How Can I Animate The Significant Blurring of a Sprite - ipad

I am using Cocos2d on the iPad to create a small game. I would like to, purposely, significantly blur a sprite, and then fade it out.
Particularly, I was hoping to make a sprite containing text get blurry (like the ink was fading or soaking into the paper) and then ultimately disappear, as if by magic.
I know how to animate the fade process using Cocos2D actions.
How can I animate the process of a sprite becoming super blurry?

I do not think it is possible to do a blur effect with the default cocos2d actions/functions.
you might want to try this custom gaussian blur class out instead
the code is in the middle of the thread
or a more troublesome alternative is to create the blur effect using frame by frame animation


Animation Corresponding to UITimer

I am coding a game in Swift where the player has to make a move within a second, or else time runs out and he/she loses. How can I make an animation that runs every second, resembling the one in the top of Snapchat stories, where it is a filled in circle that slowly "wipes" away in a circular motion like a windshield wiper? Is it just a second-long GIF that I loop every second? Is there a way to do this with native UIKit graphics?
I think what you are looking for is a "clock wipe" animation. You can do that by adding a mask layer to your image and animating it using Core Animation.
I wrote a SO post on this very subject:
How do you achieve a "clock wipe"/ radial wipe effect in iOS?

How to dissolve nodes in SpriteKit?

I have 2 SKSpriteNode objects, and I want to crossfade them.
One of the easiest way is to create a fadeOut SKAction and a fadeIn SKAction, and apply them to the SKSpriteNode objects. But the problem of this approach is that during the action both of them have the alpha under 1.0, which looks not so good.
For example, I'd like to dissolve the red square SKNode to a green round SKNode
If just fade out the red square and fade in the green round during the action it'll look like this
So you can see background through these 2 objects. I hope to dissolve these 2 objects like this:
In UIKit I can use UIView.transitionWithView but in SpriteKit I only found a similar method for presenting scenes (SKViewObject.presentScene: transition:). So is there anyway to make a dissolve transition for SKNodes?
There's little you can about the background coming through when adjusting the alpha settings on both nodes. A possible hack could be to temporarily insert a solid node in front of your background but behind both other nodes until the action is done. At which point you remove it.
The node should be in the shape of both nodes cross-section (pardon the sloppy artwork on my part):
I searched a lot for this question and I nearly decided to use a shader to do this kind of dissolve (since you can directly edit the pixel in a shader), but then I found that there's an unusual way to solve this problem. It may not be useful for every situation, but if your background doesn't do things like scroll or zoom, this approach may be the easiest. In simple words, just create a screenshot for the current screen and display it at the top, then change your node to the sprite you need, and at last fade out the screenshot you took.
So at first you have to make sure all the nodes are in the correct node tree. Then use SKViewObject.textureFromNode(rootNode) to create the screenshot, make a sprite node from this texture, and add it to your screen. Then, you can create the fade out SKAction to fade out this screenshot sprite. You may also remove it when the action ends.
Using this approach, during the fade out the screen will just look like this:

SpriteKit - best way to draw shadow for SKSpriteNode

What is the best way in iOS7 to achieve a simple shadow effect in iOS's SpriteKit like CALayer's shadow properties.
My SKSpriteNode needs a shadow and it has a specific/complex shape.
Create the same image again, make it black. Add this as child sprite and offset its position slightly.
Note: this is one way, and it works well. There is no best way, it's always a trade-off between ease of use/workflow, memory usage, performance and other things.

ccDraw. Fill screen everywhere except on sprite

So I am trying to get a very basic "flashlight"-style thing going in one of my games.
The way I was getting it to work, was having a layer on top of my game screen, and this layer would draw a black rectangle with ~ 80% opacity, creating the look of darkness on top of my game scene.
ccDrawSolidRect(ccp(0,0), ccp(480,320), ccc4f(0, 0, 0, 0.8));
What I want to do is draw this rectangle EVERYWHERE on the screen, except for around a cone of vision that will represent the "light source".
What this would create would be a dark overlay on top of everything except for the light, giving it the illusion of a torch/light/flashlight.
The only way I can foresee this happening is by using ccDrawSolidPoly(), but since the position of the light source changes, so would the vertices for the poly.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be great.
You can use ccDrawSolidPoly() and avoid having to manually update vertices. For this you can create a new subclass of CCNode representing your light object, and do your custom shape drawing in its -(void)draw method.
The ccDraw...() functions will draw relative to the local sprite coordinates, so you can then move and rotate your new sprite to suit your needs and cocos2d will do the vertices transformations for you.
Update: I found out that you might be better off subclassing CCDrawNode instead of CCNode, as it has some facilities for raw OpenGL drawing (OpenGL's vertexArrayBuffer and vertexBufferObject internal variables and a buffer for vertices, their colors and their texCoords). If your stuff is very simple, maybe subclassing the plain CCNode is enough.
Could a png be used instead as a mask, as the layer above
Like that binocular vision you sometimes see in cartoons?
Or a filter similar to a photoshop mask that darkens as it grows outwardly to wards the edge of the screen
Just a thought anyway...
A picture of more of what your trying to explain might be good too

On iOS, how can smooth animation be achieved?

Is it true that for Angry Birds or Cut the Rope, they draw the whole frame of the whole screen first (the whole view), and then paint the whole frame onto the screen, making the animation smooth?
That's because if we animate a metal ball, of size 20 x 20 pixel, and if we erase the ball first, and then draw the ball at a new location, then there might be some flickering very subtle but noticeable.
The same might be if it is animated by drawRect, which will erase the whole screen, and then draw everything in their new locations, which might have even more flicker than above?
Going back to the drawing whole frame method: if a ball was at coordinate (100,100), and now the ball is painted on top of the whole screenshot (with the new background exposed), at coordinate (103, 100), then it is very unnoticeable for the changes. (no disappearing and then reappearing happening at all).
How can smooth animation be achieved that looks like Angry Birds or Cut the Rope game?
They make use of OpenGL, which is a lot faster than any of the Quartz methods (ie. drawRect) since it makes use of the GPU instead of the CPU for rendering. Using Quartz can be hundreds or thousands of times slower depending on what you are doing exactly.
If you do not want to resort to OpenGL. You can put the object inside a UIView and then animate it. As long as the contents of the view is static, this is plenty fast for most applications. For example, making the background a view, and the metal ball a view, you can move that view around and achieve very smooth animations without problems.
Use CALayers. They are more lightweight than views.
If an app uses OpenGL, the answer is yes, it does its rendering before the frame buffer is presented to the screen. I think the other ways to draw to the screen use the same technique of drawing to an off-screen buffer before transferring the completed image to the screen, but I'm not so sure about that.
