Fast RGB => YUV conversion in OpenCL - alignment

I know the following formula can be used to convert RGB images to YUV images. In the following formula, R, G, B, Y, U, V are all 8-bit unsigned integers, and intermediate values are 16-bit unsigned integers.
Y = ( ( 66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16
U = ( ( -38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128
V = ( ( 112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128
But when the formula is used in OpenCL it's a different story.
1. 8-bit memory write access is an optional extension, which means some OpenCL implementations may not support it.
2. even the above extension is supported, it's deadly slow compared with 32-bit write access.
In order to get better performance, every 4 pixels will be processed at the same time, so the input is 12 8-bit integers and the output is 3 32-bit unsigned integers(the first one stands for 4 Y samples, the second one stands for 4 U samples, the last one stands for 4 V samples).
My question is how to get these 3 32-bit integers directly from the 12 8-bit integers? Is there a formula to get these 3 32-bit integers, or I just need to use the old formula to get 12 8-bit integer results(4 Y, 4 U, 4 V) and construct the 3 32-bit integers with bit-wise operation?

Even though this question was asked 2 years ago, i think some working code would help here. In terms of the initial concerns about bad performance when directly accessing 8-bit values, it's better to perform 32-bit direct access when possible.
Some time ago I've developed and used the following OpenCL kernel to convert ARGB (typical windows bitmap pixel layout) to the y-plane (full sized), u/v-half-plane (quarter sized) memory layout as input for libx264 encoding.
__kernel void ARGB2YUV (
__global unsigned int * sourceImage,
__global unsigned int * destImage,
unsigned int srcHeight,
unsigned int srcWidth,
unsigned int yuvStride // must be srcWidth/4 since we pack 4 pixels into 1 Y-unit (with 4 y-pixels)
int i,j;
unsigned int RGBs [ 4 ];
unsigned int posSrc, RGB, Value4 = 0, Value, yuvStrideHalf, srcHeightHalf, yPlaneOffset, posOffset;
unsigned char red, green, blue;
unsigned int posX = get_global_id(0);
unsigned int posY = get_global_id(1);
if ( posX < yuvStride ) {
// Y plane - pack 4 y's within each work item
if ( posY >= srcHeight )
posSrc = (posY * srcWidth) + (posX * 4);
RGBs [ 0 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc ];
RGBs [ 1 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 1 ];
RGBs [ 2 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 2 ];
RGBs [ 3 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 3 ];
for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
RGB = RGBs [ i ];
blue = RGB & 0xff; green = (RGB >> 8) & 0xff; red = (RGB >> 16) & 0xff;
Value = ( ( 66 * red + 129 * green + 25 * blue ) >> 8 ) + 16;
Value4 |= (Value << (i * 8));
destImage [ (posY * yuvStride) + posX ] = Value4;
posX -= yuvStride;
yuvStrideHalf = yuvStride >> 1;
// U plane - pack 4 u's within each work item
if ( posX >= yuvStrideHalf )
srcHeightHalf = srcHeight >> 1;
if ( posY < srcHeightHalf ) {
posSrc = ((posY * 2) * srcWidth) + (posX * 8);
RGBs [ 0 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc ];
RGBs [ 1 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 2 ];
RGBs [ 2 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 4 ];
RGBs [ 3 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 6 ];
for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
RGB = RGBs [ i ];
blue = RGB & 0xff; green = (RGB >> 8) & 0xff; red = (RGB >> 16) & 0xff;
Value = ( ( -38 * red + -74 * green + 112 * blue ) >> 8 ) + 128;
Value4 |= (Value << (i * 8));
yPlaneOffset = yuvStride * srcHeight;
posOffset = (posY * yuvStrideHalf) + posX;
destImage [ yPlaneOffset + posOffset ] = Value4;
posY -= srcHeightHalf;
if ( posY >= srcHeightHalf )
// V plane - pack 4 v's within each work item
posSrc = ((posY * 2) * srcWidth) + (posX * 8);
RGBs [ 0 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc ];
RGBs [ 1 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 2 ];
RGBs [ 2 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 4 ];
RGBs [ 3 ] = sourceImage [ posSrc + 6 ];
for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
RGB = RGBs [ i ];
blue = RGB & 0xff; green = (RGB >> 8) & 0xff; red = (RGB >> 16) & 0xff;
Value = ( ( 112 * red + -94 * green + -18 * blue ) >> 8 ) + 128;
Value4 |= (Value << (i * 8));
yPlaneOffset = yuvStride * srcHeight;
posOffset = (posY * yuvStrideHalf) + posX;
destImage [ yPlaneOffset + (yPlaneOffset >> 2) + posOffset ] = Value4;
This code performs only global 32-bit memory access while 8-bit processing happens within each work item.
Oh.. and the proper code to invoke the kernel
unsigned int width = 1024;
unsigned int height = 768;
unsigned int frameSize = width * height;
const unsigned int argbSize = frameSize * 4; // ARGB pixels
const unsigned int yuvSize = frameSize + (frameSize >> 1); // Y,U,V planes
const unsigned int yuvStride = width >> 2; // since we pack 4 RGBs into "one" YYYY
// Allocates ARGB buffer
ocl_rgb_buffer = clCreateBuffer ( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, argbSize, 0, &error );
// ... error handling ...
ocl_yuv_buffer = clCreateBuffer ( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, yuvSize, 0, &error );
// ... error handling ...
error = clSetKernelArg ( kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &ocl_rgb_buffer );
error |= clSetKernelArg ( kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &ocl_yuv_buffer );
error |= clSetKernelArg ( kernel, 2, sizeof(unsigned int), &height);
error |= clSetKernelArg ( kernel, 3, sizeof(unsigned int), &width);
error |= clSetKernelArg ( kernel, 4, sizeof(unsigned int), &yuvStride);
// ... error handling ...
const size_t local_ws[] = { 16, 16 };
const size_t global_ws[] = { yuvStride + (yuvStride >> 1), height };
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel ( queue, kernel, 2, NULL, global_ws, local_ws, 0, NULL, NULL );
// ... error handling ...
Note: have a look at the work item calculations. Some additional code needs to be added (e.g. using mod so as to add sufficient spare items) to make sure that work item sizes fit to local work sizes.

Like this? Use int4 unless your platform can use int3. Also you can pack 5 pixels into an int16 so you are wasting 1/16 instead of 1/4 of the memory bandwidth.
__kernel void rgb2yuv( __global int3* input, __global int3* output){
rgb = input[get_global_id(0)];
R = rgb.x;
G = rgb.y;
B = rgb.z;
yuv.x = ( ( 66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16;
yuv.y = ( ( -38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128;
yuv.z = ( ( 112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128;
output[get_global_id(0)] = yuv;

Along with opencl specification data type int3 doesn't exists.
Page 123:
Supported values of n are 2, 4, 8, and 16...
In your kernel variables rgb, R, G, B, and yuv should be at least __private int4.
OpenCL 1.1 added support for typen where n = 3. However, I strongly recommend you don't use it. Different vendor implementations have different bugs, and it's not saving you anything.


Separable gaussian blur - optimize vertical pass

I have implemented separable Gaussian blur. Horizontal pass was relatively easy to optimize with SIMD processing. However, I am not sure how to optimize vertical pass.
Accessing elements is not very cache friendly and filling SIMD lane would mean reading many different pixels. I was thinking about transpose the image and run horizontal pass and then transpose image back, however, I am not sure if it will gain any improvement because of two tranpose operations.
I have quite large images 16k resolution and kernel size is 19, so vectorization of vertical pass gain was about 15%.
My Vertical pass is as follows (it is sinde generic class typed to T which can be uint8_t or float):
int yStart = kernelHalfSize;
int xStart = kernelHalfSize;
int yEnd = input.GetWidth() - kernelHalfSize;
int xEnd = input.GetHeigh() - kernelHalfSize;
const T * inData = input.GetData().data();
V * outData = output.GetData().data();
int kn = kernelHalfSize * 2 + 1;
int kn4 = kn - kn % 4;
for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
size_t yW = size_t(y) * output.GetWidth();
size_t outX = size_t(xStart) + yW;
size_t xEndSimd = xStart;
int len = xEnd - xStart;
len = len - len % 4;
xEndSimd = xStart + len;
for (int x = xStart; x < xEndSimd; x += 4)
size_t inYW = size_t(y) * input.GetWidth();
size_t x0 = ((x + 0) - kernelHalfSize) + inYW;
size_t x1 = x0 + 1;
size_t x2 = x0 + 2;
size_t x3 = x0 + 3;
__m128 sumDot = _mm_setzero_ps();
int i = 0;
for (; i < kn4; i += 4)
__m128 kx = _mm_set_ps1(kernelDataX[i + 0]);
__m128 ky = _mm_set_ps1(kernelDataX[i + 1]);
__m128 kz = _mm_set_ps1(kernelDataX[i + 2]);
__m128 kw = _mm_set_ps1(kernelDataX[i + 3]);
__m128 dx, dy, dz, dw;
if constexpr (std::is_same<T, uint8_t>::value)
//we need co convert uint8_t inputs to float
__m128i u8_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(inData + x0));
__m128i u8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(inData + x1));
__m128i u8_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(inData + x2));
__m128i u8_3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(inData + x3));
__m128i u32_0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(
_mm_unpacklo_epi8(u8_0, _mm_setzero_si128()),
__m128i u32_1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(
_mm_unpacklo_epi8(u8_1, _mm_setzero_si128()),
__m128i u32_2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(
_mm_unpacklo_epi8(u8_2, _mm_setzero_si128()),
__m128i u32_3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(
_mm_unpacklo_epi8(u8_3, _mm_setzero_si128()),
dx = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(u32_0);
dy = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(u32_1);
dz = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(u32_2);
dw = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(u32_3);
//load 8 consecutive values
auto dd = _mm256_loadu_ps(inData + x0);
//extract parts by shifting and casting to 4 values float
dx = _mm256_castps256_ps128(dd);
dy = _mm256_castps256_ps128(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(dd, _mm256_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1)));
dz = _mm256_castps256_ps128(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(dd, _mm256_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2)));
dw = _mm256_castps256_ps128(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(dd, _mm256_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3)));
dx = _mm_loadu_ps(inData + x0);
dy = _mm_loadu_ps(inData + x1);
dz = _mm_loadu_ps(inData + x2);
dw = _mm_loadu_ps(inData + x3);
//calculate 4 dots at once
//[dx, dy, dz, dw] <dot> [kx, ky, kz, kw]
auto mx = _mm_mul_ps(dx, kx); //dx * kx
auto my = _mm_fmadd_ps(dy, ky, mx); //mx + dy * ky
auto mz = _mm_fmadd_ps(dz, kz, my); //my + dz * kz
auto res = _mm_fmadd_ps(dw, kw, mz); //mz + dw * kw
sumDot = _mm_add_ps(sumDot, res);
x0 += 4;
x1 += 4;
x2 += 4;
x3 += 4;
for (; i < kn; i++)
auto v = _mm_set_ps1(kernelDataX[i]);
auto v2 = _mm_set_ps(
*(inData + x3), *(inData + x2),
*(inData + x1), *(inData + x0)
sumDot = _mm_add_ps(sumDot, _mm_mul_ps(v, v2));
sumDot = _mm_mul_ps(sumDot, _mm_set_ps1(weightX));
if constexpr (std::is_same<V, uint8_t>::value)
__m128i asInt = _mm_cvtps_epi32(sumDot);
asInt = _mm_packus_epi32(asInt, asInt);
asInt = _mm_packus_epi16(asInt, asInt);
uint32_t res = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(asInt);
((uint32_t *)(outData + outX))[0] = res;
outX += 4;
float tmpRes[4];
_mm_store_ps(tmpRes, sumDot);
outData[outX + 0] = tmpRes[0];
outData[outX + 1] = tmpRes[1];
outData[outX + 2] = tmpRes[2];
outData[outX + 3] = tmpRes[3];
outX += 4;
for (int x = xEndSimd; x < xEnd; x++)
int kn = kernelHalfSize * 2 + 1;
const T * v = input.GetPixelStart(x - kernelHalfSize, y);
float tmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kn; i++)
tmp += kernelDataX[i] * v[i];
tmp *= weightX;
outData[outX] = ImageUtils::clamp_cast<V>(tmp);
There’s a well-known trick for that.
While you compute both passes, read them sequentially, use SIMD to compute, but write out the result into another buffer, transposed, using scalar stores. Protip: SSE 4.1 has _mm_extract_ps just don’t forget to cast your destination image pointer from float* into int*. Another thing about these stores, I would recommend using _mm_stream_si32 for that as you want maximum cache space used by your input data. When you’ll be computing the second pass, you’ll be reading sequential memory addresses again, the prefetcher hardware will deal with the latency.
This way both passes will be identical, I usually call same function twice, with different buffers.
Two transposes caused by your 2 passes cancel each other. Here’s an HLSL version, BTW.
There’s more. If your kernel size is only 19, that fits in 3 AVX registers. I think shuffle/permute/blend instructions are still faster than even L1 cache loads, i.e. it might be better to load the kernel outside the loop.

How to implement fast majority voting for a bit matrix

I have a representation of a large bit matrix where I'd like to efficiently retrieve the majority bit for each matrix column (^= bit value that occurs most often). The background is that the matrix rows represent ORB feature descriptors and the value I'm looking for resembles the mean in the Hamming domain.
The implementation I'm currently working with looks like this
// holds column-sum for each bit
std::vector<int> sum(32 * 8, 0);
// cv::Mat mat is a matrix of values € [0, 255] filled elsewhere
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat.cols; ++i)
const cv::Mat &d = mat.row(i);
const unsigned char *p = d.ptr<unsigned char>();
// count bits set column-wise
for (int j = 0; j < d.cols; ++j, ++p)
if (*p & (1 << 7)) ++sum[j * 8];
if (*p & (1 << 6)) ++sum[j * 8 + 1];
if (*p & (1 << 5)) ++sum[j * 8 + 2];
if (*p & (1 << 4)) ++sum[j * 8 + 3];
if (*p & (1 << 3)) ++sum[j * 8 + 4];
if (*p & (1 << 2)) ++sum[j * 8 + 5];
if (*p & (1 << 1)) ++sum[j * 8 + 6];
if (*p & (1)) ++sum[j * 8 + 7];
cv::Mat mean = cv::Mat::zeros(1, 32, CV_8U);
unsigned char *p = mean.ptr<unsigned char>();
const int N2 = (int)mat.rows / 2 + mat.rows % 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sum.size(); ++i)
if (sum[i] >= N2)
// set bit in mean only if the corresponding matrix column
// contains more 1s than 0s
*p |= 1 << (7 - (i % 8));
if (i % 8 == 7) ++p;
The bottleneck is the big loop with all the bit shifting. Is there any way or known bit magic to make this any faster?

Convert Color Spaces in Pillow / PIL

Right now I am converting an image from YCrCb to RGB using OpenCV:
cv2.cvtColor(arr, cv2.COLOR_YCR_CB2RGB)
Is there a function in Pillow / PIL to perform this same color conversion. At the very least I would like to perform the color conversion without needing OpenCV.
I tried the following:
def _rgb( xxx ):
y, cb, cr = xxx
r = y + 1.402 * ( cr - 128 )
g = y - .34414 * ( cb - 128 ) - .71414 * ( cr - 128 )
b = y + 1.772 * ( cb - 128 )
return r, g, b
np.apply_along_axis( _rgb, 2, arr.astype( np.float32 ) ).astype( np.uint8 )
and it is very slow and does not quite work.
Conversion per-se
YCrCb-Colorspace conversion to RGB-Colorspace states:
R = Y + 1.402 * ( Cr - 128 )
G = Y - 0.34414 * ( Cb - 128 ) - 0.71414 * ( Cr - 128 )
B = Y + 1.772 * ( Cb - 128 )
Nota Bene 1:
openCV sources document it's conversion process to be performed with different coefs than the based on ITU-R Recommendation BT-709, resp. BT-601:
R = Y + 1.403 * ( Cr - delta )
G = Y - 0.344 * ( Cb - delta ) - 0.714 * ( Cr - delta )
B = Y + 1.773 * ( Cb - delta )
delta = 128 # for 8-bit images CV_8U,
# 32768 # for 16-bit images CV_16U,
# 0.5 # for floating-point images CV_32F.
Nota Bene 2: [ref. below]
Efficient implementation
Using vectorised mode, numpy can help with potential further acceleration speedup from JIT-compilation from numba:
import numpy as np
import numba
def translateYCrCb2RGB( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb ): # naive type-checking & no exception handling
a3DMatrixOfUINT8_RGB = np.zeros( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb.shape,
dtype = np.uint8
a3DMatrixOfUINT8_RGB[:,:,0] = a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,0] \
+ 1.402 * ( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,1] - 128 )
a3DMatrixOfUINT8_RGB[:,:,1] = a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,0] \
- 0.34414 * ( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,2] - 128 ) \
- 0.71414 * ( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,1] - 128 )
a3DMatrixOfUINT8_RGB[:,:,2] = a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,0] \
+ 1.772 * ( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_YCrCb[:,:,2] - 128 )
return( a3DMatrixOfUINT8_RGB )
Further acceleration tricks may help at a cost of a larger memory footprint or destructive handling of the mutable original YCrCb-matrix
Pre-sliced approach
def translateYCrCb2RGB( Y__slice, # YCrCb_ORIGINAL[:,:,0], # ... asView
Cr_slice, # YCrCb_ORIGINAL[:,:,1], # ... asView
Cb_slice # YCrCb_ORIGINAL[:,:,2] # ... asView
): # naive type-checking & no exception handling
return( np.dstack( ( Y__slice + 1.402 * ( Cr_slice - 128 ),
Y__slice - 0.34414 * ( Cb_slice - 128 ) - 0.71414 * ( Cr_slice - 128 ),
Y__slice + 1.772 * ( Cb_slice - 128 )
) # .dstack consumes aTUPLE
Conventions need not match
def getCvFromPIL( PILpic ):
return np.array( PILpic.getdata(), # .getdata()
dtype = np.uint8 # .uint8 type-enforced
).reshape( ( PILpic.size[1], # .reshape x
PILpic.size[0], # y
3 # z-depth
) # aTUPLE
)[:,:,::-1] # RGB c-reverse -> to BGR as cv2 standard representation
From openCV sources one may read about implemented precision of coefs:
template<typename _Tp> struct YCrCb2RGB_f
typedef _Tp channel_type;
YCrCb2RGB_f(int _dstcn, int _blueIdx, const float* _coeffs)
: dstcn(_dstcn), blueIdx(_blueIdx)
static const float coeffs0[] = {1.403f, -0.714f, -0.344f, 1.773f};
memcpy(coeffs, _coeffs ? _coeffs : coeffs0, 4*sizeof(coeffs[0]));
void operator()(const _Tp* src, _Tp* dst, int n) const
int dcn = dstcn, bidx = blueIdx;
const _Tp delta = ColorChannel<_Tp>::half(), alpha = ColorChannel<_Tp>::max();
float C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2], C3 = coeffs[3];
n *= 3;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 3, dst += dcn)
_Tp Y = src[i];
_Tp Cr = src[i+1];
_Tp Cb = src[i+2];
_Tp b = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y + (Cb - delta)*C3);
_Tp g = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y + (Cb - delta)*C2 + (Cr - delta)*C1);
_Tp r = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y + (Cr - delta)*C0);
dst[bidx] = b; dst[1] = g; dst[bidx^2] = r;
if( dcn == 4 )
dst[3] = alpha;
int dstcn, blueIdx;
float coeffs[4];

Reading pixel bytes from CFData: Arithmetic on a pointer to incomplete type

This code should get me each pixel's values starting from a CGImageRef:
UIImage* image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"mask.bmp"];
CGImageRef aCGImageRef = image.CGImage;
CFDataRef rawData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(aCGImageRef));
UInt8 * buf = (UInt8 *) CFDataGetBytePtr(rawData);
int length = CFDataGetLength(rawData);
int no_of_channels = 3;
int image_width = SCREEN_WIDTH();
unsigned long row_stride = image_width * no_of_channels; // 960 bytes in this case
unsigned long x_offset = x * no_of_channels;
/* assuming RGB byte order (as opposed to BGR) */
UInt8 r = *(rawData + row_stride * y + x_offset );
UInt8 g = *(rawData + row_stride * y + x_offset + 1);
UInt8 b = *(rawData + row_stride * y + x_offset + 2);
These last three lines would do the trick, but the compiler says it won't do it with x and y as floats. So I casted them to int, but now it says
Arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type const struct __CFData
How do I fix that?
You want to do your arithmetic on the byte pointer itself, not to the CFData struct (which has the bytes as a member). That means using the buf variable from above:
UInt8 r = *(buf + row_stride * y + x_offset );
UInt8 g = *(buf + row_stride * y + x_offset + 1);
UInt8 b = *(buf + row_stride * y + x_offset + 2);

Implementing Ordered Dithering (24 bit RGB to 3 bit per channel RGB)

I'm writing an image editing programme, and I need functionality to dither any arbitrary 24-bit RGB image (I've taken care of loading it with CoreGraphics and such) to an image with 3 bit colour channels, then displaying it. I've set up my matrices and such, but I've not got any results from the code below besides a simple pattern that is applied to the image:
- (CGImageRef) ditherImageTo16Colours:(CGImageRef)image withDitheringMatrixType:(SQUBayerDitheringMatrix) matrix {
if(image == NULL) {
NSLog(#"Image is NULL!");
return NULL;
unsigned int imageWidth = CGImageGetWidth(image);
unsigned int imageHeight = CGImageGetHeight(image);
NSLog(#"Image size: %u x %u", imageWidth, imageHeight);
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL,
4 * (imageWidth),
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), image); // draw it
CGImageRelease(image); // get rid of the image, we don't want it anymore.
unsigned char *imageData = CGBitmapContextGetData(context);
unsigned char ditheringModulusType[0x04] = {0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x08};
unsigned char ditheringModulus = ditheringModulusType[matrix];
unsigned int red;
unsigned int green;
unsigned int blue;
uint32_t *memoryBuffer;
memoryBuffer = (uint32_t *) malloc((imageHeight * imageWidth) * 4);
unsigned int thresholds[0x03] = {256/8, 256/8, 256/8};
for(int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) {
// fetch the colour components, add the dither value to them
red = (imageData[((y * imageWidth) * 4) + (x << 0x02)]);
green = (imageData[((y * imageWidth) * 4) + (x << 0x02) + 1]);
blue = (imageData[((y * imageWidth) * 4) + (x << 0x02) + 2]);
if(red > 36 && red < 238) {
red += SQUBayer117_matrix[x % ditheringModulus][y % ditheringModulus];
} if(green > 36 && green < 238) {
green += SQUBayer117_matrix[x % ditheringModulus][y % ditheringModulus];
} if(blue > 36 && blue < 238) {
blue += SQUBayer117_matrix[x % ditheringModulus][y % ditheringModulus];
// memoryBuffer[(y * imageWidth) + x] = (0xFF0000 + ((x >> 0x1) << 0x08) + (y >> 2));
memoryBuffer[(y * imageWidth) + x] = find_closest_palette_colour(((red & 0xFF) << 0x10) | ((green & 0xFF) << 0x08) | (blue & 0xFF));
context = CGBitmapContextCreate(memoryBuffer,
4 * (imageWidth),
NSLog(#"Created context from buffer: %#", context);
CGImageRef result = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
return result;
Note that find_closest_palette_colour doesn't do anything besides returning the original colour right now for testing.
I'm trying to implement the example pseudocode from Wikipedia, and I don't really get anything out of that right now.
Anyone got a clue on how to fix this up?
Use the code that I have provided here:
This code converts the image to a single-channel gray-scale first. If you want the dithering to be done on a three-channel image, you can just split your image into three channels and call the function three times (once per channel).
