PGError: ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users - ruby-on-rails

I'm having problems getting testing to work with Postgresql and Rails 3.
Both development and production databases I can get to work fine, however the test database throws the following errors when I run rake or db:test:prepare, etc.
PGError: ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users
Googling around, it seems that one should use template0 instead of template1 when using createdb to create a new database in Postgres. In typical “So I’ll remove the cause. But not the symptom” fashion, I found vendor/rails/railities/lib/task/databases.rake and changed line 109 to read:
createdb #{enc_option} \
-U "#{abcs["test"]["username"]}" \
-T template0 #{abcs["test"]["database"]}
But I don't really wanna do that, as I'm using Rails as a GEM, any one know of another work around or fix?
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: test1234_development
pool: 5
username: holden
password: postgres
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: test1234_test
pool: 5
username: holden
password: postgres
Full error:
NOTICE: database "test1234_test" does not exist, skipping
PGError: ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users
DETAIL: There are 1 other session(s) using the database.
: CREATE DATABASE "test1234_test" ENCODING = 'unicode'

Short story: CREATE DATABASE works by copying an existing database. PostgreSQL won't let you copy a database if another session is connected to it. If template1 is being accessed by other users, CREATE DATABASE will fail.
The question you need to answer: Why are other sessions connected to template1?
The difference between template0 and template1
At the point you initialize a database cluster, template0 and template1 are the same. Any location-specific stuff you want to make available to every database you create by using CREATE DATABASE should go into template1. So, for example, if you add the procedural langauge PL/python to template1, every database you create later will include PL/python.
The database template0 is intended to be a "virgin" template. It should contain only standard database objects--the ones created by initializing the cluster. As a "virgin" template, it should never be changed. Never.
If you need to specify encoding and locale settings (collation), then you can do that by copying template0. You can't do that by copying template1.

This problem occur when you had logged(psql template1 or psql template0) in template1 and template0 database and exit using below command.
Ctrl + z
Better way exist from db use below postgres command then problem will not create:
\q + enter
There are 2 solutions, If have problem.
Solution - 1
Restart posgres service like.
sudo service postgresql restart
Solution - 2
sudo ps aux | grep template1
Make sure don't delete this processes
postgres 8363 0.0 0.0 111760 7832 pts/11 T 09:49 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql template1
ankit 18119 0.0 0.0 14224 976 pts/14 S+ 12:33 0:00 grep --color=auto template1
rest of process should be kill using below command.
sudo kill -9
Now try to create db again.
Hope this help you.
Ankit H Gandhi.

Just restart the service of database.

I restarted my system and the error was still showing. However, I followed the steps below to sort it out.
Stop all processes using the postgres port 5432 by doing this in command prompt (Admin): Type netstat -ano in command prompt. Find the pid with Local Address of Then use taskkill /pid {pid} /f to kill the task.
Start the postgres service in windows services.

I also got this error while trying to reset the database while I had the default Ruby on Rails server WEBrick running:
$ bin/rake db:reset
PG::Error: ERROR: database "dev" is being accessed by other users
DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database.
The other user here was the running Rails app. After shutting down the server with CTRL + c, I was able to re-run the database reset command without any problems.
It makes sense too. You can't drop the database if someone else is currently connected to it, as Mike Sherrill also points out.

Solution for me was to delete old server and create a new one from Postgresql administration web interface. Could now create new database without this error.

I was also stuck setting up postgres on ruby on rails project, ensure that you have installed pg locally and created a user with its password then on your database.yml should have:- host: localhost, password: (set password) then run:
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate


how to connect a postgresql with dbeaver (21.0.0)?

I am newbie with ubuntu and trying to working with this one. And here is my problem.
I create a new program in rails with database by this command
rails new freelancer --database=postgresql
Everthing woking fine, seems I got a postgresql database with rails.
My problem is, I do not know how to connect my database to the dbeaver program, btw, if I run those command rails db:setup and rails db:migrate after connect my database to dbeave program, it can make some new database ?
And finally can you show me how to start and stop the server too ?
Thank you very much.
Your database connection is specified on your config/database.yml, under your project folder, one block for each environment, but by default you will be using development env.
If you haven't done anything else than what you commented (and you did it right hehe), your database should be already created with name freelancer_development, and you just need to connect to it using DBeaber. Create a new connection using PostgreSQL adapter (check out this video) and following data:
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Database: freelancer_development
If you don't know your Postgres user. Try with following combinations, if none of them works, you'll need to setup one.
To start your Rails server, just run rails s (short for rails server) on your terminal while being inside your project folder, and hit Ctrl+C to stop it.

Rails: permission denied for relation schema_migrations

I'm trying to setup a local production environment for a Ruby on Rails web application. I can run the application with rails server command, which gives the development environment.
The production environment I'm trying to set up is purely local and I've followed this tutorial for setting it up with apache 2:
However when I go to the page of my application I get the following error:
PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied for relation schema_migrations : SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"
in my database.yml I have these settings for development and production:
adapter: postgresql
database: whiteboard
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
I'm not allowed to change these settings, no matter what.
Is there any way to fix this? (if yes, step by step please)
It seems you have to create a DB user with all needed privileges on your DB.
For example I think you could do the trick by log in your DB console then do something like:
CREATE USER your_new_username WITH PASSWORD 'your_new_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE whiteboard to your_new_username;
ALTER DATABASE whiteboard OWNER TO your_new_username;
Then update you database.yml like this:
adapter: postgresql
database: whiteboard
username: your_new_username
password: your_new_password
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
Hope it helps!
I was using dbmate which also creates a table called schema_migrations on startup, and thus fails when a full dump is applied that also has the same table. Here are a few approaches
PostgreSQL doesn't support creating dump with IF NOT EXISTS, unlike mysql:
See Can pg_dump be instructed to create tables with "IF NOT EXISTS"?
However, PostgreSQL 9.1 and newer supports CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS -syntax, so you could string replace the dump for example by using sed:
But in practice, I ended to delete the lines from the dump with schema_migrations on it, and +1-2 lines following:
sed -i '/CREATE TABLE public.schema_migrations (/,+2 d' dump.sql
sed -i '/ALTER TABLE ONLY public.schema_migrations/,+1 d' dump.sql

What steps should I follow to get postgresql into development in my Rails app?

I'm learning Rails and my final app will be hosted on Heroku, which uses postgres, so I figured it'd be smart to work with postgres in development too as I'm building what is supposed to be a rather simple search function and want to avoid as many problems as possible actually deploying it.
Sadly, I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 so naturally the steps will be harder than on for example Windows.
Here's what I've done so far, which is a rather comical enterprise into a world that gives me nothing but problems at every step:
Actually installed postgresql. sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 as per the official website of course didn't work so I had to find a workaround (as always) but it should be installed now. I ran sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib to get it working.
Tried logging in per some instructions with su postgres, but even after setting a password for su or using sudo su postgres that didn't work. Ended up creating a user with sudo -u postgres createuser -P my_user matching the name of my app. Created a database too.
Tried creating a new rails project with rails new my_app --database=postgresql. Didn't work as it complained lacking a pg gem (sorry for not pre-emptively making a Gemfile for you?) so I gave that up and just created it without specifying a database.
Removed the sqlite gem and added gem 'pg' in the Gemfile. Ran bundle install, but it didn't work. Had to run sudo apt-get install libpq-dev to install something I'm not sure what it is and then it worked.
Modified the database.yml as per some instructions and ran rake db:setup. Rails gave this error: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "my_user". Well, that's cool.
Not quite sure why, but I added a database here called my_app_development for it with the owner my_user but then db:setup instead complained that it lacked permissions to create a database (but I just created it FOR you?).
I ran chmod -R 0666 my_app as someone highly upvoted on SO suggested but holy shit that was bad as it didn't even give me permissions to enter the folder myself! Reverted that quickly and tried something else.
Someone suggested running psql -U my_user postgres but that only gives me the error psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "my_user"
Experimented logging in via psql postgres (I don't know what psql is, I'm just following suggestions) and tried ALTER ROLE my_user CREATEDB; but it only returns a permission denied error.
Officially gave up and came here.
Can anyone help me with the actual steps to follow from the beginning? It shouldn't be THIS hard, right?
By the way, this is what my database.yml looks like:
default: &default
adapter: sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: my_app_development
host: localhost
pool: 5
username: my_user
password: my_password
<<: *default
database: db/test.sqlite3
<<: *default
database: db/production.sqlite3
Edit: Thanks alot to Ajay for walking me through how to setup postgres. If anyone comes across this thread, as frustrated as I am with postgres, here are a few pointers:
PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied to create database means the user doesn't have the right privileges. Log in via sudo -u postgres psql and you should see postgres=# before everything you type in the terminal. While there, type ALTER ROLE my_user CREATEDB; and it should work. I don't know why it didn't the first time I used that, perhaps I forgot sudo?
FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "my_user" means you need to change some things in a file as per the instructions in one of the answers. Make sure to change it for both local and postgres. I have it set to md5 for everything but local and it works.
Login via sudo -u postgres psql and type `select * from pg_catalog.pg_user;' to check your current users. Good way to see if you created the user correctly and what privileges it has.
default: &default
adapter: sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
Above adapter: sqlite3 is causing the error
Please try this:
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
<<: *default
database: my_app_development
username: psql #postgres username
password: your_password #password
After you entered the valid postgres credentials(username/password) here. Try following in your terminal :
$ rake db:create #this will create your my_app_development database.
$ rake db:migrate #migrate your database.
5. Modified the database.yml as per some instructions and ran rake
db:setup. Rails gave this error: FATAL: Peer authentication failed
for user "my_user". Well, that's cool.
you need to open your pg_hba.conf (probally located at /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf) and change the authentication method from "peer" to "md5" (which will asks for password) or to "trust" (which will unsecuritly allow access without password).
To know where your pg_hba is located, execute this on your terminal (terminal of the machine where the postgresql are running):
ps ax | grep postgresql.conf
it should return something like:
8803 ? S 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
look the folder where config_file is located. In this case is /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/. Inside this folder there's another configuration file called pg_hba.conf (the permissions file). Edit it (with super user):
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
on the lasts lines you will see something like that:
# If you change this first entry you will need to make sure that the
# database superuser can access the database using some other method.
# Noninteractive access to all databases is required during automatic
# maintenance (custom daily cronjobs, replication, and similar tasks).
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local all postgres trust
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local replication postgres peer
#host replication postgres md5
#host replication postgres ::1/128 md5
You see the "trust" references? In your default pg_hba.conf they should be "peer". In my example, I had changed to "trust" (i.e, doesn't ask for passwords) all local connections, because my postgresql server not accept outside connections. But you can change to "md5", which will permit access when the user provide the correct password.
After change this, save and exit (in nano is Ctrl+O, Enter to confirm, Ctrl+X to exit). Then, restart postgresql (sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart - maybe works with just a reload)
although trusting your local connections will not create a hole security (unless, of course you are sharing the machine with anothers users), do it only for testing purposes - to discover where the problem is (if is a permission/pg_hba problem or not). After discover where the problem are, its more concise to have one specific user to your project and use an authentication for it ("md5", "peer").
Using one single user for all your projects on the machine (e.g. the "postgres" user), and/or not use an authentication ("trust"), is like create a Rails project and use just one generic controller, instead having a controller for each table/group of logic.

Not sure if my rails application is configured properly for posrtgres db

My problem: I have setup the dev, test environments of my Rails application to use the postgresql database. Now how do I verify that it is ok?
Note: I am beginner on Rails and using databases
What I've did to verify
I followed the railcast to migrate from default sqlite3 to postgresql.
I fired up the rails console and created a user using
User.create(name: "Anil Bande", email: "", password: "foobar", password_confirmation: "foobar")
From the output it looked like the user was created. To verify I ran $ User.all while on the rails console and the output displayed the object I'd created in step (2)
Now I wanted to see this from postgresql prompt. So I did $psql sample_app_development and there came the psql prompt.
I did a psql>> \d on the psql to list all the tables in the database. It did and the table "users" was also present in which I was interested in.
Now I did a psql>> select * from users , but there were no results. The prompt just returned back.
Now here is my confusion. Step (6) showing nothing. But in rails console it looks like the user is created and saved in the database.
(a) Why so?
(b) How do I verify everything I have done to setup the dev and test environment is correct?
I can't comment on the Rails part, but for this:
Now I did a psql>> select * from users , but there were no results. The prompt just returned back.
You forgot to end the statement with a ;
You need to tell psql when you are finished typing a statement, as it is allowed to have a statement span more than one line. Note how the prompt changed from psql=> to psql-> to indicate that psql is waiting for more.
So if you enter
psql=> select * from users;
you should be fine.
(Just to be clear: psql as part of the prompt is only an example. The real prompt will contain the name of the database you are connected to. The important thing to look for is the => and ->)
Have you run your migration on the DB yet in the console?
rake db:migrate
If so, also make sure that your database config yml file has the correct info with ->
user, password, localhost etc listed for your databases like
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: pg2_development
pool: 5
username: postgres
password: root
host: localhost
--> run rails server , than goto localhost:3000/user to check results
If you are just getting started with postgres you may find your general admin better served using a GUI interface like pgadmin
For example it would tell you that the end ';' was missing. It still allows you to go directly to a psgl command line.

Rails and PostgreSQL: Role postgres does not exist

I have installed PostgreSQL on my Mac OS Lion, and am working on a rails app. I use RVM to keep everything separate from my other Rails apps.
For some reason when I try to migrate the db for the first time rake cannot find the postgres user. I get the error
FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
I have pgAdmin so I can clearly see there is a postgres user in the DB - the admin account in fact - so I'm not sure what else to do.
I read somewhere about people having issues with PostgreSQL because of which path it was installed in, but then I don't think I would have gotten that far if it couldn't find the db.
Actually, for some unknown reason, I found the issue was actually because the postgresql role hadn't been created.
Try running:
createuser -s -r postgres
Note that roles are the way that PostgreSQL maintains database permissions. If there is no role for the postgres user, then it can't access anything. The createuser command is a thin wrapper around the commands CREATE USER, CREATE ROLE, etc.
Recently i got this problem immediately after installing postgres.
If it comes immediately after installation, you might be missing the default user, postgres.
In that case, you can create default user postgres using below command.
createuser -s -U $USER
Ex: createuser -s -U $USER
enter your required role name: postgres
enter password for your the user:
It will prompt you to enter required database role name and password
Once you complete the process, you can login to the postgres console using below command
psql -U 'your_database_name'
Ex: psql -U postgres
Here, You need to enter the password if you have given any, while creating the user.
Hope it helps :)
I was on OSX 10.8, and everything I tried would give me the FATAL: role "USER" does not exist. Like many people said here, run createuser -s USER, but that gave me the same error. This finally worked for me:
$ sudo su
# su postgres
# createuser -s --username=postgres MYUSERNAME
The createuser -s --username=postgres creates a superuser (-s flag) by connecting as postgres (--username=postgres flag).
I see that your question has been answered, but I want to add this answer in for people using OSX trying to install PostgreSQL 9.2.4.
This message pops up, when the database user does not exist. Compare the manual here.
Multiple local databases cannot be the explanation. Roles are valid cluster-wide. The manual again:
Note that roles are defined at the database cluster level, and so are
valid in all databases in the cluster.
You must be ending up in another database-cluster. That would be another server running on the same machine, listening to a different port. Or, more likely, on a different machine.
Could it be that the message comes, in fact, from the remote server?
I met this issue right on when I first install the Heroku's thing. After one morning trial and error i think this one line of code solved problem. As describe earlier, this is because postgresql does not have default role the first time it is set up. And we need to set that.
sovanlandy=# CREATE ROLE postgres LOGIN;
You must log in to your respective psql console to use this psql command.
Also noted that, if you already created the role 'postgre' but still get permission errors, you need to alter with command:
sovanlandy=# ALTER ROLE postgres LOGIN;
Hope it helps!
In the Heroku documentation; Getting started whit rails 4, they say:
You will also need to remove the username field in your database.yml
if there is one so: In file config/database.yml remove: username:
Then you just delete that line in "development:", if you don't pg tells to the database that works under role "myapp"
This line tells rails that the database myapp_development should be
run under a role of myapp. Since you likely don’t have this role in
your database we will remove it. With the line remove Rails will try
to access the database as user who is currently logged into the
Also remember to create the database for development:
$createdb myapp_development
Repleace "myapp" for your app name
The installation procedure creates a user account called postgres that is associated with the default Postgres role. In order to use Postgres, you can log into that account. But if not explicitly specified the rails app looks for a different role, more particularly the role having your unix username which might not be created in the postgres roles.
To overcome that, you can create a new role, first by switching over to the default role postgres which was created during installation
sudo -i -u postgres
After you are logged in to the postgres account, you can create a new user by the command:
createuser --interactive
This will prompt you with some choices and, based on your responses, execute the correct Postgres commands to create a user.
Pass over a role name and some permissions and the role is created, you can then migrate your db
Could you have multiple local databases? Check your database.yml and make sure you are hitting the pg db that you want. Use rails console to confirm.
My answer was much more simple. Just went to the db folder and deleted the id column, which I had tried to forcefully create, but which is actually created automagically. I also deleted the USERNAME in the database.yml file (under the config folder).
In Ubuntu local user command prompt, but not root user, type
sudo -u postgres createuser username
username above should match the name indicated in the message "FATAL: role 'username' does not exist."
Enter password for username.
Then re-enter the command that generated role does not exist message.
I ended up here after attempting to follow Ryan Bate's tutorial on deploying to AWS EC2 with rubber. Here is what happened for me:
We created a new app using "
rails new blog -d postgresql
Obviosuly this creates a new app with pg as the database, but the database was not made yet. With sqlite, you just run rake db:migrate, however with pg you need to create the pg database first. Ryan did not do this step. The command is rake db:create:all, then we can run rake db:migrate
The second part is changing the database.yml file. The default for the username when the file is generated is 'appname'. However, chances are your role for postgresql admin is something different (at least it was for me). I changed it to my name (see above advice about creating a role name) and I was good to go.
Hope this helps.
After a bunch of installing and uninstalling of Postgres, here's what now seems to work consistently for me with Os X Mavericks, Rails 4 and Ruby 2.
In the database.yml file, I change the default usernames to my computer's username which for me is just "admin".
In the command line I run rake db:create:all
Then I run rake db:migrate
When I run the rails server and check the local host it says "Welcome aboard".
You might be able to workaround this by running initdb -U postgres -D /path/to/data or running it as user postgres, since it defaults to the current user. GL!
