Make all Rails models inherit from certain class - ruby-on-rails

I wrote an upsert method for one of my models. I would like all my models to have this upsert method. It seemed to me that the logical solution was to define a model that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base and then have all my other models inherit from that. But if I do that, Rails complains that the new model I created doesn't have a table to go with it, which is true, but I don't care.
Since the way I tried is apparently not the right way to do it, what's the right way to do it?

You can extend ActiveRecord with a module. you only do it in one place and it will be accessible for all models that inherits from ActiveRecord.
module YourModule
def self.included(recipient)
recipient.class_eval do
include ModelInstanceMethods
end # #included directives
# Class Methods
module ModelClassMethods
# A method accessible on model classes
def whatever
# Instance Methods
module ModelInstanceMethods
#A method accessible on model instances
def another_one
#This is where your module is being included into ActiveRecord
if Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord")
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, YourModule)

There are two ways to do this.
1) To have a parent model, but not need to create a table for it (i.e. an abstract class) you should set
class YourAbstractClass < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
# rest of class code
2) Put the method in a module, that you include from all your models that need it (as in #Mark's answer)

You can move that method to a module and include that module in all the models that require that method.
Like I have this Utils module in lib folder of my app
module Utils
def to_name(ref)
ref.gsub('_', ' ').split.collect { |w| w.capitalize }.join(' ')
Then in my model, I say
class MyModel < AR::Base
include Utils
Probably, if you are using Rails 3, you should load the files in the lib folder by configuring your application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)


Loading module into User Model in Rails

Trying to make available the methods I have stored in a Module which is located in app/models (side note: not sure if this is the correct place for modules?).
module MyModule
class MyClass
def some_method
# do something
User Model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
include MyModule
def another_method
I am getting a NoMethodError:
NoMethodError (undefined method 'some_method' for #<User:0x00007f6a3ce452c0>
You seem to have missunderstood what what modules and classes do in Ruby. In Ruby a module is simply an object that wraps a set of methods and constants.
A module can extend other modules, classes and objects and can be included in classes thus implementing multiple inheritance. Modules in Ruby fill the role that traits, namespaces and singletons do in other languages.
Classes are actually modules (Module is part of the ancestors chain of Class) with the key difference that you can make instances of a class and that class can inherit from a single other class and cannot extend other objects or be included.
The code example here actually doesn't make sense. If you want to declare a method that will be available to classes that include a module you want to declare it in the module itself:
module MyModule
def some_method
# do something
When you then call User#another_method it will look in the ancestors chain of the User class until it finds the method which is defined in MyModule.
module MyModule
class MyClass
def some_method
# do something
Will actually definte the class MyClass with an instance method that is only available to instances of MyClass. The only thing that the module does here is change the module nesting so that the class is defined in MyModule instead of the global namespace.
If you want to mix in a method from a method into your class then just put the methods directly in the module (without an intermediate class).
module MyModule
def some_method
# do something
User Model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
include MyModule
def another_method
Have a look at this answer, you need to instantiate your Class first. Or if you want to
class User < ApplicationRecord
include MyModule
def another_method
my_instance =
As for a place to store your Module, have a look at this guide about service objects, it gave me some inspiration when it comes to different modules.

How to dynamically generate association names?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.2.2 and the Squeel gem. I have following statements and I am trying to refactoring the my_squeel_query method in a Mixin module (since it is used by many of my models):
# Note: 'article_comment_associations' and 'model_as_like_article_comment_associations'
# refer to database table names.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def my_squeel_query
article_comment_associations.article_id.eq(my{}) & ...
class ModelAsLikeArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
def my_squeel_query
model_as_like_article_comment_associations.article_id.eq(my{}) & ...
My problem is that I can not refactoring article_comment_associations and model_as_like_article_comment_associations statements by generating a dynamic name in the Mixin module. That is, if that was a String I could dynamically generate the related name by using something like "#{self.class.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations" as the following:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
include MyModule
class ModelAsLikeArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
include MyModule
module MyModule
def my_squeel_query
# Note: This code doesn't work. It is just an sample.
"#{self.class.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations".article_id.eq(my{}) & ...
But, since it is not my case, I cannot "build" the name and make the my_squeel_query to be "shared" across models.
How can I dynamically generate association names related to the Squeel gem? Should I think to refactoring in another way? What do you advice about?
Since the DSL is instance_evaled, you can actually say something like:
def my_squeel_query
base = self
# Note: This code does work. Because it's awesome.
You can do this if you generate the methods dynamically. The Module.included method is provided for this purpose:
module ModuleAsLikeArticle
def self.included(base)
base.send(:define_method, "#{base.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations") do
# ...
This gets triggered when the module is imported with include and allows you to create methods specifically tailored for that.
As a note you might want to use for a more readable method name. By convention, method names should not have upper-case in them, especially not as the first character.
Conventional Rails type applications use a different approach, though, instead defining a class method that can be used to create these on-demand:
module ModuleAsLikeArticle
def has_comments
base.send(:define_method, "#{base.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations") do
# ...
This would be used like this:
class ModelAsLikeArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
extend MyModule
Since the method is not created until has_comments is called, you can safely extend ActiveRecord::Base and then insert the appropriate call in all the classes which require that functionality.
I think you might find what you need in the Rails Reflection class (, which, as the page says, allows you to interrogate ActiveRecord classes about their associations and aggregations.

Include Railtie initialization in seeds.rb in Rails 3.1

I have created a simple railtie, adding a bunch of stuff to ActiveRecord:
0 module Searchable
1 class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
2 initializer 'searchable.model_additions' do
3 ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do
4 extend ModelAdditions
5 end
6 end
7 end
8 end
I require this file (in /lib) by adding the following line to config/environment.rb before the application is called:
require 'searchable'
This works great with my application and there are no major problems.
I have however encountered a problem with rake db:seed.
In my seeds.rb file, I read data in from a csv and populate the database. The problem I am having is that the additions I made to ActiveRecord don't get loaded, and seeds fails with a method_missing error. I am not calling these methods, but I assume that since seeds.rb loads the models, it tries to call some of the methods and that's why it fails.
Can anyone tell me a better place to put the require so that it will be included every time ActiveRecord is loaded (not just when the full application is loaded)? I would prefer to keep the code outside of my models, as it is code shared between most of my models and I want to keep them clean and DRY.
Putting the extend there just adds it to ActiveRecord::Base.
When a model class is referenced, via Rails 3.1 autoloading/constant lookup, it will load the class. At that point, it is pure Ruby (nothing magic) as to what happens, basically. So I think you have at least a few options. The "bad" option that kind of does what you want it to hook into dependency loading. Maybe something like:
module ActiveSupport
module Dependencies
alias_method(:load_missing_constant_renamed_my_app_name_here, :load_missing_constant)
def load_missing_constant(from_mod, const_name)
# your include here if const_name = 'ModelName'
# perhaps you could list the app/models directory, put that in an Array, and do some_array.include?(const_name)
load_missing_constant_renamed_my_app_name_here(from_mod, const_name)
Another way to do it would be to use a Railtie like you were doing and add a class method to ActiveRecord::Base that then includes stuff, like:
module MyModule
class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
initializer "my_name.active_record" do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
# ActiveRecord::Base gets new behavior
include ::MyModule::Something # where you add behavior. consider using an ActiveSupport::Concern
If using an ActiveSupport::Concern:
module MyModule
module Something
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# this area is basically for anything other than class and instance methods
# add class_attribute's, etc.
module ClassMethods
# class method definitions go here
def include_some_goodness_in_the_model
# include or extend a module
# instance method definitions go here
Then in each model:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
However, that isn't much better than just doing an include in each model, which is what I'd recommend.

Ruby on Rails: shared method between models

If a few of my models have a privacy column, is there a way I can write one method shared by all the models, lets call it is_public?
so, I'd like to be able to do object_var.is_public?
One possible way is to put shared methods in a module like this (RAILS_ROOT/lib/shared_methods.rb)
module SharedMethods
def is_public?
# your code
Then you need to include this module in every model that should have these methods (i.e. app/models/your_model.rb)
class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base
include SharedMethods
In Rails 4 there is a new way to do this. You should place shared Code like this in app/models/concerns instead of lib
Also you can add class methods and execute code on inclusion like this
module SharedMethods
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
scope :public, -> { where(…) }
def is_public?
# your code
module ClassMethods
def find_all_public
where #some condition
You can also do this by inheriting the models from a common ancestor which includes the shared methods.
class BaseModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def is_public?
# blah blah
class ChildModel < BaseModel
In practice, jigfox's approach often works out better, so don't feel obligated to use inheritance merely out of love for OOP theory :)

Inheritance and Polymorphism conflicting in ruby on rails

I have an issue with Ruby on Rails.
I have several model classes that inherit from the same class in order to have some generic behaviour.
The parent class is called CachedElement.
One of the child is called Outcome.
I want an other model, called Flow to belong to any child of CachedElement.
Hence Flow has a polymorphic attributes called element, to which it belongs_to
When I create a new flow, that belongs to an Outcome, the element_type is set to "CachedElement" which is the parent class, instead of "Outcome".
This is confusing because since I have several type of CachedElement which are stored in different tables, the element_id refers to several different element.
In short I would like the element_type field to refer to the child class name and not the parent class name.
How can I do that ?
The field element_type is set to the parent class because ActiveRecord expects you to use single-table inheritance when deriving from other models. The field will reference the base class because it refers to the table that each instance is stored in.
If the children of CachedElement are stored in their own tables, it may be more helpful to replace the use of inheritance with the use of Ruby modules. The standard approach for sharing logic between classes is to use mix-ins instead of inheritance. For example:
module Cacheable
# methods that should be available for all cached models
# ...
class Outcome < ActiveRecord::Base
include Cacheable
# ...
You can now easily use polymorphic associations as you have been doing already, and element_type will be set to the proper class.
the file should go on you lib folder. but...
you could do the inheritance thing as well.
all you need to do is to tell you parent class to act as an abstract class.
# put this in your parent class then try to save a polymorphic item again.
# and dont forget to reload, (I prefer restart) if your gonna try this in
# your console.
def self.abstract_class?
and thats pretty much it, this was kinda unespected for me and actually really
hard to find in the documentation and anywhere else.
Kazuyoshi Tlacaelel.
Thanks, that's what I did, but it was kind of tricky to be able to inherits both instance and class methods from the module
Class methods can be done by:
module Cachable
def self.included(base)
module ClassMethods
def a_class_method
"I'm a class method!"
def an_instance_method
"I'm an instance method!"
class Outcome < ActiveRecord::Base
include Cacheable
if you want to add class methods and instance methods through a mixin (Module)
then I recommend you to abstract these in different modules.
module FakeInheritance
def self.included(klass)
klass.extend ClassMethods
klass.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
module ClassMethods
def some_static_method
# you dont need to add self's anywhere since they will be merged into the right scope
# and that is very cool because your code is more clean!
module InstanceMethods
# methods in here will be accessable only when you create an instance
# fake inheritance with static and instance methods
class CachedElement
include FakeInheritance
