Exporting ASP.NET MVC 3 Project to a potential employer - asp.net-mvc

I made a pretty cool ASP.NET MVC 3 application, and I want to send it as an attachment to a web firm. I tried playing around in visual web developer but could not get anything :( Should I just zip the project folder up and send it that way? Is there somewhere I can host it for free (doubtful). ANy suggestions on this? Thanks for any replies...

I would suggest to use WebMatrix. It's free and it'll install IIS Express which will let your web firm run it locally.

You can host it for free on your home pc and connection.
Set up IIS on your local machine and host the project, forward port 80 on your router to your pc and use a service like dyndns to get a friendly external address.
Its not as nice a solution as your own pay for external hosting and you shouldn't leave the port forwarding in place for a long time as its a potential security risk. That said it demonstrates a few extra skills that most employers would be happy to have.
Failing that or if you want to show them your code as well you can either zip the project or publish to a directory and zip that. Bear in mind that if its over 10 MB a lot of email servers will reject it so you might want to upload to a separate file host like megaupload.


Publishing MVC app on web

I am trying to publish my app on the web. It is very simple app, I have just start to learn MVC. To publish my app I have followed the instructions given at http://www.asp.net/web-forms/overview/deployment/visual-studio-web-deployment/deploying-to-iis. However I cannot see app from other PCs. I see it in browser from the PC where I have created it, but when I try to open it from another PC it is not visible, the link I am trying to access is the one I created during publishing - http:/localhost/WebApplication1. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Or maybe the example I followed is not correct for the thing I want to do. Could,please someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
If you publish your site on localhost, you'll see it only in your local network. To publish it on the web, you'll need some web hosting service. You can try, for example, Microsoft Azure, it works perfectly with ASP.NET (not too surprisingly, as it comes from Microsoft), has a 30 day free trial period and otherwise is relatively cheap for low usage.

Host website one webfolder down

I want my site to be hosted like this:
Originally I just hosted the site in application folders in IIS for each culture I support and everything was fine. I had a separate application in the root which forwarded the user to the appropriate culture. This was all grand.
However, now we're going to host with Azure and I need to get my site to fit into one web role (for those not familiar with Azure, just think of it as me only being able to host the website once - so no application folders). To this end, my site correctly collects the webfolder for the culture and sets the threading appropriately, all this is fine. My problem is that now as far as IIS is concerned the page 'default.aspx' does not exist in the folder 'en-gb'. That folder doesn't really exist. I need to get my site to ignore that first webfolder when it considers what content to get.
It's an interesting one, I suspect my solution lies in URL rewriting. Does anyone have any advice on this?
Thanks for the help!
Well I have found the answer.
It turns out that a web role is capable of much more. I understood that it was a web site running under a virtual machine, but that virtual machine could be torn down and moved at any point. However there is a facility to control what is going on in IIS on that virtual machine within your project. By editing your ServiceDefinition.csdef file you can add virtual applications and virtual directories. More details here:
I didn't need to use any fancy URL rewriting. I now have several sites running under one web role.
Well... I will do once I figure out what is stopping my main site working under Azure, but this question is answered.

Uploading MVC site to server

I've built an .NET MVC4 website using C#, and now I want to upload it to the internet.
I've never uploaded any website so I don't really know what steps I need to do.
Does it matter what kind of server to use, because when I run the website through VS2012 I can see it runs with IIS express, but then I realized there are several kinds of servers, like apache. Do I need specific kind of server?
And what about domain? what is the difference between domain and server.
You will need IIS for running .NET applications. Apache is more suited for Java, PHP and other languages.
The server/hosting is the space where you upload your project files.
The domain or ip address is what in put in your browser bar to be able to access your application. (Ex: google.com is a domain which is pointing to some server where the google site is hosted).Unless you want to access your application by typing the ip address of the server in the browser you need to buy a domain.
Take a look here for a more detailed explanation:
Many web hosting providers allow you to buy a domain when purchasing the hosting serivce but you can buy it separatly and then point it to the ip address of your server.
I dont know many about WIndows web hosting providers but you might start looking in the Microsoft Asp.net website: http://www.microsoft.com/web/hosting/home
In your case you need to choose a hosting provider which supports MVC4.
Then you need to upload your project to the server. Take a look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd410407(v=vs.90).aspx
Your server should come with an FTP account configured. You can use it to upload your files.
A domain is only a address in the internet which allows people to find certain places like an adress in a city.
So in order to make people find your stuff on the internet you have to have it a domain name.
It's the www.mvc4.com <----domain name
The other thing is the type of Server you need apache is also a server but in most cases it is used with java applications. What you need to do is to find a server which supports C# code and
type in .net hosting in google and you will find a lot hosters where you can register domain name for your C# code
step 1: Buy domain from website like Godaddy, net4 india etc
Step 2: Buy windows hosting to host MVC Application from web hosting like Godaddy, net4 india etc. Please buy latest framework hosting
Step 3: Build application using MVC(any version)
Step 4: Upload the published files to FTP.
Run the application.

Is it possible to restrict access to Reporting Services over HTTP by ip address?

I'm trying to deploy my Reporting Services application to a remote site. I'm using url access and I want to impersonate a user based on an ip address range.
Is this possible?
Maybe by putting some firewall rules between the reports server and the client you could stop deny/allow certain ip addresses, but i've never come across anything like that built into reporting services
There isn't anything like that built into Reporting Services. But I can think of a couple of alternatives.
Usually the Reporting Services website and web service are running under IIS. You can configure IIS to block access by IP address. Depending on what version of IIS you are using, the instruction may vary. I would just google it. This would be the easiest way in my opinion.
First thing to note is that I haven't tested the second way, it is just an idea. Since the Reporting Services website and web service run under Asp.Net, in theory you could create a custom IHttpModule and add it to the web.config. Hanselman has an nice article about coding up such a IHttpModule and configuring the web.config here.
This is an old post, but we are trying to do the same thing. Firewall is the way to do it - SSRS doesn't use IIS, so it isn't possible through IIS.

Is it possible to host a asp.net mvc website from a winforms application?

I have a winform application that controls some transmitters and sound cards. There is a requirement to be able to provide a web interface for controlling those devices.
Currently I use WCF to communicate from the controllers in my asp.net MVC site to the winform app. That works well, but there is now a desire to move the hardware to another machine when needed and that means that IIS has to be installed and set-up on that machine.
I know it isn't that hard, but I won't be the one actually doing the moving. It will be the users. If I could host the site from the winform app them it would basically be portable besides the hardware drivers need for a usb to serial converter we use.
Can you use a windows service? The whole winforms app as a service doesn't seem right to me. It assumes that the app is always running. I would create a windows service and expose WCF endpoints from that.
You will need to install IIS or Cassini to host the MVC web site. There's no way around that.
Huh, I would go with Greg's answers.
Also, making your app IIS dependant is not that bad. Or Cassini dependant. You don't want to end up writing your own webserver, which could easily happen when you continue to add features to the app.
I don't know about you but it just feels you are taking all the load on yourself, you are going to spend possibly dozens of hours to implement it to spare an hour or two for someone who doesn't want to install real webserver.
if you want to host MVC under winforms then i would look into the upcoming .netcore 3 version which should allow this combination.
though you'll have to wait until 2019 Q1
otherwise i've mostly hosted simper stuff using nhttp library if i want it in a winform app.
(NHTTP is a library that gives you very simple crude http request functionality so no mvc sadly but it works for simnpler stuff)
