Openfaces 3.0 running in WebSphere 7 - jsf-2

Has anyone around gotten Openfaces 3.0 to run on WebSphere 7.0?
I keep on getting the following error:
at javax.faces.application.ResourceWrapper.getRequestPath(
at org.openfaces.application.OpenFacesResource.getRequestPath(
at org.openfaces.util.Resources.getInternalURL(
at org.openfaces.util.Resources.getUtilJsURL(
at org.openfaces.util.UtilPhaseListener.appendHeaderContent(
at org.openfaces.application.OpenFacesApplication.headAddedToView(
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

I don't do OpenFaces/Websphere, so I can't go in detail about this, but given the fact that ResourceWrapper#getRequestPath() delegates as per its source code the call as follows
return getWrapped().getRequestPath();
Where ResourceWrapper#getWrapped() is an abstract method which is to be implemented properly by the implementor. Given the trace, it's the org.openfaces.application.OpenFacesResource which is incorrectly returning null on getWrapped().
What the underlying cause is, is unclear since I don't have the hands on OpenFaces source code directly. I'd start by reporting this issue to the OpenFaces guys on their forum and/or issue tracker.


What should I do with Hybrid_Endpoint::process() when migrating from 2.xx to 3.xx?

I'm trying to migrate a project from HybridAuth 2.xx to 3.00, and I'm facing an issue with the following call to "Hybrid_Endpoint":
require_once( "Hybrid/Auth.php" );
require_once( "Hybrid/Endpoint.php" );
I haven't seen that too much in the 2.xx documentation, but it appears quite a lot in many examples on the web, as well as in the code I try to migrate.
Apparently, in my code, there's either a login or process (the first calls authenticate(...) and the second process(...)
Should I just comment that part ? Not clear from the migration guide!
Thanks for any help !
I managed to find the answer by trial and error. The short answer, it's not needed anymore - the "process" method is now integrated in the authenticate() method (which now serves two purposes: redirect and process), as described in the examples:

neo4j batch importer NumberFormatException

I am using superfast-batch-importer for neo4j.
When importing the legacy indexing example's relationship file..
in the first line itself ....i got a NumberFormatException...
Neo4j jexp/batch-import weird error: java.lang.NumberFormatException
This questions talks about the issue.. but i dont see the fixes yet in the code
Can someone please let me know where to take the right binary if this is fixed?
Don't use that one, use the normal for 2.1 or wait for 2.2 milestone for something out of the box.
The superfast is not production ready and was known to create inconsistent stores.

Quartz.Net, A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Unity.Mvc3.dll When using Unity for DI

Im using Im using Quartz.Net in a MVC application.
I have gotten it to work with triggering an easy jobb (just print some text to output window), but when trying to do more complex work like maintenance work for the database im getting an error and the maintenance work rolles back.
When using the class that implements the job for maintenance separately, that is outside of it works fine, but when using Quartz im getting following error:
"A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Unity.Mvc3.dll"
Any ideas?
When I said it worked separately I was using Execute with no parameter from a Controller action.
This answer might help you.
It's a simple implementation using MVC4 and Unity.
At the bottom of the answer you will find a sample project.
Hope it helps.

nioNeoDbPersistence turned null

I am using neo4j as a backend, I started to have a weird error (see below). After looking up on I figured out that may be I'm trying to use a DB that has been shutdown. Since I'm pretty sure that my code is not executing any shutdown() instruction I just disabled the shutdownHook(), yet, nothing happens. Someone please has an idea about what is happening or (and) a clue how to solve it.
Thank you in advance
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NioNeoDbPersistenceSource.createReadOnlyResourceConnection(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.persistence.PersistenceManager.getReadOnlyResource(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.persistence.PersistenceManager.getReadOnlyResourceIfPossible(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.persistence.PersistenceManager.loadLightNode(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeManager.getNodeByIdOrNull(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeManager.getNodeById(
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.getNodeById(

Typo in SOAP WebServExp.GenerateXMLSchema?

We've recently setup out own webservice using SOAP and it all works like a charm.
Because the service is only used from within our own applications, I usually don't allow for a WSDL to be generated.
Today i started some tests with SoapUI and needed a WSDL of our own service. So I enabled the Default action of the TWSDLHTMLPublish component and tried to get the WSDL exported. All I got was an access violaton in WebServExp.GenerateXMLSchema, line 1636:
if (ParentInfo = nil) and ((GetTypeData(ATypeInfo).ParentInfo)^ <> nil) then
Debugging this, reveiled that GetTypeData(ATypeInfo).ParentInforeturned a nil, so of course using ^ on nil raises an access violation.
After removing the carret i had no problems generating the WSDL.
So did I find myself a bug here or am I missing something?
BTW: We have created our own SOAP.bpl, containing all original Delphi soap sources, to correct it for a known problem with exception derived from TRemotableException
So did I find myself a bug here or am I missing something?
Yes, that's a bug. And Subversion reveals it's been like that for many years - for as long as we've been on Subversion:(. [I am not setup to access the previous Starteam repository anymore].
I'm making to a note to remedy and check in unit tests for this. Please feel free to file a QC if time allows. And I'd like to hear more about the issue with TRemotableException-derived types.
