CRC-CCITT (0xFFFF) function? - delphi
Can someone help me with Delphi implementation of CRC-CCITT (0xFFFF)?
Already get the Java version, but confusing on how to port it to Delphi
public static int CRC16CCITT(byte[] bytes) {
int crc = 0xFFFF; // initial value
int polynomial = 0x1021; // 0001 0000 0010 0001 (0, 5, 12)
for (byte b : bytes) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
boolean bit = ((b >> (7-i) & 1) == 1);
boolean c15 = ((crc >> 15 & 1) == 1);
crc <<= 1;
if (c15 ^ bit) crc ^= polynomial;
crc &= 0xffff;
//System.out.println("CRC16-CCITT = " + Integer.toHexString(crc));
return crc;
and for PHP implementation
function crc16($data)
$crc = 0xFFFF;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++)
$x = (($crc >> 8) ^ ord($data[$i])) & 0xFF;
$x ^= $x >> 4;
$crc = (($crc << 8) ^ ($x << 12) ^ ($x << 5) ^ $x) & 0xFFFF;
return $crc;
0xFFFF translates to $FFFF
& translates to and
^ translates to xor
<< translates to shl
>> translates to shr
x ^= y translates to x := x xor y, similar for &=, <<=, etc.
These operators generally have higher precedence in Delphi so they usually need to have their arguments parenthesized.
I'm quite sure that there are plenty of other implementations of CRC16 etc. for Delphi, see e.g. Improve speed on Crc16 calculation
function CRC16CCITT(bytes: TBytes): Word;
polynomial = $1021; // 0001 0000 0010 0001 (0, 5, 12)
crc: Word;
I, J: Integer;
b: Byte;
bit, c15: Boolean;
crc := $FFFF; // initial value
for I := 0 to High(bytes) do
b := bytes[I];
for J := 0 to 7 do
bit := (((b shr (7-J)) and 1) = 1);
c15 := (((crc shr 15) and 1) = 1);
crc := crc shl 1;
if ((c15 xor bit) <> 0) then crc := crc xor polynomial;
Result := crc and $ffff;
You can find one in Delphi Encryption Compendium (DEC) component.
5 Checksums (CRC32, CRC16-CCITT, CRC16-Standard ...)
i found some code that works:
function crc16(Buffer:String;Polynom,Initial:Cardinal):Cardinal;
i,j: Integer;
for i:=1 to Length(Buffer) do begin
Result:=Result xor (ord(buffer[i]) shl 8);
for j:=0 to 7 do begin
if (Result and $8000)<>0 then Result:=(Result shl 1) xor Polynom
else Result:=Result shl 1;
Result:=Result and $ffff;
source :
unit CRC16CCITT;
function ComputeCRC16CCITT(crc: word; const data: PByte; len:integer) : word;
crc16_table: array [0..$FF] of word = (0,4489,8978,12955,17956,22445,25910,29887,35912,40385,44890,48851,51820,56293,59774,
function ComputeCRC16CCITT(crc: word; const data: PByte; len:integer) : word;
i : integer;
for i := 0 to len-1 do
crc := (crc shr 8) xor crc16_table[(crc xor data[i]) and $ff];
result := crc;
Is Delphi's Skewness correct
In Delphi one can calculate Skewness using System.Math's function MomentSkewKurtosis(). var m1, m2, m3, m4, skew, k: Extended; System.Math.MomentSkewKurtosis([1.1, 3.345, 12.234, 11.945, 14.235, 16.876, 20.213, 11.001, 7.098, 21.234], m1, m2, m3, m4, skew, k); This will prints skew equal to -0.200371489809269. Minitab prints the value -0.24 SigmaXL prints the value -0.23611 The reason is that Delphi does not not perform adjustment. Here is my implementation which calculates adjustment: function Skewness(const X: array of Extended; const Adjusted: Boolean): Extended; begin var AMean := Mean(X); var xi_minus_mean_power_3 := 0.0; var xi_minus_mean_power_2 := 0.0; for var i := Low(X) to High(X) do begin xi_minus_mean_power_3 := xi_minus_mean_power_3 + IntPower((X[i] - AMean), 3); xi_minus_mean_power_2 := xi_minus_mean_power_2 + IntPower((X[i] - AMean), 2); end; // URL : { mean ((x - mean (x)).^3) skewness (X) = ------------------------. std (x).^3 } var N := Length(X); Result := xi_minus_mean_power_3 / N / IntPower(Sqrt(1 / N * xi_minus_mean_power_2), 3); // URL : { sqrt (N*(N-1)) mean ((x - mean (x)).^3) skewness (X, 0) = -------------- * ------------------------. (N - 2) std (x).^3 } if Adjusted then Result := Result * Sqrt(N * Pred(N)) / (N - 2); end; The helper routine IntPower is as follows: function IntPower(const X: Extended; const N: Integer): Extended; /// <remarks> /// Calculate any float to non-negative integer power. Developed by Rory Daulton and used with permission. Last modified December 1998. /// </remarks> function IntPow(const Base: Extended; const Exponent: LongWord): Extended; { Heart of Rory Daulton's IntPower: assumes valid parameters & non-negative exponent } {$IFDEF WIN32} asm fld1 // Result := 1 cmp eax, 0 // eax := Exponent jz ##3 fld Base jmp ##2 ##1: fmul ST, ST // X := Base * Base ##2: shr eax,1 jnc ##1 fmul ST(1),ST // Result := Result * X jnz ##1 fstp st // pop X from FPU stack ##3: fwait end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN64} begin Result := Power(Base, Exponent); end; {$ENDIF} begin if N = 0 then Result := 1 else if (X = 0) then begin if N < 0 then raise EMathError.Create('Zero cannot be raised to a negative power.') else Result := 0 end else if (X = 1) then Result := 1 else if X = -1 then begin if Odd (N) then Result := -1 else Result := 1 end else if N > 0 then Result := IntPow (X, N) else begin var P: LongWord; if N <> Low (LongInt) then P := Abs(N) else P := LongWord(High(LongInt)) + 1; try Result := IntPow(X, P); except on EMathError do begin Result := IntPow(1 / X, P); // try again with another method, perhaps less precise Exit; end; end; Result := 1 / Result; end; end; With that function the adjusted skewness becomes the accurate -0.237611357234441 matching Matlab and Minitab. The only explanation I found is: "The adjusted skewness coefficient is obtained by replacing the sample second and third central moments by their bias-corrected versions." Same goes with Kurtosis: function Kurtosis(const X: array of Extended; const Adjusted: Boolean): Extended; begin var AMean := Mean(X); var xi_minus_mean_power_4 := 0.0; var xi_minus_mean_power_2 := 0.0; for var i := Low(X) to High(X) do begin xi_minus_mean_power_4 := xi_minus_mean_power_4 + IntPower((X[i] - AMean), 4); xi_minus_mean_power_2 := xi_minus_mean_power_2 + IntPower((X[i] - AMean), 2); end; { mean ((x - mean (x)).^4) k1 = ------------------------ std (x).^4 } var N := Length(X); Result := xi_minus_mean_power_4 / N / IntPower(1 / N * xi_minus_mean_power_2, 2); { N - 1 k0 = 3 + -------------- * ((N + 1) * k1 - 3 * (N - 1)) (N - 2)(N - 3) } if Adjusted then // Mathlab, Minitab and SigmaXL do not add 3 (which is the kurtosis for normal distribution Result := {3 + }(N - 1) / ((N - 2) * (N - 3)) * ((N + 1) * Result - 3 * (N - 1)); end; What is the reason for such adjustments and why Delphi decided not to implement it?
How to implement a fast RNG?
I am trying to port an existing random generator based on 128 bit XorShift from C. But I have trouble with generating the seed which is just generating the same number again and again. static uint64_t s[ 2 ]; static uint64_t __inline next(void) { uint64_t s1 = s[ 0 ]; const uint64_t s0 = s[ 1 ]; s[ 0 ] = s0; s1 ^= s1 << 23; return ( s[ 1 ] = ( s1 ^ s0 ^ ( s1 >> 17 ) ^ ( s0 >> 26 ) ) ) + s0; } uint64_t getusertime() { struct rusage rusage; getrusage( 0, &rusage ); return rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + ( rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000 ) * 1000; } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { const long long int n = strtoll( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); uint64_t t = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) s[ i ] = -1ULL / 3; const int64_t start = getusertime(); for( long long int i = n; i-- != 0; ) t ^= next(); const int64_t elapsed = getusertime() - start; const double secs = elapsed / 1E6; printf( "%f s, %.02f queries/s, %.02f ns/query\n", secs, n / secs, 1E9 * secs / n ); if ( t == 0 ) putchar( 0 ); return 0; } program Project1; var S: Array [0..1] of UInt64; function XorShift128: UInt64; var s0, s1: UInt64; begin s1 := s[0]; s0 := s[1]; s[0] := s0; s1 := s1 xor (s1 shl 23); s[1] := (s1 xor s0 xor (s1 shr 17) xor (s0 shr 26)); Result := s[1] + s0; end; procedure GenerateSeed; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to High(S) do S[I] := MaxLongInt div 3; end; var I: UInt64; begin GenerateSeed; I := XorShift128; end.
The reason you get the same value every time you run the program in the question is that you use the same seed every time. If I am understanding your comments correctly. The other difference between the C and the Pascal is the seed – see below. However, your code is fine and is an accurate translation of the C code. The output of this C program: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> static uint64_t s[ 2 ]; static uint64_t __inline next(void) { uint64_t s1 = s[ 0 ]; const uint64_t s0 = s[ 1 ]; s[ 0 ] = s0; s1 ^= s1 << 23; return ( s[ 1 ] = ( s1 ^ s0 ^ ( s1 >> 17 ) ^ ( s0 >> 26 ) ) ) + s0; } int main(void) { s[ 0 ] = s[ 1 ] = 715827882; // the value of MaxLongInt div 3 printf("%llu\n", next()); printf("%llu\n", next()); printf("%llu\n", next()); return 0; } is 6004846026386057 6004846115863870 12676181551404632061 The output of this Delphi program: program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var S: Array [0..1] of UInt64; function XorShift128: UInt64; var s0, s1: UInt64; begin s1 := s[0]; s0 := s[1]; s[0] := s0; s1 := s1 xor (s1 shl 23); s[1] := (s1 xor s0 xor (s1 shr 17) xor (s0 shr 26)); Result := s[1] + s0; end; procedure GenerateSeed; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to High(S) do S[I] := MaxLongInt div 3; end; begin GenerateSeed; Writeln(XorShift128); Writeln(XorShift128); Writeln(XorShift128); end. is 6004846026386057 6004846115863870 12676181551404632061 I note that the C code in the question uses a different seed from your translation. It seeds the state with -1ULL / 3 and that leads to this output: 46820872945684 46912499612351 13066320939010318272 To match that in the Delphi code you would use high(UInt64) div 3. Do that and you get the output above. An important note here is that your Delphi code only supplies 64 bits of seed, but your C code supplies 128. I expect that you should supply 128 bits of seed.
Why embedded CRC and current CRC differs?
I have found this Delphi examle. It is supposed to embed CRC and check current CRC. Both should match, but I get different results. How to fix it? And how to speed it up? CRC32Calc.pas unit CRC32Calc; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, windows, messages; type Long = record LoWord: Word; HiWord: Word; end; const CRCPOLY = $EDB88320; procedure BuildCRCTable; function RecountCRC(b: byte; CrcOld: LongWord): LongWord; function GetCRC32(FileName: string; Full: boolean): string; function SetEmbeddedCRC(FileName: string): string; function GetEmbeddedCRC(FileName: string): string; function BytesToHexStr(pB: PByte; BufSize: LongWord): String; function HexStrToBytes(Str: String): String; implementation var CRCTable: array [0 .. 512] Of LongWord; // A helper routine that creates and initializes // the lookup table that is used when calculating a CRC polynomial procedure BuildCRCTable; var i, j: Word; r: LongWord; begin FillChar(CRCTable, SizeOf(CRCTable), 0); for i := 0 to 255 do begin r := i shl 1; for j := 8 downto 0 do if (r and 1) <> 0 then r := (r Shr 1) xor CRCPOLY else r := r shr 1; CRCTable[i] := r; end; end; // A helper routine that recalculates polynomial relative to the specified byte function RecountCRC(b: byte; CrcOld: LongWord): LongWord; begin RecountCRC := CRCTable[byte(CrcOld xor LongWord(b)) ] xor ((CrcOld shr 8) and $00FFFFFF) end; // A helper routine that converts Word into String function HextW(w: Word): string; const h: array [0 .. 15] Of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin HextW := ''; HextW := h[Hi(w) shr 4] + h[Hi(w) and $F] + h[Lo(w) shr 4] + h[Lo(w) and $F]; end; // A helper routine that converts LongWord into String function HextL(l: LongWord): string; begin with Long(l) do HextL := HextW(HiWord) + HextW(LoWord); end; // Calculate CRC32 checksum for the specified file function GetCRC32(FileName: string; Full: boolean): string; var f: TFileStream; i, CRC: LongWord; aBt: byte; begin // Build a CRC table BuildCRCTable; CRC := $FFFFFFFF; // Open the file f := TFileStream.Create(FileName, (fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone)); // To calculate CRC for the whole file use this loop boundaries if Full then for i := 0 to f.Size - 1 do begin f.Read(aBt, 1); CRC := RecountCRC(aBt, CRC); end else // To calculate CRC for the file excluding the last 4 bytes // use these loop boundaries for i := 0 to f.Size - 5 do begin f.Read(aBt, 1); CRC := RecountCRC(aBt, CRC); end; f.Destroy; CRC := Not CRC; Result := HextL(CRC); end; // Calculate CRC and writes it to the end of file function SetEmbeddedCRC(FileName: string): string; var f: TFileStream; CRCOffset: LongWord; CRC: string; begin f := TFileStream.Create(FileName, (fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone)); CRCOffset := f.Size; // Append a placeholder for actual CRC to the file f.Seek(CRCOffset, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning); f.Write(PByte(HexStrToBytes('FFFFFFFF'))^, 4); // Obtain CRC CRC := GetCRC32(FileName, True); // Write CRC to the end of file f.Seek(CRCOffset, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning); f.Write(PByte(HexStrToBytes(CRC))^, 4); f.Destroy; Result := CRC; end; // Extract the CRC that was stored at last 4 bytes of a file function GetEmbeddedCRC(FileName: string): string; var f: TFileStream; CRCOffset: LongWord; pB: PByte; begin GetMem(pB, 4); // Open file f := TFileStream.Create(FileName, (fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone)); // Proceed upto the end of file CRCOffset := f.Size - 4; f.Seek(CRCOffset, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning); // Read the last four bytes where the CRC is stored f.Read(pB^, 4); f.Destroy; Result := BytesToHexStr(pB, 4); end; // A helper routine that converts byte value to string with hexadecimal integer function BytesToHexStr(pB: PByte; BufSize: LongWord): String; var i, j, b: LongWord; begin SetLength(Result, 2 * BufSize); for i := 1 to BufSize do begin for j := 0 to 1 do begin if j = 1 then b := pB^ div 16 else b := pB^ - (pB^ div 16) * 16; case b of 0: Result[2 * i - j] := '0'; 1: Result[2 * i - j] := '1'; 2: Result[2 * i - j] := '2'; 3: Result[2 * i - j] := '3'; 4: Result[2 * i - j] := '4'; 5: Result[2 * i - j] := '5'; 6: Result[2 * i - j] := '6'; 7: Result[2 * i - j] := '7'; 8: Result[2 * i - j] := '8'; 9: Result[2 * i - j] := '9'; 10: Result[2 * i - j] := 'A'; 11: Result[2 * i - j] := 'B'; 12: Result[2 * i - j] := 'C'; 13: Result[2 * i - j] := 'D'; 14: Result[2 * i - j] := 'E'; 15: Result[2 * i - j] := 'F'; end; end; Inc(pB); end; end; // A helper routine that converts string with hexadecimal integer to byte value function HexStrToBytes(Str: String): String; var b, b2: byte; lw, lw2, lw3: LongWord; begin lw := Length(Str) div 2; SetLength(Result, lw); for lw2 := 1 to lw do begin b := 0; for lw3 := 0 to 1 do begin case Str[2 * lw2 - lw3] of '0': b2 := 0; '1': b2 := 1; '2': b2 := 2; '3': b2 := 3; '4': b2 := 4; '5': b2 := 5; '6': b2 := 6; '7': b2 := 7; '8': b2 := 8; '9': b2 := 9; 'a': b2 := 10; 'b': b2 := 11; 'c': b2 := 12; 'd': b2 := 13; 'e': b2 := 14; 'f': b2 := 15; 'A': b2 := 10; 'B': b2 := 11; 'C': b2 := 12; 'D': b2 := 13; 'E': b2 := 14; 'F': b2 := 15; else b2 := 0; end; if lw3 = 0 then b := b2 else b := b + 16 * b2; end; Result[lw2] := char(b); end; end; end. AppendCRC program AppendCRC; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Classes, CRC32Calc in '..\CRC32Checker\CRC32Calc.pas'; var FileName: string; begin { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } if ParamCount = 1 then begin FileName := ParamStr(1); // Verify whether a file exists if not FileExists(FileName) then begin WriteLn('The specified file does not exist.'); Exit; end; WriteLn('Full checksum (before): ' + GetCRC32(FileName, True)); SetEmbeddedCRC(FileName); WriteLn('Half checksum: ' + GetCRC32(FileName, False)); WriteLn('Full checksum (after): ' + GetCRC32(FileName, True)); WriteLn('GetEmbeddedCRC: :' + GetEmbeddedCRC(FileName)); WriteLn('The checksum was successfully embedded.') end else begin; WriteLn('Wrong parameters.'); WriteLn('Parameter1 - Full path to file.');; end; end. My results are: AppendCRC.exe Hello_Delphi_World.exe Full checksum (before): 1912DA64 Half checksum: 1912DA64 Full checksum (after): B3F0A43E GetEmbeddedCRC: :4400A000 The checksum was successfully embedded. I am using Delphi XE5.
You should understand how this code works. Overall idea is to append the CRC as an extra 4 bytes, out of the EXE structure, to the end of file. (A better idea would be to put CRC into a special field inside EXE Header in the beginning). However that raises the hen and the egg problem: after we calculate CRC and embed it - the CRC file is changed (the value of CRC is appended) and the CRC of changed files changes too. So you basically has to implement two modes/function of CRC calculation: for the whole file and for the file without last 4 bytes. You should use the latter mode to calculate CRC after appending (you call it embedding), and the former one to calculate CRC before it on vanilla just compiled program. Your GetCRC32 function always cuts last 4 bytes from the file, thus before embedding it calculates CRC only of some part of file, not of the whole file. But there ahve to be two different modes. PS: you can also "embed" CRC into NTFS Alternate Stream, like having MyApp.exe program and CRC stored as MyApp.exe:CRC. PPS. i think using unbuffered read byte by byte in the GetCRC32 should be very slow. If possible, better use TBytesStream to read the file into memory as whole and then scan in usual loop over array. Or read it by chunks of 4096 bytes rather than by byte variables. For the last non-complete buffer you would clean the rest of buffer with zeroes for example.
Delphi: string encryption method and base64
Please suggest me a good string encryption method. Not XOR, it isn't strong enough. Can I use Base64 to represent the encrypted string, but without "=" on the string's end? I can add it manually. Is it normal? That is a user will use Base64 without "=" in a program, and I will add it. I do not want to have a view with '=', it isn't nice :) Thanks!!!
Here's one encryption library: Yes, you can show a base64 string without the '=' sign on the end. You just need to make sure that when you pass the value to a method the method is smart enough to add it back on before attempting the decrypt. This is a pretty common scenario.
heres a function (or a couple of functions) to encode and decode strings you can use, you can call it using Base64Encode('string to be encoded') and Base64Decode('string to be decoded') hope this helps. const B64: array[0..63] of byte= (65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80, 81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108, 109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,48,49,50,51,52,53, 54,55,56,57,43,47); function B64Encode(pInput: pointer; pOutput: pointer; Size: longint): longint; var i, iptr, optr: integer; Input, Output: PByteArray; begin Input:= PByteArray(pInput); Output:= PByteArray(pOutput); iptr:= 0; optr:= 0; for i:= 1 to (Size div 3) do begin Output^[optr+0]:= B64[Input^[iptr] shr 2]; Output^[optr+1]:= B64[((Input^[iptr] and 3) shl 4) + (Input^[iptr+1] shr 4)]; Output^[optr+2]:= B64[((Input^[iptr+1] and 15) shl 2) + (Input^[iptr+2] shr 6)]; Output^[optr+3]:= B64[Input^[iptr+2] and 63]; Inc(optr,4); Inc(iptr,3); end; case (Size mod 3) of 1: begin Output^[optr+0]:= B64[Input^[iptr] shr 2]; Output^[optr+1]:= B64[(Input^[iptr] and 3) shl 4]; Output^[optr+2]:= byte('='); Output^[optr+3]:= byte('='); end; 2: begin Output^[optr+0]:= B64[Input^[iptr] shr 2]; Output^[optr+1]:= B64[((Input^[iptr] and 3) shl 4) + (Input^[iptr+1] shr 4)]; Output^[optr+2]:= B64[(Input^[iptr+1] and 15) shl 2]; Output^[optr+3]:= byte('='); end; end; Result:= ((Size+2) div 3) * 4; end; function Base64Encode(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin SetLength(Result,((Length(Value)+2) div 3) * 4); B64Encode(#Value[1],#Result[1],Length(Value)); end; function B64Decode(pInput: pointer; pOutput: pointer; Size: longint): longint; var i, j, iptr, optr: integer; Temp: array[0..3] of byte; Input, Output: PByteArray; begin Input:= PByteArray(pInput); Output:= PByteArray(pOutput); iptr:= 0; optr:= 0; Result:= 0; for i:= 1 to (Size div 4) do begin for j:= 0 to 3 do begin case Input^[iptr] of 65..90 : Temp[j]:= Input^[iptr] - Ord('A'); 97..122: Temp[j]:= Input^[iptr] - Ord('a') + 26; 48..57 : Temp[j]:= Input^[iptr] - Ord('0') + 52; 43 : Temp[j]:= 62; 47 : Temp[j]:= 63; 61 : Temp[j]:= $FF; end; Inc(iptr); end; Output^[optr]:= (Temp[0] shl 2) or (Temp[1] shr 4); Result:= optr+1; if (Temp[2]<> $FF) and (Temp[3]= $FF) then begin Output^[optr+1]:= (Temp[1] shl 4) or (Temp[2] shr 2); Result:= optr+2; Inc(optr) end else if (Temp[2]<> $FF) then begin Output^[optr+1]:= (Temp[1] shl 4) or (Temp[2] shr 2); Output^[optr+2]:= (Temp[2] shl 6) or Temp[3]; Result:= optr+3; Inc(optr,2); end; Inc(optr); end; end; function Base64Decode(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin SetLength(Result,(Length(Value) div 4) * 3); SetLength(Result,B64Decode(#Value[1],#Result[1],Length(Value))); end;
how to convert big-endian numbers to native numbers delphi
I want to know how to convert big-endian numbers to native numbers in Delphi. I am porting some C++ code in that I came across: unsigned long blockLength = *blockLengthPtr++ << 24; blockLength |= *blockLengthPtr++ << 16; blockLength |= *blockLengthPtr++ << 8; blockLength |= *blockLengthPtr; unsigned long dataLength = *dataLengthPtr++ << 24; dataLength |= *dataLengthPtr++ << 16; dataLength |= *dataLengthPtr++ << 8; dataLength |= *dataLengthPtr; I am not familiar with C++, so I don't understand what those operators do.
Andreas's answer is a pretty good example of how to do it in pure pascal, but it still looks kinda awkward, just like the C++ code. This can actually be done in a single assembly instruction, though which one depends on whether you're using 32-bit or 16-bit integers: function SwapEndian32(Value: integer): integer; register; asm bswap eax end; function SwapEndian16(Value: smallint): smallint; register; asm rol ax, 8 end;
To reverse the order of the bits: procedure SwapEndiannessOfBits(var Value: cardinal); var tmp: cardinal; i: Integer; begin tmp := 0; for i := 0 to 8*sizeof(Value) - 1 do inc(tmp, ((Value shr i) and $1) shl (8*sizeof(Value) - i - 1)); Value := tmp; end; To reverse the order of the bytes: procedure SwapEndiannessOfBytes(var Value: cardinal); var tmp: cardinal; i: Integer; begin tmp := 0; for i := 0 to sizeof(Value) - 1 do inc(tmp, ((Value shr (8*i)) and $FF) shl (8*(sizeof(Value) - i - 1))); Value := tmp; end; I think the last one is what you are looking for. Most likely there are faster and more elegant solutions, though. Disclaimer: I might be totally wrong. I feel a bit confused at the moment. Hopefully someone else will see this question and provide a more definite answer!