To function or not to function, that is the question at hand - sql-function

I am working on some SQL statements for an ASP.NET application. One of the things that is required is to only display information in an open period. The period is updated automatically by the vendor software as the previous period is closed. So I finding myself doing a bunch of sub selects like:
Yes, each portion of the date is in separate fields.
Would making this query a function make the query more efficient? I have never created a function before how would I do that? My thought is having something like:
So I can do WHERE IsInRange(date).
Or is there a better way?

CREATE FUNCTION toDate(yy CHAR(2), mm CHAR(2), dd CHAR(2))
RETURN DATE('20' || '-' || yy || '-' || mm || '-' || dd)
FROM table
WHERE date <= toDate(yy, mm, dd)

Yes, but the point of the function would be for code reuse. If you are doing this in other places, or anticipate that then go for it.

For now I created a view to join the fields into a single date, this at least cleaned up the query a bunch.


How can I write ZOQL (Zuora SQL) function which returns yesterday date?

How can I write ZOQL (Zuora SQL) function which returns yesterday date?
I can not write this function. Zuora contains date_add function but I don't know the right syntax.
I tried to write this function with current term expression.
Maybe you can help me?
SELECT DATE_ADD('DAY', -1, current_date)
You can use below syntax in ZOQL. This is part of special date/time feature provided as part of zoql.
Select * from object where UpdatedDate = 'today - 1 day'
if you need to include date timestamp and go back exact one day, use 'now' instead of 'today' as shown below.
Select * from object where UpdatedDate = 'now - 1 day'
let me know if it helps.

I need to define a custom work week in MS access

I am trying to create a custom function on a form to define a week Number.
I have created a table that defines the week number.
Example WeekNo, StartDay, End Day
example: WeekNo 1 StartDay = 3/29/2020, End Day 4/4/2020
I have a Date box on my form if I enter a date of 3/29/2020
I would like 1 to be populated in my week number box.
On my form in the row source I have designed a Dlookup query
=DLookup("[WeekNumber]", "tblWeekNumber", "[Startdate] >= " & frmSearchNew.dt_Date & "") & [EndDate] <= frmSearchNew.dtDate
When I change to from view I get the error the record source specified on this form does not exist.
The table tblWeekNumber has the fields ID, WeekNo, StartDay and EndDay.
Where am I going wrong? any help is appreciated.
There are quite a few issues with the DLookup that you have put together.
Firstly, the field that you are looking for and the fields that you are using as criteria do not appear to match those in the table - WeekNumber/WeekNo, StartDate/StartDay, EndDate/EndDay;
Next, the logic for the lookup is wrong. You are trying to find a the week number that has a start date that is greater than the entered date, and an end date that is less than the entered date. What you should be looking for is a start date before the entered date, and an end date after the entered date.
Finally, dates are a bit funny in Access. You need to wrap them in '#' so that Access knows they are dates, and you should also take care to disambiguate them - 03/04/2020 could be either 3rd April or 4th March depending on you nationality.
Putting it all together, the final control source should look like:
=DLookUp("WeekNo","tblWeekNumber","StartDay<=#" & Format([dt_Date],"dd-mmm-yyyy") & "# AND EndDay>=#" & Format([dt_Date],"dd-mmm-yy") & "#")

Rails where statement with datetime.month

I am trying to find the data points within a database (PG) whose date is within a certain month (and would also quite like to check the year is the same also)
I have tried:
my_data.where("date.month = ?", month )
where 'month' is an integer (eg from but doesn't seem to work...
So the query will be like this:
my_data.where("EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) = ?", month)

Equivalent activerecord query in rails for datetime range

Can anyone help me for writing a equivalent code in Rails 4.0 for the below sql
SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE (‘2008-12-21 00:00:00' BETWEEN ‘rooms.fromtime’ AND ‘rooms.totime’)
Basically i have a model called Room and i have two datetime columns like fromtime and totime in all the rows now for any time (from view) that is going to be entered newly must be compared with the range of fromtime and totime in all the rows and if it is falling in the range of any rows it should through a message to the user and should not allow to proceed. Any info regarding this will really help.. Thanks in advance
If you want to grab the times from the view you'll have to pass params to a controller and then find the rooms:
to = params[:to_time]
from = params[:from_time]
Room.where("fromtime <= ? AND totime >= ?", from, to)
Replace the timestamps in the example with whatever times you need to check.

Is it possible to search for dates as strings in a database-agnostic way?

I have a Ruby on Rails application with a PostgreSQL database; several tables have created_at and updated_at timestamp attributes. When displayed, those dates are formatted in the user's locale; for example, the timestamp 2009-10-15 16:30:00.435 becomes the string 15.10.2009 - 16:30 (the date format for this example being -
The requirement is that the user must be able to search for records by date, as if they were strings formatted in the current locale. For example, searching for 15.10.2009 would return records with dates on October 15th 2009, searching for 15.10 would return records with dates on October 15th of any year, searching for 15 would return all dates that match 15 (be it day, month or year). Since the user can use any part of a date as a search term, it cannot be converted to a date/timestamp for comparison.
One (slow) way would be to retrieve all records, format the dates, and perform the search on that. This could be sped up by retrieving only the id and dates at first, performing the search, and then fetching the data for the matching records; but it could still be slow for large numbers of rows.
Another (not database-agnostic) way would be to cast/format the dates to the right format in the database with PostgreSQL functions or operators, and have the database do the matching (with the PostgreSQL regexp operators or whatnot).
Is there a way to do this efficiently (without fetching all rows) in a database-agnostic way? Or do you think I am going in the wrong direction and should approach the problem differently?
Building on the answer from Carlos, this should allow all of your searches without full table scans if you have indexes on all the date and date part fields. Function-based indexes would be better for the date part columns, but I'm not using them since this should not be database-specific.
CREATE TABLE mytable (
col1 varchar(10),
-- ...
inserted_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp);
('a', '2010-01-02', NULL),
('b', '2009-01-02', '2010-01-03'),
('c', '2009-11-12', NULL),
('d', '2008-03-31', '2009-04-18');
ADD inserted_at_month integer,
ADD inserted_at_day integer,
ADD updated_at_month integer,
ADD updated_at_day integer;
-- you will have to find your own way to maintain these values...
UPDATE mytable
inserted_at_month = date_part('month', inserted_at),
inserted_at_day = date_part('day', inserted_at),
updated_at_month = date_part('month', updated_at),
updated_at_day = date_part('day', updated_at);
If the user enters only Year use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-01-01' AND 'YYYY-12-31'
FROM mytable
inserted_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31'
OR updated_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31';
If the user enters Year and Month use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-MM-01' AND 'YYYY-MM-31' (may need adjustment for 30/29/28)
FROM mytable
inserted_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-31'
OR updated_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-31';
If the user enters the three values use SELECT .... WHERE Date = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
FROM mytable
inserted_at = '2009-11-12'
OR updated_at = '2009-11-12';
If the user enters Month and Day
FROM mytable
inserted_at_month = 3
OR inserted_at_day = 31
OR updated_at_month = 3
OR updated_at_day = 31;
If the user enters Month or Day (you could optimize to not check values > 12 as a month)
FROM mytable
inserted_at_month = 12
OR inserted_at_day = 12
OR updated_at_month = 12
OR updated_at_day = 12;
"Database agnostic way" is usually a synonym for "slow way", so the solutions will unlikely be efficient.
Parsing all records on the client side would be the least efficient solution in any case.
You can process your locale string on the client side and form a correct condition for a LIKE, RLIKE or REGEXP_SUBSRT operator. The client side of course should be aware of the database the system uses.
Then you should apply the operator to a string formed according to the locale with database-specific formatting function, like this (in Oracle):
FROM mytable
WHERE TO_CHAR(mydate, ' - hh24.mi') LIKE '15\.10'
More efficient way (that works only in PostgreSQL, though) would be creating a GIN index on the individual dateparts:
CREATE INDEX ix_dates_parts
ON dates
DATE_PART('year', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('month', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('day', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('hour', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('minute', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('second', date)::INTEGER
and use it in a query:
FROM dates
WHERE ARRAY[11, 19, 2010] <# (ARRAY
DATE_PART('year', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('month', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('day', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('hour', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('minute', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('second', date)::INTEGER
This will select records, having all three numbers (1, 2 and 2010) in any of the dateparts: like, all records of Novemer 19 2010 plus all records of 19:11 in 2010, etc.
Watever the user enters, you should extract three values: Year, Month and Day, using his locale as a guide. Some values may be empty.
If the user enters only Year use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-01-01' AND 'YYYY-12-31'
If the user enters Year and Month use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-MM-01' AND 'YYYY-MM-31' (may need adjustment for 30/29/28)
If the user enters the three values use SELECT .... WHERE Date = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
If the user enters Month and Day, you'll have to use the 'slow' way
IMHO, the short answer is No. But definitely avoid loading all rows.
Few notes:
if you had only simple queries for exact dates or ranges, I would recommend using ISO format for DATE (YYYY-MM-DD, ex: 2010-02-01) or DATETIME. But since you seem to need queries like "all years for October 15th", you need custom queries anyways.
I suggest you create a "parser" that takes your date query and gives you the part of the SQL WHERE clause. I am certain that you will end up having less then a dozen of cases, so you can have optimal WHEREs for each of them. This way you will avoid loading all records.
you definitely do not want to do anything locale specific in the SQL. Therefore convert local to some standard in the non-SQL code, then use it to perform your query (basically separate localization/globalization and the query execution)
Then you can optimize. If you see that you have a lot of query just for year, you might create a COMPUTED COLUMN which would contain only the YEAR and have index on it.
