iPhone UITabBarController inside of UINavigationController? - ios

Are there any good example of a UITabBarController inside of a UINavigationController? I have been googling it, but all I can find is the opposite (one navigation controller for each tab bar). I have two tabs and I want either to be able to control the overall navigation.

Never mind, I found a similar question here:
Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view


Using UITabBarController with UINavigationController - Swift 3

I am making an app which requires a use of a UITabBarController along with UINavigationController. I have made the following flow in storyboard.
See image
Now the first question is that is this accepted by Apple, as there are too many discussions for the same.
The other matter of concern is that is it possible to eliminate any UINavigationController and still get the same flow of the app? The main thing required is to have the SAME tab bar and navigation bar on all sub tabs of the tabs. One point to be noted is that if I remove the second UINavigationController then my app navigates directly from sub tab to home view controller on clicking back button.
I have been stuck on this since hours now. I am new to iOS app development and have never uploaded any app to the app store. Any help would greatly valued.
I put the second navigation controller as shown in the answers - see this flow, But because I have a navigation controller before the HomeViewController, so I am getting a navigation bar at the top and then some empty space below that(exactly equal to the top navigation bar) and then the page contents on runtime. Any solution to this?
Yes, it is acceptable by Apple.
But View hierarchy is not managed correctly. In your case Tab bar will be the root view controller for 2nd navigation controller.
Also, Tab and sub tab you are pushing will be part of 2nd navigation controller.
That's the reason you are getting back on Home view controller.
It's good practice to keep navigation controller to each Tab to manage it's sub-tab hierarchy.
You could present tab bar controller or setviewcontroller from Home View controller.
First embed tab bar controller as in this image and the embed navigation bar controller as in this image finally this will look like

Different navigation item for each view in tab bar controller

The Problem
I'm relatively new to Swift and I'm trying to build an application that makes use of a UITabBarController.
What I'm trying to do is put a different navigation bar (or UINavigationItem) on each of the tabs in the UITabBarController.
For example, I want the UINavigationItem I set, with its bar button items, to appear on MyViewController instead of a back button to the previous view controller, such as shown on the image below.
The current layout on the Storyboard is as follows.
MyViewController on the sidebar:
What I've Tried
Someone suggested that I should embed each UIViewController (e.g. MyViewController) in a Navigation Controller. I've tried this and it doesn't work.
I've also tried to set the Top Bar to "None" in the Attributes tab of the options menu.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Here is how i did it,
UINavigationController -> UITabbarController
And then each "Tab" is in different Storyboard and every storyboard start with a "Navigation Controller". So yes every tab in different navigation controller this how you should do it.
Different storyboards because may be multiple people work on storyboard at same time.
Why TabbarController inside Navigationcontroller ?
I put the "TabbarController" inside "NavigationController" because some of the controllers i want them to be full screen, like hiding the "Tabbar" so for that i push them from main NavigationController.
//Out of context but may help you,
I have created an "Extension" of Navigation Controller to push a view controller on main navigation so that any of the tabbars (which are also inside navigation controllers) can easily use the extension to push any view controller if want to hide the tabbar.

Have a NavigationController within a TabBarController Item

I've looked around and been unable to find a clear example/explanation of how to do this. I've just started with swift, apologies if any terminology is off.
What I'm looking to do is add a NavigationController to one of my TabBarItems in a way that I can view multiple views from utilizing the NavigationController while still staying within that TabBarItem view
So far I have the TabBar created, with three items. I don't mind doing it in either storyboard or programatically.
In the storyboard give each page view controller it's own navigation controller and make the navigation controllers the view controllers pointed to by the tab bar controller.
Do it like so:

Embedding UITabBar controller inside UINavigationController

I searched about this case but I couldn't find how to embed tab bar controller inside a navigation controller properly.
To be more specific; I created navigation controller in didFinishLauncinhWithOptions method inside the appdelagete and I am navigating through my view controllers without any problem.
I have a mainViewController with has 3 button and every button is pushing anotherView to navigation controller. In one of the views I am redirected, I want to use a tabbar.
My question is where should I create my tabbar controller in this case and is it allowed to embed tabbar controller inside navigation controller ? If not what should I do because, I really wanna embed my navigation controller from start and have navigation bar thorough out the entire program.
Thanks in Advance.
After struggling some times, I managed to figured out the solution by inserting new view below the tabbar.
This thread really helped me much about the case;
Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view

NavigationController inside TabBarController, or vice versa?

I apologize if this is simple or answered elsewhere, but I can't seem to find it.
I'm building a tabbed app in which some (but not all) tab views need navigation. Should I:
1) Use a UITabBarController root controller in which the navigation subviews are themselves UINavigationController instances.
2) Use a UINavigationController root controller, containing a TabBar instance, and hide the bar navigation when on a tab that doesn't need navigation services.
3) A totally different architecture.
If I understand your choices, you want to do #1. The view controllers that are connected to the tabs can be navigation controllers. In a storyboard, you can start with the tabbed application template, and delete the view controller that's given to you by default, drag in a UINavigationController, and reconnect it to the tabBarController with a relationship segue.
