Is OCamlexample app on iPad usable? - ipad

An Ocaml interpreter app was put up on iTunes last November. I've done some Haskell programming, and briefly looked into Ocaml at one time, but never really became acquainted with it. I have a new iPad, and am curious whether the Ocamlexample app available on iPad can actually be used for anything other than working through tutorial exercises.
I.e., does anyone know if it has the capability to save scripts (in its sandbox, of course), and any ability to export results (other than cut and paste)?
I can't find any references on Google much more current than last November, so it would appear that no one is actually doing anything with it.

Apple dropped many of their restrictions on iOS software development on September 9, 2010. Here is the press release announcing the changes:
Changes to development agreement Sept 9, 2010.
The only restriction now is that you can't download code. I.e., you can't have an embedded language implementation that is its own app platform.
This does limit the usefulness of an interpreter, but there is no rule against interpreters per se or against saving and reloading scripts in a particular iPad.
You can also compile OCaml to run on iOS. That's what I'm spending my time on right now, and I'm selling an OCaml iOS app in the iTunes Store. Visit my profile for a link.
(Hmm--I just noticed this was a pretty old question. Sorry for any extra noise.)

You can download scripts, but only if the mac/pc is tethered to the ipad and you use the dropbox function of ios. in theory this could be a program which opens a socket for your own protocol, however I have not tried this. It would have to be a single threaded protocol because Lwt is not implemented

From the way it's pitched, and knowing the App Store's rules, I don't think it's actually for making OCaml scripts. It just lets you do a limited set of calculations and drawing operations. Apple would reject it if they actually thought it was a programming language interpreter.


Does flutter/dart work on desktop as a native app?

I'm interested in learning Google's flutter/dart but I want to be able to create desktop x86 apps with it like with react native. Is there built in support or any 3rd party addons that I can use to make drsktop applications with flutter/dart?
I'm having a hard time deciding whether this question is off-topic or not; I won't vote to close it for now but I wouldn't be surprised if someone does (since it veers pretty close to the 'recommend a tool' type of question).
To answer your question though, the answer is sort-of for now. From the flutter FAQ:
Can I use Flutter to build desktop apps? Yes, but right now it’s not
very well supported. We’re working on making this a first class
experience. Our current progress is documented on our wiki.
The wiki is here and at the current time of this answer it has some basic information on how to set up building a flutter app for windows, mac, and linux, along with warnings that everything may change at any point and that any plugin needing native code won't work as they only contain code for iOS/Android. The flutter-desktop-embedding repository (left-over from before google officially started working on desktop embedding) is an example of how to get started but your mileage may vary as I'm not sure how up to date it is.
Basically, you could start developing a flutter app now on desktop now, but I wouldn't expect to be able to publish that app any time soon without a significant amount of work to get everything to line up properly. Also, publishing it might be difficult at least on windows, and on windows the current shell uses GLFW which isn't probably something you'd want to use in a released app if possible. I'm not from google so I can't speak as to their plans but I would guess (and hope) that there will be some sort of announcement at Google I/O about desktop embedding, but no guarantees.
So TLDR; yes for development purposes but no for deployment.

Want to build iOS app

What is the best application or programming languages to build an iOS application platform for chat application for beginner like me. Please anyone can tell me about it.
Apple put a lot of effort in its new `Swift' language.
On any Mac computer, you will find XCode on the app store.
iBook has a nice and clear electronic copy of the guide.
I've gotta admit I was a bit circumspect ("yet a new language ?") but it appears has they sell it, solid and sound.(It's compiled and based on llvm. It is open as well, perhaps MIT license?)
I think they basically came up with C# for iPhone (it may even spawn from `mono'?)
But, again, the license model for the source make it sound more promising.
I found the iBook guide for very comprehensive when it came to the very basic of the language and the libraries.
XCode comes with quite a few templates showcasing each major application type. (You can also check the other languages for yourself: Objective-C and javascript)
So the two complement nicely.
If you are starting from scratch, I see no reason not to start on this train.
Since it's straight from Apple, and if coming up with Android isn't yet part of your plan, it will also be your path of least resistance when it comes to technical difficulties.

How to create an iOS app add-on?

Is it possible to create an API inside an iOS app to let 3rd party developers create app add-on that are downloadable for users inside the app?
I could not find any ressources for this topic online.
I think that's going to go against the app store guidelines if your intention is that the 3rd party developers write code, which will be downloaded and executed.
There's something of a grey area between legitimate uses and illegitimate uses of downloaded code:
Legitimate Example 1: Something like Hopscotch where children are creating simple fun shared games. These can be considered user generated content.
Legitimate Example 2: A game which is driven by scripts allows for the run-time downloading of patches to fix bugs in the scripts or even to add new levels. I believe such usages have been rejected occasionally in the past, but are generally accepted these days.
The relevant guideline from the guidelines is (emphasis mine):
2.5.2 Apps should be self-contained in their bundles, and may not read or write data outside the designated container area, nor may they download, install, or execute code, including other iOS, watchOS, Mac OS X, or tvOS apps.
And the all-encompassing:
We will reject apps for any content or behavior that we believe is over the line. What line, you ask? Well, as a Supreme Court Justice once said, "I'll know it when I see it". And we think that you will also know it when you cross it.
If your idea is to create some sort of app-store within your app-store app, then I would abandon it immediately, because that's going to be way over Apple's line.
That said, you haven't given much detail about your app, so I might have made wrong assumptions about where you're thinking of going.

Using packagemaker to build iOS app installer

I'm developing a sophisticated engineering calculation iPad app for a specific customer (much like the poster of this question). I'm getting ready to release a first version to them, and trying to get this distribution issue sorted out. There are pretty much 5 methods covered throughout that post (general App Store, B2B, Enterprise, Ad Hoc, and stuff requiring Jail Breaking), and most of the searching I've done has shown those same 5 options. I've been looking into TestFlight to manage the Ad Hoc distribution for beta testing right now, but down the road I'm going to need to allow my customer to mass install my app onto as many devices as desired (hopefully without needing to involve me at all by that point). So in the end, none of these 5 options are really attractive as a final solution.
A colleague found this App Doc that mentions something call packagemaker, which sounds like it's a Terminal tool, but I can't really find much on it (the Apple Doc simply says "create the package as you normally do", which is pretty much meaningless since I normally don't - and everything else I can find is from around 2009, and I've learned that anything described in those old posts is almost certainly wrong by this point when it comes to the Apple world). From what I can tell, packagemaker should let me build an installer executable that I can send to my customer, and they could just run that installer and it would put the app on their device. This is how we currently distribute similar software for Windows environment devices, and it would be ideal for what I'm trying to do.
Does anyone know if packagemaker can be used as I've described to install iOS apps? If so, can anyone point me toward a beginner-orientated tutorial on how to use it?
Packagemaker sounds like overkill. The old tuts should still work though, it hasn't changed much (or at all) since 10.5. It's a separate download from Apple Developer center.
You could use testflight, though I presume you want to install B2B apps, and not ad-hoc apps for testing.
In that case just create a bash script that builds and/or deploys your app to a connected device with xcodebuild and related tools. If you're concerned that your end user will find Terminal use appalling, write a tiny Cocoa app to support & run the script, and put the script and your iPad app into the bundle.
For example the app's User Interface could query the user for paths, the device, and whatever is necessary to deploy your app and pass it to the bash script which you can run easily with NSTask.
This is certainly going to be many times faster than getting into PackageMaker, and figuring out how it works - cause it really doesn't work in a straightforward way, unfortunately.

How to prevent ipa file/iphone application from being cracked to source?

from one of the stackexchange questions Here,its proved that we can decompile the iphone application to its source,Now here comes the question how can we protect the ipa file/iphone application from cracking to its source?i have already verified this answers
here 1
method 2
but sad thing is it fails to protect the code,any updates to prevent app to source code
You can't really.
The iOS runtime on the device needs to be able to interpret the binary, so the binary has to be there, unencrypted and ready to run.
You could obfuscate it, by running it through a tool that scrambles method names, property names and so on. .NET and Java have tools that do this but I'm not aware of any for Objective-C, so I think you're on your own.
(Tools like anticrack, the one you linked to, will work for a short time until someone comes up with a way to reverse what anticrack does - but because your app eventually has to be there in a format the runtime is ready to run, all you can do is make it more difficult. It's like the age-old arms race of pirates vs protection mechanism in desktop applications).
This has been much discussed. Generally, you make more money spending time improving or promoting your app, then spending time trying to prevent it from being cracked in any way.
