I want to give users to set the quality parameter for the you tube video they are embedding in their pages. But, I could not find any perfect information on this. I had added options as 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p and 1080p. But how can I set them?
Can you try this plugin? Tikuu.com
With it you can use the property "preferredQuality", setting it to your preferred quality: default, small, medium, large, hd720.
Hope that helps,
is it possible to have a real-time preview of AVMutableComposition which has some layer instructions applied to its assets?
The only class I found that connects AVMutableComposition with AVVideoComposition (holding instructions) is AVExportSession. Does it mean I must export it first to play a preview?
If so, how does apps like Final Cut Pro serve real-time preview when I edit part of the video. Do they cut the whole video into multiple chunks, export what has changed and keep change of everything else?
This sounds like a difficult problem - is there any library that would help in cutting video into small chunks to export and keeping an eye on cache invalidation?
I don't know if this is still relevant but you can always extract each frame from the video, manipulate it accordingly then render it to the screen.
If its from AVCaptureSession you can get CMSampleBuffer from the callbacks, if it's a file I think AVReader is your best bet then you can use either CoreImage or Metal to manipulate the frames and render them in real-time.
There is no real time preview with AVMutableComposition , they may create a time slot for every change and manage it's visibility when you change the slider below
I'm using AVMutableComposition and AVAssetExportSession to composite several discrete audio clips/files together into a single file, similarly to this post but there will be no "video" track. I'd like to give the track some visual appeal using a still image so that when the user plays the clip they don't just see a generic quicktime icon, ideally I'd replace the image with branding or something relevant to the audio content. How would I go about doing it and is there a way to do it without dramatically increasing file size(ie some way to have a really slow framerate or just something so its not generating 30 fps for what is non moving art.) Appreciate any help on this.
AVAssetWriter will allow you to create video from a still image. This question provides a great example of how to do so.
Say I access a video from the photo library using UIImagePickerController and then I want to export it in a 16x9 format (e.g. 960x540, 1280x720, 1920x1080), but I want also to control the bit rate or frames-per-second or anything else that can help reduce the size of the exported video. What API do I need to use to accomplish these (at least) two or three dimensions (aspect ratio, bit rate, perhaps FPS)?
I can use (we already are using) AVAssetExportSession and could us presets like AVAssetExportPreset960x540, AVAssetExportPreset1280x720 and AVAssetExportPreset1920x1080 to get the 16:9 aspect ratio (and to some degree to control the size as each of these yields differently sized exports). But I don't think I can simultaneously control things like bit rate and FPS. Do I have to go to a a different API?
On a related question, I see that AVAssetExportSession has the boolean property shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse which "indicates whether the movie should be optimized for network use" or not. What does this optimization consist of?
Have you ever tried using FFMPEG (Third Party library for this)
I am showing a video inline (not fullscreen) using MPMoviePlayerController. I am using this class because it is the only player I got working using a remote file (progressive download) and not a local file.
Is there any way to create a blue-screen effect? what I basically mean is decide on a certain RGB value and set that pixel's alpha to 0. Is it possible to perform any image processing per frame with MPMoviePlayerController?
You can not use MPMoviePlayerController for such movie processing.
Still, there is ways to accomplish what you are asking for. You may use the AVAssetWriter etc.
Check my answer on a similar question.
I am trying to make a nice pretty video.
I have a AVI video from a GOPro video camera, and I hae some info I want to overlay on top of the video. Like Time, GPS, Speed, G-Force etc.
I got my raw data, and ActionScript coded it up into a Flash movie, but then worked out I have two issues.
Flash export to AVI is pretty crap, and basically does a screen capture.
The export to AVI cant be transparent or anything but spare/rectangle.
So, can anyone suggest a better way? Should I use something other than Flash to create my speedometer, that is more friendly for overlaying on a AVI?
This is the sort of thing I am trying to create.
I have a CSV of all my raw data, and am trying to find a way to overlay it and look as professional as that link above. I can make the dials in actionscript, but then exporting to AVI with a 'screen capture' type program, they look pretty crap. But on the other hand, inporting my HD video info Flash, and it becomes pretty crap quality, and still have the export issue at the end.
I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to do.
If you mean that you want to put some info over a video using Flash, all you need to do is import your video onto the timeline on one layer and then place your information on a higher layer. If you want your video to play as a different shape, then you can simply apply a mask to the layer your video is sitting on.
If you throw in more directing information then I'll improve this answer for you :)