convert a float to string in F#? - f#

How do I convert a float to a string in F#. I'm looking for a function with this signature:
float -> string

As others pointed out, there are a few options. The two simplest are calling ToString method and using string function. There is a subtle difference between the two that you should be aware of. Here is what they do on my system:
> sprintf "%f" 1.2;;
val it : string = "1.200000"
> string 1.2;;
val it : string = "1.2"
> 1.2.ToString();;
val it : string = "1,2"
The first two are different, but both make sense, but why the heck did the last one return "1,2"?
That's because I have Czech regional settings where decimal point is written as comma (doh!) So, the string function uses invariant culture while ToString uses current culture (of a thread). In some weird cultures (like Czech :-)) this can cause troubles! You can also specify this explicitly with the ToString method:
> 1.2.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);;
val it : string = "1.2"
So, the choice of the method will probably depend on how you want to use the string - for presentation, you should respect the OS setting, but for generating portable files, you probably want invariant culture.

> sprintf "%f";;
val it : (float -> string) = <fun:it#8>

Use the 'string' function.
string 6.3f

val it : (obj -> string) = <fun:it#1>

Just to round out the answers:
(fun (x:float) -> x.ToString())


What does the warning "This construct causes code to be less generic than indicated by the type annotations" mean in F#

I have code generating this warning.
There are a few SO related posts, the closest is this one: This construct causes code to be less generic than indicated by the type annotations
but I don't see where it applies because my code is already in a function
so, the code in question is very simple:
let exists (key: 'a) =
r.Exists(string key)
let set (key: 'a) value =
r.Set((string key), value)
let get (key: 'a) =
r.Get(string key)
let setDefault (key: 'a) value =
if not (exists key) then
set key value
what I am trying to achieve is allow passing different enums, strings or even ints as a key, and, whatever the type passed, it would be converted to string (within reason obviously)
but when I use that code with an enum, I get the warning in the title.
So, I have two questions:
I don't really understand the warning. Can someone explain it to me?
How can I achieve passing various enums, or string and make a string key out of them?
You can reproduce this warning with an extremely simple test case, clearing up some of the noise from your example:
let f (x: 'a) =
string x
Looking at this, you may be confused, because the type of the string function is 'T -> string, but it's not that simple. To understand what's happening, you have to look at the implementation of the string function in FSharp.Core:
let inline anyToString nullStr x =
match box x with
| null -> nullStr
| :? System.IFormattable as f -> f.ToString(null,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
| obj -> obj.ToString()
let inline string (value: ^T) =
anyToString "" value
// since we have static optimization conditionals for ints below, we need to special-case Enums.
// This way we'll print their symbolic value, as opposed to their integral one (Eg., "A", rather than "1")
when ^T struct = anyToString "" value
when ^T : float = (# "" value : float #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : float32 = (# "" value : float32 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : int64 = (# "" value : int64 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : int32 = (# "" value : int32 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : int16 = (# "" value : int16 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : nativeint = (# "" value : nativeint #).ToString()
when ^T : sbyte = (# "" value : sbyte #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : uint64 = (# "" value : uint64 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : uint32 = (# "" value : uint32 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : int16 = (# "" value : int16 #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
when ^T : unativeint = (# "" value : unativeint #).ToString()
when ^T : byte = (# "" value : byte #).ToString("g",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
This is using statically-resolved type parameters and using an explicit implementation for each of the listed types, so it is not really as generic as it seems from the type signature. In your case, what's happening is that it's inferring the most compatible type, and because your function is just typed as 'a, it's picking obj. So, because you're calling string and your input parameter is being forced into one of the types that the string function actually handles (which is actually in anyToString), and that's obj.
To make it work in your real-world scenario is actually pretty simple: Just make your functions inline and don't put a type on the parameter at all:
let inline exists key =
r.Exists(string key)
This will infer the type for the parameter and call the right version of string, and that will work with pretty much anything you want to pass it, including your enums.
The issue is from using string. If you look at the source for string, you'll see that it's inline, which means the compiler needs to determine the type at compile time. In your case, that means the generic type has to be resolved before string can be called, which in turn forces the compiler to pick something that will work - in this case, obj.
There are two simple ways to work around this - first, you can make your functions inline, which allows the compiler to defer this until the function using your string gets used. This will work in many cases, but can also potentially "push this off" to the consumer of your API later if they do the same thing you're doing. This would look like:
let inline set (key: 'a) value =
r.Set((string key), value)
The other option is to avoid the string operator, and use the fact that all objects in .NET include ToString, and call that instead:
let set (key: 'a) value =
r.Set(key.ToString()), value)
Either approach will avoid the warnings and keep the functions generic.

How to wrap printfn in F#?

I have read about continuations and partial applications; I am also aware of the kprintf function.
But I still don't know how to write something like:
let myPrintFunction format variable_length_arguments_list =
let a = sprintf format variable_length_ argument_list
do other things
what would be the syntax this this?
so I could use it like:
myPrintFunction "%s : %i" "hello" 3
This is different than How do I implement a method with a variable number of arguments? because that question is asking how to make a method with a variable number of arguments, but the issue I am facing is to pass that variable number of argument to the next function (sprintf) that takes a variable number of arguments too.
Or, at least that's where I suppose the problem is.
The test code, based on the solution proposed by Scott can be found here:
I want to demonstrate the ksprintf function, because that one accepts a continuation that will allow you to pass on the resulting string to e.g. a log system.
For the purpose of demonstration, let's first create something that can take a single string as input and pass it on, in this case to the console.
let writeStringToConsole (s: string) = Console.WriteLine ("OUTPUT : " + s)
So now, if writeStringToConsole is all we have, how to we make it accept F# formatting?
let printToConsole format = Printf.ksprintf writeStringToConsole format
Example that demonstrates that it works.
type DU = A | B
let i = 7
let s = "thirteen"
let du = B
printToConsole """an int %i and a string "%s" here""" i s
printToConsole """an int %i and a string "%s" and DU %A here""" i s du
// OUTPUT : an int 7 and a string "thirteen" here
// OUTPUT : an int 7 and a string "thirteen" and DU B here
// Note that OUTPUT is also part of the actual output,
// and it demonstrates how you can add e.g. a timestamp
// or line number or something to the output string, without
// it being part of the formatting.
edit: Some additional notes
The format string must be a literal. That's because the literal string must be read at compile time in order to compute the function that must be returned in order to gobble up whatever values/types that follow the format string.
For example, if you do printToConsole "%i %s %A %A" 7 "x" myType yourType, then you'll see int -> string -> MyType -> YourType in the signature of printToConsole where it's used.
There is a way to use plain strings as format strings with this system, but I don't remember how it's done, and anyway it spoils the type safety. It comes in handy when doing internationalization of strings, and your format strings must come from a resource and not F# source due to external translator services.
edit 2 : Wrap e.g. log system
I created an interface to use for various logging systems, which pretty much share the same features.
type ILogger =
abstract member Debugf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Verbosef: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Infof: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Warningf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Errorf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Fatalf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
Then an implementation for my currently used logging system looks like this.
type internal SiLogger(session: Session) =
let slogf = Printf.ksprintf
interface ILogger with
member _.Debugf format = slogf session.LogDebug format
member _.Verbosef format = slogf session.LogVerbose format
member _.Infof format = slogf session.LogMessage format
member _.Warningf format = slogf session.LogWarning format
member _.Errorf format = slogf session.LogError format
member _.Fatalf format = slogf session.LogFatal format
And there is a null logger.
let slogf = Printf.ksprintf
let dummyLog _ = () // The parameter is the title string.
let dummy format = slogf dummyLog format
let getNullLogger () =
{ new ILogger with
member _.Debugf format = dummy format
member _.Verbosef format = dummy format
member _.Infof format = dummy format
member _.Warningf format = dummy format
member _.Errorf format = dummy format
member _.Fatalf format = dummy format
open System
let myPrintFunction (format: Printf.StringFormat<_>) ([<ParamArray>] args) =
let a = sprintf format args
myPrintFunction "%s : %i" "hello" 3
To add the PrintF as a member function, this is the closest I could get. As you see, I had to pass the format string separately (in the constructor, or I could have used a property setter). I could find no way to pass the format string as the first parameter of the PrintF function as I could for a free function (see my other answer at
Also, if I uncomment the line this.RaiseSomeEvent msg, then it breaks. So I could find no way to enable the PrintF function to have a side effect.
Hopefully, someone else can solve these issues.
type Foo (format: Printf.StringFormat<_>) =
member this.RaiseSomeEvent msg = printf "%s" msg
member this.PrintF ([<ParamArray>] args) =
let msg = sprintf format args
//this.RaiseSomeEvent msg
let foo = Foo("%s : %i")
foo.PrintF "hello" 3

How to pick correct method overload for function composition?

Here is a simple composition of functions in F#
let composedFunction = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
"test" |> composedFunction
Type inference correctly defines the type of composed function string -> int. But compiler cannot pick correct overload of System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes method:
Error FS0041: A unique overload for method 'GetBytes' could not be
determined based on type information prior to this program point. A
type annotation may be needed. Candidates:
System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(chars: char []) : byte [],
System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(s: string) : byte []Blockquote
Is there any way to compose correct overload of System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes which accepts string parameter?
Or course, I can do following
// declare function which calls correct overload and then use it for compostion
let getBytes (s: string) = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s
let composedFunction = getBytes >> Array.length
// start composition with ugly lambda
let composedFunction =
(fun (s: string) -> s) >> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
But I wonder if there is any way without additional function declarations to make the compiler pick right overload according to the inferred string -> int type of composed function?
You can always add annotations:
let composedFunction : string -> _ = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
let composedFunction = (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes : string -> _) >> Array.length
As your example shows, .NET methods do not always compose well - I think the idiomatic approach in such situations is just to use the .NET style when you're dealing with .NET libraries (and use functional style when you're dealing with functional libraries).
In your specific case, I would just define a normal function with type annotation and get the length using the Length member rather than using the function:
let composedFunction (s:string) =
The existing answer shows how to get the composition to work with type annotations. Another trick you can do (which I would definitely not use in practice) is that you can add identity function on string to the composition to constrain the types:
let composedFunction = id<string> >> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
It's fun that this works, but as I said, I would never actually use this, because a normal function as defined above is much easier to understand.

overload resolution of F# lambda vs Func

I'm adding a static builder method to a record type like this:
type ThingConfig = { url: string; token : string; } with
static member FromSettings (getSetting : (string -> string)) : ThingConfig =
url = getSetting "apiUrl";
token = getSetting "apiToken";
I can call it like this:
let config = ThingConfig.FromSettings mySettingsAccessor
Now the tricky part: I'd like to add a second overloaded builder for use from C# (ignore the duplicated implementation for now):
static member FromSettings (getSetting : System.Func<string,string>) : ThingConfig =
url = getSetting.Invoke "apiUrl";
token = getSetting.Invoke "apiToken";
This works for C#, but breaks my earlier F# call with
error FS0041: A unique overload for method 'FromSettings' could not be determined based on type information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed. Candidates: static member ThingConfig.FromSettings : getSetting:(string -> string) -> ThingConfig, static member ThingConfig.FromSettings : getSetting:Func -> ThingConfig
Why can't F# figure out which one to call?
What would that type annotation look like? (Can I annotate the parameter type from the call site?)
Is there a better pattern for this kind of interop? (overloads accepting lambdas from both C# and F#)
Why can't F# figure out which one to call?
Overload resolution in F# is generally more limited than C#. The F# compiler will often, in the interest of safety, reject overloads that C# compiler sees as valid.
However, this specific case is a genuine ambiguity. In the interest of .NET interop, F# compiler has a special provision for lambda expressions: regularly, a lambda expression will be compiled to an F# function, but if the expected type is known to be Func<_,_>, the compiler will convert the lambda to a .NET delegate. This allows us to use .NET APIs built on higher-order functions, such as IEnumerable<_> (aka LINQ), without manually converting every single lambda.
So in your case, the compiler is genuinely confused: did you mean to keep the lambda expression as an F# function and call your F# overload, or did you mean to convert it to Func<_,_> and call the C# overload?
What would the type annotation look like?
To help the compiler out, you can explicitly state the type of the lambda expression to be string -> string, like so:
let cfg = ThingConfig.FromSettings( (fun s -> foo) : string -> string )
A slightly nicer approach would be to define the function outside of the FromSettings call:
let getSetting s = foo
let cfg = ThingConfig.FromSettings( getSetting )
This works fine, because automatic conversion to Func<_,_> only applies to lambda expressions written inline. The compiler will not convert just any function to a .NET delegate. Therefore, declaring getSetting outside of the FromSettings call makes its type unambiguously string -> string, and the overload resolution works.
EDIT: it turns out that the above no longer actually works. The current F# compiler will convert any function to a .NET delegate automatically, so even specifying the type as string -> string doesn't remove the ambiguity. Read on for other options.
Speaking of type annotations - you can choose the other overload in a similar way:
let cfg = ThingConfig.FromSettings( (fun s -> foo) : Func<_,_> )
Or using the Func constructor:
let cfg = ThingConfig.FromSettings( Func<_,_>(fun s -> foo) )
In both cases, the compiler knows that the type of the parameter is Func<_,_>, and so can choose the overload.
Is there a better pattern?
Overloads are generally bad. They, to some extent, obscure what is happening, making for programs that are harder to debug. I've lost count of bugs where C# overload resolution was picking IEnumerable instead of IQueryable, thus pulling the whole database to the .NET side.
What I usually do in these cases, I declare two methods with different names, then use CompiledNameAttribute to give them alternative names when viewed from C#. For example:
type ThingConfig = ...
[<CompiledName "FromSettingsFSharp">]
static member FromSettings (getSetting : (string -> string)) = ...
[<CompiledName "FromSettings">]
static member FromSettingsCSharp (getSetting : Func<string, string>) = ...
This way, the F# code will see two methods, FromSettings and FromSettingsCSharp, while C# code will see the same two methods, but named FromSettingsFSharp and FromSettings respectively. The intellisense experience will be a bit ugly (yet easily understandable!), but the finished code will look exactly the same in both languages.
Easier alternative: idiomatic naming
In F#, it is idiomatic to name functions with first character in the lower case. See the standard library for examples - Seq.empty, String.concat, etc. So what I would actually do in your situation, I would create two methods, one for F# named fromSettings, the other for C# named FromSettings:
type ThingConfig = ...
static member fromSettings (getSetting : string -> string) =
static member FromSettings (getSetting : Func<string,string>) =
ThingConfig.fromSettings getSetting.Invoke
(note also that the second method can be implemented in terms of the first one; you don't have to copy&paste the implementation)
Overload resolution is buggy in F#.
I filed already some cases, like this where it is obviously contradicting the spec.
As a workaround you can define the C# overload as an extension method:
module A =
type ThingConfig = { url: string; token : string; } with
static member FromSettings (getSetting : (string -> string)) : ThingConfig =
printfn "F#ish"
url = getSetting "apiUrl";
token = getSetting "apiToken";
module B =
open A
type ThingConfig with
static member FromSettings (getSetting : System.Func<string,string>) : ThingConfig =
printfn "C#ish"
url = getSetting.Invoke "apiUrl";
token = getSetting.Invoke "apiToken";
open A
open B
let mySettingsAccessor = fun (x:string) -> x
let mySettingsAccessorAsFunc = System.Func<_,_> (fun (x:string) -> x)
let configA = ThingConfig.FromSettings mySettingsAccessor // prints F#ish
let configB = ThingConfig.FromSettings mySettingsAccessorAsFunc // prints C#ish

What is the difference between float32 vs single and float vs double, if any?

I have always considered the types float32 and single to be interchangeable, in that they are type aliases. The same for float and double. However, they appear to be declared in different assemblies Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators vs Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.
Also, the popup description is slightly different, where F# says on float32 and float that it can take a string and use Parse() on it.
However, trying that with single and double succeeds just fine too:
let x = single "12.3"
let y = double "13.4"
Is there any difference I should be aware of? I have always used them interchangeably, never really gave it another thought, until I saw the differences in the popups and in signatures:
// on hovering, or in FSI, this will have the slightly confusing signature:
// val x: a: double -> float
let x (a: double) = float a
All of them are just aliases of the corresponding CLR types as you can see in prim-types-prelude.fs.
type float32 = System.Single
type float = System.Double
type single = System.Single
type double = System.Double
As for the confusing signature consider this:
type typA = A;;
type typB = typA;;
let f (x : typA) = (x : typB)
//val f : x:typA -> typB
Seems like F# prefers to use the aliases at the places you (or some other definition) used them.
Finally the namespaces you are referring to (FSharp.Core.Operators) are referring not to the float type but the float function (float : 'T -> float). See prim-types.fs.
