Sitefinity 4 - MasterPages - master-pages

I am running the trial version of Sitefinity 4 RTM.
The great thing about Sitefinity 3.x was that I could port my masterpages from an existing site and they would just work with Sitefinity: Sitefinity did not inject stuff into the pages, or the content blocks.
However, Sitefinity 4 seems to be injecting its own stuff (styles, etc) into the page that screw up my layouts.
Also, for example the Sitefinity ContentBlocks wrap their content in a tag.
Is there a way to stop this happening or would I have to rewrite my master pages and style sheets if using Sitefinity 4?
Other issues, eg, setting up a new site are great, but the above is a bit of a killer.

First, you'll probably want to post this to the Sitefinity forums. You'll get a lot more attention there.
However, here are a few thoughts:
Check out the Design and Skin settings for Sitefinity Widgets. By default, Sitefinity Widgets get associated with a Sitefinity Skin and some embedded stylesheets. By switching to a custom skin, you can define your own CSS.
Feel free to modify the templates being used by Sitefinity widgets. You can define your own HTML.
I'm doing a webinar next week (Real World Project Development with Sitefinity 4.0) that will touch on some of these things. For those visiting here later, the video can be found on Telerik.TV.
Good luck.

Once you integrate master page from an existing site, no need to add attribute block in the child page, provide only the body part. sitefinity by default generates attribute.
Here is a link for documentation on how to use custom CSS. Hope this will be helpful:


Angular 4 ng-controllers

I am building an website with Angular 4 and bootstrap. Being a .net developer, I would like to have all the html in the .cshtml files. Earlier I have used Angular 1.0 version and we use the ng-controller and all the services call will be made from there. Trying to find documentation on using controllers but couldn't find any? Do we have ng-controllers in Angular 4? If not whats the best alternative. Also I dont want to use "TemplateUrl" in the component to render the cshtml content. In few cases, cshtml will have dynamic content and don't want an additional http request made.
Thanks in advance.
Thats right what Usman told you. At Angular 2/4 your App structure is completly new. You got a Template which is controlled by the #Component, where is linked with the attribute: 'template: "Page.html"'. There is also the templateURL Which is also an attribute of #Component. Use this if you want to specify your templateURL in your Typescript File. And another thing: Your Scope has changed a bit so think about it if you try to call javascript code in your template.
hope it helped.
There is no ng-controllers in Angular 2/4. You have components (kind of, but not exactly, controllers in AngularJs). There is no clean way of using server side views with Angular 2/4 unless you want to use server side rendering of Javascript using nodejs.
Have a look at this post
This is based on Microsoft's JavaScript services library which does server side compilation for cshtml files. Steve Sanderson has a nice post (though a bit older now) about setting up Angular with ASP.NET
hope this helps.

Embedding an MVC form inside the old master template architecture

I have an old Umbraco web application which was upgraded to v6 earlier this year.
It uses .NET ascx user controls and your standard .master pages as you'd expect.
I now need to create a brand new page which is essentially a booking form for an event.
I'd like to create it using MVC, as I do everything with MVC nowadays. I don't really want to duplicate the page layout / the frame. Is it possible to embed an MVC partial view inside the old master templates?
You can create the form in a .cshtml file and then add it as an Umbraco Macro. But the form couldn't use the MVC approach, it would have to be basic inline razor plus conditional statements. Which is fine but limiting. You could of course have the form posting to a controller action too but this get's a little tricky as it takes the form processing out of the page's event cycle.
Otherwise you are asking if you can reference an action in a masterpage, so no not really. I say "not really" because of course you can but it's unnatural and would make the project a nightmare for anyone to undestand of they were to pick it up. There is an article here as to how you might do it tho':
Also, there is also the Umbraco MvcBridge package. This was something a lot of devs used prior to being able to build directly in MVC. Essentially you can set up Macros to point to actions etc. but still within the webforms mode.
It's a great half-way house but I'm not sure abut the compatibility with v6.

challenges in upgrading Bootstrap Themed ASP MVC site, how to upgrade bootstrap + keep previous CSS / #Helper / Transpiler

I've built an ASP MVC site and used bootstrap, Jquery, knockout and signalR, and inherited a mix of 3rd party MVC code integrated with controls like syncfusion. (I don't have a choice in this matter, company decision)
After coding the HTML helpers in the views,
I manually applied all the bootstrap styles took sometime and got it
to work. Now, with upgrade/changes to bootstrap (RC 3.1) I am finding
myself back to square one, hunting through the code and replacing it manually, lots of
changes. Can you please share a better way to transpile/emit/bind the
bootstrap CSS classes into the helpers (i.e. in an independent way of the
technology helper, whether its ASP HTML MVC helper, Syncfusion HTML
MVC helper, Rad or FluentBootStrap)
Please provide a solution/recommendation to apply bootstrap CSS to ASP MVC pages
That's easy to separate and maintain and CSS upgrade's Programmtically
or globally configurable/settable/applicable
I've been thinking extension classes might be a good option, but not sure how I can achieve this, if you've can show me how to get the custom bootstrap CSS bound so I can programatically apply it or globally,
Is there a transpiler or Razor Declaritve Helper (I know about the nuget package, I tried applying it, and it turned out to be more of a template, than declarative extension binding, and I couldnt use it with other libraries Syncfusion or DevExpress)
or some other way, I would greatly appreciate it.
Here is an example of what I do currently, with the Syncfusion library
#Html.Syncfusion().Menu("myMenu").AutoFormat((Skins)ViewData["Themes"]) - performance hog
or better option 2 below
.CustomCSS("CustomCss_Button") )
-> I changed/upgraded manually to BootStrap RC 3.1, I changed this last part to the bootstrap
.CustomCSS("btn-default dropdown-toggle btn-primary"))
Not sure this would be helpful to you, but check out TwitterBootstrapMVC. Right now it supports v2.* of TwitterBootstrap, but the support for v3.* is being built.
Our answer is from the experience we are going through. Here is what we found,
currently, The twitter bootstrap MVC is your best option IMHO, we are moving everything to it and its free! Its probably better the broiler plate option.
The 3.0 upgrade is a big question for us as well, so this is
something Dmitry can clarify.
Also, auto creating type safe bootstrap HTML views/sections for models is another question.
In addition you will face challenges with custom controls, we have a OLAP BI client, which looks / or doesn't not have the same consistent look. Dmitry can you answer how to resolve this with twitterbootmvc
Dmitry, will the twitterbootstrap upgrade, auto upgrade to the 3.0 bootstrap or do we have do anything manually?
I just discovered that in visual studio you can for the precompile of RAZOR into HTML.
Can you add that as an option to fluent

mvc webpage without using the default templates

I am using MVC 4.I have designed a webpage in Dreamweaver and then tried to convert it as a razor page. I wanted to view it in a browser, without using Visual Studio. I have heard that a Razor page can be edited using a notepad.
Please help, I am comfortable designing pages in Dreamweaver, than in Visual Studio.
If I understand you correctly you have a HTML design (created in whichever tool you prefer) and you wish to create an MVC website out of this. You have experience in ASP.NET Webforms.
Primarily to creating anything I would follow the topics covered in the ASP.NET MVC tutorials of MVC itself. It's not about "default templates" it's about understanding what builds your final output. Layouts, partial renderings etc...
PS: Ask yourself: Is MVC the right choice for my solution? (because I get the feeling everyone just wants to use MVC and doesn't think about what it is and why you should or shouldn't use it...)
If you dont't want to use default template then you can include your css files you created in Content folder. In shared folder which is located inside Views folder you can create the your customized layout which uses the css that you included in Content folder. And you can then include these layout in the views you later create inside shared folder of Views.
You can explore yourself by installing twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample from package manager console and see how your project changes.
This package changes your default layout to different layout, which is pretty cool.
Hope you can get idea of what is done and how you include your own layout from this above mentioned package.

How to map shared Content Blocks to Templated in Sitefinity 5.2?

I just Migrated my 3.7 website to 5.2 Website, but I noticed that the Generic Content in 3.7 Project have been converted to Shared Content blocks in 5.2. And most importantly not all (only few are likned to pages, i.e., Used in pages column has "Not used" value).
I searched a lot but couldn't find any way to map these blocks to the pages as they were in 3.7 Project.
However, I was trying to follow tutorial:
But I didn't see any option such as "Select from existing shared content button" in Edit Template mode, I get this option in Edit page mode & when I set the Content by selecting the existing Content it's not displayed in View mode, but it's displayed in edit mode.
Any ideas how to do this?
With the introduction of Sitefinity v4, shared content is no longer available for templates, just for pages. They removed that ability unfortunately due to architectual reasons and performance issues.
The official comment on how to solve it at the moment, is by using inherited templates, where you drop a normal content block on a 'parent' template and thus its child templates inherit it while keeping a single point of edit.
As a non-recommendation 'hack', you can activate it, as described here. But keep in mind the response from Telerik:
it will lead to performance problems. This is why this feature is
disabled by default, and we do not recommend using it.
But there is also good news when you read the Sitefinity 5.3 roadmap which is scheduled for release end december 2012:
The 5.3 release includes the below improvements:
Shared content is now available to use inside page templates
Hope this helps,
