View helper link_to in Model class - ruby-on-rails

Using Rails 3, is there a way to use link_to helper, or any helper for that matter, inside model?

There are some reasons that you may need link_to in a model. Yes, #andy, it's a violation of MVC, but that doesn't mean you should get points for not answering the question.
#schwabsauce, it's easier than that. The first line isn't even strictly necessary if you do it in an initializer or something. Same thing works for .sanitize and .raw and a whole load of other awesome functions.
ActionView::Base.send(:include, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers)
If you want to use autopaths you may have to do this inside your link_to:

Be very careful following the advice outlined in Chuck's post if you're doing this in Rails 3.2.1 . It would seem as though that approach is not a safe way to go about including the link_to helper in non-view classes in Rails 3.2.1. There is a safer way (that works for us in any case) outlined below.
When we used the approach in Chuck's post in one of our classes, it ended up having very troubling and difficult to debug consequences. It ended up causing side effects / bugs that only turned up in very specific (and rare) circumstances.
The problem, as far as we can tell, is that this line:
ActionView::Base.send(:include, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers)
Is telling ActionView::Base to include the Rails.application.routes.url_helpers, which ActionView::Base apparently already does on its own. Having it include the url_helpers a second time, seems to cause re-initialization of the routes state (#_routes in classes that have included the ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor module).
This leads to seemingly random and unexplained "undefined method 'url_for' for nil:NilClass" exceptions in views that attempt to call, directly or indirectly, the url_for method after ActionView::Base has included the url_helpers the second time.
The solution that worked for us was instead of telling ActionView::Base to include the url_helpers again, just include the UrlHelper module yourself wherever you might need it.
Then when you need to use link_to and have access to the path you can simply do this (assuming login_path is valid for your app):
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
link = link_to('here', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.login_path)
It took us a very long time and quite a lot of head scratching to track down the bugs caused by the double-include and I just wanted to warn others to be careful when tweaking the behavior of the Rails base classes.

I got this to work with the following inclusions:
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ActionController::UrlFor
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
cattr_accessor :controller
def controller; self.class.controller; end
def request; controller.request; end
Then in my controller I populated the attribute (creating a controller from scratch requires a significant amount of data in the arguments hash).
Lead.controller = self

link_to helper, MVC violation
What Andy said,
if you're generating HTML in the model you probably need to take a big long look at what you're doing and why.
URL helpers
URLs on the other hand often come in handy outside of view-controller code, in all kinds of service/form/api/... classes for example, even in models if you have to.
Yes, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers is a module, but that doesn't mean you should just include it wherever or funny stuff will start happening as Gary put it:
What you can do is:
delegate :url_helpers, :to => 'Rails.application.routes'
and then use, for example

If you want to use any module stuff anywhere and don't mind going against all Ruby norms, throw this hackery into a service:
module View
extend self
class HelperIncluder
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
def link_to(*args)*args)
And now:
View.link_to('a', 'b') => "a"

Not without hackery.
If you think you need link_to in a model, you're likely violating some principle of the Model-View-Controller architecture.
A model should be a place for data and business logic, but generating links is almost certainly a job for the controller or view (or, Rails specifically, in a helper class).


Rails Model method that builds a string of links

I have a method on a model called Photo. I have it finding a selection of things from elsewhere in my app. All I need it to do at the end is to create a string of links that I can then output later on when the method is called on an instance.
My code is: { |c| link_to(, c) }.join(" AND ")
But i'm hitting this error:
undefined method `link_to' for #<Photo
Any ideas how to fix this?
link_to is a view helper which means it's only available in Rails views by default because it's a router / request concern.
If you specifically want to use link_to you have to include it or reference it directly.
See this SO answer
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
... { |c| link_to(, c) }.join(" AND ")
There are other ways of getting paths than using link_to that I would recommend you consider:
It's arguable that the Rails team would tell you to use UrlFor as the tip in that link suggests:
Tip: If you need to generate URLs from your models or some other place, then ActionController::UrlFor is what you're looking for. Read on for an introduction. In general, this module should not be included on its own, as it is usually included by url_helpers (as in Rails.application.routes.url_helpers).
UrlFor also allows one to access methods that have been auto-generated from named routes.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
def base_uri
# named_route method that uses UrlFor
User.find(1).base_uri # => "/users/1"
create your own concern to bring in route helpers via ActionMailer as this article suggests
As you may see if you scroll through other SO questions about including view helpers in models, there is pushback on using router and request -based methods outside of controllers and views because it violates the principles of MVC.
I think your use case can give you some peace of mind about this, but it's worth knowing the water is murky and some people may advise you otherwise.
The traditional Rails wisdom (and what I'm about to give you here) is that models should not be creating HTML. They also shouldn't have methods that return HTML. Creating HTML <a> tags should be done much closer to the user interface: in a view template or maybe in a view helper. One reason is that the particular way the hyperlink should be generated is a concern of the view. (Does it need a nofollow attribute? class attributes? This will change, even from one view to another.) And the model should not have any knowledge of these details.
When you do generate links in the views, then you have access to all the helpers such as link_to.
Instead, as I understand it, a model should be responsible for returning its own data. Maybe in your case that'd be an array of dicts of :label, :url. I.e., pure data that'd be easy to pass to link_to.
Hope that helps!

In Rails 5, how access cookies method in a model or helper?

How does one access cookies inside a Rails model or helper?
Trying to dry up some controller methods, I am trying to move multiple controller calls to cookies() into application_helper.rb and/or a model.
What doesn't work in application_helper.rb:
All of which result in undefined method 'cookies'
Note: Well-meaning answers that simply regurgitate MVC dogma are mis-placed here... I've architected long enough (decades) to know when coloring outside the MVC lines (if possible) is the better route. But the precise syntax eludes me even after digging through Rails source. This question is prompted by a somewhat complex situation related to, among other things, inconsistent browser handling of cookies in cross-domain, ajax environment that sometimes includes local files (for which Chrome declines to manage cookies).
It's not a good idea :) Models are classes, and they shouldn't be aware of what is happening on a web level, and that's why cookies method is implemented in ActionController, but there's no such implementation in ActionModel or ActionHelper. If you need a cookie value in a model, pass a value from a controller then. This is how it should be done.
As #Vasili mentioned, cookies is only available in controllers. But if you want to access cookies in helpers or models, just pass it as an argument, for example:
helper example:
module ApplicationHelper
def some_helper(given_cookies)
given_cookies[:foo] = 'bar'
In view:
<%= some_helper(cookies) %>

Using a Decorator, (rails) Could not infer a decorator for ActiveRecord::Base

I'm having trouble using a decorator. I've never used one before and I've been trying to use one with regards to something that I've been doing for breaking up some emails.
However because I've never used one before, I've been having trouble even doing very simple things with my decorator and I'm thinking there is some form of setup issue with it. I do know that everything outside of my little feature (aka the gemfile and such) are all up to date and proper.
The error I am getting is simply,
Could not infer a decorator for ActiveRecord::Base.
Now I have a controller that is almost empty, but inside it, I have the active record portion saved like so.
class Admin::ReceivedEmailsController < Admin::ApplicationController
With my view being titled,
All I am doing in my view as of right now is so:
%td= received_email.decorate
My decorator
class Admin::ReceivedEmailsDecorator < Admin::ApplicationDecorator
def received_email
if can? :update, #customer
"You need to have the correct admin access to view the email"
I feel like this would have to be such an elementary thing for me to be missing, but I'm not sure what it is. Would anybody have any idea what I'm missing?
After much further research, reverse engineering further decorators and reading more documentation. I learned that a model or a helper is needed for a decorator to be properly used. Which due to my partial I did not have one specific model or helper to use.

ERB scope: instance variable vs locals

Suppose I have a controller with an index action and I would like to pass some data into the action's view (index.html.erb).
Typically, the rails way is to do: #some_var = some_value.
Does the above add to the global scope in a sense that #some_var is now available everywhere (helpers, etc...)? If so, is it better to do something like locals: {some_var: some_value} instead?
What are the tradeoffs if any?
Yes, #some_var is "global" in the sense that it added to the view context that is shared by views and helpers. So your controller, view, partials, and helpers can all access the same #some_var.
Using instance variables like this is the Rails convention: they just appear "like magic" in your views and helpers with no additional code. For simplicity, I would recommend it for most projects, especially as you are starting out.
However as your Rails app grows, here are some other best practices to keep in mind:
Try to limit your controller to assigning only one instance variable. If you find yourself assigning many instance variables in a single controller action, that is usually a sign that your controller is trying to do too much.
Avoid using instance variables in helpers. This makes your helper methods harder to reuse in other contexts, because they depend on instance variables being set "just right" by the controller. This can be a source of bugs.
Yes, I think you've got it. I prefer local arguments like that too, even though you're right Rails suggests you use instance variables.
I think instance variables may be okay when they are in a full template (never in a partial), and especially when you only have one of them that has the same name as the controller or whatever.
But in general, I agree with you. There is no downside to doing it with locals, unless you consider it confusing code, perhaps it would confuse someone who expects it to be the 'ordinary' Rails way.
I guess someone could argue that Rails templates are inherently tightly coupled to the controller, are meant to be that way, so it's no big deal to use instance variables -- the main negative of which is that it tightly couples your template to a particular controller implementation, but, they'd say, that's fine. I guess that's an opinion, apparently it is Rails' opinion! Certainly plenty of apps are written that way, and it's fine.
But there isn't really anything that's going to get in your way from going against the typical Rails way of doing things, and using local template arguments instead of instance variables. It works fine. I've done it.
I think you are right to be willing to question Rails -- sometimes Rails has made some odd choices. And also right to be cautious about going ahead doing something differently than Rails seems to wants you to, sometimes it does cause problems. In this case, I don't expect it will.
Nope, if you add #some_var = some_value to the index action then it will only be applied to that action. If you want to create a global action then you can apply it to the application.rb.
I highly recommend reading
but something that might interest you in specific is this:
4.4 default_url_options You can set global default parameters for URL generation by defining a method called default_url_options in your
controller. Such a method must return a hash with the desired
defaults, whose keys must be symbols:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def
{ locale: I18n.locale }
end end
These options will be used as a starting point when generating URLs,
so it's possible they'll be overridden by the options passed in
url_for calls.
If you define default_url_options in ApplicationController, as in the
example above, it would be used for all URL generation. The method can
also be defined in one specific controller, in which case it only
affects URLs generated there.

Rails routing and URI fragment identifier

When I was developing my RoR skills with some basic tutorials I encountered a problem. What I am trying to achieve is having comments belonging to posts, with no separate index or individual view. This part was easy.
Here comes tough one. I want post_comment_url to return address with fragment identifier: It would allow me to use redirect_to in it's simplest form, without :anchor parameter (which would be against ruby way of keeping things simple).
How to do that?
Instead of altering Rails' default behavior, it'd probably be better to wrap up your needs in a helper method:
# in app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController
helper :comment_link
def comment_link(comment)
post_comment_url(, comment, :anchor => "comment-#{}")
The call to helper will allow you to access that method in your views as well as your controllers.
