I have 10 grids (currently stored as ascii grids from a GIS), each of them with about 4.5GB uncompressed. In addition I have about 100,000 location with an x and y coordinate. I need to extract the grid value at each of this location. I am currently doing it with GRASS GIS which works, but is very slow. Can anyone recommend me a library or a programming language most suitable for such a task?
Thanks in advance!
Sounds like the classic use-case for Hadoop MapReduce.
Hadoop MapReduce is a programming model and software framework for writing applications that rapidly process vast amounts of data in parallel on large clusters of compute nodes.
I wanna start to develop a recommendation system for big data, say 2GB log data per day. For this purpose, between Rhadoop and Apache Mahout, which one is preferred?
Please answer this question from different aspects, such as availability of codes, speed, et.
If you know R and your data is not that big try SparkR but most of the massive R package collection does not integrate well with Spark distributed data.
If you have big data a are ok with an R-like Scala API then Mahout is better. You can get your math working on sample data and the same code will automatically scale to production size.
Just started my excursion to graph processing methods and tools. What we basically do - count some standard metrics like pagerank, clustering coefficient, triangle count, diameter, connectivity etc. In the past was happy with Octave, but when we started to work with graphs having let's say 10^9 nodes/edges we stuck.
So the possible solutions can be distributed cloud made with Hadoop/Giraph, Spark/GraphX, Neo4j on top of them, etc.
But since I am a beginner, can someone advise what actually to choose? I did not get the difference when to use Spark/GraphX and when Neo4j? Right now I consider Spark/GraphX, since it have more Python alike syntax, while neo4j has the own Cypher. Visualization in neo4j is cool but not useful in such a large scale. I do not understand is there a reason to use additional level of software (neo4j) or just use Spark/GraphX? Since I understood neo4j will not save so much time like if we worked with pure hadoop vs Giraph or GraphX or Hive.
Thank you.
Neo4J: It is a graphical database which helps out identifying the relationships and entities data usually from the disk. It's popularity and choice is given in this link. But when it needs to process the very large data-sets and real time processing to produce the graphical results/representation it needs to scale horizontally. In this case combination of Neo4J with Apache Spark will give significant performance benefits in such a way Spark will serve as an external graph compute solution.
Mazerunner is a distributed graph processing platform which extends Neo4J. It uses message broker to process distribute graph processing jobs to Apache Spark GraphX module.
GraphX: GraphX is a new component in Spark for graphs and graph-parallel computation. At a high level, GraphX extends the Spark RDD by introducing a new Graph abstraction: a directed multigraph with properties attached to each vertex and edge. It supports multiple Graph algorithms.
It is always recommended to use the Hybrid combination of Neo4j with GraphX as they both easier to integrate.
For real time processing and processing large data-sets, use neo4j with GraphX.
For simple persistence and to show the entity relationship for a simple graphical display representation use standalone neo4j.
Neo4j: I have not used it, but I think it does all of a graph computation (like pagerank) on a single machine. Would that be able to handle your data set? It may depend on whether your entire graph fits into memory, and if not, how efficiently does it process data from disk. It may hit the same problems you encountered with Octave.
Spark GraphX: GraphX partitions graph data (vertices and edges) across a cluster of machines. This gives you horizontal scalability and parallelism in computation. Some things you may want to consider: it only has a Scala API right now (no Python yet). It does PageRank, triangle count, and connected components, but you may have to implement clustering coefficent and diameter yourself, using the provided graph API (pregel for example). The programming guide has a list of supported algorithms: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/graphx-programming-guide.html
GraphX is more of a realtime processing framework for the data that can be (and it's is better when) represented in a graph form. With GraphX you can use various algorithms that require large amounts of processing power (both RAM and CPU), and with neo4j you can (reliably) persist and update that data. This is what I'd suggest.
I know for sure that #kennybastani has done some pretty interesting advancements in that area, you can take a look at his mazerunner solution. It's also shipped as a docker image, so you can poke at it with a stick and find out for yourself whether you like it or not.
This image deploys a container with Apache Spark and uses GraphX to
perform ETL graph analysis on subgraphs exported from Neo4j. The
results of the analysis are applied back to the data in the Neo4j
How is it possible to make calculations on a matrix with size 6GB and RAM is 4GB? What techniques are used in this case? Is there any open source solution or tool using files during vector operations?
Yes, the famous Hadoop is an open source computing platform, which can be used for operations on pretty big matrices (and not only for that).
For examples, please read this page.
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In the beginning, I would like to describe my current position and the goal that I would like to achieve.
I am a researcher dealing with machine learning. So far have gone through several theoretical courses covering machine learning algorithms and social network analysis and therefore have gained some theoretical concepts useful for implementing machine learning algorithms and feed in the real data.
On simple examples, the algorithms work well and the running time is acceptable whereas the big data represent a problem if trying to run algorithms on my PC. Regarding the software I have enough experience to implement whatever algorithm from articles or design my own using whatever language or IDE (so far have used Matlab, Java with Eclipse, .NET...) but so far haven't got much experience with setting-up infrastructure. I have started to learn about Hadoop, NoSQL databases, etc, but I am not sure what strategy would be the best taking into consideration the learning time constraints.
The final goal is to be able to set-up a working platform for analyzing big data with focusing on implementing my own machine learning algorithms and put all together into production, ready for solving useful question by processing big data.
As the main focus is on implementing machine learning algorithms I would like to ask whether there is any existing running platform, offering enough CPU resources to feed in large data, upload own algorithms and simply process the data without thinking about distributed processing.
Nevertheless, such a platform exists or not, I would like to gain a picture big enough to be able to work in a team that could put into production the whole system tailored upon the specific customer demands. For example, a retailer would like to analyze daily purchases so all the daily records have to be uploaded to some infrastructure, capable enough to process the data by using custom machine learning algorithms.
To put all the above into simple question: How to design a custom data mining solution for real-life problems with main focus on machine learning algorithms and put it into production, if possible, by using the existing infrastructure and if not, design distributed system (by using Hadoop or whatever framework).
I would be very thankful for any advice or suggestions about books or other helpful resources.
First of all, your question needs to define more clearly what you intend by Big Data.
Indeed, Big Data is a buzzword that may refer to various size of problems. I tend to define Big Data as the category of problems where the Data size or the Computation time is big enough for "the hardware abstractions to become broken", which means that a single commodity machine cannot perform the computations without intensive care of computations and memory.
The scale threshold beyond which data become Big Data is therefore unclear and is sensitive to your implementation. Is your algorithm bounded by Hard-Drive bandwidth ? Does it have to feet into memory ? Did you try to avoid unnecessary quadratic costs ? Did you make any effort to improve cache efficiency, etc.
From several years of experience in running medium large-scale machine learning challenge (on up to 250 hundreds commodity machine), I strongly believe that many problems that seem to require distributed infrastructure can actually be run on a single commodity machine if the problem is expressed correctly. For example, you are mentioning large scale data for retailers. I have been working on this exact subject for several years, and I often managed to make all the computations run on a single machine, provided a bit of optimisation. My company has been working on simple custom data format that allows one year of all the data from a very large retailer to be stored within 50GB, which means a single commodity hard-drive could hold 20 years of history. You can have a look for example at : https://github.com/Lokad/lokad-receiptstream
From my experience, it is worth spending time in trying to optimize algorithm and memory so that you could avoid to resort to distributed architecture. Indeed, distributed architectures come with a triple cost. First of all, the strong knowledge requirements. Secondly, it comes with a large complexity overhead in the code. Finally, distributed architectures come with a significant latency overhead (with the exception of local multi-threaded distribution).
From a practitioner point of view, being able to perform a given data mining or machine learning algorithm in 30 seconds is one the key factor to efficiency. I have noticed than when some computations, whether sequential or distributed, take 10 minutes, my focus and efficiency tend to drop quickly as it becomes much more complicated to iterate quickly and quickly test new ideas. The latency overhead introduced by many of the distributed frameworks is such that you will inevitably be in this low-efficiency scenario.
If the scale of the problem is such that even with strong effort you cannot perform it on a single machine, then I strongly suggest to resort to on-shelf distributed frameworks instead of building your own. One of the most well known framework is the MapReduce abstraction, available through Apache Hadoop. Hadoop can be run on 10 thousands nodes cluster, probably much more than you will ever need. If you do not own the hardware, you can "rent" the use of a Hadoop cluster, for example through Amazon MapReduce.
Unfortunately, the MapReduce abstraction is not suited to all Machine Learning computations.
As far as Machine Learning is concerned, MapReduce is a rigid framework and numerous cases have proved to be difficult or inefficient to adapt to this framework:
– The MapReduce framework is in itself related to functional programming. The
Map procedure is applied to each data chunk independently. Therefore, the
MapReduce framework is not suited to algorithms where the application of the
Map procedure to some data chunks need the results of the same procedure to
other data chunks as a prerequisite. In other words, the MapReduce framework
is not suited when the computations between the different pieces of data are
not independent and impose a specific chronology.
– MapReduce is designed to provide a single execution of the map and of the
reduce steps and does not directly provide iterative calls. It is therefore not
directly suited for the numerous machine-learning problems implying iterative
processing (Expectation-Maximisation (EM), Belief Propagation, etc.). The
implementation of these algorithms in a MapReduce framework means the
user has to engineer a solution that organizes results retrieval and scheduling
of the multiple iterations so that each map iteration is launched after the reduce
phase of the previous iteration is completed and so each map iteration is fed
with results provided by the reduce phase of the previous iteration.
– Most MapReduce implementations have been designed to address production needs and
robustness. As a result, the primary concern of the framework is to handle
hardware failures and to guarantee the computation results. The MapReduce efficiency
is therefore partly lowered by these reliability constraints. For example, the
serialization on hard-disks of computation results turns out to be rather costly
in some cases.
– MapReduce is not suited to asynchronous algorithms.
The questioning of the MapReduce framework has led to richer distributed frameworks where more control and freedom are left to the framework user, at the price of more complexity for this user. Among these frameworks, GraphLab and Dryad (both based on Direct Acyclic Graphs of computations) are well-known.
As a consequence, there is no "One size fits all" framework, such as there is no "One size fits all" data storage solution.
To start with Hadoop, you can have a look at the book Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White
If you are interested in how large-scale frameworks fit into Machine Learning requirements, you may be interested by the second chapter (in English) of my PhD, available here: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/74/47/68/ANNEX/texfiles/PhD%20Main/PhD.pdf
If you provide more insight about the specific challenge you want to deal with (type of algorithm, size of the data, time and money constraints, etc.), we probably could provide you a more specific answer.
edit : another reference that could prove to be of interest : Scaling-up Machine Learning
I had to implement a couple of Data Mining algorithms to work with BigData too, and I ended up using Hadoop.
I don't know if you are familiar to Mahout (http://mahout.apache.org/), which already has several algorithms ready to use with Hadoop.
Nevertheless, if you want to implement your own Algorithm, you can still adapt it to Hadoop's MapReduce paradigm and get good results. This is an excellent book on how to adapt Artificial Intelligence algorithms to MapReduce:
Mining of Massive Datasets - http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/mmds.html
This seems to be an old question. However given your usecase, the main frameworks focusing on Machine Learning in Big Data domain are Mahout, Spark (MLlib), H2O etc. However to run Machine Learning algorithms on Big Data you have to convert them to parallel programs based on Map Reduce paradigm. This is a nice article giving a brief introduction to major (not all) big Data frameworks:
I hope this will help.
This question does not have a single "right" answer.
I'm interested in running Map Reduce algorithms, on a cluster, on Terabytes of data.
I want to learn more about the running time of said algorithms.
What books should I read?
I'm not interested in setting up Map Reduce clusters, or running standard algorithms. I want rigorous theoretical treatments or running time.
EDIT: The issue is not that map reduce changes running time. The issue is -- most algorithms do not distribute well to map reduce frameworks. I'm interested in algorithms that run on the map reduce framework.
Technically, there's no real different in the runtime analysis of MapReduce in comparison to "standard" algorithms - MapReduce is still an algorithm just like any other (or specifically, a class of algorithms that occur in multiple steps, with a certain interaction between those steps).
The runtime of a MapReduce job is still going to scale how normal algorithmic analysis would predict, when you factor in division of tasks across multiple machines and then find the maximum individual machine time required for each step.
That is, if you have a task which requires M map operations, and R reduce operations, running on N machines, and you expect that the average map operation will take m time and the average reduce operation r time, then you'll have an expected runtime of ceil(M/N)*m + ceil(R/N)*r time to complete all of the tasks in question.
Prediction of the values for M,R,m, and r are all something that can be accomplished with normal analysis of whatever algorithm you're plugging into MapReduce.
There are only two books that i know of that are published, but there are more in the works:
Pro hadoop and Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
Of these, Pro Hadoop is more of a beginners book, whilst The Definitive Guide is for those that know what Hadoop actually is.
I own The Definitive Guide and think its an excellent book. It provides good technical details on how the HDFS works, as well as covering a range of related topics such as MapReduce, Pig, Hive, HBase etc. It should also be noted that this book was written by Tom White who has been involved with the development of Hadoop for a good while, and now works at cloudera.
As far as the analysis of algorithms goes on Hadoop you could take a look at the TeraByte sort benchmarks. Yahoo have done a write up of how Hadoop performs for this particular benchmark: TeraByte Sort on Apache Hadoop. This paper was written in 2008.
More details about the 2009 results can be found here.
There is a great book about Data Mining algorithms applied to the MapReduce model.
It was written by two Stanford Professors and it if available for free: