Iris detection with opencv - image-processing

How can I detect irises in a face with opencv?

Have a look at this forum thread. There's some source code there to get you started, but be careful about using it directly -- the original author seemed to have problems compiling it.

Start with detecting circles - see cvHoughCircles - hint, eyes have a series of concentric circles.

OpenCV has Face Detection module which uses Haar Cascade. You can use the same method to detect Iris. You collect some iris images and make it as positive set and non iris images as negative set. The use the Haar Training module to train it.

Quick and dirty would be making an eye detection first with Haar filter, there are good model xml files shipped with opencv 2.4.2. Then you do some skin detection (in the HSV space rather than the rgb space) to identify the area of the eye in the middle, or circle search.
Also, projections, histogram-based decisions can be used once the eye area is cropped.


How to detect hand palm and its orientation (like facing outwards)?

I am working on a hand detection project. There are many good project on web to do this, but what I need is a specific hand pose detection. It needs a totally open palm and the whole palm face to outwards, like the image below:
The first hand faces to inwards, so it will not be detected, and the right one faces to outwards, it will be detected. Now I can detect hand with OpenCV. but how to tell the hand orientation?
Problem of matching with the forehand belongs to the texture classification, it's a classic pattern recognition problem. I suggest you to try one of the following methods:
Gabor filters: it is good to detect the orientation and pixel intensities (as forehand has different features), opencv has getGaborKernel function, the very important params of this function is theta (orientation) and lambd: (frequencies). To make it simple you can apply this process on a cropped zone of palm (as you have already detected it, it would be easy to crop for example the thumb, or a rectangular zone around the gravity center..etc). Then you can convolute it with a small database of images of the same zone to get the a rate of matching, or you can use the SVM classifier, where you have to train your SVM on a set of images by constructing the training matrix needed for SVM (check this question), this paper
Local Binary Patterns (LBP): it's an important feature descriptor used for texture matching, you can apply it on whole palm image or on a cropped zone or finger of image, it's easy to use in opencv, a lot of tutorials with codes are available for this method. I recommend you to read this paper talking about Invariant Texture Classification
with Local Binary Patterns. here is a good tutorial
Haralick Texture: I've read that it works perfectly when a set of features quantifies the entire image (Global Feature Descriptors). it's not implemented in opencv but easy to be implemented, check this useful tutorial
Training Models: I've already suggested a SVM classifier, to be coupled with some descriptor, that can works perfectly.
Opencv has an interesting FaceRecognizer class for face recognition, it could be an interesting idea to use it replacing the face images by the palm ones, (do resizing and rotation to get an unique pose of palm), this class has three methods can be used, one of them is Local Binary Patterns Histograms, which is recommended for texture recognition. and why not to try the other models (Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces ) , check this tutorial
well if you go for a MacGyver way you can notice that the left hand has bones sticking out in a certain direction, while the right hand has all finger lines and a few lines in the hand palms.
These lines are always sort of the same, so you could try to detect them with opencv edge detection or hough lines. Due to the dark color of the lines, you might even be able to threshold them out of it. Then gather the information from those lines, like angles, regressions, see which features you can collect and train a simple decision tree.
That was assuming you do not have enough data, if you have then you go into deeplearning, just take a basic inceptionV3 model and retrain the last dense layer to classify between two classes with a softmax, or to predict the probablity if the hand being up/down with sigmoid. Check this link, Tensorflow got your back on the training of this one, pure already ready code to execute.
Questions? Ask away
Take a look at what leap frog has done with the oculus rift. I'm not sure what they're using internally to segment hand poses, but there is another paper that produces hand poses effectively. If you have a stereo camera setup, you can use this paper's methods:
The only promising solutions I've seen for mono camera train on large datasets.
use Haar-Cascade classifier,
you can get the classifier model file then use it here.
Just search for 'Haarcascade detection of Palm in Google' or use below code.
import cv2
while True:
for x,y,w,h in palm:
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF==ord('q'):
Best of Luck for your experience using HaarCascade.

Detect symbols written on a whiteboard using OpenCV

I'm trying to detect shapes written on a whiteboard with a black/blue/red/green marker. The shapes can be circles, rectangles or triangles. The image can be found at the bottom of this post.
I'm using OpenCV as the framework for the image recognition.
My first task is to research and list the different strategies that could be used for the detection. So far I have found the following:
1) Grayscale, Blur, Canny Edge, Contour detection, and then some logic to determine if the contours detected are shapes?
2) Haar training with different features for shapes
3) SVM classification
4) Grayscale, Blur, Canny Edge, Hough transformation and some sort of color segmentation?
Are there any other strategies that I have missed? Any newer articles or tested approaches? How would you do it?
One of the test pictures:
The first strategy seems to work the best, but is far from perfect. Issues arise when boxes are not closed, or when the whiteboard has a lot of noise. Haar training does not seems very effective because of the simple shapes to detect without many specific features. I have not tried CNN yet, but it seems most appropriate to image classification, and not so much to detect shapes in a larger image (but I'm not sure)
I think that the first option should work. You can use fourier descriptors in order to classify the segmented shapes.
Also, maybe you can find something useful here:
If you want to try a more challenging but modern approach, consider deep learning approach (I would start with CNN). There are many implementations available on the internet. Although it is probably an overkill for this specific project, it might help you in the future...

How do you cut a face out of an image?

I have been given an image with rgb channels. I only want to see the persons face. How would I do that? Are neural nets used for this? If so, are there existing data files from neural nets that have already done the processing?
Since your questions is tagged with OpenCV, I will assume that you are looking for a solution within this library.
The first step is to find the faces. For this, use one of the cascade object detectors that are available: either the Viola-Jones one or the LBP one.
OpenCV comes with cascades trained for face detection for each of these detectors.
Then, it depends if getting a bounding box is enough or not.
If you need something more accurate, then you can:
[coarse face] use a skin color detector inside the face bounding box to get a finer face estimate, binarize the image and finally close the face shape using morphological filtering;
[fine face contour] use something like a grabcut procedure to get a pixel-accurate contour. You can initialize the grabcut with borders of the bounding box as background and center part of the bounding box as foreground.
Not really sure what you want to do, but you can use Haar Classifier for face detection.
From then on, it should be easy to only display the face. While there are available classifiers online, you can try training your own classifier should you have the time. I have done classifiers on hand, face, eyes before and it have an impressive result.
Should you need more help on training classifier, etc, just comment here, I will try my best to assist you.
Face detection functionality is also available in the Computer Vision System Toolbox for MATLAB in the form of the vision.CascadeObjectDetector object.

Which edge detection algorithm in OpenCV suitable for detecting objects?

I have to make a bot which has to overcome obstacles autonomously in an arena that will be filled with rocks. The bot has to find its way through this area and reach the end point. I am thinking of using edge detector operators like canny and sobel for this problem.
I want to know whether those will be suitable options for this problem. If so, then after detecting the edges, how can I make the bot find the path, overcoming the rock obstacles?
I am using QT IDE and opencv library.
Since you will be analyzing frames of video, and the robot will be moving most of the time, image differences and optical flow too will be helpful. Edge detection alone might not help a lot, unless the surroundings and obstacles are simple and have known properties. Posting a photo of the scene can help those who want to answer the question.
Yes, canny is a very good edge detector. In fact the opencv implementation uses sobel to get the gradient estimate. You may need to apply a Gaussian filter to the image before edge detection. Edges are good features to look for rocks, but depending on the background other features such as color may also be useful. It probably would be easier if you gather 3D scene information via stereo, or laser scanner, or kinect like sensor. Also consider detecting when you bump into rocks and building up a map of where they are.
You can use contours to detect any object. You can estimate its size by finding the area of the contours. Then you can use moments to find the center of the object.

OpenCV intrusion detection

For a project of mine, I'm required to process images differences with OpenCV. The goal is to detect an intrusion in a zone.
To be a little more clear, here are the inputs and outputs:
An image of reference
A second image from approximately the same point of view (can be an error margin)
Detection of new objects in the scene.
Recognition of those objects.
For me, the most difficult part of it is to take off small differences (luminosity, camera position margin error, movement of trees...)
I already read a lot about OpenCV image processing (subtraction, erosion, threshold, SIFT, SURF...) and have some good results.
What I would like is a list of steps you think is the best to have a good detection (humans, cars...), and the algorithms to do each step.
Many thanks for your help.
Track-by-Detect, human tracker:
You apply the Hog detector to detect humans.
You draw a respective rectangle as foreground area on the foreground mask.
You pass this mask to "The OpenCV Video Surveillance / Blob Tracker Facility"
You can, now, group the passing humans based on their blob.{x,y} values into public/restricted areas.
I had to deal with this problem the last year.
I suggest an adaptive background-foreground estimation algorithm which produced a foreground mask.
On top of that, you add a blob detector and tracker, and then calculate if an intersection takes place between the blobs and your intrusion area.
Opencv comes has samples of all of these within the legacy code. Ofcourse, if you want you can also use your own or other versions of these.
I would definitely start with a running average background subtraction if the camera is static. Then you can use findContours() to find the intruding object's location and size. If you want to detect humans that are walking around in a scene, I would recommend looking at using the built-in haar classifier:
where you would just replace the xml with the upperbody classifier.
