I am validating for RegEx errors -- how can I return which keyword, it failed on? - ruby-on-rails

I'm passing new objects through this set of regex :
If it errors, for example on the word christmas , how can I dynamically pull the word it errors on, and display it as the cause of the error?

$~ will be set to a MatchData object. If you then call $~.captures, you should get an array of matches.


response checksum or hash not matching in payumoney?

When notification is passed to the app after payumoney processing it sends response hash and we need to compute the hash and match it with the passed in response hash.
I use the following code to compute the expected response hash.
The hash of the following string is computed
When I print the following hash it gives
#⇒ e7b3c5ba00b98aad9186a5e6eea65028a[...]
whereas notification.checksum gives
#⇒ 546f5d23e0cadad2d4158911ef72f095d[...]
So the two hashes don’t match.
I am using the following gem: https://github.com/payu-india/payuindia
I appreciate any help as to why the response hash is not matching. Is there any error in my logic to compute the response hash? Thanks!
Where did you come up with that order for the fields in the array?
Looking at PayU's Developer FAQ it seems like the order is the following:
Please make sure that the hash is calculated in the following format - hashSequence= key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||salt
Please make sure that in the above sequence please use the UDFs which have also been posted to our server. In case you haven't posted any UDFs, the hash sequence should look like this - hashSequence= key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|||||||||||salt.
Keep in mind that when computing the hash even a single character out of place will result in a completely different checksum.
little late but Actual Sequence is:
Thanks to Ravi Kant Singh
but additionalCharges| are removed
Tested with live environment
Check your hash in above order and if its match you can process request
ok this was a silly mistake i made. The reason the hash didn't match was beacuse i had a typo with the PAYU test key. At the end i typed small 'u' when it was 'U'. The library is fine and the logic is right. The error was in my side with using wrong key.
Actual Sequence for hash is :
Actual hash generation for additional charges:
Without additional charges:

The correct why to debug dask.dataframe.to_parquet

I've seen that there are some issues with the type of column objects when running the to_parquet function. I'm running dask version 15.1 .
I've explicitly converted my columns using the astype(object), which helped with some columns but not all.
I'm getting the following error - TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation.
After adding the object_encoding='utf-8 parameter I'm getting the following error - TypeError: expected list of bytes .
What would be the best way to debug this issue?
BTW- My dataset has Hebrew characters.
The correct spelling is object_encoding='utf8'.
Note that the object encoding is generally a per-column setting, so you could have for instance object_encoding={'a': 'utf8', 'b': 'bytes'}. The special value 'infer' tries to guess the correct encoding for a given object column, but it is not always successful in doing that; this is presumably the cause of the first error you see.

Rails: parse weirdly-formatted JSON

My JSON response from an external service looks like this:
Parameters: {"{\"attributes\":{\"type\":\"Lead\",\"url\":\"/services/lead/2231\"},\"Id\":\"2231\",\"FirstName\":\"Jean\"}"=>nil, "external_id"=>"2231"}
How can I parse the Id and FirstName keys in Rails 5? I've tried everything. I know Rails 5 has the .to_unsafe_h method, that's not my problem. It's more the weird nested formatting that has a value of nil after "Jean" above.
If you pay attention closely, you will see:
"{\"attributes\":{\"type\":\"Lead\",\"url\":\"/services/lead/2231\"},\"Id\":\"2231\",\"FirstName\":\"Jean\"}" is actually a string, a key, and the value value associated to it is nil.
If you want to parse that, just can use parameters.keys[0].to_json; although I will double check first why you are getting the parameters in that incorrect state in the first place.

How to null check in EL to show p:dialogs conditionally?

I have two <p:dailog>s and based on the condition of a bean property I want to show one of them. I have used the following code
onclick="#{empty groupBean.selectionGroup?dialog_empty.show():groupDialog.show()}"
But it is not working as it says there is an error in EL expression. I am not sure where the error is. Am I doing it the correct way?
You're treating JavaScript code as part of the EL expression. This would only result in a syntax error because EL cannot find #{dialog_empty} nor #{groupDialog} in the scope. You have to treat JavaScript code as strings by quoting them because they ultimately needs to be written to the HTML response as-is:
onclick="#{empty groupBean.selectionGroup ? 'dialog_empty.show()' : 'groupDialog.show()'}"

Fitnesse test against empty string result

I'm using Fitnesse SliM and I want to check if the result of a fixture is the empty string. Leaving the result field in Fitnesse empty just results in an ignored test which is obviously not what I want. I could solve this by extending the fixture code, but I wonder if this can be handled within Fitnesse itself.
It seems that Slim implies an empty string as an ignore, at least for the QueryTable fixture: A cell that is left blank in the table will be filled in from the result and counted as ignored.
Even though this is not considered a good solution, if you really have to you could use a regular expression to test on an empty string by matching on
Another option is using the null fixture driver, as seen in http://fitnesse.org/FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteSlimTests.SlimSymbolsCanBeBlankOrNull
passing the word 'blank' simulates a empty string.
|Check|That the returned string is | blank |
In this case - when you need to check with SLIM usage, whether the result is an empty string, you can use markup variable. Just define it somewhere on your page with test, like:
!define blank {}
And then call it anywhere you want:
