Change highlight colors in minted - latex

I was setting up a nice environment to present my code in printed documentations. First I was using the lstlisting package for Latex but then I stumbled upon minted.
minted is really great, but is there a way to change the highlight colors?
Since minted uses the Pygments library, I assume Pygments is the key to the color, but I haven't found it yet.
Could anyone explain how it can be done or post a link that shows how it's done?

You want
where you can get <name> by doing
pygmentize -L styles
at the command prompt/terminal. For example, the minted documentation itself uses the trac style.


Generate markdown docs with rustdoc?

Is there any way to generate a single markdown file in doc/ from the /// comments?
Multiple markdown files (doc/, doc/, etc) would be nice too.
I'm new to rust, and while the generated HTML documentation is nice, I mostly live on the command line and really don't want to be switching between my terminal and a web browser just to read the docs. That breaks the flow and takes me out of the zone. Also, md is easily converted to man pages, or to TeX for printed or PDF docs.
(I'm used to suspending vim with Ctrl-Z or using another terminal tab, and running man or perldoc or pydoc etc. Text-mode browsers like lynx nor links are not good options for me - navigation is clumsy, the output is ugly on my 200+ column terminals windows if i forget to use the -width option, and neither support javascript)
cargo-readme might work for you. You run cargo readme -i > and it populates with the contents of the doc comments from Found it via reddit.

Is bookdown's math render down?

I have working .Rmd files that contain latex syntax (rendering correctly). However, when I render using the bookdown package, I have experienced that the latex output is incorrect.
I went to check in the source (aka and I see that the render is not correct there either!
I see similar behavior for bookdown's preview_chapter() rendering but not for Rmarkdown knit of a toy example. I see similar behavior changing web browser.
Is this something on my end? Are there updates I need to do?
It is not an issue on your end, but a server problem (the default MathJax CDN server in bookdown was down). I just changed the server, and the problem should be gone if you
I can confirm that Yihui Xie's answer is helpful. I didn't have devtools installed in RStudio, so I used:
After this, I duly followed Yihui's recommendation and ran:
After this, the problem was solved and maths were rendered correctly in the gitbook format.

Is it not possible to access user snippets from command palette?

I have created a few user snippets in VS Code, brought up Command Palette and searched for them with no results.
I know that I can access these in the actual code editor inline by using the prefix.
Is there a way to see all matching snippets when searching in command palette like how it's possible in Sublime Text?

Conditional formatting of exported filtered items in JIRA

I recently customized the structure of filter exports to Excel following the instructions found at This is great if you want to change the look and feel of the exported excel file.
However, how would I achieve conditional formatting based on status of exported issue set. For example, I would always like to see the "Closed" issues in Green color and "Ready to Test" items in Yellow. How do I achieve this?
Expected outcome
You could also use the Traffic Light add-on to create a custom field with the chosen color.
This is less distracting than coloring an entire row I find.
Use the Better Excel Plugin to export JIRA issues to custom Excel spreadsheets.
Important difference: these are real Excel files (XLSX format), unlike the HTML tables produced by the built-in Excel export feature.
You can use so-called tags to implement custom behaviour in the template. These are similar to HTML or JSP tags. In your case you should use the jt:style tag to specify the fill-background-color and fill-pattern properties, and wrap it in a jt:if condition.
Disclaimer: I'm a developer working on this plugin.

How does theming for ziya charts work?

I'm implementing charts using The Ziya Charts Gem. Unfortunately, the documentation isn't really helpful or I haven't had enough coffee to figure out theming. I know I can set a theme using
chart.add(:theme, 'whatever')
Problem: I haven't found any predefined themes, nor have I found a reference to the required format.
If you install the ZiYa plug-in into your Rails application there should be a themes directory where you said. Just copy one of the existing themes, change its name to whatever you want, and then modify it however you like.
Another options for nice Flash charts is Open Flash Chart. I moved from Ziya/SWF Charts to Open Flash Chart when working on Flash charts in a Rails app I was working on. There is also a Rails plug-in for Open Flash Chart. Besides the fact that it is easier to work with, Open Flash Chart is open source, so if you can hack Flash you can customize it.
As I understand it, the themes are used by initializing the theme directory in your ziya.rb file like so:
Ziya.initialize(:themes_dir => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. public charts themes]) )
And you'll need to set up the proper directory, in this case public/charts/themes. It doesn't come with any in there to start with as I recall. Are you having problems past this?
To partly answer my own question, there are some themes in the website sources which can be checked out at
svn co svn://
(then go to /public/charts/themes/)
