How to delete my site not found urls? - url

I have website. last two weeks ago I change new media / entertainment related site. old Content is download link provided. Now I get 20000 urls not found. 5000 urls sitemap errors. How to delete this urls. I am tried. I used google webmaster tools. my site losing visitors.

You should redirect the old locations to the new ones, using the HTTP 301 Moved Permanently status code.

Redirect old url to the new one! This can be done in .htaccess fle:
Redirect 301 http://old_url http://new_url


Googlebot 404 crawl errors after website changed

I had an old website (aspx) and have redesigned it with MVC using SSL. Anyway, after I promoted the new site I saw a ton of errors which were being generated by bots looking for old pages; the errors were looking something like this: The controller for path '/blablabla/moreBlalbalba/page.aspx' was not found or does not implement IController. So, I updated my error handling to return a 301 response and redirect to the home page and added a sitemap. The google 404 console errors went away for around a month, but now have a ton of 404 errors and they are all pointing to the old site structure. As a side note, the new MVC/SSL site has no 404 errors in the webmaster console, all the errors are on the non SSL site. So, what is the best way to update the bots for the new site structure.
I would suggest you to redirect all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS, using this example. This may solve your problem already.
And secondly create a sitemap for Google to check the relevant pages of the website, example here

URL of the website from which the user access my website in grails

I have a website developed in Grails, it is available from other sites. In my code (in beforeInterceptor), I want to get the URL of the site from which the user access my website. I know we can do this using request.getHeader ("referer") but I'm not sure that the referer header is always made ​​up (can be disabled in the browser config for security reasons).
How can I do this differently?
thank you in advance.
There're no other way. If user has disabled referer header you cannot find out where from he came.

Redirect() vs RedirectPermanent() in ASP.NET MVC

Whats difference between Redirect() and RedirectPermanent(). I had read some articles, but I don't understand when we must use Redirect() and RedirectPermanent(). Can you show a pieces of example.
The basic difference between the two is that RedirectPermanent sends the browser an HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) status code whereas Redirect will send an HTTP 302 status code.
Use RedirectPermanent if the resource has been moved permanently and will no longer be accessible in its previous location. Most browsers will cache this response and perform the redirect automatically without requesting the original resource again.
Use Redirect if the resource may be available in the same location (URL) in the future.
Let's say that you have users in your system. You also have an option to delete existing users. Your website has a resource /user/{userid} that displays the details of a given user. If the user has been deleted, you must redirect to the /user/does-not-exist page. In this case:
If the user will never be restored again, you should use RedirectPermanent so the browser can go directly to /user/does-not-exist in subsequent requests even if the URL points to /user/{userid}.
If the user may be restored in the future, you should use a regular Redirect.
RedirectPermanent is 301 and Redirect is 302 status code
They send different response codes to the browser. 301 is a permanent redirect, 302 a temp one. The end effect is the same, but if the client wants to index links (the most common client that does this will be search engines) then a permanent redirect tells the client to update its records to ignore the old link and start using the new one. A temp redirect tells the client that the page is redirecting for now, but not to delete the old link from its indexing database

Redirecting large amount of indexed links

I am in the process of launching 2 sites that have been recently redesigned (one in RoR and one in WordPress) they both have a very large amount of inbound links coming in from search engines and outside sources. This has been something I have been curious for quite some time on an efficient way to implement redirects on all links.
My main purpose of this is so the site does not lose the work it has done SEO wise and in addition not leave any old backlinks forwarding to a 404.
What is the best practice when launching a new site for redirecting old URIs?
You'll find that most of your back-links are to your home-page anyway, so that will take care of the bulk of them. In terms of mitigating 404s from broken back-links, try to create a pattern-match (regex) redirect sending a 301 (Moved Permanently) header - using .htaccess (since you're using RoR/WP).
WordPress does have some plugins to handle migrations and redirections - simply search on the site.
Ensure you register your site with Google's Webmaster Tools and monitor your 404 pages (or log them server-side) to catch ones you've missed.
Lastly, to ensure that you get your new URLs indexed and canonicalization (beyond ensuring rel=canonical is used correctly), submit an XML sitemap of all your new pages.
In terms of redirecting old links to new links, it is general practice to do a 301 redirect (for SEO purposes). In the absolute worst case you cannot do this, redirect to the homepage at the very least to not lose visitors to 404 pages.

Upgraded a site from PHP to rails. What about missing old pages redirected from google?

I created a rails app for my client. It was PHP and I totally rebuild it from the scratch with rails. The problem is that the site is old and many old pages are ranked in google. Naturally many people will click the page link in google and the page won't be available.
How do you usually handle such a problem?
I need to redirect such requests (missing old pages) to the main front page of the new app(rails). How can I do that?
A 301 redirect is meant to be the most efficient and Google friendly way and should preserve your search page ranking.
That said, I haven't tried it in real-life as the next release of my application will be using this approach to restructure a web site.
You might google ".htaccess", apache and "permanent redirect".
Redirecting the user to the front-page would be kind of disorienting without a note (flash[:notice]) to let him know what went wrong.
I think it would be better to write some routes in config/routes.rb to handle the old pages and return the new versions of the pages (if they still exist) else fallback to a 404 page.
If you have been able to maintain the URLs in the new application(eg /members.php is now /members), you can do the following if you use apache:
RewriteRule ^(.*).php $1 [R=301,L]
This will remove the php extension and do a 301 redirect, and should transfer the pagerank to the new page.
If this is not possible and you must redirect to the new main page this MIGHT work, I have not tried it myself:
RewriteRule ^(.*).php [R=301,L]
