Performance point not working correctly in a SharePoint site - sharepoint-2007

After running a script from the security team that changes files permissions and also isntalls some hotfixes, performance point stopped working on my SHarePoint site. The Dashboard Viewer web part does not show the background of a graph we use, and when adding a new web part of this kind into the page the image icon of it does not appear in the web part list.
Any idea of what folder I should give access to and what user? I believe it has to do with file permissions.

The error happened because UrlScan was installed on the server and Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.WebParts directory contains dots in its name. I modified UrlScan config file to let it allow dots in the URL and it started working again.


Pentaho 5.0.1 CE Adding folder to pentaho-solutions directory

How do I get a folder to appear in the browser after adding it to \pentaho-solutions in Pentaho 5.0.1 CE. The documentation I read does not seem to work with this new version.
1. Create a new directory in /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/.
Use underscores instead of spaces in the solution directory name. Ensure that the directory has the appropriate user
and group ownership to be writable from the BI Platform.
2. Using an XML-aware text editor (or Design Studio), create a file named index.xmlin your new solution directory.
3. Copy the following text into the index.xml file, changing the content accordingly:
<name>Example Solution</name>
<description>This solution contains examples I created while learning to
work with action sequences.</description>
4. Save the file and close the text editor.
5. Log into the Pentaho User Console as an administrator.
6. Refresh the solution repository cache by going to the Toolsmenu, then selecting the Refreshsubmenu, then
clicking on Repository Cache.
You now have a new solution directory. It will show up in all file dialogues in the Pentaho User Console as well as the
Solution Browser in the left pane.
Every time you add or edit an action sequence to your solution directory, you must refresh the repository cache as
explained above. Each user currently logged into the Pentaho User Console must also refresh their session cache; this
is best done by re-logging into the Pentaho User Console.
I am using Pentaho design studio to develop an xaction sequence script. I followed this procedure:
1. In Design Studio, go to the Filemenu, then select New, and click on the sub-menu.
The Newwindow will appear.
2. In the Newwindow, click the triangle next to Pentaho, select New Action Sequence Wizard, then click Next.
3. In the File namefield, type hello_world.xaction.
4. Select Hello Worldfrom the Templatedrop-down box, then click Finish.
The wizard will generate the new file and bring you back to the workbench.
5. Click on HelloWorldComponentin the Process Actionssection on the left.
The right side of the screen will change to show the options available for this action: Nameand Message. The
Name field controls the name of the component in the Process Actions list on the left; it doesn't do anything else of
note. The Message field contains the text that will appear on the screen when the action sequence is run. It is prepopulated with %quote, which is a token that represents a quote message in a nonexistent properties file. Pentaho
used to provide properties files for each example, but they have been removed from the standard Pentaho Business
Analytics distribution.
6. Replace the %quotewith a sufficiently inspiring message.
Alternatively, you could create a hello_world.propertiesfile and populate it with the appropriate messages and
tokens, but that has no advantage unless you intend to internationalize this action sequence.
7. Save the file.
You now have a working action sequence that prints a short text message: "Hello, World." plus whatever you typed into
the Message field. The first part of the message is determined by a message bundle packaged with the Pentaho Web
application archive.
To test the action sequence, use the Test tab if you are on Windows or OS X, or log into the Pentaho User Console and
run it from the Solution Browser.
Running the sample xaction fails with
Sorry. We really did try.
Something went wrong. Please try again
or contact your administrator.
I figure this is because pentaho cannot locate the xaction file as specified in the file path when I generate the url from within design studio. The folder I created within the solution directory does not appear in the browser directory list despite refreshing the cache. Any help?
With Version 5 the files and folders are no longer stored in "/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/..."
It is stored now in a jackrabbit repository.
You can create folders and upload files in the user console.
I did mistake after starting biserver 5.2. Unexpectedly i deleted Public folder after configuring to jackrabbit. Now how do i create the folder so that i can see Public and Home Folders.
Sorry for getting back to this question some time later, just in case someone searches something related to Pentaho repositories management with no success, i hope this information can help.
Just to make things more clear, i'm using version 5.2.x and i'm supposing you want to create a new folder on the root directory of Browse Files screen, something that is not allowed on Pentaho5 CE Web Console.
The answers about repository management based on JackRabbit are correct, so the old way we used to configure new "solutions" folders doesn't work anymore. From version 5 on, Pentaho exposes an interesting REST api that allows you doing things not allowed in web console.
For instance, for creating a folder in root directory you should create a http REST PUT request against Pentaho Server (using tools like curl or if you appreciate Google Chrome, something like Advanced Rest Client, etc.) using the following URL:
Pentaho repository directory REST api is documented here:
It's worthy to spend some time reading REST API the documentation.

Umbraco 6.0.3 missing content and media nodes

I have just put up an Umbraco 6.0.3 site on eHosting and set all the directory permissions iaw And this( reports the permissions as "perfect". .NET framework set to 4.0 and App pool has been set and recycled. Site shows up but no macros load and in the Umbraco UI there is only a Content node and a Media node, both the Content and Media trees are empty.
I can't think of anything else it can be. This is the first V6 site I've put live.
Is there anything else I can check?
Check that your user login has permissions to view those nodes. The fact that you are not seeing any other sections (Settings, Developer, etc) suggests this.
Also - are you using any hostnames in Umbraco for the site (where you right click and click manage hostnames on the content node)? If so then check that the root node has a wildcard hostname added.
This is a case of retracing your steps over what you've done. If the other options don't work then you can do a database refresh too (copy the dev database to live). The fact you can login to the admin UI, says that you have the database working. However, is it possible that you've tweaked anything manually in the database?
Are you using MVC or ASP.NET rendering engine?
Check your log files and paste them here if all else fails and we'll try and help you out as best we can. You'll find them in App_Data/Logs/UmbracoLogs.txt
When the content and media nodes failed to load for us in Umbraco 6.0.3 it was due to a bug in Courier which causes the back-office to malfunction if you are connected to a MySQL database (throws an exception complaining "Keyword not supported: 'charset'").
Courier interferes with many back office functions and in this case it is incorrectly assuming that you must be connecting to an MSSQL server.
The only solution was to uninstall Courier (which was OK for us because we'd already determined that there are too many show-stopping bugs for it to function as advertised).

How to load Crystal Report from database in MVC 4? [duplicate]

I am trying to run a crystal report from my web application which was built using ASP.NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010. I have installed the following from the SAP site (
1) SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio 2010 - Standard EXE installation package which installs the software into the Visual Studio IDE.
2) SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (64-bit)
I have a page called Reports.aspx in which I have a crystal report viewer control
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="rptViewer" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true" />
In the Reports.aspx.cs file I have the following code:
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
var path = Server.MapPath("Reports/Sample.rpt");
report.SetDatabaseLogon("username", "password", "servername", "databasename");
rptViewer.ReportSource = report;
On the report.Load(path) line I get the following error:
Unsupported Operation. A document processed by the JRC engine cannot be opened in the C++ stack.
How can I fix this?
I also got into the same problem my problem was report path was not valid, May be you have same problem , check Server.MapPath("Reports/Sample.rpt") returning valid path ?
make sure the report is in app_code folder
initialize a new instance of it instead of initializing a reportdocument and loading the report in it.
Sample report = new Sample();
this worked for me
You will need to modify two properties in the .rpt files:
Build Action is set to "Embedded Resource" by default. Change it to "Content".
Copy to Output is set to "Do not copy" by default. Change it to "Copy always".
Rebuild, Build deployment package and Publish. Done!
NOTE: Below, the term "WebSite" refers to actual web site nodes in IIS, NOT a virtual directory within a web site.
Problem Root Cause: There is no "aspnet_client" folder accessible by the application.
This can happen for several reasons:
Since the SAP CR installer appears to install the aspnet_client folder in the ...\inetpub\wwwroot\ folder, if your Web Site physical path is NOT ...\inetpub\wwwroot, your application will not have access to the aspnet_client folder.
If the aspnet_client folder was moved or deleted from to the top level of your web site's physical path, your IIS application will not have access to the folder.
Problem Solution (For Windows Server 2008 R2)
Go to the IIS manager on your server
Expand the tree view node for the WebSite running your application
Look at the level immediately under the web site node and ensure you see a "aspnet_client" folder.
If you do see the folder, then perhaps this root cause is not the cause of your problem.
If you do NOT see the folder, search the server's hard drive for it and COPY it to the Web Site's Physical path.
Right mouse button click on the Web Site node and click Refresh from the popup Menu
You should now see the aspnet_client folder at the level directly under your web site node and the reports in the application should work.
I ran into this when I converted a web site to a web application. The report would run fine on my dev machine, but not on the server. Then I realized the rpt file was missing on the server!
By default the report files were considered embedded resources and were not copied when the web application was published. I just changed them individually, republished the site, and all was well again.
I have also had a report load failure if I have mistakenly left the report file open in crystal reports designer.
This error is a real treat, and seems to have many possible antecedents. Fortunately I only wasted a day on my particular variation:
ReportDocument.Load() also makes a local temp copy. (This may only be in the case of a load from a network drive location, I didn't test this in the case of a local load.)
If the user context under which the load occurs does not have authority to create the temp file locally, Load will fail with the same very unhelpful error.
Also, I ended up diagnosing this with Process Monitor. It may be helpful for you as well.
Please make sure your report rpt files are in their original folder. I got the same error first, after I "published" my MVC web site to IIS. I didn't realize that "Publish" didn't put rpt files in the package.
Re-install the "Crystal report engine" to the server
Build Action set to "Content".
It perfectly worked for me..!

Setting Up a Test Environment For an ASP.NET MVC3 Website

I've been working for a client's website over the past year. I usually test things locally and then deploy straight to the production website. This has caused us some issues lately so I thought I should create a test/staging environment in which we could thoroughly test new features before pushing them into production.
Anyway, we have a VPS hosting account. I usually use remote desktop to manage the website in IIS. So in order to create a test environment, I copy pasted the folder of the production website inside the same directory (so they are both at the same level) and changed the name of the folder. Then I created a new website in IIS and mapped the physical path to the httpdocs folder inside the copied folder. After that, I setup a new application pool which basically has the same settings of the production website's application pool. I also changed the connection string of the test website.
But then when I tried to view the test website, it did not work the way I expected it to do. I keep getting &ReturnUrl=%2f appended to the query string, and the website is stripped out of its styles (the CSS). I remember this used to happen before when we were still using a shared hosting account, but I have no idea how to fix that.
I really do not know what's wrong. I basically have the same exact setup except I'm using a different port and a different database. I even tried running the test website with the application pool of the production website, but that did not work either...
Any suggestions?
looks like permission problem to me, check if your user has correct privileges in the new folder/app pool :)

Umbraco losing admin nodes

After a publish up to a remote server the Umbraco admin section on the remote server is not showing any nodes. The pages and images and everything serve correctly, but in the Umbraco admin section there is nothing below the top level nodes in each section and I can't right click and choose 'republish entire site'.
I've connected my localhost version to the same database and there I can see the node structures (but republishing made no difference) and I could see the node structures on the remote server before the latest push which did not include any .config changes.
Does anyone have a script that will re-create the node structure?
I've seen a number of links on the Umbraco site like Unable to publish content into umbraco.config but none of it helped - including some permissions advice like #Niks.
I do have a workaround which is to stop and restart the server - which re-populated the nodes without any side-effects - but obviously this is inappropriate in a live environment.
I've seen this before manifesting as a caching problem. Firstly you should make Umbraco refresh its node cache. To do this hit the URL -
replacing with your own host. Next, recycle the App Pool on the Umbraco server. Finally, clear your browsers local cache and restart it.
You may also be able to avoid this happening in the first place by completely stopping the Umbraco site you are deploying in IIS, copying up your files and then restarting.
Sounds like you may have permission issues. If you're on IIS6/7 make sure to add NETWORK SERVICE read/write/modify on the necessary folders:
If on a lower version of IIS make sure to add ASP.NET with the same permissions. Hope this helps.
