Ruby on Rails: How to set up "find" options in order to not use cache - ruby-on-rails

In Ruby on Rails you can find records from the database with this syntax:
Examples: User.find_by_email('test#test.test'), User.find_by_id(1), ...
Time ago, if I am not wrong, I read somewhere that you can explicitly disable caching for 'find' operations, but I can not remember how.
Can someone help me remember?

You can use ActiveRecord::QueryCache.uncached like this:
User.find_by_email('test#test.test') # Will return cached result
User.uncached do
User.find_by_email('test#test.test') # Will query the database again
In a controller, it would look something like this:
def show # users#index action
User.uncached do
#user = User.find_by_email('test#test.test')
#another_user = User.find_by_email('test#test.test') # Will query database
User.find_by_email('test#test.test') # Will *not* query database, as we're outside of the Users.uncached block
Obviously, in a model, you just have to do:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.do_something
uncached do
self.find_by_email('test#test.test') # Will query database
User.do_something # Will run both queries

(Note: assuming Rails3, since Rails2 doesn't have default caching.)
This should work as you want it to out of the box:
Queries caches are destroyed after each action ( paragraph 1.5)
In addition, it seems ( that caches are also destroyed on attribute/record updates
Do you have a specific use case not covered by the default configuration?


Rails override default scope global

I have a Rails 3.2 application, and I want to use one database for many clients and one application. So for every model I have created a field called account_id, now I want to add a global scope for filtering the row in the base of the account_id of the logging user(account_id is a session param). So in initialize I have created a file and put these code
module ActiveRecord
# = Active Record Named \Scopes \
module Scoping
module Default
module ClassMethods
def unscoped #:nodoc:
return (block_given? ? relation.scoping { yield } : relation).where(account_id: Thread.current['account_id'].id)
def default_scope(scope = {})
scope = if block_given?
if scope.kind_of?(Array) || scope.is_a?(Hash)
self.default_scopes = default_scopes + [scope]
If I logged with user account_id=2 all is ok, but if in the same moment I logged on another browser or computer with account_id=3 ...I have many errors and on the log, I have seen that the application use account_id=2 but also account_id=3 at the same time.
Any solution? How I can rewrite default_scope(scope = {})? Other other idea?
Thread.current[] data is not unique per request. I used to have the same problem. By that time I had been using this gem Hope it will help or at least give an idea.

Reporting on changes before the end of an ActiveRecord transaction commits. (Ruby on Rails)

I am doing a complex series of database interactions within nested transactions using ActiveRecord (Rails), involving various model.update(...), model.where(...).first_or_create(..) etc
Right before the transaction ends I'd like to report on what's actually changed and about to be written. Presumably ActiveRecord holds this information but I've not been able to work out where.
My code would be something like (semi-pseudocode)
def run options
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do |tranny|
options[:files].each do |file|
raw_data = open(file)
complex_data_stuff raw_data, options
rescue => e
"it all went horribly wrong, here's why: #{e.message}"
def report tranny
changes = {}
tranny.whatschanged?.each do |ch|
changes[] = {} unless changes[]
if changes[][ch.kind_of_update]
changes[][ch.kind_of_update] += 1
changes[][ch.kind_of_update] = 1
How would I achieve something like this?
This is the latest version of "dirty models", which keeps track of the differences between the current object and the saved version. You access the changes via a "changes" method like in your attempt.
I added some extra stuff in one of my projects to store what was changed in the last update: this is stored in an instance variable, so is only accessable in the specific object in memory (ie you can't see it if you reload it from the database).
module ActiveRecord
class Base
attr_accessor :changed_in_last_save
before_save :set_changed_in_last_save_hash
def set_changed_in_last_save_hash
self.changed_in_last_save_hash = self.changes
def changed_in_last_save
self.changed_in_last_save_hash || {}
You definitely need ActiveModel::Dirty, you probably don't need my thing, just mentioned it as it's similar :)

How do I modify the request object before routing in Rails in a testable way?

So, I have a situation where I need to determine something about a request before it is dispatched to any of the routes. Currently, this is implemented using several constraints that all hit the database, and I want to reduce the database hit to one. Unfortunately, doing it inline in routes.rb doesn't work, because the local variables within routes.rb don't get refreshed between requests; so if I do:
# Database work occurs here, and is then used to create comparator lambdas.
request_determinator =
constraint(request_determinator.lambda_for(:ninja_requests)) do
# ...
constraint(request_determinator.lambda_for(:pirate_requests)) do
# ...
This works great on the first request, but then subsequent requests get routed as whatever the first request was. (D'oh.)
My next thought was to write a Rack middleware to add the "determinator" to the env hash, but there are two problems with this: first, it doesn't seem to be sticking in the hash at all, and specs don't even go through the Rack middleware, so there's no way to really test it.
Is there a simple mechanism I'm overlooking where I can insert, say, a hook for ActionDispatch to add something to the request, or just to say to Rails routing: "Do this before routing?"
I am using Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9.
One way to do this would be to store your determinator on the request's env object (which you have since ActionDispatch::Request is a subclass of Rack::Request):
class RequestDeterminator
def initialize(request)
#request = request
def self.for_request(request)
request.env[:__determinator] ||= new(request)
def ninja?
# Verify ninjaness with #request
def pirate?
# Verify piratacity with #request
def query_db
#result ||= begin
# Some DB lookup here
constraint lambda{|req| RequestDeterminator.for_request(req).ninja? } do
# Routes
constraint lambda{|req| RequestDeterminator.for_request(req).pirate? } do
# Routes
That way, you just instantiate a single determinator which caches your DB request across constraint checks.
if you really want to intercept the request,try rack as it is the first one to handle request in any Rails app...refer to understand how rack works....
hope it helps.

Destroy a post after 30 days from its creation

For learning purposes I created a blog, now I want to destroy a post automatically after 30 days from its creation. how can I do it?
This is my Posts controller
def index
#posts = Post.all
def create
#post =
redirect_to posts_path
def destroy
redirect_to posts_path
I would set up a task with whenever that runs every 1 day.
To generate a task:
rails g task posts delete_30_days_old
Then on the created file (lib/tasks/posts.rb), add the following code:
namespace :posts do
desc "TODO"
task delete_30_days_old: :environment do
Post.where(['created_at < ?', 30.days.ago]).destroy_all
This is of course if you want to delete the posts that have more than 30 days, other answers might as well work but I would rather have my database with clean data that I'll use on my application.
Posts will be stored in your database. The model is what interacts with your database. Your controller never sees the database, it only sees what the model shows it. If you wanted to pull from the database using your model inside the controller you could do it with this code.
#posts = Post.where('created_at >= :thirty_days_ago', thiryty_days_ago: - 30.days)
Post in this code calls you app/model/Post.rb which inherited active record. .where is the active record method that looks at your database based on the stuff you define. Here we have defined to pull only rows where the created_at column has a time in it that is 30 days ago.
If you look inside your database you'll notice the created_at column was automagically put in there for you.
Along with the aforementioned whenever gem, you can also use two gems called Sidekiq and Sidetiq for scheduling tasks/workers.
I've been using these on a large app at work and am very pleased with it. It's fast (uses Redis, added with a simple gem, reliable, and easy to use).
# in app/workers/clean_posts.rb
class CleanPosts
include Sidekiq::Worker
include Sidetiq::Schedulable
recurrence { monthly }
def perform
# stealing from toolz
Post.where('created_at >= :thirty_days_ago', thiryty_days_ago: - 30.days).destroy_all
This will, however, remove the posts from your DB and they will no longer be accessible by your application.
To achieve desired result, you need to change your index action like this:
def index
#posts = Post.where(created_at:
In such way, you won't need to destroy posts and you will get the desired result.
If you need to limit access to the older posts, then you can use:
def show
#post = Post.where(created_at:[:id])
And, if we are speaking about code beauty, then you should move where(created_at: part to a scope in your model, like this:
class Post
scope :recent, -> { where(created_at: }
And use it like this:
Post.recent #=> to get list of recent posts
Post.recent.find(params[:id]) #=> to get recent post with specified id
You can not do that from your controller, you need to add some functionality to your application.
You will need a cron job running everyday that will look for posts that are more than 30 days old and destroy them.
eg Post.where('created_at < ?', 30.days.ago)
For handling the cron jobs better you might consider using the whenever gem that helps a lot and keeps the cron setup in your app.

I want to map my database lookup tables to a hash, good idea?

I am developing a Rails web application and am confused about how to utilize the lookup table values in my models. Here is an example model from my app:
table name: donations
The fields *donation_status_id* and *donation_type_id* refer to lookup tables. So in my code I have several random places where I make calls like this:
my_donation = Donation.find(params[:id])
if my_donation.donation_status_id == DonationStatus.find_by_name("completed").id
#do something
To my inexperienced eyes, a one-off query to the DonationStatus table seems incredibly wasteful here, but I don't see any other good way to do it. The first idea I thought of was to read all my lookup tables into a hash at application startup and then just query against that when I need to.
But is there a better way to do what I am trying to do? Should I not worry about queries like this?
Since you have two models, you should use ActiveRecord Model Associations when building the models.
class Donation
has_one :donation_status
class DonationStatus
belongs_to :donation
Then when you do
my_donation = Donation.find(params[:id])
if my_donation.donation_status.status_name == 'complete'
#do something
For more information, you may want to read up how rails is doing the model associations Don't worry about performance, rails has taken care of that for you if you follow how the way it should be done
How about putting it in a constant? For example, something like this:
class DonationStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
COMPLETED_DONATION_ID = DonationStatus.find_by_name("completed").id
PENDING_DONATION_ID = DonationStatus.find_by_name("pending").id
# ...
class DonationsController < ApplicationController
def some_action
my_donation = Donation.find(params[:id])
if my_donation.donation_status_id == DonationStatus::COMPLETED_DONATION_ID
#do something
This way, DonationStatus.find_by_name("pending").id gets executed exactly one. I'm assuming, of course, that this table won't change often.
BTW, I learned this trick in Dan Chak's book, Enterprise Rails.
EDIT: I forgot to mention: in practice, I declare constants like this:
COMPLETED_DONATION_ID = DonationStatus.find_by_name("completed").id rescue "Can't find 'completed' in donation_statuses table"
What you could do is add this method to Donation:
# Donation.rb
def completed? == 'completed' ? true : false
And then just do my_donation.completed?. If this is called a second time, Rails will look to cache instead of going to the DB.
You could add memcached if you want, or use Rails' caching further, and do:
def completed?
return Rails.cache.fetch("status_#{self.donation_status_id}_complete") do == 'completed' ? true : false
What that will do is make a hash key called (for example) "status_1_complete" and if it's not defined the first time, will evaluate the block and set the value. Otherwise, it will just return the value. That way, if you had 1,000,000,000 donations and each of them had donation_status 1, it would go directly to the cache. memcached is quite fast and popular.
