When perform sql insert? - delphi

I am using a VCL TCPServer components which fires events everytime a data is
received on a tcp port. Within the event data is available into text
parameter of the procedure. Because I want to save this data into mysql
database I am wondering which is the best approach to this problem.
Directly use an INSERT SQL command within the procedure for every data received
or store the data in a memory (i.e. TStrings) and then calling
a function every X (using Timer) minutes excute the INSERT command?
Ok Sorry.

It's not really an answer to your question, but do consider the risk of your application failing (for any reason) between receiving the data and executing the INSERT.
If you use a local store of some kind as an intermediate to mitigate this risk, consider the risk of a crash while that store is being updated.
RDBMS vendors go to great lengths to ensure that data that has been accepted by successful completion of an INSERT, UPDATE or similar command will not be lost or corrupted. Can you put in similar effort?
Generally speaking, if you are accepting data piecemeal rather than in bulk, I would probably keep an open connection to the database and insert data as you receive it, and only send an acknowledgement back to the consumer of your application once it has been pushed to the database.


TFDDataset detect changes after call to refresh

Is there any way of detecting whether the data in a TFDDataset has changed as a result of a call to the dataset's Refresh function?
The nature of the Refresh method is that it discards tuples fetched in its internal storage so after calling it you have no resultset for comparison. Hence the only way would be storing the original resultset before calling it.
But in your comment you've mentioned that your overall aim is to know whether a certain detaset has changed as a result of another user modification. That said, it sounds that you are polling the tables which is not efficient in general.
If that is so, I would suggest considering either database events (if your DBMS supports them) or better yet business tier (ideally combined with the database events). These events or tier would then generate event received by the client only when something in the database actually changes saving (potentionally lots of) empty round trips.

Mobile application data management

My question surrounds around one single point - data management in mobile application. I have created a mobile application where data comes from server. The data includes both text and images. Following are the steps I am doing for this :
First launch :
1. Get server data.
2. Save server data in Sqlite database.
3. Show Sqlite data.
Next launches :
1. Show Sqlite data.
2. Get server data in background.
3. Delete previous Sqlite data.
4. Save new server data in Sqlite database.
5. Show Sqlite data.
I have couple of questions on these steps :
1. Is this the right approach ? Other way could be showing data every time from server but that would not display the data on screen immediately (depending on internet speed).
2. I also thought of comparing the Sqlite data with the new server data. But faced a big challenge. The new server data might have new records or deleted records. Also, I could not find an appropriate approach to compare each database field with JSON data.
So what is the best approach to compare local Sqlite data with new server data ?
3. Each time I delete the Sqlite data and insert new data and then refresh the screen (which has a UITableView), it blinks for a second which is obvious. How to avoid this issue if steps 3, 4, 5 are followed ?
4. How should I proceed with data update in case I come back on the screen each time or when the application becomes active ? I am very aware of NSOperationQueues or using GCD for that matter. But what if I am crazy and go back and forth to screen again and again. There will be a number of NSOperations in the queue.
It's a challenge to synchronise server data, I've done that before, and if you can spend time on it I'd say it's the best solution.
You may need creation and modification dates on both server and local objects, to compare them - this will let you decide which objects to add, update and delete.
If the server sends you only the recently updated objects you can save a lot of traffic and improve performance (but deleted objects will be harder to detect).
If the data is only changed in the server it's easier, when the app can change the data too it becomes more complicated (but it seems that it's not your case). It also depends on how complex the database is, of course.
If you don't want to invest some time in doing this, just fetching all data everytime works too, even if it is not ideal! Instead of showing the old data and blinking it, you can just make the user wait 2-3 seconds when entering, while you get the new data. Or instead you can fetch the data only when starting the app, and so when you get to that view controller it will be ready already.
It's a complex problem that everyone faces at some point, so I'm curious to see what other people will suggest :)
This is a good question.
I personally think downloading data, store locally and later try to sync is a dangerous scenario. Easy to introduce bugs, master <-> slave issues (what data should be master, if multiple devices would be used etc.)
I think something like this could be a working approach:
1. I would try to look at possibilities to lazy load the data from the server on-demand. That is when a user have a View that should display data, load that specific data with the creation of that specific View. This ensures the data is allways in sync.
2. Tackling the need to reload data from server from every view, could be done by simply storing the downloaded data as objects in memory (not using SqlLite). The view will try to load the needed data trough your cache manager, and it would serve it from memory, if available. If not in memory simply get the data from your server and add it to your memory cache.
The memory cache could be a home made data manager wrapping a Dictionary stored on you AppDelegate, or some global "Singelton" to wrap the cache management/storing and data loading.
3. With lazy loaded data and memory cache you would need to make sure any updates (changes, new records, deleted records) updates your memory data model, as well as pushing these changes to the server as soon as possible. Depending on data size etc. you could force the user to wait, or do it directly as background process.
4. To ensure the data is in sync, you should make sure that you periodically invalidate (delete) the local memory records in the cache and thereby force data updates from the server. Best approach would probably be to have a last updated timestamp for each record in the memory cache. So the periodical invalidator would only delete "old records" from the memory cache (once again not from the server).
To save server from unnecessary data load, the data should still load on demand when the user needs it in a view, and not as part of "cache invalidation".
5. Depending on the data size you might need to look at "cache invalidation". Could be as simple as when xx records are stored, start deleting old objects from memory cache (not server, only locally on device).
6. If data sync is absolutely critical you might want to look at refreshing your memory cache for a record, just before you allow the user to change data. E.g. when user taps "Edit" or similar, you grab the latest data from server for that record. This is just to make sure the user is not going to update a record using outdated data and thereby accidentally overriding any changes made remote, or on another device etc.
My take on it. I do not believe there is a "perfect right way" to do this. But this would be what I would try to do.
Hope this will help with some ideas and inspiration.
How about this:
If data exists in SqlLite, load into "in-memory" copy and show it
In background load new server data
delete old sqlite data if it exists (note that the in-memory copy remains)
save new server data to sqlite
load new sqlite data into "in-memory" copy and show it.
If no data was found in step 1, display a "loading" screen to the user during step 2.
I'm making the assumption that the data from SqlLite is small enough to keep a copy in memory to show in your UITable view (The UITable view would always show data from in-memory).
It may be possible to combine steps 4 and 5 if the data is small enough to hold two copies in memory at the same time (you would create a new in-memory copy and swap with the visible copy when complete).
I don't talk about error handling here, but I would suggest that you don't delete the sqlite data until you have new data to replace it with.
This approach also eliminates the need to determine if this is the first launch or not. The logic always remains the same which should make it a little easier to implement.
Hope this is useful.
You can do same things more efficiently by MultiVersion Concurrency Control (MVCC), which uses a counter (sort of a very simple "time stamp") for every data record, which is updated whenever the record is changed means you need to get those data which is Updated after last sync call that reduces lots of redundant data and bandwidth.
Source: MultiVersion Concurrency Control

Import delphi data to access [duplicate]

I need to insert 800000 records into an MS Access table. I am using Delphi 2007 and the TAdoXxxx components. The table contains some integer fields, one float field and one text field with only one character. There is a primary key on one of the integer fields (which is not autoinc) and two indexes on another integer and the float field.
Inserting the data using AdoTable.AppendRecord(...) takes > 10 Minutes which is not acceptable since this is done every time the user starts using a new database with the program. I cannot prefill the table because the data comes from another database (which is not accessible through ADO).
I managed to get down to around 1 minute by writing the records to a tab separated text file and using a tAdoCommand object to execute
insert into table (...) select * from [filename.txt] in "c:\somedir" "Text;HDR=Yes"
But I don't like the overhead of this.
There must be a better way, I think.
Some additional information:
MS Access was chosen because it does not need any additional installation on the target machine(s) and the whole database is contained in one file which can be easily copied.
This is a single user application.
The data will be inserted only once and will not change for the lifetime of the database. Though, the table contains one additional field that is used as a flag to indicate that the corresponding record in another database has been processed by the user.
One minute is acceptable (up to 3 minutes would be too) and my solution works, but it seems too complicated to me, so I thought there should be an easier way to do this.
Once the data has been inserted, the performance of the table is quite good.
When I started planning/implementing the feature of the program working with the Access database the table was not required. It only became necessary later on, when another feature was requested by the customer. (Isn't that always the case?)
From all the answers I got so far, it seems that I already got the fastest method for inserting that much data into an Access table. Thanks to everybody, I appreciate your help.
Since you've said that the 800K records data won't change for the life of the database, I'd suggest linking to the text file as a table, and skip the insert altogether.
If you insist on pulling it into the database, then 800,000 records in 1 minute is over 13,000 / second. I don't think you're gonna beat that in MS Access.
If you want it to be more responsive for the user, then you might want to consider loading some minimal set of data, and setting up a background thread to load the rest while they work.
It would be quicker without the indexes. Can you add them after the import?
There are a number of suggestions that may be of interest in this thread Slow MSAccess disk writing
What about skipping the text file and using ODBC or OLEDB to import directly from the source table? That would mean altering your FROM clause to use the source table name and an appropriate connect string as the IN '' part of the FROM clause.
Actually I see you say the original format is xBase, so it should be possible to use the xBase ISAM that is part of Jet instead of needing ODBC or OLEDB. That would look something like this:
INSERT INTO table (...)
FROM tablename IN 'c:\somedir\'[dBase 5.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=2;];
You might have to tweak that -- I just grabbed the connect string for a linked table pointing at a DBF file, so the parameters might be slightly different.
Your text based solution seems the fastest, but you can get it quicker if you could get an preallocated MS Access in a size near the end one. You can do that by filling an typical user database, closing the application (so the buffers are flushed) and doing a manual deletion of all records of that big table - but not shrinking/compacting it.
So, use that file to start the real filling - Access will not request any (or very few) additional disk space. Don't remeber if MS Access have a way to automate this, but it can help much...
How about an alternate arrangement...
Would it be an option to make a copy of an existing Access database file that has this table you need and then just delete all the other data in there besides this one large table (don't know if Access has an equivalent to something like "truncate table" in SQL server)?
I would replace MS Access with another database, and for your situation I see Sqlite is the best choice, it doesn't require any installation into client machine, and it's very fast database and one of the best embedded database solution.
You can use it in Delphi in two ways:
You can download the Database engine Dll from Sqlite website and use Free Delphi component to access it like Delphi SQLite components or SQLite4Delphi
Use DISQLite3 which have the engine built in, and you don't have to distribute the dll with your application, they have a free version ;-)
if you still need to use MS Access, try to use TAdoCommand with SQL Insert statment directly instead of using TADOTable, that should be faster than using TADOTable.Append;
You won't be importing 800,000 records in less than a minute, as someone mentioned; that's really fast already.
You can skip the annoying translate-to-text-file step however if you use the right method (DAO recordsets) for doing the inserts. See a previous question I asked and had answered on StackOverflow: MS Access: Why is ADODB.Recordset.BatchUpdate so much slower than Application.ImportXML?
Don't use INSERT INTO even with DAO; it's slow. Don't use ADO either; it's slow. But DAO + Delphi + Recordsets + instantiating the DbEngine COM object directly (instead of via the Access.Application object) will give you lots of speed.
You're looking in the right direction in one way. Using a single statement to bulk insert will be faster than trying to iterate through the data and insert it row by row. Access, being a file-based database will be exceedingly slow in iterative writes.
The problem is that Access is handling how it optimizes writes internally and there's not really any way to control it. You've probably reached the maximum efficiency of an INSERT statement. For additional speed, you should probably evaluate if there's any way around writing 800,000 records to the database every time you start the application.
Get SQL Server Express (free) and connect to it from Access an external table. SQL express is much faster than MS Access.
I would prefill the database, and hand them the file itself, rather than filling an existing (but empty) database.
If the data you have to fill changes, then keep an ODBC access database (MDB file) synchronized on the server using a bit of code to see changes in the main database and copy them to the access database.
When the user requests a new database zip up the MDB, transfer it to them, and open it.
Alternately, you may be able to find code that opens and inserts data into databases directly.
Alternately, alternately, you may be able to find another format (other than csv) which access can import that is faster.
Also check to see how long it takes to copy the file. That will be the lower bound of how fast you can write data. In db's like SQL, it usually takes a bulk load utility to get close to that speed. As far as I know, MS never created a tool to write directly to MS Access tables the way bcp does. Specialized ETL tools will also optimize some of the steps surrounding the insert, such as the way SSIS does transformations in memory, DTS likewise has some optimizations.
Perhaps you could open a ADO Recordset to the table with lock mode adLockBatchOptimistic and CursorLocation adUseClient, write all the data to the recordset, then do a batch update (rs.UpdateBatch).
If it's coming from dbase, can you just copy the data and index files and attach directly without loading? Should be pretty efficient (from the people who bring you FoxPro.) I imagine it would use the existing indexes too.
At the least, it should be a pretty efficient single-command Import.
how much do the 800,000 records change from one creation to the next? Would it be possible to pre populate the records and then just update the ones that have changed in the external database when creating the new database?
This may allow you to create the new database file quicker.
How fast is your disk turning? If it's 7200RPM, then 800,000 rows in 3 minutes is still 37 rows per disk revolution. I don't think you're going to do much better than that.
Meanwhile, if the goal is to streamline the process, how about a table link?
You say you can't access the source database via ADO. Can you set up a table link in MS Access to a table or view in the source database? Then a simple append query from the table link would copy the data over from the source database to the target database for you. I'm not sure, but I think this would be pretty fast.
If you can't set up a table link until runtime, maybe you could build the table link programatically via ADO, then build the append query programatically, then invoke the append query.
The best way is Bulk Insert from txt File as they said
you should insert your record's in txt file then bulk insert the txt file into table
that time should be less than 3 second.

Interbase transaction monitoring

I have a very strange problem with transactions in Interbase 7.5 which seem to be stuck.
I can track the problem with IBConsole -> right click DB -> Performance Monitor -> Transactions
Usually this list should show only a few active transaction. But I get several hundred active transactions when I start my application (a web module for an apache webserver using Delphi 7 Interbase components, e.g. IBQuery, IBTransaction, ...)
Transaction type is always listed as snapshot, if this is of relevance.
I have already triple checked all sql statements and cannot find anything that should produce such problems...
Is there any way get the sql statements of a specific transaction?
Any other suggestion how to find such a problem would be very welcome.
Is there any way get the sql statements of a specific transaction?
Yes, you can SELECT from TMP$STATEMENTS WHERE TRANSACTION_ID = .... That's from memory, but should get you started.
In IB Performance Monitor, you can locate the transaction from the statements tab, using the button on the toolbar. Can't remember if you can go the other way in that app. It's been a long time since I wrote it!
Active IBX data-sets require an active transaction all the time. If you don't have active data-sets just don't forget to commit all the active transactions.
If you have active data-sets, you can configure all your components to use the same TIbTransaction object, and you can also configure the unique TIbTransaction to commit or rollback after a idle time-out period via the IdleTimer and DefaultAction properties.
Terminating the transaction (by manually or automatically committing or rolling back) will close all the linked datasets (TIBQuery, TIBTable and the like).
You may be tempted to use the CommitRetaining or RollbackRetaining methods to terminate the transaction without closing the related data-sets, but this may affect the performance of the server, and my advise is to always avoid using it.
If you want to improve your application, you should consider changing your database connection layer or introducing a in-memory capable dataset over IBX, for example, Delphi's TClientDataSet, which allows you to retrieve data and retain it in memory while closing all the underlying datasets (and transactions), while allowing you to use the traditional Insert/Append/Edit/Delete methods to modify the data and then apply that changes to the database in a new short-time transaction.

What is the preferred way of server code notifying multiple clients of data changes within a single Delphi Application?

I have a large Delphi Application which has core 'server' code containing my data. Within the same app, 'client' the user is able to open and close multiple non-modal 'client' forms to inspect this data. Data changes fall into two types - major (e.g structural changes like data has been added or deleted) and minor such as a change to a data value. Existing open client forms must update to show changed data within a short-ish time. This is not a database, my 'server' using my own data structures so my solutions may have missed possibly standard techniques that are available within a formal database structure. That said, I have repeated my solutions so many times now that I thought I would ask if there are formal techniques and possibly Delphi components that would improve or simplify my code. I am about to move to multithreaded code which make the question even more relevant to me.
I use two methods:
Timestamp. The 'server' code maintains an Int64 value taken from QueryPerformanceCounter. Client forms examine this value on a 300ms ticking timer and update themselves if their copy of the timestamp differs from the server's. I guess this is my 'pull' solution.
Interface notification. The 'server' code maintains a class descended from TInterfaceList with AddClient and RemoveClient methods which register a simple common client notifcation interface. Each of the clients registers itself with this list when created and unregisters on destroy. Data changes at the server trigger an iteration through this list calling each client to advise it of change. I guess this is my 'push' solution.
I love interfaces and solution 2 seems nice since it avoides ticking timers and is easily debugged (although the unregister calls can be problematic with order of destruction). There are potential performance implications tooh because it is quite likely that there may be thousands of data changes per second and I have to be careful to use a BeginUpdate / EndUpdate mechanism to convert my many server data changes into one actual notification call. Ultimately I end up needing a timer of some kind to aggregate the calls into one gentle update of a displayed form.
Both solutions work nicely though and I'm torn between the two. For a mulithreaded solution I'm sure there are other pitfalls I know nothing about. Any comments would be appreciated. I'm using XE2.
You need to take into consideration what you want to happen when the number of clients grows, then decide between the two evils:
is it OK if my performance degrades while being sure all data is current, always and everywhere in the application (then you need the observer pattern)
is it OK if the data in some places lags behind in order to improve performance (then you could use polling and make the interval longer when the poll iterations cause too much slowdown)
I'm not a fan of polling, as it usually leads to very convoluted solutions (well, at least the things I tried, maybe I did it the wrong way back then).
I'd implement the Observer Pattern in Delphi using interfaces, you could use this or this as a start.
A used the Windows API to solve a problem similar to this one. But I believe my approach is simpler. In my applicaion I event didn't know the number of "clients" and which forms where actually clients.
What I did is:
Broadcast a Windows message to all forms opened by my application
(screen.forms[X]). The message includes in the WParam a pointer
to a record which contains information about an event. Also,
different actions broadcast distinc messages. WM_RECORDUPDATE
for DB updates for example.
Windows (clients) listen for message in the way of:
procedure RecordUpdateMessage(var msg: TMessage); message WM_RECORDUPDATE;
Procedure RecordUpdateMessage read the record pointed by msg.WParam and based on the data in the record desides if to react to the update, insert or delete of a record in the DB.
