How can I make fixed-length Delphi strings use wide characters? - delphi

Under Delphi 2010 (and probably under D2009 also) the default string type is UnicodeString.
However if we declare...
s :string = 'Test';
ss :string[4] = 'Test';
... then the first string s if declared as UnicodeString, but the second one ss is declared as AnsiString!
We can check this: SizeOf(s[1]); will return size 2 and SizeOf(ss[1]); will return size 1.
If I declare...
s :string;
ss :string[4];
... than I want that ss is also UnicodeString type.
How can I tell to Delphi 2010 that both strings should be UnicodeString type?
How else can I declare that ss holds four WideChars? The compiler will not accept the type declarations WideString[4] or UnicodeString[4].
What is the purpose of two different compiler declarations for the same type name: string?

The answer to this lies in the fact that string[n], which is a ShortString, is now considered a legacy type. Embarcadero took the decision not to convert ShortString to have support for Unicode. Since the long string was introduced, if my memory serves correctly, in Delphi 2, that seems a reasonable decision to me.
If you really want fixed length arrays of WideChar then you can simply declare array [1..n] of char.

You can't, using string[4] as the type. Declaring it that way automatically makes it a ShortString.
Declare it as an array of Char instead, which will make it an array of 4 WideChars.
Because a string[4] makes it a string containing 4 characters. However, since WideChars can be more than one byte in size, this would be a) wrong, and b) confusing. ShortStrings are still around for backward compatibility, and are automatically AnsiStrings because they consist of [x] one byte chars.


Delphi 11 Define String Type ( ) vs [ ] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Long strings in pascal
(3 answers)
Closed 9 days ago.
I'm using Delphi 11 to build TurboPower BTree Filer, which is supposed to support Delphi up to 2006 version. Since using newer version I have to convert Char to AnsiChar and String to AnsiString but this string type definition fails in Delphi 11:
IsamFileNameLen = 64;
IsamFileName = ansistring[IsamFileNameLen];
It doesn't like the square brackets, so I presume it wants parentheses (), but it didn't like those either?
What is the problem?
Edit: If it's just "string" then it is okay but it's not what I need, I need ansistring ?
It is true that string typically refers to AnsiString
before D2009, and to UnicodeString since D2009. But, only when used as a dynamic long string . When used as a fixed-length short string instead, string still refers to an ANSI type. So, the correct declaration remains the same in all versions:
IsamFileNameLen = 64;
IsamFileName = string[IsamFileNameLen];
This is described in Delphi's documentation:
The Delphi language supports short-string types - in effect, subtypes of ShortString - whose maximum length is anywhere from 0 to 255 characters. These are denoted by a bracketed numeral appended to the reserved word string. For example:
var MyString: string[100];
creates a variable called MyString, whose maximum length is 100 characters. This is equivalent to the declarations:
type CString = string[100];
var MyString: CString;

Delphi - check if a Unicode character occurs in a set of characters?

This code works good with Delphi-7 (until Delphi had Unicode support):
Value := edit1.Text[1];
if Value in ['м', 'ж'] then ...
'м', 'ж' - cyrillic symbols
But this construction doesn't work with Unicode charachter.
I try a lot of things, but they are doesn't work.
I also tried changing the value types to "Char" and "AnsiChar".
Doesn't work:
MySet : set of WideChar = [WideChar('м'), WideChar('ж')];
Value := edit1.Text[1];
if Value in MySet then ...
Doesn't work:
if AnsiChar(Value) in ['м', 'ж'] then ...
Doesn't work:
if CharInSet(Value, ['м', 'ж']) then ...
But this works good:
if (Value = 'м') or (Value = 'ж') then ...
Whether there is an opportunity to check up UNICODE character by use of a SET in the modern versions of Delphi?
Or should we check each character individually?
My Delphi version is 10.4 update 2 Community Edition
A Delphi set type can only handle a maximum of 256 values, so it cannot be used for handling Unicode characters. For handling Unicode, the System.Character unit provides various methods and helpers.
For this particular case, there is an IsInArray() character helper you can use. Instead of declaring a set of characters, you will need to declare an array of characters:
ch: Char;
a: array of Char;
s: string;
a := ['м', 'ж'];
s := 'abcж';
for ch in s do
if ch.IsInArray(a) then ...
Note: Delphi XE7 introduced additional language support for initializing and working with dynamic arrays, and square brackets can also be used for simpler array initialization. In the context of above example, ['м', 'ж'] is not a set, but an array of wide characters.
check if a Unicode character occurs in a set of characters?
Do you mean a Delphi set?
In general, it is impossible to have a set of X where the base type X has more than 256 possible distinct values. So set of Byte is fine, but set of Word isn't possible. Since there are 256 * 256 distinct wide character values, it is therefore impossible to have a set of wide characters. (If this were indeed possible, a variable of such a set type would be 8 kB in size. That would be an unusually large variable.)
Since there is no such thing as "Delphi set of Unicode characters", the question "How to see if a character belongs to a Delphi set of Unicode characters" doesn't make sense.
Or do you simply mean a mathematical set?
If so, of course this is possible, but you cannot use a Delphi set to represent the mathematical set of characters. Instead, you need to use some other data type. One possibility is a simple array, if you don't mind its O(n) characteristics.

What is the CCHAR type equivalent in Delphi?

The ShortNameLength member of FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION structure is declared as follows:
CCHAR ShortNameLength;
From the explanation of CCHAR type, CCHAR is a 8-bit Windows (ANSI) character. So, it is equivalent to AnsiChar in Delphi, right? However, the description of ShortNameLength member of FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION structure says,
“ShortNameLength specifies the length, in bytes, of the short file name string.”
The statement makes me think that the CCHAR equivalent is Byte in Delphi. Another example is the NumberOfProcessors member of SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION which is declared in winternl.h as follows:
BYTE Reserved1[24];
PVOID Reserved2[4];
CCHAR NumberOfProcessors;
Once again, the CCHAR type seems to be used in a Byte context, rather than AnsiChar context.
Now, I confuse, whether to use AnsiChar or Byte as a CCHAR equivalent in Delphi.
JwaWinType.pas of JEDI Windows API declares CCHAR as AnsiChar.
It's a byte, or at least, it is used as a 1 byte integer. In C, chars can be used for this purpose. In Delphi, you couldn't do that without typecasting. So you could use Char, but then you would need to give it the value 'A' or Chr(65) to indicate a string of 65 characters. Now, that would be silly. :-)
To be able to pass it to the API it must have the same size. Apart from that, the callee will not even know how it is declared, so declaring it as a Delphi byte is the most logical solution. A choice backed up by the other declaration you found.
I believe the explanation of CCHAR is wrong. The C prefix indicates that this is a count of characters so this is probably a simple copy-paste error done by Microsoft when writing the explanation.
It is stored in a byte and it is used to count the number of bytes of a string of characters. These characters may be wide characters but the CCHAR value still counts the number of bytes used to store the characters.
The natural translation for this type is Byte. If you marshal it to a character type like AnsiChar you will have to convert the character to an integer value (e.g. a byte) before using it.

Wrong Unicode conversion, how to store accent characters in Delphi 2010 source code and handle character sets?

We are upgrading our project from Delphi 2006 to Delphi 2010. Old code was:
InputText: string;
InputText := SomeTEditComponent.Text;
for i := 1 to length(InputText) do
if InputText[i] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'Ř' { and more special characters } ] then ...
Trouble is with accent letters - compare will fail.
I tried switch source code from ANSI to UTF8 and LE UCS-2 but without luck. Only cast as AnsiChar works:
if CharInSet(AnsiChar(InputText[i]), ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'Ř']) then
Funny is how Delphi works with that letters - try this in Evaluate during debugging:
Ord('Ř') = Ord('Ø')
(yes, Delphi says True, on Windows 7 Czech)
Question is: How can I store and compare simple strings without forcing them as AnsiStrings? Because if this is not working why we should use Unicode?
Thanks all for reply
Right now we are using in some parts simple CharInSet(AnsiChar(...
The declaration of CharInSet is
function CharInSet(C: AnsiChar; const CharSet: TSysCharSet): Boolean; overload; inline;
function CharInSet(C: WideChar; const CharSet: TSysCharSet): Boolean; overload; inline;
while TSysCharSet is
TSysCharSet = set of AnsiChar;
Thus CharInSet can only compare to a set of AnsiChar. That is why your accented character is converted to AnsiChar.
There is no equivalent to a set of WideChar as sets are limited to 256 elements. You have to implement some other means to check the character.
Something like
specials: string = 'Ř';
if CharInSet(InputText[i], ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z']) or (Pos(InputText[I], specials) > 0) then
might be a try. You can add more characters to specials as needed.
Don't rely on the encoding of your Delphi source code files.
It might be mangled when using any non-Unicode tool to work on your text files (or even buggy Unicode aware tools).
The best way is to specify your characters as a 4-digit Unicode code point.
MyEuroSign = #$20AC;
See also my blog posting about this.
As mentioned by Uwe Raabe, the problem with Unicode char is, they're pretty large. If Delphi allowed you to create an "set of Char" it would be 8 Kb in size! An "set of AnsiChar" is only 32 bytes in size, pretty manageable.
I'd like to offer some alternatives. First is a sort of drop-in replacement for the CharInSet function, one that uses an array of CHAR to do the tests. It's only merit is that it can be called immediately from almost anywhere, but it's benefits stop there. I'd avoid this if I can:
function UnicodeCharInSet(UniChr:Char; CharArray:array of Char):Boolean;
var i:Integer;
for i:=0 to High(CharArray) do
if CharArray[i] = UniChr then
Result := True;
Result := False;
The trouble with this function is that it doesn't handle the x in ['a'..'z'] syntax and it's slow! The alternatives are faster, but aren't as close to a drop-in replacement as one might want. The first set of alternatives to be investigated are the string functions from Microsoft. Amongst them there's IsCharAlpha and IsCharAlphanumeric, they might fix lots of issues. The problem with those, all "alpha" chars are the same: You might end up with valid Alpha chars in non-enlgish non-czech languages. Alternatively you can use the TCharacter class from Embarcadero - the implementation is all in the Character.pas unit, and it looks effective, I have no idea how effective Microsoft's implementation is.
An other alternative is to write your own functions, using an "case" statement to get things to work. Here's an example:
function UnicodeCharIs(UniChr:Char):Boolean;
var i:Integer;
case UniChr of
'ă': Result := True;
'ş': Result := False;
'Ă': Result := True;
'Ş': Result := False;
else Result := False;
I inspected the assembler generated for this function. While Delphi has to implement a series of "if" conditions for this, it does it very effectively, way better then implementing the series of IF statements from code. But it could use a lot of improvement.
For tests that are used ALOT you might want to look for some bit-mask based implementation.
You should either use IFs instead of IN or find a WideCharSet implementation. This might help if you have a lot of sets:
You have stumbled onto a case where an idiom from Pre-Unicode Pascal should not be translated directly into the most visually similar idiom in Unicode era pascal.
First, let's deal with unicode string literals. If you can always be sure you will never have any body ever use your source code with any tool that could mess up your encodings
then you could use Unicode literals. Personally, I would not like to see Unicode codepoints in string literals in any of my code, for various reasons, the strongest reason being that my code may need to be reviewed for internationalization at some point, and having literals that belong to your local language peppered through your code is even more of a problem when you use a language other than those which use the simple Ascii/Ansi codepage symbols. Your source code will be more readable if you keep in mind the assumption that your accented characters, and even non-accented character literals would be better declared, as Jeroen says to declare them, in the const section, away from your actual place in the code that you use them.
Consider the case where you use the same string literal thirty three times throughout your code. Why should it be repeated instead of a constant? And even when it is used only once, isn't the code more readable if you declare a sane constant name?
So, first you should declare constants like he shows.
Second, the CharInSet function is deprecated for all uses other than the use it was intended for which is where you must continue to use the "Set of AnsiChar" types. This is no longer a recommended approach in Delphi 2009/2010, and using arrays of literal unicode characters, in your constant section, would be more readable, and more up-to-date.
I suggest you use the JCL StrContainsChars function and avoid character sets, since
you can not declare an inline SET of Unicode Characters at all, the language does not allow it. Instead use this, and be sure to comment it:
myChar1 = #$2001;
myChar2 = #$2002;
myChar3 = #$2003;
myMatchList1 : Array[0..2] of Char = (myChar1,myChar2,myChar3);
function Match(s:String):Boolean;
result := StrContainsChars( s, myMatchList1,false);
String, and Character Literals are bad to have peppering your code, especially character or numeric literals, are called "Magic values" and are to be avoided.
P.S. Your debug assertion shows that Ord('?') is downcasting the unicode character quietly to an AnsiChar byte-size character in the debugger. This behaviour is unexpected and should probably logged in QC.

Casting Delphi 2009/2010 string literals to PAnsiChar

So the question is whether or not string literals (or const strings) in Delphi 2009/2010 can be directly cast as PAnsiChar's or do they need an additional cast to AnsiString first for this to work?
The background is that I am calling functions in a legacy DLL with a C interface that has some functions that require C-style char pointers. In the past (before Delphi 2009) code like the following worked like a charm (where the param to the C DLL function is a LPCSTR):
FRED = 'Fred';
So in changing to Delphi 2009 (and now in 2010), I changed the call to this:
FRED = 'Fred';
This seems to work and I get the correct results from the function call. However there is some definite instability in the app that seems to be occurring mostly the second or third time through the code that calls the legacy functions (that was not present before the move to the 2009 version of the IDE). In investigating this, I realized that the native string literal (and const string) in Delphi 2009/2010 is a Unicode string so my cast was possibly in error. Examples here and elsewhere seem to indicate this call should look more like this:
What confuses me is that with the code above in the second examples, casting the string literal directly to a PAnsiChar does not generate any compiler warnings. If instead of a string literal, I was casting a string var, I would get a suspicious cast warning (and the string would be mangled). This (and the fact that the string is usable in the DLL) leads me to believe the compiler is doing some magic to correctly interpret the string literal as the intended string type. Is this what is happening or is the double cast (first to AnsiString, then to PAnsiChar) really necessary and the lack of it in my code the reason for the hard to track down instability? And does the same answer hold true for const strings as well?
For type-inferred constants (only initializable from literals) the compiler changes the actual text at compile-time, rather than at runtime. That means it knows whether or not the conversion loses data, so it doesn't need to warn you if it doesn't.
To 'visualize' Barry Kelly and Mason Wheeler words:
FRED = 'Fred';
p: PAnsiChar;
w: PWideChar;
w := PWideChar(Fred);
p := PAnsiChar(Fred);
Unit7.pas.32: w := PWideChar(Fred);
00462146 BFA4214600 mov edi,$004621a4
// no conversion, just a pointer to constant/"-1 RefCounted" UnicodeString
Unit7.pas.33: p := PAnsiChar(Fred);
0046214B BEB0214600 mov esi,$004621b0
// no conversion, just a pointer to constant/"-1 RefCounted" AnsiString
As you can see in both cases PWideChar/PChar(FRED) and PAnsiChar(FRED), there is no conversion and Delphi compiler make 2 constant strings, one AnsiString and one UnicodeString.
Constants, including string literals, are untyped by default, and the compiler will fit them into whatever format works in the context you're using them in. As long as there are no non-ANSI characters in your string literal, the compiler won't have any trouble generating the string as ANSI instead of Unicode in this situation.
As Mason Wheeler points out all is fine as long as you don't have non-ANSI characters in your string const. If you have things like:
const FRED = 'Frédérick';
I'm pretty sure Delphi 2009/2010 will either issue charset hints (and apply a string conversion automatically - thus the hint) or fail at comparing ('Frédérick' is different in ISO-8859-1 than UTF-16).
If you can have "special" characters in your consts you will need to call string conversion.
Here are some basic examples with TStringList:
TStringList.SaveToFile(DestFilename, TEncoding.GetEncoding(28591)); //ISO-8859-1 (Latin1)
TStringList.SaveToFile(DestFilename, TEncoding.UTF8);
