graphics[3].add "blabla.png"
I didn't design this script language, the owner of API did. The part before '.' as you can guess is the path and part after '.' is actual command and some options, flags etc. As a first step, I tried to create grammar of left part because I thought I could use it while searching info about lexical analyzers and parser. The problem is I am inexperienced when it comes to parsing and programming languages and I am not sure if it's correct or not. Here is some more examples and grammar of left side.
dir -> '/' | '/' path
path -> object '/' path | object
object -> number | string '[' number ']'
Notation if this grammar can be a mess, I don't know. There is 5 different possibilities, they are:
It has to start with '/' symbol and if it's the only symbol, I will accept it as Root.
Now my problem is how can I lexically analyze this script? Is there a special method? What should my lexical analyzer do and do not(I read some lexical analysers also do syntactic analysis up to a point). Do you think grammar, etc. is technically appropriate? What kind of parsing method I should use(Recursive Descent, LL etc.)? I am trying to make it technically appropriate piece of work. It's not commercial so I have time thus I can learn lexical analysis and parsing better. I don't want to use a parser library.
What should my lexical analyzer do and not do?
It should:
recognize tokens
ignore ignorable whitespace and comments (if there are such things)
optionally, keep track of source location in order to produce meaningful error messages.
It should not attempt to parse the input, although that will be very tempting with such a simple language.
From what I can see, you have the following tokens:
punctuation: /, ., linear-white-space, new-line
unquoted strings (often called "atoms" or "ids")
quoted strings (possibly the same token type as unquoted strings)
I'm not sure what the syntax for -options is, but that might include more possibilities.
Choosing to return linear-white-space (that is, a sequence consisting only of tabs and spaces) as a token is somewhat questionable; it complicates the grammar considerably, particularly since there are probably places where white-space is ignorable, such as the beginning and end of a line. But I have the intuition that you do not want to allow whitespace inside of a path and that you plan to require it between the command name and its arguments. That is, you want to prohibit:
/left /right[3] .whimper "hello, world"
/left/right[3].whimper"hello, world"
But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're happy to accept both. That would be simpler, because if you accept both, then you can just ignore linear-whitespace altogether.
By the way, experience has shown that using new-line to separate commands can be awkward; sooner or later you will need to break a command into two lines in order to avoid having to buy an extra monitor to see the entire line. The convention (used by bash and the C preprocessor, amongst others) of putting a \ as the last character on a line to be continued is possible, but can lead to annoying bugs (like having an invisible space following the \ and thus preventing it from really continuing the line).
From here down is 100% personal opinion, offered for free. So take it for what its worth.
I am trying to make it technically appropriate piece of work. It's not commercial so I have time thus I can learn lexical analysis and parsing better. I don't want to use a parser library.
There is a contradiction here, in my opinion. Or perhaps two contradictions.
A technically appropriate piece of work would use standard tools; at least a lexical generator and probably a parser generator. It would do that because, properly used, the lexical and grammatical descriptions provided to the tools document precisely the actual language, and the tools guarantee that the desired language is what is actually recognized. Writing ad hoc code, even simple lexical recognizers and recursive descent parsers, for all that it can be elegant, is less self-documenting, less maintainable, and provides fewer guarantees of correctness. Consequently, best practice is "use standard tools".
Secondly, I disagree with your instructor (if I understand their proposal correctly, based on your comments) that writing ad hoc lexers and parsers aids in understanding lexical and parsing theory. In fact, it may be counterproductive. Bottom-up parsing, which is incredibly elegant both theoretically and practically, is almost impossible to write by hand and totally impossible to read. Consequently, many programmers prefer to use recursive-descent or Pratt parsers, because they understand the code. However, such parsers are not as powerful as a bottom-up parser (particularly GLR or Earley parsers, which are fully general), and their use leads to unnecessary grammatical compromises.
You don't need to write a regular expression library to understand regular expressions. The libraries abstract away the awkward implementation details (and there are lots of them, and they really are awkward) and let you concentrate on the essence of creating and using regular expressions.
In the same way, you do not need to write a compiler in order to understand how to program in C. After you have a good basis in C, you can improve your understanding (maybe) by understanding how it translates into machine code, but unless you plan a career in compiler writing, knowing the details of obscure optimization algorithms are not going to make you a better programmer. Or, at least, they're not first on your agenda.
Similarly, once you really understand regular expressions, you might find writing a library interesting. Or not -- you might find it incredibly frustrating and give up after a couple of months of hard work. Either way, you will appreciate existing libraries more. But learn to use the existing libraries first.
And the same with parser generators. If you want to learn how to translate an idea for a programming language into something precise and implementable, learn how to use a parser generator. Only after you have mastered the theory of parsing should you even think of focusing on low-level implementations.

Writing correct LL(1) grammars?

I'm currently trying to write a (very) small interpreter/compiler for a programming language. I have set the syntax for the language, and I now need to write down the grammar for the language. I intend to use an LL(1) parser because, after a bit of research, it seems that it is the easiest to use.
I am new to this domain, but from what I gathered, formalising the syntax using BNF or EBNF is highly recommended. However, it seems that not all grammars are suitable for implementation using an LL(1) parser. Therefore, I was wondering what was the correct (or recommended) approach to writing grammars in LL(1) form.
Thank you for your help,
PS: I intend to write the parser using Haskell's Parsec library.
EDIT: Also, according to SK-logic, Parsec can handle an infinite lookahead (LL(k) ?) - but I guess the question still stands for that type of grammar.
I'm not an expert on this as I have only made a similar small project with an LR(0) parser. The general approach I would recommend:
Get the arithmetics working. By this, make rules and derivations for +, -, /, * etc and be sure that the parser produces a working abstract syntax tree. Test and evaluate the tree on different input to ensure that it does the arithmetic correctly.
Make things step by step. If you encounter any conflict, resolve it first before moving on.
Get simper constructs working like if-then-else or case expressions working.
Going further depends more on the language you're writing the grammar for.
Definetly check out other programming language grammars as an reference (unfortunately I did not find in 1 min any full LL grammar for any language online, but LR grammars should be useful as an reference too). For example:
ANSI C grammar
Python grammar
and of course some small examples in Wikipedia about LL grammars Wikipedia LL Parser that you probably have already checked out.
I hope you find some of this stuff useful
There are algorithms both for determining if a grammar is LL(k). Parser generators implement them. There are also heuristics for converting a grammar to LL(k), if possible.
But you don't need to restrict your simple language to LL(1), because most modern parser generators (JavaCC, ANTLR, Pyparsing, and others) can handle any k in LL(k).
More importantly, it is very likely that the syntax you consider best for your language requires a k between 2 and 4, because several common programming constructs do.
So first off, you don't necessarily want your grammar to be LL(1). It makes writing a parser simpler and potentially offers better performance, but it does mean that you're language will likely end up more verbose than commonly used languages (which generally aren't LL(1)).
If that's ok, your next step is to mentally step through the grammar, imagine all possibilities that can appear at that point, and check if they can be distinguished by their first token.
There's two main rules of thumb to making a grammar LL(1)
If of multiple choices can appear at a given point and they can
start with the same token, add a keyword in front telling you which
choice was taken.
If you have an optional or repeated part, make
sure it is followed by an ending token which can't appear as the first token of the optional/repeated part.
Avoid optional parts at the beginning of a production wherever possible. It makes the first two steps a lot easier.

Parser generator for inline documentation

To have a general-purpose documentation system that can extract inline documentation of multiple languages, a parser for each language is needed. A parser generator (which actually doesn't have to be that complete or efficient) is thus needed. is a nice parser generator that already has a number of grammars for popular languages. Are there better alternatives i.e. simpler ones that support generating parsers for even more languages out-of-the-box?
If you're only looking for "partial parsing", then you could use ANTLR's option to partially "lex" a token stream and ignore the rest of the tokens. You can do that by enabling the filter=true in a lexer-grammar. The lexer then tries to match any token you defined in your grammar, and when it can't match one of the tokens, it advances one single character (and ignores it) and then again tries to match one of your token at the next character:
lexer grammar Foo;
options {filter=true;}
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
When implemented properly, you can get the MultiLineComments (/* ... */) from a Java file quite easily without being afraid of single line comments and String- or char literals messing things up.
Obviously, your source files need to be valid to be able to properly tokenize a file, otherwise you get strange results!
My compiler uses Dypgen. This is a user extenisble GLR parser with lots of enrichments so it can parse many languages. The bootstrap grammar is EBNF like (it supports * + and ? directly in your productions). It is powerful enough to dynamically load extensions, a fact my compiler leverages: the bulk of my programming language has its syntax dynamically loaded at compiler startup.
Dypgen is written in Ocaml and generates Ocaml code.
There is a C++ GLR parser called Elkhound which is powerful enough to parse most of C++.
However, for your actual requirements, you do not really need to do any serious parsing: a regular expression matching engine is probably good enough. Googles re2 may be suitable (provides most PCRE functionality, a lot faster and with C++ interface).
Although this is less accurate, it is good enough because you can demand that inline documentation adhere to some simple formats. Most existing inline docs already do so for just this reason.
Where I work we used to use GOLD Parser. This is a lot simpler that Antlr and supports multiple languages. We have since moved to Antlr however as we needed to do more complex parsing, which we found Antlr was better for than GOLD.

Practical consequences of formal grammar power?

Every undergraduate Intro to Compilers course reviews the commonly-implemented subsets of context-free grammars: LL(k), SLR(k), LALR(k), LR(k). We are also taught that for any given k, each of those grammars is a subset of the next.
What I've never seen is an explanation of what sorts of programming language syntactic features might require moving to a different language class. There's an obvious practical motivation for GLR parsers, namely, avoiding an unholy commingling of parser and symbol table when parsing C++. But what about the differences between the two "standard" classes, LL and LR?
Two questions:
What (general) syntactic constructions can be parsed with LR(k) but not LL(k')?
In what ways, if any, do those constructions manifest as desirable language constructs?
There's a plausible argument for reducing language power by making k as small as possible, because a language requiring many, many tokens of lookahead will be harder for humans to parse, as well as "harder" for machines to parse. Question (2) implicitly asks if the same reasoning ends up holding between classes, as well as within a class.
edit: Here's one example to illustrate the sorts of answers I'm looking for, but for regular languages instead of context-free:
When describing a regular language, one usually gets three operators: +, *, and ?. Now, you can remove + without reducing the power of the language; instead of writing x+, you write xx*, and the effect is the same. But if x is some big and hairy expression, the two xs are likely to diverge over time due to human forgetfulness, yielding a syntactically correct regular expression that doesn't match the original author's intent. Thus, even though adding + doesn't strictly add power, it does make the notation less error-prone.
Are there constructs with similar practical (human?) effects that must be "removed" when switching from LR to LL?
Parsing (I claim) is a bit like sorting: a problem that was the focus of a lot of thought in the early days of CS, leading to a set of well-understood solutions with some nice theoretical results.
My claim is that the picture that we get (or give, for those of us who teach) in a compilers class is, to some degree, a beautiful answer to the wrong question.
To answer your question more directly, an LL(1) grammar can't parse all kinds of things that you might want to parse; the "natural" formulation of an 'if' with an optional 'else', for instance.
But wait! Can't I reformulate my grammar as an LL(1) grammar and then patch up the source tree by walking over it afterward? Sure you can! To some degree, this is what makes the question of what kind of grammar your parser uses largely moot.
Also, back when I was an undergraduate (1990-94), whitespace-sensitive grammars were clearly the work of the Devil; now, Python and Haskell's designs are bringing whitespace-sensitivity back into the light. Also, Packrat parsing says "to heck with your theoretical purity: I'm just going to define a parser as a set of rules, and I don't care what class my grammar belongs to." (paraphrased)
In summary, I would agree with what I believe to be your implied suggestion: in 2009, a clear understanding of the difference between the classes LL(k) and LR(k) is less important in itself than the ability to formulate and debug a grammar that makes your parser generator happy.
The difference between LL and LR is primarily in the lookahead mechanism. People generally say that LR parsers carry more "context". To see this practically, consider a recursive grammar definition with S as the starting symbol:
A -> Ax | x
B -> Ay
C -> Az
S -> B | C
When k is a small fixed value, parsing a string like xxxxxxy is a task better suited to an LR parser. However, these days the popular LL parsers such as ANTLR do not restrict k to such small values and most people no longer care.
I hope this is more or less in line with your question. Of course Knuth showed that any unambiguous context-free language can be recognized by some LR(1) grammar. However, in practice we are also concerned with translation.
As a side note: You might also enjoy reading
This is by no means proven, but I have always questioned whether LR-like parsing is really similar to how the brain works when reading certain notations. For example, when reading an English sentence it is pretty obvious that we read from left-to-right. But, consider the pattern bellow:
. . . . . | . . . . .
I rather expect that with short patterns such as this one people do not literally read "dot dot dot dot dot bar dot dot dot dot dot" from left to right, but rather processes the pattern in parallel or at least in some kind of fuzzy iterative manner. In other words, I do not believe we necessarily read all patterns in a left-to-right manner with the kind of linear lookahead that a LL/LR parser employs.
Furthermore, if we can describe any context-free language using an LR(1) grammar then it is clear that simply recognizing a string is not the same as "understanding" it.
well, for one, Left recursive definitions are impossible in LL(k) grammars (as far as i know), don't know about others. This doesn't make itimpossible to define other things just a massive pain to do otherwise. For instance, putting together expressions can be easy in a left-recursive language (in pseudocode):
lexer rule expression = other rules
| expression
| '(' expression ')';
As far as syntactically useful things that can be made with left-recursion, um does simpler grammars count as syntactically useful?
The capabilities of a language are not limited by its syntax and grammar.
It's possible to define any language feature with an LL(k) grammar, it just might not be very readable to humans.
